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Gundo's FM08 Small club from a small nation European adventure challenge

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Originally posted by dafuge:

This is getting annoying now, I've completely rebuilt my squad over the last couple of seasons to make money by selling my unhappy players. The players I've brought in to replace them are now getting unhappy about wanting to move to bigger clubs.

I hear you dafuge. From my experience, it never stops - even after successive CL wins, the offers come thick and fast, the whining comes right after. I've done well to keep three or four together throughout it all - but I suspect those 3 or 4 are the ones who don't have high PAs but do well for me. I've cycled through three midfields in 5 seasons, but honestly the worst part for me is that the seasons take interminably longer just on account of how many times you have to renegotiate an enquiry, tell them they're going nowhere, negotiate a new contract in their window of not being unhappy, wash, rinse, repeat. Its what makes this challenge just that, unlike in a big league, where eventually you can win enough to get your players happy to stay, even if you maxed out rep (which I suspect would take something like 5 straight CL titles) the league sucks and your players know it and Barcelona's such a nice place to live and this crappy little Polish town on the Ukranian border with a population roughly equivalent to the stands on Saturday gets so damned cold in January and... oh, I'm whining myself now. icon_smile.gif

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<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> Gundo's FM08 Small club from a small nation European adventure challenge Table *New

(Nat) League Year Club Username Achievements


*(Pol) First 2017/18 Hetman Zamosc pjtopor 8 Domestic Titles

1 Champions League (2018)

1 Uefa Cup (2017)

*(Nor) Premier 2020 Skjetten cookie15 1 Champions League (2020)

4 Domestic Titles


(Blr) Premier 2011 Livadia RecliamTheKop -

(Bel) Premier 2029/30 Meldert CoachFlu 12 Domestic Titles

(Bel) Third 2008/09 SW Harelbeke aqnfiqw -

(Bel) Third 2008/09 KSK Hasselt saab693 -

(Cro) Premier 2023/24 Slovanja iacovone 9 Domestic Titles

(Cro) Premier 2009/10 NK Lokomotiva Zagreb Konquest -

(Cze) First 2010/11 Chmel Blasney DodgeeD -

(Cze) First 2008/09 Blasny glennuk -

(Den) Premier 2011/12 birkerød Alurny -

(Fin) Premier 2012 Rakuunat Bluejacket -

(Ice) First 2008 Hvöt Icelander83 -

(N.I) Premier 2033/34 Knockbreda NepentheZ 22 Domestic Titles

(N.I) Premier 2017/18 Sirocco Works dafuge 7 Domestic Titles

(N.I) Premier 2014/15 Lisbon Rangers gaijin 2 Domestic Title.

(N.I) Premier 2011/12 Coleraine Crusaders gers51 -

(N.I) First 2011/12 Killyleagh AztecCrute -

(Nor) Premier 2012 Orn Horten jamieslowe -

(Nor) First 2012 Randaberg IL Gundo -

(Nor) Second 2010 FKUM Oslo rlipscombe -

(Nor) First 2012 KIL/Hemne CoatesyWins -

(Rom) Second 2008/09 Lotus Luceafãrul 442to445 -

(Rus) Premier 2015 Amur Blagoveschensk johnnyquest409 1 Domestic Title

(Ser) Super 2010/11 Obilic Belgrade dave safc -

(Slk) Second 2009/10 FK Raca catesy2021 -

(Slk) Chall. 2009/10 Baden mocko666 -

(Swe) Premier 2017 Gestrike-Hammarby IF Scab 2 Domestic Title

(Swe) First 2010 Limhamns IF pl-fikander -

(Swe) Premier 2010 Limhamns IF Truegunner -

(Swe) First 2010 Gauthiod Suma -

(Swe) Second 2009 Gantofta IF padmore_001 -

(Swi) Premier 2012/13 FC Baulmes Jazza -

(Swi) Premier 2017/18 SC YF Juventus Annihilator666 -

(Swi) Chall. 2015/16 FC UGS ghostwriter -

(Swi) Chall. 2008 FC Bex Flashman's S' D' -

(Wal) Premier 2008/09 Maesteg Mike_Cardinal -

(Wal) Premier 2008/09 Afan Lido dlnwba86 - </pre>

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Now, starting again I fancied something a bit easier whilst close(ish) to home.

It was a weird day, the 4th of july 2008, when an old friend of the family called. We hadn't heard from old Lars Simonsen for ages, after all he hadn't come over to Iceland for over a decade. He asked specifically for me and told me to get on the next plain to Denmark and find him at the HQ of Svendborg forenede Boldklubber.

I didn't know what on earth he was on about so, being so overly adventurous I duly obliged and found his office late the next day. He told me his club, that had only just won promotion the previous year, had begun to feel like a huge burden on his life and he was looking to get rid of it. The fantasies began playing in my head, he wanted me to take over the running of the club!

Well, not quite. Seems like he didn't get on with whoever was managing the first team and so wanted me to replace him and stay in the job, at least until he could get someone to buy him out. I didn't have to think about it, even though he said the supporters would demand at least a top half finish. And, as he was looking to get out as soon as possible, I would get no money to spend on players, he wanted to take as much with him as he could.


Transfer budget: 0 Euro

Wage budget: 2,5k Euro (spending 471 Euro p/w)

Expectations: Top half finish

Chairman Status: Looking to leave the club ASAP

Positions Needed: Midfield, defence

And, here I stand, ready to take on this challenge

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Originally posted by Gundo:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> Gundo's FM08 Small club from a small nation European adventure challenge Table *New

(Nat) League Year Club Username Achievements


*(Pol) First 2017/18 Hetman Zamosc pjtopor 8 Domestic Titles

1 Champions League (2018)

1 Uefa Cup (2017)

*(Nor) Premier 2020 Skjetten cookie15 1 Champions League (2020)

4 Domestic Titles


(Blr) Premier 2011 Livadia RecliamTheKop -

(Bel) Premier 2029/30 Meldert CoachFlu 12 Domestic Titles

(Bel) Third 2008/09 SW Harelbeke aqnfiqw -

(Bel) Third 2008/09 KSK Hasselt saab693 -

(Cro) Premier 2023/24 Slovanja iacovone 9 Domestic Titles

(Cro) Premier 2009/10 NK Lokomotiva Zagreb Konquest -

(Cze) First 2010/11 Chmel Blasney DodgeeD -

(Cze) First 2008/09 Blasny glennuk -

(Den) Premier 2011/12 birkerød Alurny -

(Fin) Premier 2012 Rakuunat Bluejacket -

(Ice) First 2008 Hvöt Icelander83 -

(N.I) Premier 2033/34 Knockbreda NepentheZ 22 Domestic Titles

(N.I) Premier 2017/18 Sirocco Works dafuge 7 Domestic Titles

(N.I) Premier 2014/15 Lisbon Rangers gaijin 2 Domestic Title.

(N.I) Premier 2011/12 Coleraine Crusaders gers51 -

(N.I) First 2011/12 Killyleagh AztecCrute -

(Nor) Premier 2012 Orn Horten jamieslowe -

(Nor) First 2012 Randaberg IL Gundo -

(Nor) Second 2010 FKUM Oslo rlipscombe -

(Nor) First 2012 KIL/Hemne CoatesyWins -

(Rom) Second 2008/09 Lotus Luceafãrul 442to445 -

(Rus) Premier 2015 Amur Blagoveschensk johnnyquest409 1 Domestic Title

(Ser) Super 2010/11 Obilic Belgrade dave safc -

(Slk) Second 2009/10 FK Raca catesy2021 -

(Slk) Chall. 2009/10 Baden mocko666 -

(Swe) Premier 2017 Gestrike-Hammarby IF Scab 2 Domestic Title

(Swe) First 2010 Limhamns IF pl-fikander -

(Swe) Premier 2010 Limhamns IF Truegunner -

(Swe) First 2010 Gauthiod Suma -

(Swe) Second 2009 Gantofta IF padmore_001 -

(Swi) Premier 2012/13 FC Baulmes Jazza -

(Swi) Premier 2017/18 SC YF Juventus Annihilator666 -

(Swi) Chall. 2015/16 FC UGS ghostwriter -

(Swi) Chall. 2008 FC Bex Flashman's S' D' -

(Wal) Premier 2008/09 Maesteg Mike_Cardinal -

(Wal) Premier 2008/09 Afan Lido dlnwba86 - </pre>

just finished reading all of the updates following 4 days away for easter... good to see the thread still going strong!!

Gundo, for your records, i'm in the Norweigen first now... icon_wink.gif

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Newport YMCA - Season 1 (Oh dear god...)

I have just started Dafuge's challenge (again) but I feel the need for a little change and this seems just that.

I was going to pick iceland but as i'm going there on holiday in the summer...well, I did not want to resent the place before I even get there.

So, Wales it is - memories of SWOS domination with Bangor leads me back here. I get the impression this might be a little tougher...

Tis me

We have 4 non grey players, 0 transfer budget, expected to be relegated and need players in every position.

Still - the name is vaguely amusing. Every cloud and all that...I must away to the bargain bin.

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Originally posted by KLH84:

Newport YMCA - Season 1 (Oh dear god...)

I have just started Dafuge's challenge (again) but I feel the need for a little change and this seems just that.

I was going to pick iceland but as i'm going there on holiday in the summer...well, I did not want to resent the place before I even get there.

So, Wales it is - memories of SWOS domination with Bangor leads me back here. I get the impression this might be a little tougher...

Tis me

We have 4 non grey players, 0 transfer budget, expected to be relegated and need players in every position.

Still - the name is vaguely amusing. Every cloud and all that...I must away to the bargain bin.

Haha I played on against the YM on Saturday icon_biggrin.gif

If you want any information about them, I will try my best to help icon14.gif

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Well I let my best defender David Ryan go. He wouldn't sign a new deal and wanted to leave. His stats were amazing. He scored 20 goals from defence last season.

Although I offered 250k and a 50% sell on fee, I could have offered double that. Curses. No wonder the clubs bit my hand off when they recieved that offer. In the end he went to Hull for 155k plus 50% sell on fee. Obviously if he fulfils his potential, I could get considerable more money in the long run.

Anyway, it was a good piece of business, but I'm still not making huge profits for the team. Maybe 100k to 200k per year. I really need a strong run in Europe to push the finances forward.

After about 16 games in the league, I've lost 3 already and am still 7 points clear. Go figure. I'm slowly starting to change the squad slightly, with some of the older players looking increasingly out of favour, although I will keep hold of Gary Johnson, merely for sentimental value. Let's hope more cracking gems from the Islands respawn again.

Also I'll be getting a youth academy next season, and have got a new feeder club in the shape of Connah's Quay of Wales - except none of my players will go on loan there!

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Well so fat this season has had ups and downs, great cup form, a complete change in my away form, being the second best in the league.....however this has come at a cost to my home form.....What was a fortress, has now become a shack. We just can't win in front of our fans.

http://img142.imageshack.us/my.php?image=newhomeformye4.jpg <-----Home

http://img142.imageshack.us/my.php?image=newhomeformye4.jpg <------Away

Should finish the season tonite, and will hopefully get a bit of the way through next season tomorrow.

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Guest niresearch

Red Star Zurich - 2008/09 - Swiss Challenge League

Title Odds - 5000/1

Final League Position - 15th

Swiss Cup - Semi Finalists

Final League Table - Table


Star Man

Stephane Amacker

Season Overview

Well season number one in Switzerland for myself and thoroughly pleased. A couple of players in the squad to start with so had to sign up a whole new team. All picked up on freebies, the pick of the bunch being a former Sion striker, Stephane Amacker. Although the screenshot doesn't show it, Amacker was top scorer and had the highest average rating, nothing outstanding but certainly deserved the Fan's Player of the Year Award.

The league was an uphill struggle but there were two terrible sides in the league so survival was pretty much sealed with around 6 games to go, so more than happy. In the cup we punched above our weight, reaching the semi-final after favourable draws. Two wins over non-league sides in the first two rounds, then a penalty win over Sion after 0-0 in 120 mins of nervous defending! The quarter final seen us beat Winterthur, suprisingly away from home 2-0. The cup run ended, in a cruel twist of fate, to eventual winners Aarau. We lead 2-1 with 10 minutes remaining, and despite being very defensive, conceded two late goals, the last of which came in the 95th minute!

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Randaberg IL Norwegian first divisjon 2012

I'm absolutely gutted! We just can't get out of this damn first divisjon. icon_frown.gificon_mad.gif

We where on fire and unbeaten after 18 games having only drawn 3 in that time aswel, the thing is though the pro teams that where competing with us just didn't slip up as much as I would of liked. So I only held a 3 point lead after that run of good form. icon13.gif

Then we played poorly and lost key games in the second half of the season and just only managed to scrape a playy-off place on the final day which pitted us against Tippeligaen outfit Sandfjord. Lost the 1st leg 4-2 away! and just didn't have the class to find a second goal in the home leg and thus only managed a 1-0 win. icon_frown.gif

The semi-professional > professional gap is huge and it's highly frustrating. icon_frown.gif


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Hello everyone!!

After giving iseemonsters South American Challengen a couple of goes I have deicided to give a game in Europe a go again. I have decided to go for Greece and have picked Rodos, a team from an island that is actually closer to mainland Turkey than mainland Greece.

Here is my profile

All teams in Greece seem to be pretty good, I reloaded a couple of times and they were one of the worst teams that came up. The fact that they are an island team made the choice easier for me as well. icon_smile.gif

There was a strange occurence in the Super League (1st Division). Iraklis managed to beat the top three to first place, which was the least unusuaul thing. Panathinakikos finished 2nd, but only qualified for the EURO Vase, while AEK in 3rd qualified for the European Champions Cup and Olympiakos in 4th qualified for the EURO Cup. Has this happened to anyone else before? I forgot to take screenies at the time but you can see it in each clubs information screen, so I can upload them if anyone is interested.

Well, I wish everyone the best of luck and will get cracking with Rodos!!

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Following from my previous failures in Wales and Poland, I'm going to try to avoid the hat trick by not crashing out in Ireland or Bulgaria.

I'm going to see what joy I can get on both holiday games, I'll choose the promoted team I prefer from the bunch and post back with my info icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by pjtopor:

Iand this crappy little Polish town on the Ukranian border with a population roughly equivalent to the stands on Saturday gets so damned cold in January and... oh, I'm whining myself now. icon_smile.gif

Hey, hey, Zamość isn't crappy, it's one of the nicer towns in Poland icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by Gundo:

Randaberg IL Norwegian first divisjon 2012

I'm absolutely gutted! We just can't get out of this damn first divisjon. icon_frown.gificon_mad.gif

We where on fire and unbeaten after 18 games having only drawn 3 in that time aswel, the thing is though the pro teams that where competing with us just didn't slip up as much as I would of liked. So I only held a 3 point lead after that run of good form. icon13.gif

Then we played poorly and lost key games in the second half of the season and just only managed to scrape a playy-off place on the final day which pitted us against Tippeligaen outfit Sandfjord. Lost the 1st leg 4-2 away! and just didn't have the class to find a second goal in the home leg and thus only managed a 1-0 win. icon_frown.gif

The semi-professional > professional gap is huge and it's highly frustrating. icon_frown.gif


unlucky Gundo... So unlucky. i'm sure you'll break the divide soon. are you still sticking to the scandanavian-only policy?

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Originally posted by rlipscombe:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gundo:

Randaberg IL Norwegian first divisjon 2012

I'm absolutely gutted! We just can't get out of this damn first divisjon. icon_frown.gificon_mad.gif

We where on fire and unbeaten after 18 games having only drawn 3 in that time aswel, the thing is though the pro teams that where competing with us just didn't slip up as much as I would of liked. So I only held a 3 point lead after that run of good form. icon13.gif

Then we played poorly and lost key games in the second half of the season and just only managed to scrape a playy-off place on the final day which pitted us against Tippeligaen outfit Sandfjord. Lost the 1st leg 4-2 away! and just didn't have the class to find a second goal in the home leg and thus only managed a 1-0 win. icon_frown.gif

The semi-professional > professional gap is huge and it's highly frustrating. icon_frown.gif


unlucky Gundo... So unlucky. i'm sure you'll break the divide soon. are you still sticking to the scandanavian-only policy? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

For the time being yes, just Scandinavians. icon_biggrin.gif International call-ups for the Norwegian under21's has annoyed me this season again, we lost a key game 2-0 because our 3 best players where called up.

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Originally posted by Gundo:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by rlipscombe:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gundo:

Randaberg IL Norwegian first divisjon 2012

I'm absolutely gutted! We just can't get out of this damn first divisjon. icon_frown.gificon_mad.gif

We where on fire and unbeaten after 18 games having only drawn 3 in that time aswel, the thing is though the pro teams that where competing with us just didn't slip up as much as I would of liked. So I only held a 3 point lead after that run of good form. icon13.gif

Then we played poorly and lost key games in the second half of the season and just only managed to scrape a playy-off place on the final day which pitted us against Tippeligaen outfit Sandfjord. Lost the 1st leg 4-2 away! and just didn't have the class to find a second goal in the home leg and thus only managed a 1-0 win. icon_frown.gif

The semi-professional > professional gap is huge and it's highly frustrating. icon_frown.gif


unlucky Gundo... So unlucky. i'm sure you'll break the divide soon. are you still sticking to the scandanavian-only policy? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

For the time being yes, just Scandinavians. icon_biggrin.gif International call-ups for the Norwegian under21's has annoyed me this season again, we lost a key game 2-0 because our 3 best players where called up. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

i've noticed that too.. is it just me or do you think they plan the fixtures in order to mess you up in the big games?? icon_rolleyes.gif

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Originally posted by rlipscombe:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gundo:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by rlipscombe:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gundo:

Randaberg IL Norwegian first divisjon 2012

I'm absolutely gutted! We just can't get out of this damn first divisjon. icon_frown.gificon_mad.gif

We where on fire and unbeaten after 18 games having only drawn 3 in that time aswel, the thing is though the pro teams that where competing with us just didn't slip up as much as I would of liked. So I only held a 3 point lead after that run of good form. icon13.gif

Then we played poorly and lost key games in the second half of the season and just only managed to scrape a playy-off place on the final day which pitted us against Tippeligaen outfit Sandfjord. Lost the 1st leg 4-2 away! and just didn't have the class to find a second goal in the home leg and thus only managed a 1-0 win. icon_frown.gif

The semi-professional > professional gap is huge and it's highly frustrating. icon_frown.gif


unlucky Gundo... So unlucky. i'm sure you'll break the divide soon. are you still sticking to the scandanavian-only policy? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

For the time being yes, just Scandinavians. icon_biggrin.gif International call-ups for the Norwegian under21's has annoyed me this season again, we lost a key game 2-0 because our 3 best players where called up. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

i've noticed that too.. is it just me or do you think they plan the fixtures in order to mess you up in the big games?? icon_rolleyes.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've noticed that in Czech Republic too. I picked up a lot of youngsters from various Eastern European countries and when they are way with the U-21s, league games go ahead. If it's an easy game, we end up losing and if it's a key game, we get hammered (that's my excuse anyway icon_wink.gif).

I think it's down to the fact that the game doesn't consider u-21s when postponing games. I realised that once two of those players got call-ups to the full national side; only then were games moved to a later date...

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Things are not going well at the Randaberg Stadion after 3 games this season. Lost 4-3 to pro side Tromsø, scraped a home win against Bodø/Glimt 3-2 and just broke down to an away defeat to Sogndal eventually going down 6-0. On top of that 'boy wonder' Stian Ringstad is out for the month through injury. icon_frown.gif

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Right, I'm starting this again. Going to stick with Northern Ireland, like the idea that I can actually say the names!!!

On holiday as we speak, got dissilusioned with my San Marino double challenge, and after having a go in Northern Ireland early on in FM08, I have yet to get into a real long game.

Will report back with my team, and my profile as soon as I get to the reset date!! icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Gundo:

Things are not going well at the Randaberg Stadion after 3 games this season. Lost 4-3 to pro side Tromsø, scraped a home win against Bodø/Glimt 3-2 and just broke down to an away defeat to Sogndal eventually going down 6-0. On top of that 'boy wonder' Stian Ringstad is out for the month through injury. icon_frown.gif

Well we've recovered from that dreadful start with 3 good wins, although the two Pro teams at the top are yet to drop any points. icon_frown.gif

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Gantofta IF - 2010 - Swedish Second Division South Gotaland

Media Prediction: 4th

Actual Position: 1st

League Table

Swedish Cup: Quarter Final

So after three seasons in the second division promotion has been achieved. On top of this in our first season competing in the Swedish Cup we had a good run, reaching the quarter final. Firstly the league, we occupied top spot from the first game onward but despite this a poor run of form at the end of the season nearly cost us promotion. Before the final game of the season we were one point clear of Laholm but we only managed a draw and if it wasn't for a last minute equaliser in Laholms game then they would have won and taken the league as well as promotion.

Our cup run included some good victories over first division and first division elite teams although when we were drawn against premier division opposition for the first time we never really stood a chance but we still put in a decent performance, only losing 3-1.

Once again Jagne was on fire. Escobar and Catovic were the pick of the rest of the squad. These were all in on loan and it looks unlikely that we will be able to keep them for another season.

Finances show no sign of improving.

Anyway I have just signed a new three year contract and our cup run has given me some confidence for next season so onwards and upwards!

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No offense to any Poles or anyone from the town of Zamosc, its location actually is what made me pick Hetman of the teams available, and I sort of follow their results as best I can given that my understanding of Polish is about 15 words deep, largely the things my father would yell at me in frustration when he didn't want to swear in English. icon_smile.gif Was just speaking of frustration - I really love that save but I got tired of the whining so I've stepped back away from it for a bit. At some point I have to post the 2019 results, the UCL final was a corker.

This is the coolest thing about these forums by the way, I'm an American on an English website and I can get upbraided by someone who actually knows about the town of Zamosc (I don't think I can tell you anything about any Polish towns other than Krakow, Warsaw or Lodz.)

Keep the faith Gundo, I'm sure you'll make it out the 1D soon!

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Right here goes.

Meet and greet the new manager of Cookstown Olympic

Once again, my soft spot, Killyleagh, from previous versions came up, and as much as I wanted to take over the might of the Y.C, I decieded against it, only for the chance for a change.

Intially looking at the squad seems like a complete waste of time, with nobody in my eyes, capable of playing at this level, so will be scouring the free transfers, and loanee's.

Gundo, won't be long mate, surely has to be a matter of time. I can speak of the divide between semi and pro, and the difference can be enourmous, but the best you can do is plug away at it.

KUTGW everybody, I always look forward to reading people's stories so it's a icon14.gif from me icon_smile.gif

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Guest niresearch

Aah, good old Cookstown Olympic - good to see someone playing with someone different. In reality they've a few Portugese players - all working in the local factories. What ground are they at - if its the good one in Cookstown then there is potential there for you to have a bigger stadium long-term as the set-up is good. Either way good luck!

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I decided on Septemvri in Bulgaria.

I shall post an update after the first season, the good news so far is first team players are willing to take £40 a week and I have £9.5k a week for a wage budget so any which way the board are going to love me! icon_biggrin.gif

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Molodenchno, Belarus First League, Pre-Season

I have decided to return to this challenege as my last time as Molodechno wasnt going to bad but my computer totally broke so I had to wait for my laptop to come.

And its here!!!! Finally.

So here I am.

And on another note Im still having trouble getting a parent club, even though ive only applied once this save, but on the last one it kept happening too icon_frown.gif.

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Originally posted by minisav:

I'm starting this challenge soon in Belgium

Got a few questions:

Is there a difference between 3rd Division A & B?

What is the period system like? Confusing or simple to understand?

They're the same level as I understand it. From what people have said from those who have managed their this year it's not been too difficult to understand, best person to ask is CoachFlu.

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18/19 - Hetman Zamosc - Polish First Division

League Position - Champions


Polish FA Cup - Winners

Polish League Cup - Winners

Polish Super Cup - Winners

UEFA Champions League - Winners

I really don't remember this season super well, as I completed it over a week ago and have bounced through like 4 saves since, I do know that our domestic dominance continued, and that the UCL final was a cracker, scoreless through FT, Mulaudzi coming off the bench in ET to give us the lead, and then Pato scoring for the Rossoneri at 115 to tie it. Insua then sent off for the Italians at the death leading to a frantic scramble in which we nearly scored. Then we won the dreaded shootout 4-3, with Ibrahim, Oh Jae-Hoon, Dobos and Mulaudzi scoring. Interestingly, Arthur Machaj, probably the best Polish FRED to date, who came through the Bayern academy before being bought by Milan in 2017 missed the 5th peno for the Italians, perhaps knowing he'd have been hung next time he came home on international duty had he made it. icon_wink.gif

There will be changes if I ever finish the 2020 season, as Gabor Dobos was sold to Man U in the summer. He's probably my most talented ever player, the Hungarian DM at the heart of all our passing play, particularly in the CL Final last year, but I just couldn't take the whining anymore, even though I had him signed up til 2024. I also sold some middling talent domestically, in hopes of improving the calibre of my rivals squads, not so much to compete with me, but to increase the possibly of us doing well abroad. Though in fairness, Legia and Lech particularly have been buying much better, and our coefficient has risen so that we get 2 teams in the UCL now.

Hetman's Domestic Awards Haul:

Manager of the Season

Team of the Season

Player of the Season

Young Player of the Season

Here's the finance screen:


And the info screen, you'll note we finally reach continental reputation as back to back European Cup winners:


With that, I think it'll probably be a good while before I finish the 2020 season, but I had brought you the run-in earlier, so I had to at least post about this campaign. Please don't misunderstand that we're dominating in Europe either. A whole lot of luck went into both of these wins, in particularly Barca were very lacklustre in this years semi, they should have thrashed us.

Table Info:

Champions League x2

UEFA Cup x1

Domestic Title x9

Club coefficient 129.942, 5th, up 5

Nation coefficient 38.992, 8th, up 4

Hetman Zamosc

2008/2009 - Polish Second Division - 10th, FA Cup - 1st round

2009/2010 - Polish Second Division - 1st, FA Cup - 3rd round

2010/2011 - Polish First Division - 1st, FA Cup - 2nd round, League Cup - Quarterfinals

2011/2012 - Polish First Division - 1st, FA Cup - Quarterfinal, League Cup - Semi Final, Champs League - 3rd Qualifying Round, UEFA Cup - 1st Round

2012/2013 - Polish First Division - 1st, FA Cup - Final, League Cup - Winners, Champions League - Group Stage

2013/2014 - Polish First Division - 1st, FA Cup - Quarterfinals, League Cup - Winners, Champions League - 3rd Qual. Rnd., UEFA Cup - 1st Round.

2014/2015 - Polish First Division - 1st, FA Cup - Winners, League Cup - Winners, Champions League - Group Stage, UEFA Cup - Final

2015/2016 - Polish First Division - 1st, FA Cup - Winners, League Cup - Winners, Champions League - Group Stage

2016/2017 - Polish First Division - 1st, FA Cup - Winners, League Cup - Winners, Champions League - Group Stage, UEFA Cup - Winners

2017/2018 - Polish First Division - 1st, FA Cup - Winners, League Cup - Winners, Champions League - Winners

2018/2019 - Polish First Division - 1st, FA Cup - Winners, League Cup - Winners, Champions League - Winners

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Newport YMCA 08/09 Mid Season

Happy days, kinda.

3rd Jan - we're 6th!

We had been sitting top - but we've slumped recently . Perhaps my team of free transfers has been found out. Still, it's a far safer season than I imagined.

Building from here is going to be tough - we're in the 4th round of the Welsh Cup so we may make something there. Who knows - also in the middle of a takeover...perhaps the new chairman won't be so tight.

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Birkerod - Danish Premier Division - 2012/2013


That was too close for my liking. A good start, a poor middle and a scary end. Going into the last game I sat 11th, joint with 10th on points, and goals. Silkeborg played earlier than us, losing 2-0 to randers. We went into the match knowing we had to not lose.

We got off to a fairly good start, missing a number of chances which fell our way. AaB came back into it, pushing us further back. By the 16th minute they took the lead, a long strike looping over the defenders and into the top corner.

Half time came and things looked bad, with 6 ratings across the board. Unable to take the pressure I left the dressing room, leaving the team talk to my assistant.

50, 60, 70 minutes passed, a succession of missed chances, something had to be done. My bench was terrible. I moved Olsen upfront for the impotent Dueland, putting the defensive midfielder Neestrup out wide left, out of position but he was best suited.

75th minute, AaB attack, the ball is plucked out the air by Lossl. Thinking fast he punts the ball aimlessly into the air. The AaB Defender positioned himself under the ball, ready to clear. He misjudged his header, setting olsen away. At 25 yards out he shoots, I expect nothing. The ball seems to take an age to go in as it flies past the keeper! Birkerod stadiom is rocking!!

80,85,90 , the 4th official holds up 3 minutes, Aab go 4-2-4, I stick with the current lineup. We manage to see out the game, and secure our future in the Premiership!





The Squad

I underestimated the league quality needed, the step up was huge. Signed a lot of pap, hopefully I can do a good mucking out job. icon_wink.gif

Goalkeeping was ok, need to improve.

Defensively inept throughout, the players are just not good enough. A priority for the transfer window.

Midfield is going to be fine for next year, strong across the board.

Upfront we were pathetic. Another focus for next season.


Olsen was player of the year for me, a good addition.


08/09 - Danish Second Division East - 1st

09/10 - Danish First Division - 4th

10/11- Danish First Division - 4th

11/12 - Danish First Division - 1st

12/13- Danish Premier Division - 10th

- Board are improving training and youth facilities.

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Svendborg – Danish division two west

Having heeded the call from the old family friend I set about trying to do my best at my new job. However, it was to prove that my best was far from good. We were expected to achieve a top half finish but that never looked on the cards. We lost our first three league games before finally registering a win. In between, however, came the game that would keep me in the job through the season, a 5:0 win in the danish cup. The board were so delighted with that one result that our performance in the league barely managed to balance it out. I took on a lot of loan signings, none of which really lit up the place, but finally managed a good signing when I bought a jamaican international forward who changed our play for the better. I also managed to sign a pretty good keeper to replace the darned cut-out we made do with until then. Problem was, our training ground is so poor that we don‘t even have goals, leading to all sorts of problems, biggest of which include: Not knowing how to score and not having a clue how to stop opponents from scoring. The old chairman stepped down just before the winter break and the new one is really likeable, ie. doesn‘t overly worry about the inept performances by the team. Neither do the 44 season ticket holders.

In the end we managed to pull some 9 points clear of relegation play-offs due to a fine run of form near the end but we recorded only 7 wins and lost half of our 30 league games.

Onward and upwards, eh?

Oh, should probably mention the insane amount of penalties we conceded, seemed to be at least one every game at the start of the season, most late in the games. A wee bit annoying!

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Originally posted by Gundo:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> Gundo's FM08 Small club from a small nation European adventure challenge Table *New

(Nat) League Year Club Username Achievements


*(Pol) First 2017/18 Hetman Zamosc pjtopor 8 Domestic Titles

1 Champions League (2018)

1 Uefa Cup (2017)

*(Nor) Premier 2020 Skjetten cookie15 1 Champions League (2020)

4 Domestic Titles


(Blr) Premier 2011 Livadia RecliamTheKop -

(Bel) Premier 2029/30 Meldert CoachFlu 12 Domestic Titles

(Bel) Third 2008/09 SW Harelbeke aqnfiqw -

(Bel) Third 2008/09 KSK Hasselt saab693 -

(Cro) Premier 2023/24 Slovanja iacovone 9 Domestic Titles

(Cro) Premier 2009/10 NK Lokomotiva Zagreb Konquest -

(Cze) First 2010/11 Chmel Blasney DodgeeD -

(Cze) First 2008/09 Blasny glennuk -

(Den) Premier 2011/12 birkerød Alurny -

(Fin) Premier 2012 Rakuunat Bluejacket -

(Ice) First 2008 Hvöt Icelander83 -

(N.I) Premier 2033/34 Knockbreda NepentheZ 22 Domestic Titles

(N.I) Premier 2017/18 Sirocco Works dafuge 7 Domestic Titles

(N.I) Premier 2014/15 Lisbon Rangers gaijin 2 Domestic Title.

(N.I) Premier 2011/12 Coleraine Crusaders gers51 -

(N.I) First 2011/12 Killyleagh AztecCrute -

(Nor) Premier 2012 Orn Horten jamieslowe -

(Nor) First 2012 Randaberg IL Gundo -

(Nor) Second 2010 FKUM Oslo rlipscombe -

(Nor) First 2012 KIL/Hemne CoatesyWins -

(Rom) Second 2008/09 Lotus Luceafãrul 442to445 -

(Rus) Premier 2015 Amur Blagoveschensk johnnyquest409 1 Domestic Title

(Ser) Super 2010/11 Obilic Belgrade dave safc -

(Slk) Second 2009/10 FK Raca catesy2021 -

(Slk) Chall. 2009/10 Baden mocko666 -

(Swe) Premier 2017 Gestrike-Hammarby IF Scab 2 Domestic Title

(Swe) First 2010 Limhamns IF pl-fikander -

(Swe) Premier 2010 Limhamns IF Truegunner -

(Swe) First 2010 Gauthiod Suma -

(Swe) Second 2009 Gantofta IF padmore_001 -

(Swi) Premier 2012/13 FC Baulmes Jazza -

(Swi) Premier 2017/18 SC YF Juventus Annihilator666 -

(Swi) Chall. 2015/16 FC UGS ghostwriter -

(Swi) Chall. 2008 FC Bex Flashman's S' D' -

(Wal) Premier 2008/09 Maesteg Mike_Cardinal -

(Wal) Premier 2008/09 Afan Lido dlnwba86 - </pre>

Sorry Gundo, im in the 2nd division now. Just finished 3rd in my first season there so will hopefully be a first division club soon!

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saab693 - KSK Hasselt - 2009/2010 - Belgian Second Division

Decided I'd do a very quick update before I started my third season.

League Table

Play-Off Stage

Really chuffed with our first season in the division. As our club information shows, we were predicted to finish 18th so 3rd is good enough for me. We didnt quite have enough in the playoff stage to gain promotion. Annoyingly we won 2 and drew 1 in our first three games of the group but La Louviere proved too difficult for us in the end. Mons probably deserved the promotion in all fairness and I dont think we're good enough still to compete in the top flight.

Other Information

Confidence Pt 1

Confidence Pt 2


Player Of The Season

Season XI

Overall XI

Finances still not great but the board are only slightly concerned about it. If we'd have gone up we'd have been looking at another stadium expansion which would have really screwed us. Pleased with everything else.

No details on players because I pretty much used the same squad as the previous year! My top scorer only got 11 league goals which is a concern so I'll definitely be looking to invest in a couple of strikers.

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Newport YMCA - End of Season 1 08/09

Expectation - 18th

Final League Position - 7th

All in all I am quite proud of the first season - if we could learn to hold on to a lead we would stand a c hance of sitting a little higher. As is though, the team of freebies did their job and now I can work on cementing our top half status (maybe).

Or it will all go wrong...

With super coach Robert Prosinecki on board what can possibly go wrong? I'm dreading the next season...



Best Eleven

Season Summary

Great fun this - glad I stumbled upon the post. To season 2! icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by Gundo:

My boy Myhre has finally hit the form he has promised for many seasons. icon_cool.gif

he's hit form and then some!! icon14.gif

as for my first season in the first division, progress has been slow with being away, but i've reached half way and am sat in 5th, which i'm very chuffed with. star performer once more has been Odion Ighalo, who's hit 14 goals in 16 games.

As for Ringstad, he went 10 hours with out a goal at one stage, but has found his form once more which is a relief. he's picked up an injury and is out for a month though - thankfully we're at mid-season break!! icon_cool.gif

Myhre for me is doing alright. rotating with Ravndal, and has the edge at the monent.

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Originally posted by rlipscombe:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gundo:

My boy Myhre has finally hit the form he has promised for many seasons. icon_cool.gif

he's hit form and then some!! icon14.gif

as for my first season in the first division, progress has been slow with being away, but i've reached half way and am sat in 5th, which i'm very chuffed with. star performer once more has been Odion Ighalo, who's hit 14 goals in 16 games.

As for Ringstad, he went 10 hours with out a goal at one stage, but has found his form once more which is a relief. he's picked up an injury and is out for a month though - thankfully we're at mid-season break!! icon_cool.gif

Myhre for me is doing alright. rotating with Ravndal, and has the edge at the monent. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's not an easy division really, it would be a piece of cake without the pro teams. icon_biggrin.gif

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