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Unofficial let's talk FM features thread

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31 minutes ago, prot651 said:

Any news on what FMT has in the way of improvements . An editor for example


FMT News coming soon apparently.

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3 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

What features would you specifically have liked to see? 

As far has i'm concerned this years features could go like this:

FM 19 new Features:

New Match Engine...

The end...

I would buy it the second i read it, this way, just got more money to buy Red Dead Redemption 2, first time i don't buy this since my teens...

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1 hour ago, legnerschorsch said:

Since we now have a general feedback thread, I will repeat my post from another thread.

I don´t like the direction the development is heading. SI creates a huge merchandise drama and then the first new feature they celebrate is a new Skin. THEY set the emphasis. Sorry, this is no improvement! The community creates much better skins for already a decade. It´s a feature that gives uncritical buyers an illusion something has changed.

Again, as long as the world cup final still looks the same like a non-league game the match engine is a failure. This is what they should be working on. I also don´t understand why they don´t add a stadium editor. Then the community would do the majority of the work for them. This would significantly improve the match day experience.

I´m turned off by their communication and self-celebration. At least, they could be honest and switch to a system of yearly licenses. I would gladly pay the same price. But I would´t feel like they are trying to take me for an idiot any longer.




Agreed. Last years introduction of the winners podium was good and what like a first step that has not been followed up on this year. 

It's hard to say how exactly it should be done but a stadium editor sounds like a good idea. Differentiating a league game to a cup final or World Cup would make special games feel special.

It adds to the immersion which is almost as important as the more technical management side.


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 I am good with the changes so far, maybe the UI might be a bit simplistic looking for me so will look to the skinners to improve on that.

Possible daft question alert :hopefully not, here goes:

What I want to know is will the tactical changes actually translate into the ME so that not only do you see the changes in 2/3D but they actually work! Probably daft (do forgive) but I was wondering about the correlation between them both?

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6 часов назад, Neil Brock сказал:

What features would you specifically have liked to see? 

Dear Neil,

As I play journeyman for 30-40 seasons, I want to see sane decisions of AI team formation (transfers), including upgrade of Director of Sport. Btw I already wrote about this in wishlist.
A lot of good players for sale and free agents, which ignored by AI teams. Also AI bought good players which no play by few seasons and didnt move out.

+ I few times asked about statistics of games/goals include all oficial games, not only league matches.
Milestones still don't work. Sivler/bronze medals works only for managers, not for players. Milestones in final only for 11 start squad + 7 reserve. If my leader injured and team won, he not milestoned of cup. I like statictics and these little things important for me.

Also regens very random, imo you need to create patterns for every role, because regens like BWM with vision 17 and pass 11 its sad.


P.S. I can't see logic of clubs sign managers. Totally random, very unlogic decisions

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There will I expect be further reveals and some small elements you will need to discover.

Additionally we know it will take a number of years to revamp all modules. No doubt some will be delighted with the changes for this version and you can't please everyone

Besides until we can all get our hands on the game we don't really know how good it will be so try not to be too disheartened just yet :)


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2 minutes ago, ben carter said:

Has anything been done to our ability to skin things? I don't wish to be a Debbie downer but I really don't like all the purple. 

Stop worrying :D There will be the potential for skins on Steam Workshop



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Im surprised theres not more positivity about the releases. 

Much better than getting another new feature to add to the list of things that need an overhaul (social media) we are seeing age old existing modules get enhanced (tactics, training). Ok VAR will quickly get old, but it is part of real life game and this forum had plenty of requests for it! And the new skin wont be everyones cup of tea (im just glad whenever the menus stay roughly the same so on my first load i dont wate 3 hours trying to find where player search has moved to). 

For me, i was scathing last year. Social media and dynamics werw like opening the front door and stepping on a fresh dog turd... This year feels like opening the door and finding a £10er and for once its not raining. 

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5 saat önce, Neil Brock said:

What features would you specifically have liked to see? 

I’m excited with new tactic features and training. 

Can we have advanced set piece set-ups? 

A Generic Role for Winger Forward position could be very good, too. 

 I loved coherence arrows between players in FM 2018. New arrows between LFB-LDM/LCMRFB-RDM/RCM, LCM-LWFRCM-RWFCF-WFsAM-WFs, DM-CBs, RFB-RCB and LFB-LCB could be good.


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5 小时前, Chris21说:

Its not an excuse, I want it better but I don't think its an important aspect of the game. I also know for a fact if SI revamped and improved the 3D then they'd have the same problems with people moaning other areas (much more important ones) hadn't been improved.

Yes its the same product, its football manager? I don't know you expect it to be? SI are just a victim of there own success almost. 

I don't think you want the best FM possible at all. I think you want an FM that bows to the pressure of looking like a fancy pretty game and for it to lose its identity. I also know that despite your whinging you'll still play the game and get hours and hours of fun out of it. Its the best value for money game on the market.

I'll balance this post out though because I'll be accused of blind faith and sticking up for SI too much, but VAR is a poor feature reveal and shouldn't be in the game yet and will get annoying imo.

Yes it is an excuse. There are problems with animation that makes gameplay completely unrealistic. For example in fm the only way for player in FM to beat opposition defender is to knock the ball past the defender, but in real life players can use technical moves like stepovers etc to make slower players beat a faster opponent. This is probably why in current ME players never cuts inside from the endline cuz with current animations they just cant but irl it happens often. Also there is the problems with player standing still beside the ball, unrealistic physical contact, keepers hesitating often when rushing out, players running full speed and suddenly slows down with no transition(shown in the VAR footage of the feature reveal), keepers occasionally sliding on the goal line during penalties..... the list goes on and on. C'mon, this is 2018 and GPUs are able to process graphic 10x the quality of the current ME. Even mobile games have better graphics.

My first football game was FIFA 12 on mobile and it got me into football management games(there was no ultimate team back then). 6 yrs later a PC based game has worse graphics than a mobile game released in 2011.... it's a disgrace. I'll probably still buy it but i felt increasingly frustrated every yr

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1 hour ago, westy8chimp said:

Im surprised theres not more positivity about the releases. 

Are you really?  It's always like this.  Lots of new features and you'd get people like you were last year complaining as such, not as many, and nothing's changed.  The default setting is miserable, because nothing will ever match up to the hype that people build up for themselves.  Or, perhaps worse, people read some text and decide that a feature is going to be the greatest thing ever made, ever.  Then get disappointed later on when it doesn't match the imagined hype.

I'd say the reaction hasn't surprised me one bit.

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Tactics overhauled and modernised - needed doing and the community have asked for this = tick

Training overhauled and modernised - needed doing and the community have asked for this = tick

VAR is part of the modern game and FM seeks to accurately simulate the modern game = tick

- note, I do get the concerns about it becoming tedious - I daresay there will be an option in the type of highlights selection to tone it down for those who wish to.

New interface etc. looks fine to me. You can't please everyone and if people don't like the colours, download a skin.

Re. graphics, this isn't FIFA its Football Manager, a strategy game. It doesn't need high-end graphics and given that SI aren't a big studio, I'd much rather they put their efforts into the management & strategy aspects of the game - which they are doing. If you want flashy graphics, there are other games for that.

Re. stadiums. As a manager, you don't get to choose stadium design, so I can't see why stadium design should be in FM.

I suspect the vast majority of people are happy with the new features, will buy the game and spend many hours playing it :)

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7 minutes ago, Lord Rowell said:

Tactics overhauled and modernised - needed doing and the community have asked for this = tick

Training overhauled and modernised - needed doing and the community have asked for this = tick

VAR is part of the modern game and FM seeks to accurately simulate the modern game = tick

- note, I do get the concerns about it becoming tedious - I daresay there will be an option in the type of highlights selection to tone it down for those who wish to.

New interface etc. looks fine to me. You can't please everyone and if people don't like the colours, download a skin.

Re. graphics, this isn't FIFA its Football Manager, a strategy game. It doesn't need high-end graphics and given that SI aren't a big studio, I'd much rather they put their efforts into the management & strategy aspects of the game - which they are doing. If you want flashy graphics, there are other games for that.

Re. stadiums. As a manager, you don't get to choose stadium design, so I can't see why stadium design should be in FM.

I suspect the vast majority of people are happy with the new features, will buy the game and spend many hours playing it :)

At the very least, its been confirmed that there is already an option in the editor to change this

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I am sure there will be more reveals over the next few days.  I definitely wouldn't be concerned yet, for those who are.   Wait for the entire package to be revealed, then make a conclusion.


Other than the purple perhaps taking some getting used to, i think its looking good


VAR was always going to be a talking point re. its inclusion.  For me, it had to be brought in to replicate the real world of football management as much as possible.  Goal line technology too. 



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First year in about 15 that I'm not preordeing the game.

The game has become far to convulted for my liking in recent years. I got so fed up of answering the same repetitive press questions and assigning tasks to my assistant manager.

I play football manager touch usually these days which does help trim all the chores and repetitive tasks.

I clocked up 300+ hours on every release of FM, apart from last year I had 40.

I appreciate that there is only so much they can add to the game, but let's not pretend these 'features' are anything but the same features with a new coat of paint.

AI squad building and dynamic potential ability is something that fans have been calling for improvements for a long time.

Not to mention the awful 3D match engine. Whilst we don't play it for the graphics, there are mobile phone games out now that look better.

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To anyone saying "Football manager is about management no need for new engine" :

Football manager is not only about management. Yes, transfers, development etc are fun but its a football SIMULATION game at the end of the day. It's all about creating a virtual reality. The match day is a big part of it and  if its not realistic the game is much less fun. There is a mobile game called PES manager that features a good 3d engine and it improves your experience cuz the players actually behaves like real persons. If a mobile game does that I cant see why FM cant do it. It's already 2018, we are already expecting next gen graphic cards while fm still has a 3d engine from 10 yrs ago

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On the one hand, I'm absolutely gobsmacked by how shoddy everything released today is. It all almost looks like a spoof. 

On the other, the comments across the forum including on this page show just how wide a range of things there are that people want out the game, si can't please everyone. 

It definitely seems the game is continuing its march towards being a mobile game, yet people are complaining its too convoluted. Mental. 

Please tell me it will at least show what number goal of the season it is when someone scores? I'll probably reluctantly buy it if so, despite all indications being that the design is being wilfully made worse for the third year than in a row. 

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10 hours ago, akm.91 said:

Sorry, but just another poor excuse. 

We know it’s a management game, many of us have played it for YEARS. But things also evolve. FM made a massive deal over the 3D match engine when they introduced it years ago, now it’s just incredibly poor. Nothing realistic about it, graphics wise or technically. They chose to introduce the 3D engine, so they need to make sure it keeps on improving. 

If you produce the same product year after year, don’t come across like people shouldn’t raise those complaints consistently. 

At the end of the day, we all want the best FM possible. But this whole feature reveal today leaves so much to be desired. This website is full of brilliant feature requests...and yet one of their headline features is a new user interface? Is that a joke?? It looks exactly the same as last year, except this one is purple. But this is a HEADLINE FEATURE? 

Man, they have a lot of work to do. 

Totally agree . 3D is a failure in FM18 . I loaded some older versions the other night and played 3D on 12 .  13 . 14 . 15 .16 and 17 and was appalled by what they dished up on FM18.  It was a b8g step backwards this year . Won't preorder and going to wait on the release for people's reviews.  Not wasting money this year . I pkay FM17 now and I'm happy

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So is this it for features? The topic says "more to come in the weeks before launch" but what exactly is "more"? 

Honestly this set of features is one of the most underwhelming since I've been playing FM for nearly 15 years now. Nothing about scouting, nothing about the AI, nothing major in general. The new tactics overhaul looks nice but the training overhaul looks to be more busy work and pointless interaction. 

Anyway, hopefully more stuff is announced in the coming weeks but so far this looks like a bargain bin purchase come February - March.

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24 minutes ago, grasu said:

So is this it for features? The topic says "more to come in the weeks before launch" but what exactly is "more"? 

Honestly this set of features is one of the most underwhelming since I've been playing FM for nearly 15 years now. Nothing about scouting, nothing about the AI, nothing major in general. The new tactics overhaul looks nice but the training overhaul looks to be more busy work and pointless interaction. 

Anyway, hopefully more stuff is announced in the coming weeks but so far this looks like a bargain bin purchase come February - March.

Those were the headline features. We already know that we get ME and AI improvements every year. It's standard as work on that never stops. Remember, the AI will need to use the new ME styles and instructions too.

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10 hours ago, themadsheep2001 said:

At the very least, its been confirmed that there is already an option in the editor to change this

I understood that to mean there's an option to uncheck VAR in the competition file, which if correct means it must be done pre-save & removes the use of VAR entirely rather than keeping it to minimise errors but not having to wait while we watch what is essentially a prolonged still image of an official looking at a screen or listening to another official through their earpiece.

I imagine Brocky would have seen the benefit in quickly confirming that a skip animation function has been inlcued therefore as that has been no comfirmation it does seem to suggest that one does not currently exist, assuming that's the case then hopefully initial feedback will see the UI team step in to code a skip function into the match viewer.

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I'm disappointed and surprised there is little to zero features regarding immersion.

IMMERSION is one of the most important aspect of the game. Many of us play FM because we would have loved to be a football manager in another life. So its key the game creates an atmosphère that make us feel we are one. There is SO MUCH room for improvements and exciting new features. It would really be the beginning of a new era for the game.

- Match Day Experience. Why does a regular league game feels the same than a World Cup final?

- Stadiums. It has been said above: all stadiums look the same. If SI don't want to do the dirty work, the community will be glad to do it with the help of a stadium editor.

- Match Sounds. They have been the same since my first FM i think, 05. SI underestimates their importance because many people turn them off but I believe if the match sounds were more realistic and less boring it would not be the case

- 3D. Yes its not FIFA. But its 2018, i'm sure FM could have at least the graphics of a mobile game. Make something more detailed, immersive, fun to watch.

- Regen Faces. Again wrongly understimated by SI. Diverse and realistic regen faces make the game less repetitive and boring, especially for people who tend to do long term saves.

- Dynamics. Dynamic rivalries were a good start but why did SI stop there? Dynamics are capital. FM world needs to be always changing to make each saves different and long ones less boring. Dynamic potential ability, nations golden generations, clubs bankruptcies, clubs/leagues rebranding, teams expansions (adding youth/reserve team), player sudden retirement, more off football news.

- Players personality. Is it me or managing Anelka and Lampard feels the same? I would love to see a clearer distinction between badboys and professionals. In FM18, i just felt everybody moans. 

- Presidents. They are our employer, yet we the only things we know about them are their nationality and name. Presidents should have a profile like other staff members do. Let us know more about them, previous teams owned, personality, wealth?

- Animations/cutscenes. Why not add animations off the pitch since we have a 3D manager? Press conferences, trophy cabinet, contract negociations, dressing room, new stadium, etc

- Big events. World Cup, Euros are barely noticeable ingame. Make us live these events such. Reports, best moments highlights, hype, history, etc

- Agents. They should have more influence in game. Relations with agents should be key. IRL: Some clubs/presidents/managers refuse to deal at all with certain agents. We see agents being heavily linked to some clubs (Jorge Mendes and Wolves). Some agents push their players to go on strike. We need more super agents.

- Press Conferences. It needs to be rethought. I've no clue how tho.

- Social network: Would be nice to have an official facebook/twitter account for each club and figures about followers.


Think outside the box SI :)


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23 minutes ago, ClemB said:

- Match Sounds. They have been the same since my first FM i think, 05. SI underestimates their importance because many people turn them off but I believe if the match sounds were more realistic and less boring it would not be the case

That's one of the few areas where FM lets itself down, in my opinion. Like most people, I just turn them off at the earliest opportunity. I'd obviously like to see this improved in future, but I can understand why it might not be particularly high on SI's list of priorities.

23 minutes ago, ClemB said:

- 3D. Yes its not FIFA. But its 2018, i'm sure FM could have at least the graphics of a mobile game. Make something more detailed, immersive, fun to watch.

"At least the graphics of a mobile game" is very generic. That tells me nothing. There are a few good-looking football mobile games out there, but most of them look pretty plain, if you ask me.

To those of you who don't like 3D in FM as it is now... instead of complaining that it's poor compared to a mobile game, or that the game looks like it was made in 1993, how about you tell SI exactly what you want to see in future? How precisely could the 3D aspect of FM be improved, bearing in mind that SI want to keep the game playable for those FMers who still use old laptops?

23 minutes ago, ClemB said:

- Regen Faces. Again wrongly understimated by SI. Diverse and realistic regen faces make the game less repetitive and boring, especially for people who tend to do long term saves.

Newgen faces are a big part of immersing myself in a long-term FM save, for sure. Just because SI haven't yet mentioned improvements to newgen faces in FM19, though, doesn't necessarily mean that they haven't improved them at all. It just means that it's not a 'headline feature', and that there may be news on this in the future.

23 minutes ago, ClemB said:

- Presidents. They are our employer, yet we the only things we know about them are their nationality and name. Presidents should have a profile like other staff members do. Let us know more about them, previous teams owned, personality, wealth?

Chairmen used to have accessible profiles back in CM99/00, and maybe one or two versions after that, where you could view their attributes such as Patience and Resources. I'm still not entirely sure why they've been hidden in later games.

23 minutes ago, ClemB said:

- Animations/cutscenes. Why not add animations off the pitch since we have a 3D manager? Press conferences, trophy cabinet, contract negociations, dressing room, new stadium, etc

Erm... why? What would they add to the game, exactly?

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Il y a 1 heure, CFuller a dit :

That's one of the few areas where FM lets itself down, in my opinion. Like most people, I just turn them off at the earliest opportunity. I'd obviously like to see this improved in future, but I can understand why it might not be particularly high on SI's list of priorities.

"At least the graphics of a mobile game" is very generic. That tells me nothing. There are a few good-looking football mobile games out there, but most of them look pretty plain, if you ask me.

To those of you who don't like 3D in FM as it is now... instead of complaining that it's poor compared to a mobile game, or that the game looks like it was made in 1993, how about you tell SI exactly what you want to see in future? How precisely could the 3D aspect of FM be improved, bearing in mind that SI want to keep the game playable for those FMers who still use old laptops?

Newgen faces are a big part of immersing myself in a long-term FM save, for sure. Just because SI haven't yet mentioned improvements to newgen faces in FM19, though, doesn't necessarily mean that they haven't improved them at all. It just means that it's not a 'headline feature', and that there may be news on this in the future.

Chairmen used to have accessible profiles back in CM99/00, and maybe one or two versions after that, where you could view their attributes such as Patience and Resources. I'm still not entirely sure why they've been hidden in later games.

Erm... why? What would they add to the game, exactly?


1. I was obviously referring to the good ones to show technology has advanced and we can have decent graphics on less performing machines nowadays.

Simply better graphics. 

People with old laptops could still use the 2D or reduce the graphics with sliders. 

2. I've seen an FM19 screenshot where you could still a regen face and they look almost the same than FM18 ones.

3. Those attributes can be seen in the editor but yea they are hidden ingame.

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2 часа назад, CFuller сказал:

exactly what you want to see in future?

Match Engine this is immense labor, if we talking about simulation.
But how old this foundation of visual design? Ball moves like stone. Players move like in Nintendo 25 years ago!

Current 3D ME is 2D which was "inflate". This is good temp decision, but use it from year to year? SI not little indi gamestudio which tried to create first donate project.

Current updates of visual ME (not talking AI) is like doing repairs in a dilapidated house. 


So, in general we need fully new modern ME. Its not about nextgen graphics, its about adequate graphics for 2018.
Of course we will not have it :) But as I understand this is a limit for curren engine, isnt?
I really not sure that this visual design is correct and respectful for consumers. 

2 часа назад, CFuller сказал:

keep the game playable for those FMers who still use old laptops?

What kind of year are we talking about? This is good to support laptops of 2005 year in 2012-2015 years, but stop the development for PC of 10-15 years old?
This is unique case in world game industry btw. Even MMORPG WoW updated their product few years ago after ~10 years of using.

Also FM17 really better 3D Engine (especially crowd on tribunes) in comparison of FM18.
Bug of 2D Kit Outline vanished posted in last november. Still not repair. I already said about dilapidated house. 
I dont agressive and not tried to hurt anyone, but this situation keep going few years and I and a lot of other from your million costumers want possitive changes

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26 minutes ago, Novem9 said:

Match Engine this is immense labor, if we talking about simulation.
But how old this foundation of visual design? Ball moves like stone. Players move like in Nintendo 25 years ago!

Anyone playing FM now who also played any Nintendo game in 1993 will tell you that your comparisons are ridiculous hyperbole.

The match engine and graphics engine have both improved significantly over the last 10 years. There is of course a lot of work still to be done, but the new animations SI have put in should hopefully make the game look and feel more realistic than ever. And yes, I feel that FM's graphics engine - even as it is now - is not out of place in 2018.

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11 минут назад, CFuller сказал:

Anyone playing FM now who also played any Nintendo game in 1993 will tell you that your comparisons are ridiculous hyperbole.


50/50 :) I talking about animation of moves. Players like objects which fly (soar?) over field.


I carefully choose words, because I grew up in conditions where it was necessary, and I do not like your attempts to accuse me of unfoundedness. So lets see:






I played in FM17 in last week and was really suprised better quality of 3D visual

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20 hours ago, Novem9 said:

Dear Neil,

As I play journeyman for 30-40 seasons, I want to see sane decisions of AI team formation (transfers), including upgrade of Director of Sport. Btw I already wrote about this in wishlist.
A lot of good players for sale and free agents, which ignored by AI teams. Also AI bought good players which no play by few seasons and didnt move out.

+ I few times asked about statistics of games/goals include all oficial games, not only league matches.
Milestones still don't work. Sivler/bronze medals works only for managers, not for players. Milestones in final only for 11 start squad + 7 reserve. If my leader injured and team won, he not milestoned of cup. I like statictics and these little things important for me.

Also regens very random, imo you need to create patterns for every role, because regens like BWM with vision 17 and pass 11 its sad.


P.S. I can't see logic of clubs sign managers. Totally random, very unlogic decisions

If AI managers are making signings which you don't think are realistic, we'd need save game examples to look into it. 

We don't include 'all' history currently due to the way in which the data is gathered. It can be quite restricted during the research phase. Whilst say in England it's relatively easy to get all the relevant information and statistics, it's not so easy across every country. For that reason and for consistencies sake of 'pre game start' and 'post game start' history matching, we only include League statistics. 

Lots of different competitions have different rules for how medals are given out - there's no one rule across all competitions. It's something we're aware of and are researching. 

If Newgens appear and you don't think they're realistic, again we'd need examples to look into it.

And again with clubs appointing managers, if you don't think the logic is right we'd need to see save game examples to investigate further. 


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17 минут назад, Neil Brock сказал:

If AI managers are making signings which you don't think are realistic, we'd need save game examples to look into it. 

We don't include 'all' history currently due to the way in which the data is gathered. It can be quite restricted during the research phase. Whilst say in England it's relatively easy to get all the relevant information and statistics, it's not so easy across every country. For that reason and for consistencies sake of 'pre game start' and 'post game start' history matching, we only include League statistics. 

Lots of different competitions have different rules for how medals are given out - there's no one rule across all competitions. It's something we're aware of and are researching. 

If Newgens appear and you don't think they're realistic, again we'd need examples to look into it.

And again with clubs appointing managers, if you don't think the logic is right we'd need to see save game examples to investigate further. 


I inform your colleagues in bug threads as I can.

Concerning history - it is difficult to count cup and eurocups games IRL, but open it for games in FM please! Is there any critical damage for statistics?

Im not sure about details of medals, but I think if your team use 3th place - in player's milestones it need to show up.
It's little strange if player skip final, he hasn't milestone about this. This is good in WorldCup in FM - all 23 players has medals and milestone. Including injured. Maybe do it is for all club tournaments too? All players signed for season (sorry dont know about this list named in English) have milestones of club. Like this

If you simulate any save for 5-10 years, you see all of I wrote. I see it every save in FM1#
And not just me



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Stadium creator is a great idea which I thoroughly endorse. This player base must be huge, I'm sure eventually we'd have a unique stadium for every professional team in the big 5 leagues. 

Another thing I'd like to see is the ability to directly manipulate certain settings in the game. In FIFA 17/18, users are able to edit a .txt file and alter the start date in-game, transfer frequency of AI teams and even the gameplay. In terms of gameplay, users can edit the friction of the ball for example determining how quickly a pass is played. I'm not looking for something like this with FM because I don't think it would work. One thing I'd be looking for is the ability to alter the injury frequency of my own team and AI teams. 

I don't envisage this being worked into a feature anytime soon but my thoughts are out there at least.

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5 小时前, CFuller说:

To those of you who don't like 3D in FM as it is now... instead of complaining that it's poor compared to a mobile game, or that the game looks like it was made in 1993, how about you tell SI exactly what you want to see in future? How precisely could the 3D aspect of FM be improved, bearing in mind that SI want to keep the game playable for those FMers who still use old laptops?

Are you joking? If you have a laptop that has 2gb ram and a processor/graphics card from late 2000s it belongs to the trash can. You can't run more than 5 leagues and the battery would be pretty much destroyed from years of usage. I mean even the cheapest laptops nowadays can handle decent graphics. 

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25 minutes ago, user111 said:

Are you joking? If you have a laptop that has 2gb ram and a processor/graphics card from late 2000s it belongs to the trash can. You can't run more than 5 leagues and the battery would be pretty much destroyed from years of usage. I mean even the cheapest laptops nowadays can handle decent graphics. 

You'll be surprised to learn how many FM players still use old laptops.

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38 minutes ago, user111 said:

Are you joking? If you have a laptop that has 2gb ram and a processor/graphics card from late 2000s it belongs to the trash can. You can't run more than 5 leagues and the battery would be pretty much destroyed from years of usage. I mean even the cheapest laptops nowadays can handle decent graphics. 

 I used my old computer for work, which is basically Gmail (and the GoogleApps it comes with), Microsoft Office and Abode Reader, and to play FM. It was from 2010, had an integrated graphic card and 4GB of RAM and had a pretty decent capability to run FM (didn`t use 3D graphics), I could run the top 2 divisions from the top 6-7 leagues. I bought a laptop this year for the same purposes, work and FM, and I probably will use it for at least 5-6 years. The day FM will become so demanding that I`d need a top of the range laptop/PC and have to upgrade it every 2 years, I`ll just stop buying the game. And my guess is there`s plenty of people like me.

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On 27/09/2018 at 18:04, Nuno Dias said:

As far has i'm concerned this years features could go like this:

FM 19 new Features:

New Match Engine...

The end...

I would buy it the second i read it, this way, just got more money to buy Red Dead Redemption 2, first time i don't buy this since my teens...

What? You want them to chuck away a engine they've been developing for decades and program something entirely new? That is almost certain to result in a FAR lower quality ME than what we have now.

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23 hours ago, Lucas said:

Stop worrying :D There will be the potential for skins on Steam Workshop



I take it Miles hasn't looked at the Workshop for FM18 as there are just 11 skins uploaded for FM18 :D (well technically only three really - half of them empty ones that look like they were uploaded in error and due to the limitations of the workshop I had to upload three versions of mine).

Hopefully the Workshop options will have had some work done for FM19 as it doesn't work that well for skins (there is no end-user customization as they are packed like the default skins) or graphics.

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7 hours ago, ClemB said:

I'm disappointed and surprised there is little to zero features regarding immersion.

IMMERSION is one of the most important aspect of the game. Many of us play FM because we would have loved to be a football manager in another life. So its key the game creates an atmosphère that make us feel we are one. There is SO MUCH room for improvements and exciting new features. It would really be the beginning of a new era for the game.

- Match Day Experience. Why does a regular league game feels the same than a World Cup final?

- Stadiums. It has been said above: all stadiums look the same. If SI don't want to do the dirty work, the community will be glad to do it with the help of a stadium editor.

- Match Sounds. They have been the same since my first FM i think, 05. SI underestimates their importance because many people turn them off but I believe if the match sounds were more realistic and less boring it would not be the case

- 3D. Yes its not FIFA. But its 2018, i'm sure FM could have at least the graphics of a mobile game. Make something more detailed, immersive, fun to watch.

- Regen Faces. Again wrongly understimated by SI. Diverse and realistic regen faces make the game less repetitive and boring, especially for people who tend to do long term saves.

- Dynamics. Dynamic rivalries were a good start but why did SI stop there? Dynamics are capital. FM world needs to be always changing to make each saves different and long ones less boring. Dynamic potential ability, nations golden generations, clubs bankruptcies, clubs/leagues rebranding, teams expansions (adding youth/reserve team), player sudden retirement, more off football news.

- Players personality. Is it me or managing Anelka and Lampard feels the same? I would love to see a clearer distinction between badboys and professionals. In FM18, i just felt everybody moans. 

- Presidents. They are our employer, yet we the only things we know about them are their nationality and name. Presidents should have a profile like other staff members do. Let us know more about them, previous teams owned, personality, wealth?

- Animations/cutscenes. Why not add animations off the pitch since we have a 3D manager? Press conferences, trophy cabinet, contract negociations, dressing room, new stadium, etc

- Big events. World Cup, Euros are barely noticeable ingame. Make us live these events such. Reports, best moments highlights, hype, history, etc

- Agents. They should have more influence in game. Relations with agents should be key. IRL: Some clubs/presidents/managers refuse to deal at all with certain agents. We see agents being heavily linked to some clubs (Jorge Mendes and Wolves). Some agents push their players to go on strike. We need more super agents.

- Press Conferences. It needs to be rethought. I've no clue how tho.

- Social network: Would be nice to have an official facebook/twitter account for each club and figures about followers.


Think outside the box SI :)


Completely agree.

Immersion is the biggest aspect and seems to have been neglected in recent years. 


I could win the world cup with San Marino and it feel the same as winning the charity shield with Man city.


I've been banging on about potential PA for years.


Better AI squad building is essential. It takes away from immersion having a team like man united buy a player of me for 30 million and then never play him. This happens alot.


The graphics are well outdated. As I've said in a previous post, there are mobile phone games that look better.


All the things they add like repetitive press questions, squad chemistry and whiny players, just take away from the immersion because they become a chore and I'm just going through the motions

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6 minutes ago, Spurs08 said:

What? You want them to chuck away a engine they've been developing for decades and program something entirely new? That is almost certain to result in a FAR lower quality ME than what we have now.

Pro evolution soccer got the fox engine in 2013. Whilst the first couple of years were rocky, 18 and 19s gameplay shows its reaping it's rewards.

They can't stick with an outdated engine because it would be too much work

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一小时前, Marius_R说:

 I used my old computer for work, which is basically Gmail (and the GoogleApps it comes with), Microsoft Office and Abode Reader, and to play FM. It was from 2010, had an integrated graphic card and 4GB of RAM and had a pretty decent capability to run FM (didn`t use 3D graphics), I could run the top 2 divisions from the top 6-7 leagues. I bought a laptop this year for the same purposes, work and FM, and I probably will use it for at least 5-6 years. The day FM will become so demanding that I`d need a top of the range laptop/PC and have to upgrade it every 2 years, I`ll just stop buying the game. And my guess is there`s plenty of people like me.

I'm not asking for SI to be EA to make huge upgrades every year, I'm just asking for something close to PES mobile or FIFA12 on PC. They can just do bug fixes each year after making a new engine and i'm ok with that. If you bought a new laptop it should sustain you for 4-5 yrs no problem cuz surely it can handle the graphics a few years ago

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3 minutes ago, user111 said:

I'm not asking for SI to be EA to make huge upgrades every year, I'm just asking for something close to PES mobile or FIFA12 on PC. They can just do bug fixes each year after making a new engine and i'm ok with that. If you bought a new laptop it should sustain you for 4-5 yrs no problem cuz surely it can handle the graphics a few years ago

I've got an 8-year-old gaming laptop that theoretically could still run FM19 to what I consider an adequate level, yet it couldn't run FIFA 15 at all.

I'm sure somebody mentioned on another thread that SI will soon have to make a big decision. Do they keep the game playable for most of their fanbase, thereby limiting the graphical improvements they can make? Or do they go bold and overhaul the graphics, thereby potentially losing thousands of customers who perhaps cannot afford to buy new computers?

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22 minutes ago, CFuller said:

I've got an 8-year-old gaming laptop that theoretically could still run FM19 to what I consider an adequate level, yet it couldn't run FIFA 15 at all.

I'm sure somebody mentioned on another thread that SI will soon have to make a big decision. Do they keep the game playable for most of their fanbase, thereby limiting the graphical improvements they can make? Or do they go bold and overhaul the graphics, thereby potentially losing thousands of customers who perhaps cannot afford to buy new computers?

They wouldn't need to lose a fan base that's a bit melodramatic. Graphical option's these days can be changed. Low, medium, high and ultra. 


Also they could easily implement a 2D or text commentary only option for players that can't run it.


A company would not make inferior producing simply because some of its fan base has outdated hardware. If that were the case, playstation 2, 3 and 4 would never have been made

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1 小时前, CFuller说:

I've got an 8-year-old gaming laptop that theoretically could still run FM19 to what I consider an adequate level, yet it couldn't run FIFA 15 at all.

I'm sure somebody mentioned on another thread that SI will soon have to make a big decision. Do they keep the game playable for most of their fanbase, thereby limiting the graphical improvements they can make? Or do they go bold and overhaul the graphics, thereby potentially losing thousands of customers who perhaps cannot afford to buy new computers?

No, a new engine would only bring more new fans. The thing is most people judges a book by its cover and if someone with no experience in fm takes a look at fm's current ME they would be turned off instantly. Those with old computers are the minority of the minority(at least in NA and China) and it's not that expensive top buy a new laptop that can run mobile graphics

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The thing is, Sports Interactive are not a AAA games company making AAA games for AAA gamers. Their only regular title is a niche game (albeit a niche game that sells ~1 million units per year), and right now, it's probably not worth risking a notable chunk of those sales just to make FM look shinier.

Besides, one of FM's big selling points - in my view - is that it has always favoured substance over style.

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It's a good thing SI already know that a significant part of their user base tend to play on old machines,. I'm not sure why people repeatedly argue against this when SI both acknowledge this and state they aim to strike a balance between pushing the limits and looking after their user base as a whole. Now it doesn't really matter if some people don't wan't believe this, but that's the state of play and thats the route they are going down for near future at least. 

Now people are welcome to be selfish about their own personal demands, but they'll also have to accept what they want, might not work for other users, and it might not be what SI want to do.

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2 hours ago, user111 said:

I'm not asking for SI to be EA to make huge upgrades every year, I'm just asking for something close to PES mobile or FIFA12 on PC. They can just do bug fixes each year after making a new engine and i'm ok with that. If you bought a new laptop it should sustain you for 4-5 yrs no problem cuz surely it can handle the graphics a few years ago

You really think that EA make huge upgrades to their annual sports titles?

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