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  • Welcome back everyone!! Well another year has passed and we're back at this insane challenge  This is the new incarnation of the Youth Academy Challenge started by ri916 and continued by Braumiller before I picked it up. This new thread will also play host to people that are starting on older versions if they want, just easier to keep people active even if not on latest version. Please let me know if you’re playing on an older version though. The Aim To win your chosen countries' top division and win the Champions League of your continent with a previously unplayable club using only your academy as a way of acquiring new players - this mean NO TRANSFERS o

  • - After the fun I had with my FM21 Isle of Man save, I always intended to do a youth save in FM23, and now seems like the perfect time to get it started. - I ran through a list of ideas I had for a new youth save, which was going to be low league, but I was going to give the goal scoring goal keeper a miss this time around. - Like FM21, I came up with a list of story ideas, but in the end, I kept circling back to the one team...the team that were the runners up on my FM21 short list.   - So I give you: Another Island Life - Green Lion Pride - A Guernsey FC youth story.

  • In the bustling heart of Ota City, Tokyo, Shiraki Seiji, a seasoned fisherman, navigated the morning crowds. Seiji had inherited his small fishing business from his father, a venture that had sustained his family for generations. With a weathered face and hands calloused from years at sea, Seiji carried with him a quiet pride in his work and a deep love for the ocean. Just a few streets away, Okura Masaki, the jovial owner of the Green Octopus Noodle Shop, prepared for another busy day. His ramen shop was a local favorite, known for its rich broths and fresh ingredients, many of which Seiji supplied. Masaki, with his round face and ever-present smile, was a fixture in the

  • Bit bored of 4-3-3 DM's now so I thought I'd post up a little about the 4-2-3-1 DM's I use, I encourage others to do the same, sort of a thread to discuss them in general I used to be more of 4-2-3-1 guy but seeing as the AI use the 4-2-3-1 DM and DMs got a tweak this year, I thought I may as well join in  It's not my intention to have these Plugged and Played, more to discuss how they work, how they attack, how they defend, the combinations they create. I build them similar to how I put together the 4-3-3s (and 4-4-2's and probably any other shape I put together)  I'm in the far distant future at an Elite club in Europe but I'm constantly battling teams fr

  • I am writing this article for the FM 25 developer diary that I read today. First of all, switching to the new game engine is a great work of courage and I appreciate it in this respect, I read your article completely, but those UI images completely disappointed me and removing many features that were in old games just because they were not played gave me the feeling of going back to FM 11, not FM 25, yes, the game is still under construction, nothing is finished, but the interface of that game and the fact that many things that were removed were not replaced by new things made me very disappointed, thanks.

  • Just got the free Football Manager 2024, and already unbeaten on Ligue 1 so far and just beaten Real Madrid. The issue is that my AP who has very good stats (17 Pass, 19 Vision, and 17 Decisions) can't get assists. (He gets plenty in his international team which I manage) I also have a Poacher who is currently top scorer, but most of the goals are from the IFs' crosses which he heads in easily with his height. How do I take full advantage of the AP's stats and make him hace de Bruyne or Messi level assists?

  • Just started playing FM24 (been playing on and off since late 90's something). Just to spice it up I maxed out my youth system in the pre game editor which led to team finances being in the red (due to youth setup running costs). That would make sense then that the board would like to make up for that via selling players but can you please make it a litte bit more realistic. I've already had the board accept an offer for one of my youth intake players where the offer included a percentage of next sale (but little else apart from a friendly game). Ok, fair enough, that "might" make us some money in a few years time if the player develops into a good player.

  • I think this i.e. taking the knee, should be in the game, in the context and places where it occurs IRL, in different leagues and the international scene. FM is a simulation of football and should also fully embrace its culture. I think on the whole SI do a good job with this here and they have good values, but this is something that is missing. I'm sure we're all aware of some of the mysogynistic and other nonsense on some threads recently, this is exactly why these and other things that support diversity, inclusivity and equality, SHOULD be in the game. Thank you for your consideration. LR

  • I've been having a review of things at Millonarios being nine games in and one thing that I've noticed is that my team get 'leggy' in the second half of games and, unsurprisingly, this is when we concede more goals - 7 out of the 11 goals let in have been 60 mins or later. 36% of goals conceded come in the last ten minutes of a match . At the moment, my press instructions are as follows: I also have counter-press and counter on in my transition tab. I know I'm not running a particularly high press as it is but I wondered if I should drop back further or ease off things in the second half of games. I'm interested to know how other people run their pressing games

  • Looking for some advice, the way I understand Stop / Invite crosses is that it's the old defensive width instruction. Please correct me if I'm wrong!. I'm also led to believe that the trap inside and outside also affects the defensive width to a degree What attributes do your players need to carry out both instructions.  Had a look for some old posts and you tube vids but couldnt find anything Also, how does stop invite / crosses  work with trap inside/ outside as if you trap inside  wouldn't this reduce the width of your defense and a trap outside increase the width of your defense. You could be reducing the width of your defence with the trap but then inc

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