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Is there a piece of code in the game that states the more players you have the more chance you have of injuries occurring? 

I can go the whole seasons with 23 players and not tend to get any long term injuries but the minute I boost the team to have around 28/29 the injuries seem to start flowing. 

ps I rotate heavily with both scenarios as I think team morale is obviously important to winning stuff. If you’re in the first team squad you play, simple as that.


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Injuries are on a grander scale only on 80% of real life according to SI. So if this were to mimic real life you should have 20% more injuries than you do, no matter the squad size.

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21 minutes ago, XaW said:

Injuries are on a grander scale only on 80% of real life according to SI. So if this were to mimic real life you should have 20% more injuries than you do, no matter the squad size.

Nice little tidbit, but completely irrelevant in regards to the OP's question.

4 hours ago, Liamgannon said:

I can go the whole seasons with 23 players and not tend to get any long term injuries but the minute I boost the team to have around 28/29 the injuries seem to start flowing. 

@sidslayer is spot on. But if it's not that, then maybe the increase in squad size leads to heavier training workloads for the players? Your training schedule will have a considerable impact on your players' susceptibility to injury.

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