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471 "They call it a Royale with cheese"


  • Biography
    Mark O'Sullivan | 27 | Mobile App Consultant

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    Chelsea FC

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    SC Heerenveen

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  1. I actually prefer my team to @kopsy101's one so voted for my own @Scott1892 gets my vote for the second one
  2. I can't remember if this was in the original proposal but do the teams in the next round get to pick 1 replacement each stage of the tournament from the eliminated teams? Would make for some way closer match ups in the final
  3. I nearly missed this one because you didn't tag me @Gizzy
  4. I don't blame you, I voted for your team too! For me, I'd say your team is one of the best from the initial draft and I was always aiming for 2nd place. @Muttley84 @The Golden boy @Harryseaess @Pompeyboyz I can't give any wins to bdcuk with that formation
  5. Winners for me are listed below @GunmaN1905 @Scott1892 @BigV @Bliss Seeker I see one weak player in Gunman's team and it's Nikola, everything else is very solid. The only weak point I see in Scott's team is the GK and FM Veteran's weird decision to have Marquinhos at RM played a part in his teams loss. BigV edges his one just about, there's just too many players which I feel aren't good enough in adkhikapp's team - Lovern, Widmer, Vecino, Hoilett, Williams. On the flip side I feel there's less weak links in BigV's team. It's a weird lineup from Bliss but they've got a better overall average quality vs the opposition to win
  6. First three I went for the second teams (I also did vote for my own team because I think it's better) Last one was the first one I really struggled to separate and put it down for a draw.
  7. For me I think @Vynal Seven has the team to beat in this competition and gets the win for me. @Citizen Kane's team is very top heavy with lack of substance elsewhere, mid isn't great, wing backs also not great and I think @Rikulec's team would overrun the opposition.
  8. I don't rate the attack of @darius1998's team and think the wing backs of Mr Wallin's team would help supply Moore / Foden with plenty of opportunities to score. Mr Wallin for me.
  9. https://www.buildlineup.com/shared/6374c067de2d315e965cb6a2
  10. Yup I didn't watch any of it, seen a few clips which appeared on my Twitter timeline and that's it
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