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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passes away. 21st April 1926 - 8th September 2022.

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1 minute ago, Garethjohn79 said:

You reckon winding a huge crowd peacefully watching a hears with a queen in it is the same as that? At no point have I said you shouldn't protest, I'm saying they have prevented an escalation by removing the antagonist who could have been severely hurt, should the police have left him be? The Police had the safety of thousands to look after including the tit. They didn't have an internet forum to debate over hours and days to decide what to do, they had a few minutes, in this case taking him away and letting him go was the best way to handle it. 

They weren't watching a hearse. They were at a proclamation of Charles which he disagreed with, which was hundreds of miles away from where the coffin is.

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5 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

This is the kind of ******** argument that sees minorities routinely have their rights violated by the police. So I would really like to know if you're going to defend racist policing soon

Yu are taking thing out of context and you know full well you are. Tell me what should the police have done Left him be? 

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13 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

People have lost their heads. 

It's the polarising nature that monarchy has, it gets tied in with patriotism quite often. Only have to see the usual eyes on Liverpool tonight happily juiced up and offended. 

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5 minutes ago, InigoPatinkin said:

The most efficient way is not the right way when it means denying innocent people the right to protest. 

Beating people up is against the law. Arrest people who try to do that. 

And they prevented him being assaulted. What is your priority his health or his right to protest?

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3 minutes ago, ginnybob said:

They weren't watching a hearse. They were at a proclamation of Charles which he disagreed with, which was hundreds of miles away from where the coffin is.

Unlike the Monarchist you are I've not been glued to the telly all day and have watched very little of any of it. But you are right let them protest, let them do it with thousands around who'll get annoyed, and let them risk their own safety. 

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Just now, Garethjohn79 said:

Unlike the Monarchist you are I've not been glued to the telly all day and have watched very little of any of it. But you are right let them protest, let them do it with thousands around who'll get annoyed, and let them risk their own safety. 

The hell are you on about? I've watched nothing on the TV. Why don't you try having a look at the things you're arguing about?

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6 minutes ago, InigoPatinkin said:

He's lucky you're not the police because the most efficient way of dealing with his poorly considered posts would be to ban him :D 

Why because I don't agree with you, you'd have done so? I've said umpteen times they have a right to protest, there is a time and a place. 


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3 minutes ago, Garethjohn79 said:

Why because I don't agree with you,. 

Well more so because it’s just a ridiculously argument. 

Like for example, if Inigo said he was going to slap the **** out of you unless you stopped posting such nonsense, who do you think the mods should ban?

Edited by Vynal Seven
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3 minutes ago, InigoPatinkin said:

"I couldn't be bothered to do a basic modicum of research on the topic I'm trying to discuss with others" is a hell of a take.

Are you sure you don't actually work for the police Gareth? 

I can't be bothered to spend as much time as you on twitter and internet forums no. But I do understand when the Police are taking the health of one tit into consideration as it happens in almost any city centre on a Saturday night. They remove those who are better being away from a situation than allowing them to stay and causing more problems. what's wrong with that? 

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Just now, ginnybob said:

What are those times and places? Just so we know when people are allowed to assault others with impunity and when they're not.

Pissed up twats who can't walk being taken home or advised to use a taxi for eg.

Those gobbing off not yet in a fight but looking for one and may get a good hiding later on. Get them away from a situation that may get them hurt or in further trouble. 

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3 minutes ago, ginnybob said:

What are those times and places? Just so we know when people are allowed to assault others with impunity and when they're not.

What's wrong in preventing the assault in the first place, by removing the antagonist, isn't that better for all including resources. Nobody got hurt, but if you are winding up a huge crowd the chances are someone will respond with violence. It's not illegal to wear your Sheffield Wednesday shirt around when the Blades aren't playing there Bramall Lane, but would you rather be left there to show off your right to wear the shirt there or be asked to move or cover it up for your own safety? 


In fact, I've got a very good idea what the posters arguing here will write on this one.  

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Just now, Garethjohn79 said:

What's wrong in preventing the assault in the first place, by removing the antagonist, isn't that better for all including resources. Nobody got hurt, but if you are winding up a huge crowd the chances are someone will respond with violence. It's not illegal to wear your Sheffield Wednesday shirt around when the Blades aren't playing there Bramall Lane, but would you rather be left there to show off your right to wear the shirt there or be asked to move or cover it up for your own safety? 


In fact, I've got a very good idea what the posters arguing here will write on this one.  

I wouldn't expect to be arrested for wearing my Wednesday shirt. You tried this ****** analogy before.

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8 minutes ago, ginnybob said:

I'm talking about people wanting to protest something.

Ok at what point do the Police consider the protesters safety, over their right to protest in front of a large crowd and should they ever consider the most efficient response to avoid it escalating? Is their liberty taken away for 10 minutes a worse outcome than the protestor being hurt? Is twenty police controlling a crowd later on a better use of resources than one using their fora short time.

What at no point have any of you done is explain what the police should have done differently. 


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5 minutes ago, ginnybob said:

I wouldn't expect to be arrested for wearing my Wednesday shirt. You tried this ****** analogy before.

They won't be arresting you they'd be removing you from a situation that'd be worse for you. Or would a god hiding be a better outcome than having your liberty lost for 10 minutes and given back once told to get on your way.

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Well for a start there's been no evidence that the guy in Oxford was ever in threat of being assaulted. You've just assumed he was. He wasn't being protected by the police. He was handcuffed and put in the back of a van after being arrested. That doesn't sound anything like the heroic boys in blue protecting an in danger individual.

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Just now, Garethjohn79 said:

They won't be arresting you they'd be removing you from a situation that'd be worse for you. Or would a god hiding be a better outcome than having your liberty lost for 10 minutes and given back once told to get on your way.

Well they would be arresting me if they literally arrested me. Jesus christ.


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5 minutes ago, InigoPatinkin said:

Are we supposed to be holding up the police treatment of away supporters as model policing methods now? :D 

I've seen half a dozen police in Newcastle effectively protect a 10-15 group of anti-vax protestors from a march of anti-fascists of closer to a thousand. I guess the real question is are the Met especially cowardly or are royalists just inherently violent? 

Where have I mentioned away supporters?

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10 minutes ago, InigoPatinkin said:

If your objection is to the definition of "away supporters" not including "supporters of other teams around another teams stadium" in this context then that is your prerogative I suppose :D 

I've never mentioned away supporters once.

If a Wednesday fan pops outside a Blades supporting pub and starts winding them up, then a police car pulled up would the coppers be better to put him in the car and move him away and have it done with, or leave him with his right to stay there and risk an escalation with his safety being in danger? Or call ever more units onto the job to allow him to voice his opinion for as long as he wants?

This is what I see them doing to protestors antagonising those attending these events, in removing them from a situation for their own safety and to prevent any escalation. 

And what are the protestors attempting to achieve, support? The BBC's saturation coverage has done a more effective job on that.  

Edited by Garethjohn79
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8 minutes ago, bermybhoy said:

Oh my word. Have the police arrested the people actually whooping and hollering outside Buckingham Palace as the hearse went past? Far more deserving of it. 

What the hell. Such a weird response. 

Part of me would have alot more time for it if they spring loaded her corpse to pop up spontaneously. 

Would scare the life out of them.

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47 minutes ago, InigoPatinkin said:

If your objection is to the definition of "away supporters" not including "supporters of other teams around another teams stadium" in this context then that is your prerogative I suppose :D 

I've not mentioned away supporters or even anything to do with a matchday or rival stadiums so why are you? 

Edited by Garethjohn79
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13 minutes ago, Garethjohn79 said:

I've not mentioned away supporters or even anything to do with a matchday or rival stadiums so why are you? 

You're threatening to derail the thread now with this bad faith arguing. I suggest you call it a day now please. 

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5 hours ago, PaulHartman71 said:

It’s like Covid all over again. 

How on earth do they think they can get away with this as a policy :D 

Leanne is definitely an account set up by them to answer that question instead of announcing it.

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Just now, themadsheep2001 said:

Recommend the Bermondsey beer mile too, and then Maltby street market for food. 

was just thinking if you allowed even a 2 minute walk leeway off that route it would be brilliant, add those places in. you have the Mayflower at the start of the route also. it's what the queen would have wanted surely

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on the other hand, i once got chased by kids on bikes throwing rocks at me in Kings stairs gardens which is the other side of the road to southwark park. and you'll also have to skirt an estate that DHL and Tesco once refused to deliver to for months as they kept on getting ransacked when parking up

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