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Hello folks,


Well my addictive personality has kicked in and now i need to know everything about FM before i fling myself into it.

I will be ordering a new laptop in the next few days and i need to know everything i can about the game.


What are the best books? Podcasts? You tube channels?


What would be considered a good average rating for a player over the course of a season in which leagues?


what would be considered a good number for certain attributes in different leagues?


I just want to educate myself with everything regarding the game.


I look forward to your suggestions,


Thank you.


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1 hour ago, bigbeezer said:

What are the best books? Podcasts? You tube channels?

A lot of personal preference there really. Some are very fun entertainment, while others are very instructional and educational, and there are a lot of various in between there. Quill18, LokiDoki, WorkTheSpace, Dr Benji, GoldenFM, Zeeland, Lullujo are some that come to mind while there are probably a million more (and I am certain I have forgotten some big ones!).

1 hour ago, bigbeezer said:

What would be considered a good average rating for a player over the course of a season in which leagues?

Depends on expectations, really. A 7 can be great for a team battling to avoid relegation, while only decent in a clear title winner.

In general, I'd say anyone can have fun with FM, and the only real requirements are a basic understanding of football. If you want to learn stuff I can also recomment Bustthenet on youtube.

Other than that you'd need to ask more specific questions, really! :)

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Just downloading FM21 on steam,


are there any updates i need to do once i download it or is it good to go? [ dont want any bugs lol]


also what are the best backgrounds and skins that you guys use?


and anything else i can add to make the game better?



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2 minutes ago, bigbeezer said:

Couldnt wait til i get my new laptop to play, hence the reason for downloading on steam just now, just had a thought tho??? is it just a case of downloading steam onto my new laptop and logging in and FM will be there?


Download Steam and log into your account, then you should be able to download and install FM from there.

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I would recommend the following mods:

- Realistic Transfer Preferences - no more Italians in Scandinavia or Americans in Russia

- Alternative Youth Rating - keeps nr of superstars in the future to the same level as today (otherwise a 300% increase)

- Smarter AI Managers - increases the difficulty so depends how challenging you want it to be

- Better Crowd Colours

- Awards Overhaul

- Media Overhaul

- 100 Youth Tournaments

All these can be found in this forum:


From Nik33's Data Pack I recommend Career Plans, Partnerships, Relationships and Generic Changes:


Finally, if you want to be up to date in terms of squads, staff etc you can download Darkness Data & Transfers mod, v4:


Oh, and real names fix of course!

Edited by freddieos
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