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Everything posted by bigbeezer

  1. He could very easily play at a much higher level, not a problem. He is the best i have seen yes, Japan may well have done even better in the WC with his prowess.
  2. I test 1 season 5 differert times to avoid knee jerk reactions. Moreloss outscored Kyogo in over half, as you can see below. That do ye?
  3. Kyogo is down as scoring 3/3 pens in the latest test, he doesnt take them for Celtic, which actually makes his goal return all the more impressive.
  4. I think Kyogo could be doing with having his Tech increased as well as his finshing, He has great tech as you will see in any you tube videos of his goals and he hardly hits 20 goals in any tests, so maybe increase that part of his game as well? cheers
  5. I will be posting at least 5 holiday seasons mate, Im no daft, lol cheers
  6. Also, Regarding Alastair Johnston, Celtic have not missed Juranovic one bit since he arrived, I think that he is also a better defender than JJ was, He is strong as well despite his short stature, Very determined, Fit as a fiddle, has some engine on him and a good turn of pace which is a prerequisite for any celtic defender under ange, and should have a decent ca/pa. cheers
  7. Cheers, He shouldnt be a regular just now either, He ends up being Celtics best player in most tests i have done, whlist Hatate hardly plays, Wee Hatate is top class, must be a shout for player of the year, alongside Mooy and CCV?
  8. Abada has - Tries tricks [hes not like a jota, much more direct] cuts inside from both wings, hugs line [doesnt that contradict with each other?] Likes to beat opponent repeatedly [thats not right, hes not really a dribbling winger at all] runs with ball often, [hmm, more of a running into space/onto through balls type mayeb?]
  9. What about player traits? Are they entered by updaters? cheers
  10. Starfelt should be up with Goldson? Great defender at reading the game, but has one rash moment a game with slack passing lol
  11. Winter update test for league positions, Is there a seperate thread for this sort of testing? i would obv like to run maybe 5 one season tests then post teams avg position etc to get a good indication of who is doing what. cheers
  12. Carl Starfelt and CCV should maybe be favoured staff of each other, they have not played in a losing Celtic game anytime they have both started the game, that is some going in nearly 20 months. CCV is the best defender in Scotland, He should have his strength increased, also heading as i have rarely seen him beaten in the air, maybe acc up a touch as well as he can cover the ground, somenthing all Celtic defenders need is pace/acc due to the way the team plays.
  13. Any player you think is under rated post in here, reasons why as well.
  14. Any player that you think is over rated, post in here.
  15. Big Ange was a liverpool fan growing up, maybe add them as a fav club as well?
  16. The stamina of part time players should not be on the same level or indeed above that of pro players at Scotlands champions?
  17. First touch at Celtic end of first season, Haska, Jota and Hatate should all have higher and also be the highest in the squad, O'riley is very good and has great tech but not the same as they 3 guys
  18. Hatate not getting in team, he was spoken about lots previous to the winter update.
  19. Turnbull the best player in the lge?? He can't get off the bench irl.
  20. Ang speaking about Kobayashi, I think he was one of the players spoken about as being under rated. From memory he also has something like 8 stamina?
  21. Cant see any sell on fee. looks like he is leaving for free.
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