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Jim Bristow/Serpico has died


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Just heard about this a little while ago, got a text telling me literally 45 mins after hearing that my aunt has passed away with cancer tonight as well. Both of them are no age at all, she's only 55.

I can't believe it. Jim was one of the people on here that I've spoken to the most, both on the forum and on msn. Great guy and always a good laugh. So shocked by the news, especially today.

RIP Serps, cya mate.

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Reckon this thread should be stickied on stuff like GD so as people who don't always read OTF but lurk in GD get to see it too?

Only problem with putting it in the GD, is you'll get idiots asking "Who is Jim?" etc.

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I'm extremely gutted to hear about this today. :(

He may not have been a permanent member of staff, but I always looked towards him for guidance when it came to handling issues on these forums, because he was simply the best at it and with this sad news, the SI family has lost a real stalwart because these were his forums.

RIP Jim and thanks for your sterling effort over the years.

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At the risk of a ban I would like to give my condolences to everyone close to Serps. He seemed to be one of the only members on here who tolerated me and for that I am grateful.

It just occured to me that in my relatively short time on the boards I never once saw him post a bad word about anyone and that, for me, speaks volumes.

One of the good guys,

Rest In Peace Serps

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You wouldn't think hearing news even like this about a name you see on an internet forum could affect you but I am absolutely blown away by that, having read and communicated for years through this board it really is a sad day.

My thought go out to all his friends and family. You were a cracking guy Serps and I am only sad that I never got to know you more than a name on a screen.

We'll meet one day mate. :thup:


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I think something OTF related flower wise at Jims funeral would be fitting.

Then maybe look into a justgiving page and see whats raised for a charitble donation, or maybe depending on burial a memorial bench? Something that will outlast those who he has so obviously touched with his posts, his wit and his ****. (it had to be said, many will remember the incident on the floor!)

Anyway no doubt people will have ideas over the coming weeks.

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Something that will outlast those who he has so obviously touched with his posts, his wit and his ****. (it had to be said, many will remember the incident on the floor!)

I really shouldn't but Serps made me laugh far too much over the years...

We should have a Serps memorial stool!

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I just opened my emails amd recieved an email regarding this.

I can't believe it, such sad news, eventhough I don't post much on the forums, one of the posters and mod who I first remember years ago, when I first joined.

Sincere condolences to everyone who knew him personally.

RIP Serps, you will be sadly missed :(

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I really can't believe this. I was only reading some of his posts last night and now this. He was always the mod who seemed on a different level to the others, in terms of wit, sarcasm, personality, as well as the way in which he dealt his punishments.

An excellent man. RIP Serps

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Is it worth setting up a Just Giving page now? I have an account there and it should be straightforward. Obviously happy to leave it/pass on the running of it to someone closer to him in due course.

Scrap that, it has to be charity-specific. Perhaps it's best if donations are collected by one person centrally, from others via Paypal, etc.

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Just before I go to bed, I'd like to add to the sentiments again, what a big part of OTF he was, he really was part of the furniture. Whenever I went on OTF in my history in this part of the forum, even when I hadn't posted that much and still spent most of my time in the FM part of the forums, whenever I came over here, there was always something to do with Serpico.

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