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Everything posted by Alexpuk2002

  1. Does anyone know which panel controls the pitch in this inbox item? I want to be able to add the pitch lines on as it just doesn't look right.
  2. No worries mate, whenever you get chance to take a look would be greatly appreciated
  3. That may be your opinion but I am looking to do something a little bit different than what every other skin has their tactic screen set up like. It may not work out but I am just looking to see how this would look with the pitch wider than shown in my post. Plus I am not too fussed about all the extra player stats on the right hand side, which you can see there is a lot of empty space
  4. @JustHowie Also, sorry to keep posting but when I go to drag a player from the squad list to swap him with a player on the pitch or in the squad list, the screenshot below appears which makes it difficult to swap players around. Is there any way to stop this coming up and just have the squad list and pitch showing? EDIT: I have managed to fix this issue by commenting out the comparison section at the bottom of the panel
  5. @JustHowie I have added your tactic screen into my own skin and flipped the pitch to horizontal instead of vertical. Is there a way to make the pitch bigger by extending it to the right more and making the squad list a little bit smaller? I have tried to edit the numbered values in the tactics overview side panel.xml but it doesn't seem to change the size of the pitch.
  6. That's not too far off from the CFM tactics screen from FM17. Is it simple enough to swap the tactics pitch with the squad list?
  7. I know this is not really a request topic but I have been looking through some old skins from past FM's and the first skin that I really started to use was the CFM skin for FM17. One area of this skin that I have not really seen since was the tactics page. A lot of the skins that are available seem to use the default tactic layout, but the CFM skin from FM17 used a very different tactic view. I have posted a screenshot below of this from FM17 and was wondering if anyone had made anything similar. I have had a play around trying to replicate something similar but this is beyond my skill level.
  8. I have had this issue and while it doesn't seem to be a skin issue there seems to be a workaround that I have come across. I like you use filters and once you import the filters and then choose the one from the menu, you then need to click on the OK button to show the staff. Then click on the Edit Search button in the top right hand corner and click on the Include button and it should show the Interested tick options again. Hope that makes sense. It's a strange issue that has been there since the release but it has never really bothered me much when I have used this way.
  9. I am sure this had been asked before, but does anyone know which panel controls the screen below? It is under the Club Info from the side bar and then General from the top tab.
  10. Not if you just add it to the panels/match folder. If you want to use this scoreboard for all competitions, then you will need to add the files to the folders in the panels/match/comps folder
  11. Does anyone know if the Cup Draw screen for the UEFA competitions are controlled by the same panels for domestic cup draws? I have edited the cup draws for the FA Cup to my liking but when I am on the cup draw screen for the Europa Conference League, the text for the teams are black and hard to see. Hope that makes sense
  12. Which xml file controls this Top Spenders news item? I am wanting to change the colour of the bars that show the amount a club or league has spent during the transfer window.
  13. I have managed to edit the cup draw (FA Cup at least) screen to how I want. I am struggling to find where to edit the Live Updates box and text that appears at the top of the screen. I have taken a screenshot below of what I mean as I would like to change the colour of the box from purple and ideally the text too. I think it is the competition/competition cup draw draw panel.xml but I can't seem to change the text or the box colour.
  14. Looking good so far. I've always liked the clean style of your skins and they have been an inspiration in creating my own skin
  15. I usually skip past the recruitment meeting screens when playing the game but thought I would attempt to edit the white text that appears on these screens. Does anyone know which file controls this screen and the white text in the highlighted red boxes?
  16. Hopefully they will include a light skin for FM25. I have got it working pretty well but there are a few areas that still have white text on lighter backgrounds. Can cope with these but I'll keep posting the ones I struggle to fix to see if anyone knows how to fix there. I'm sure some of the panels will probably be hardcoded and can't be edited.
  17. They don't make it easy to find and edit these panels
  18. I have been struggling to edit this screen (seems like a lot of the issues with white text are in the inbox news items) to change the colour of the players on this screen. I have narrowed it down to the inbox content with top youth academies panel.xml and think the code that controls it is below. <translation id="text" translation_id="538865" type="use" value="Star Graduate[COMMENT: AREA: dev centre; SUB-AREA: youth intake; NOTE: highlights the star player in the intake group]" /> </record> </list> <list id="column_widget_properties"> <record index="0" alignment="centre" /> <record index="1" alignment="left,centre_y" /> <record index="2" alignment="left,centre_y" multiline="true" /> <record index="3" alignment="left,centre_y" /> <record index="4" alignment="centre_x,centre_y" /> </list> <list id="column_table_properties"> <record index="0" id="Rank" /> <record index="1" id="club" sort_disabled="true" /> <record index="2" id="divi" sort_disabled="true" /> <record index="3" id="StGr" sort_disabled="true" /> <record index="4" sort_disabled="true" id="Chan" /> </list> </widget> </container> I have tried adding colour="black" to the various <record index> sections but it doesn't seem to change the colour of the text.
  19. It probably can't be edited if you didn't manage to find a fix for it
  20. I have edited most of the manager timeline screen to how I want it to look. I can't seem to find which file controls the bottom section that shows the team names that you have previously managed. I would like to change the text colour of the clubs from white to black, which is shown below.
  21. Does anyone know which panel controls this screen? I'd like to change the text from white to black that is in the red box.
  22. This seems to have fixed the issue. Looks like I needed to use "gradient_upper_colour" values to set the colour of the font.
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