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In game sounds... is there levels to it? do 99% of FM players turn it off?

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I wanted to try playing the matches with the sounds on to create a bit of atmosphere. I was wondering if there are levels to the crowd noises? e.g. when playing away at Old Trafford are the home fans noisier and away fans are quieter? Does it depend on your stadium size?

Am I right in thinking 99% of you turn the sounds off?

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I usually had match sound on but allways on the lowest possible volume level of 1 out of 10 and in the recent years it seems this volume level 1 became louder and louder and so i decided to turn sound of in FM21 bcs i hear podcasts and listen to music and videos while i played FM (i think i will stay absent from FM for a while - my backlog of unplayed/underplayed games has grown even more and i honestly have no challenge anymore in FM even with all the certain mods).


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Having sounds on makes it better but it needs improving. FM17 was the last time sounds were different in home and away games.  Away goals were always less cheering and less decibels . Again for some reason since FM17 it disappeared. You can download some mods that were in FM21 that will prob come into FM22 easily . Although one with actual commentary is shocking 

Edited by prot651
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8 hours ago, tiotom92 said:

I turn it off. I have no idea why SI have never thought to improve it over the last 15 years.

Probably because they know most people will turn it off anyway.

I would say I usually turn it off but occasionally have it on low while listening to music, or when my attention is focused on another window and I have a full game simming away in the background it can help grab my attention at key moments. While I find the crowd noise acceptable the ball kicking is not the best, bit of a shame that new players first experience is probably the inra-club firendly with no crowd and the dodgy ball noise. 

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I'd say it's like this: most people turn it off and have background music because SI have never paid any attention to the sound. But that makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy. I've enjoyed the fruits of hard work a couple of fans have put into edited sound files - like crowd chants - that have appeared in the Editors' Hideaway forum. Unfortunately, they only work until SI update the main file, so it too onerous to keep them going. But those fans do show clearly that it's do-able and enjoyable. Over 20 years ago before I got into CM, I loved Sensi Soccer/SWOS. They had a hilarious sound commentary - it's perfectly do-able so long as the commentator doesn't mention specific player names. Crowd chants and a greater variety of crowd reactions to in-game events should be do-able too.

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As far as I can tell at the moment there is no difference between a non-league game and a Premier League game.  I get the impression most people play with music on and sounds is not a priority for many but would more play with the match day sounds on if they were better?

I remember a sound pack by a user called Bennico which worked on older versions of FM where when you were doing badly the crowd would chant "sack the board" or an adverse referee decision would elicit a chant of "the referee's a ******".

Imagine managing Leeds and you hear the crowd sing "Marching Altogether" or "You'll Never Walk Alone" when managing Liverpool.  I think it would really add to the immersion.

I do recognise, however that a lot of people play with music on, etc so this is not a priority for many, and SI would not put resources into something that would not be utilised by many.

Edited by rooneymagic88
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There's a mod that improves the crowd chants but it comes out later in release.

Just another issue SI ignores because there are not as much demands for improving the entire immersion experience. So much focus gets put on the UI and database that the ME experience gets ignored

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I turn the sound off to listen to music.  I don't mind the sounds, it's more that between matches the (real) world seems so quiet I want to cover the silence and I can't be bothered to turn music and sounds on and off whenever a match starts or ends so I end up with music all the time.

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You will see the differences when you play a friendly, for example, with almost no crowd and you can then mostly hear the ball sounds being passed around. There is no noticeable difference in regular games.

I play with the sound on low because sometimes I might miss a foul or a goal without the sound when I don't look.


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Always ON but on 2/10.

And that's because the matchday "acustic" experience is not good. I'd LOVE to hear chants, better involvement from the the audience, booing, whistles, trumphets and so on. That would increase the immersion exponentially for me.

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I play with sound on but usually with a downloaded more realistic crowd noises file. 

Whilst people are reading this, can anyone here confirm if there is crowd noise when you view highlights of a game including matches that your team haven't been involved in? I have reported a bug but what may be a bug might not be a bug!! In previous FM's you could hear crowd noise when viewing highlights but not in this version. I wonder if si have reprogrammed things on the only crowd you hear is when you play a match? Sega have yet to confirm this to me. 

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always have the sound on...I'm here to play FM and enjoy the ambiance.........Bennico's sound/chant file has worked decent for years now......agreed it could be so much better, but for ow it' the best we have

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On 02/11/2021 at 20:58, rooneymagic88 said:

As far as I can tell at the moment there is no difference between a non-league game and a Premier League game.  I get the impression most people play with music on and sounds is not a priority for many but would more play with the match day sounds on if they were better?

I remember a sound pack by a user called Bennico which worked on older versions of FM where when you were doing badly the crowd would chant "sack the board" or an adverse referee decision would elicit a chant of "the referee's a ******".

Imagine managing Leeds and you hear the crowd sing "Marching Altogether" or "You'll Never Walk Alone" when managing Liverpool.  I think it would really add to the immersion.

I do recognise, however that a lot of people play with music on, etc so this is not a priority for many, and SI would not put resources into something that would not be utilised by many.

The crowd noise is one thing FIFA gets absolutely spot on.  Playing as Southampton and hearing "When the Saints go marching in" from the crowd really helps with the immersion.

That said, I'm quite happy if SI never touch the in-game sound personally.  Not having the crowd noise actually helps me concentrate with what is going on with the pitch.  If the sound was too good, I'd probably get distracted lol.

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On 02/11/2021 at 22:54, forameuss said:

Probably because...


I turn it off because not only have they not improved the crowd sounds, they're actually worse than they used to be. In the early FM era the crowd were programmed to chant things at appropriate times. These days there are no chants in the game at all.

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54 minutes ago, tiotom92 said:

I turn it off because not only have they not improved the crowd sounds, they're actually worse than they used to be. In the early FM era the crowd were programmed to chant things at appropriate times. These days there are no chants in the game at all.

Chants are likely licensed, which is mad in its own way, but probably explains it.

Ultimately though, it comes down to priorities.  The people who really want sounds to improve are probably fairly few in number.  That doesn't make their opinion wrong, it's just it's a minority one.  There's likely a larger group of those that would use it if they were better, but otherwise turn them off, but that doesn't really boost it up the priority list at all.  I suspect (and I have no basis for this, it's subjective) that the majority simply don't care.  Or at the very least, they could name a huge list of things they'd rather were worked again (not that simple of course, but for example).  

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4 minutes ago, ChelseaSince86 said:

didnt even know there was a sound pack, will check it out

Here is one for FM21 https://www.fmscout.com/a-fm21-better-crowd-sounds-mod.html

And one from FM16 https://www.fmscout.com/a-fm16-audio-commentary-and-more-realistic-sounds.html

The latter one has an actual commentary but it wasn't great. You can manually remove the commentary so you just have the crowd sounds. However things changed to .fmf files from FM21 and I haven't looked into how easy things are to amend or add.

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