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1 hour ago, Insert_Goal_Here said:

This conversation is 73 pages long and hasn't yet confirmed Godwin's law, so: Hitler.


Apart from the odd bug the game runs fine, but it feels like the press conference choices haven't change much in the past few years. I can click through them without reading the questions or answers to get a 'conference was fine' message and so I end up delegating them. 


I still use 2D Circles because the 3D match engine is still **** poor. Don't get rid of it. The 3D match engine has been a thing since.. 2009? it is still terrible.


Potential Ability: I heard that in some older versions there was the -9 ability which meant the PA depended on how well he was trained. Which is much better than me playing in the first team and training some kid who ends up having a 125PA and being a bootleg David Bellion. 

As for the 3D ME, you are maybe a bit harsh, but I agree it must be much better. 

As for the - 9 PA that still exists. When you create a save game, that - 9 PA will translated to fixed PA in range from 160-169 if I am not wrong. 

So, in one save, same player with - 9 PA can have 160 PA and in other save he can have 167 PA for example.

Edited by Marko1989
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6 hours ago, Marko1989 said:

As for the - 9 PA that still exists. When you create a save game, that - 9 PA will translated to fixed PA in range from 160-169 if I am not wrong.

-9 results in a dynamic range between 150 and 180.

Those negative values always have a 30-range starting with -10 for the 170-200 pair and going down 10 for every half point (so -95 is 160-190, -9 is 150-180 and -85 is 140-170 and so on)

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Can somebody tell me what skin is this? Looks like the default one but I don't see the shirt number next to face on my default skin. Is there any add-on to have such feature?image.png.0077314da7da0322e5a0d1316890a0c8.png.3fd4d67ee6fad7e355afc911dc1195cd.png

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16 minutes ago, gggfunk said:


Can somebody tell me what skin is this? Looks like the default one but I don't see the shirt number next to face on my default skin. Is there any add-on to have such feature?image.png.0077314da7da0322e5a0d1316890a0c8.png.3fd4d67ee6fad7e355afc911dc1195cd.png

Kojiro dark

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2 hours ago, bahmet said:

How is value calculated and what is affected?


Where is that value from? I cannot see it in the normal skin. If it's some hidden value that a custom skin reveals, then who knows really.

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10 hours ago, Piperita said:

-9 results in a dynamic range between 150 and 180.

Those negative values always have a 30-range starting with -10 for the 170-200 pair and going down 10 for every half point (so -95 is 160-190, -9 is 150-180 and -85 is 140-170 and so on)

Yeah, you are right, I missed the the range, but the point is there, that is dynamic potential only before the game, it is fixed once you start the game, that is what I wanted to tell him. 

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9 hours ago, XaW said:

Where is that value from? I cannot see it in the normal skin. If it's some hidden value that a custom skin reveals, then who knows really.

It looks like an item form the club page and so I would think that value would be described as the total of the club's assets, including the player values.

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1 hour ago, FrazT said:

It looks like an item form the club page and so I would think that value would be described as the total of the club's assets, including the player values.

Don't understand why someone to need that information; since takeover it's random if I understand correctly.

Of course someone managing a team in League 2 UK will not have a takeover from Saudi Arabia like Man City; really, it's not "Be an Owner of X Club" type of thing game from day 1.

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On 17/03/2022 at 21:07, CaptCanuck said:

Oof - it beggars belief it actually used to be worse.

And I don't mean belief in your characterization :-) but that SI figure it's the lesser of some other evil they ended up with in their whack-a-mole- ME work.

You can blame the community for that as when the game was first released, and in the beta, the chance conversion was great, you could get your strikers to score lots of goals, but then a group of people made threads complaining about how easy it was for strikers to score so they ended up getting nerfing them.

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Really the players with better technique and better dribbling don't show it in the game (ME).

And I still insist that the game needs more plays with touches by the central zone (it is not mandatory for the instruction to be without extremes), I believe that the vices of the game of plays by the wings do not represent so much the current football.

The var is very annoying, all the time on all plays.


This version is very good, I believe that along the topic here there is a lot of information that can be used for the final patch.
By the way, do you have any expectations of when it will be released?

Edited by Leon_fogo
Correct writing
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On 15/03/2022 at 08:43, JulesD said:

We need to talk about how dynamics and mentoring affect personalities. Particularly how it influences players and changes their personalities. There's been quite a few changes to mentoring over the last few FM's to move away from the old system. I feel the current system is an improvement over the old system where you could hog players with good personalities to tutor your youngsters and the system was very gamey, but I feel the current system has too many flaws. A number of things annoy me.

- If I ask my 13 determination balanced team leader to welcome a 15 determination perfectionist player, the 15 determination perfectionist player will at some point receive a drop in their deterimnation and probably other attributes as well. This has forced me to instead manually ask my player with the best personality to welcome every single player. I feel this is a hidden mechanic that isn't very realistic. I can't imagine a player becoming less professional because Balotelli introduces them to the squad. If this stays the way it is, I feel players should be warned about the consequences of 'welcoming' a player.

- Team leaders influence the personalities of other players quite heavily. I think this is unrealistic. For example, Riechedly Bazoer is one of the most influential players at Vitesse. I know his personality is poor because he has poor temperament and professionalism and high controversy, often gets sent off, etc. He's also their best player and performs quite well. However, I have not seen a pattern in this team where every player copies his behavior. I understand team leaders define the standard in a squad, but this does not mean their personaltiy influences every player. The current system means that a team leader with a poor personality practically ruins every other player. I think one of the cool things in football is that in spite of a poor personality, you can actually make a player with a poor personality perform well if you know how to deal with them. A suggestion how this could be changed: I can imagine the way team leaders perform in training or matches reflects how other players perform. For example, the team leader gets a 6.5 rating and a youngster also gets a 6.5 rating. When you criticize a youngster for his poor training rating, their response could be 'why are you criticizing me when I perform at the same level as our team leader?'. That way a team leader actually influences your squad performance rather than their personality, which seems more accurate and realistic. If you manage to motivate the team leader, you manage to move the rest of the squad as well. The team leader sets the standard this way. Instead of influencing personality attributes on the background, it becomes more visible and forces managers to make choices on how to deal with a team leader with a poor personality.

Another topic I'd like to bring up is the way teaching and (un)learning PPM's currently work.

- Players randomly copy PPM's of influential players. This makes no sense -- I've seen target men end up with PPM's like 'knocks ball past opponent'. Just because Cristiano Ronaldo likes to do stepovers and smash free kicks from a long distance doesn't mean every Man United player under 21 has started doing so  as well. That being said, it does make sense to be able to ask experienced players to teach younger players their specific PPM's. With that in mind, I'd like tutoring to be reintroduced for specific PPM teaching. It worked well and allowed players to actually copy more experienced players. it seems realistic as well. I can imagine asking Ronaldo to teach a certain talent with good dribbling and technique to do those stepovers or Ronaldo chops, but I can't imagine them randomly copying it.

- Mentoring groups should only affect a player's personality, not anything else. I've seen team leaders learn new PPM's as well (posted it as a bug). I really feel like these two things should have two separate, different mechanics. Mentoring and teaching PPM's are just different things. Mentoring should solely influence a player's personality.

- Unlearning PPM's has been incredibly difficult the last few FM's. I've had an inside forward with the PPM 'likes ball played into feet' while I wanted him to play as an AF. I should be able to teach this player how to perform as an AF. What happened was that my coaches failed to unlearn this PPM twice. I don't know if there's some under the hood mechanic that I'm missing, but I feel players should be able to change the way they play. When they are under a certain age this should be even easier as younger players are easier to be changed and influenced. Think about the way Zlatan changed when he moved from Ajax to Italy: he changed from a dribbler to a lethal goalscorer. As for older players, I can imagine they change the way they play as well because the older players get, the more their way of playing changes. For example, older players who aren't as pacey as they used to be tend to reduce the dribbling they do. A more realistic mechanic would be if a player loses 3-4 points in specific attributes, a training suggestion should come up and ask you 'Hey boss, this player isn't as fast as he used to be. We can ask him to stop running with the ball as often. Oh and we should also train him to centre mid because he's still good enough to play'.


Hoping SI will look into these suggestions because I feel this will enhance the quality of the game.

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22 hours ago, Metal said:

You can blame the community for that as when the game was first released, and in the beta, the chance conversion was great, you could get your strikers to score lots of goals, but then a group of people made threads complaining about how easy it was for strikers to score so they ended up getting nerfing them.

Good engineering practices address the problem, not the symptom.

They may have responded to the feedback which is great actually, being responsive to the audience, but if it's a simple hack instead of an underlying solution they shouldn't have bothered.

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On 20/03/2022 at 01:38, Metal said:

You can blame the community for that as when the game was first released, and in the beta, the chance conversion was great, you could get your strikers to score lots of goals, but then a group of people made threads complaining about how easy it was for strikers to score so they ended up getting nerfing them.

Yeah totally agree . A small percentage of people complain and it gets taken as gospel . Not everyone has issues and not every player that has purchased this game have come on this forum . It seems that its always the same people that are complaining and its ok to voice your opinions but it becomes too much . Take the dribbling complaints . I dont have an issue . My wingers dribble , my center midfields dribble , my IFs dribble and score some nice goals from it , Even had my goalkeeper come out and dribble . I have so much dribbling they are all slipping in it so i dont get why people are having issues . But then SI come along and seem to want to please the minority . I know people will have a go at me for this but i have no issues with this game as it is now . I always remember that the 3D aspect is just an interpretation of the match engine and should not be taken as a game like FIFA . Good Work SI but please we dont all have the same issues as those who complain 

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Do you really believe that SI make its decisions about the game just to please the community?  Of course they will listen to the community and investigate issues that are brought up, but changes that are made will have to have a lot more justification than just what the community wants.

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11 hours ago, FrazT said:

Do you really believe that SI make its decisions about the game just to please the community?  Of course they will listen to the community and investigate issues that are brought up, but changes that are made will have to have a lot more justification than just what the community wants.

In the years since my first game in 2008 and being on this forum the answer is yes I do

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The 'Go on Holiday' screen could be re-thought, as the options to apply for jobs are very vague and definitely not clear:


The 'higher/lower reputation clubs/leagues' are a bit subjective and I'm never sure what clubs are included or not. It would be a good idea to have a filter for example to apply for clubs in a certain division and in a certain nation. Something similar to the filters we have to choose playable nations and leagues.

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1 час назад, here4downloads сказал:

Любые новости об исправлении владения/паса, пожалуйста??? Очень хочу начать играть в FM22. 

In FM23.

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11 hours ago, kingjericho said:

The 'Go on Holiday' screen could be re-thought, as the options to apply for jobs are very vague and definitely not clear:

The 'higher/lower reputation clubs/leagues' are a bit subjective and I'm never sure what clubs are included or not. It would be a good idea to have a filter for example to apply for clubs in a certain division and in a certain nation. Something similar to the filters we have to choose playable nations and leagues.

Worth raising on the Feature Request forums so it definitely gets marked as something for consideration.


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I'm a bit puzzled about how easy it is for players to accept contracts renewals. So, I'm managing Juventus with the pre-patch database. I'm forced to sell Dybala because he doesn't want to even sit down and discuss a new contract. Okay. 

I choose to splash some cash on Milinkovic-Savic (contract expires in 2024). Lazio accept my bid: 75M € + Bernardeschi. Milinkovic-Savic is not very convinced to join Juventus (okay...) but in the end he accepts a 5-year contract worth 11M/Year (currently earns 5.5M/Year). 

Bernardeschi refuses Lazio contract, the deal falls through. Okay, it happens...

After less than one week, I look at Milinkovic-Savic's profile again and he accepted a contract extension until 2026. He now earns 5.9M/year...

Most players on my shortlist are now accepting new contracts, apparently the only player in the entire DB who isn't interested in renewing his contract is... Dybala?

I certainly see the reason why Dybala wants to leave, I just don't see the reason why people who play for Fiorentina and Lazio are so fiercely devoted to their clubs.

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Echo a lot of the post above tbh. Feel like the game has taken a huge step back post final patch.

The loan bug is absurd and it looks like it won't be getting fixed which I cannot fathom. Then factor in how player interactions are always ignored and it makes the game feel like a chore at times rather than something to be enjoyed.

That's without me talking about the match engine and how I feel it's gone backwards since the last update. I feel like attacking play is more predictable and the worst bug of this game, defenders passing back to the GK ALL THE TIME, has actually gotten worse!

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12 minutes ago, bigmattb28 said:

Yeah the wage, 56 million a week?!?

I'm guessing they set the wrong currency or something, just post it the South Korean thread in the link I gave you and someone will take a look.

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12 ore fa, Jaye ha scritto:

On a more meta level, Gegenpressing still runs riot. Changes to how stamina and pressing works are steps in the right direction but even now, it's still far too easy to slap a Gegenpressing tactic on a team and cruise to victories. I've had games where I'm up by two or three goals and under no threat, until the AI decides to go full press. Then all of a sudden my defenders turn into idiots and hoof the ball away. Pressing is strong in real life, but in real life, over-zealous pressing is punished by good teams. I don't see that enough in FM currently. 

Away from the ME, squad management just isn't fun. I'm sure I'm beating a dead horse by now, but player interactions need a complete overhaul.

Staying with interactions, press conferences are superfluous and can be taken out without much being lost. Realistic as they may be, this is one of those cases where the realism actively detracts from the game experience. I'm curious how many players engage with this feature vs how many just leave it to the ass man. Likewise, social media. I don't even look at the screen because it's pure fluff. Visiting the page offers zero value. 


Gegenpress: IMO, the real downside of playing with high intensity is neither physical nor tactical, but mental. If you're instructed to run around the pitch like a madman, you'll get frustrated if you don't see the results, and there's an higher chance of missing good scoring opportunities due to the amount of mental energy you spend running around the pitch like a madman...

I don't know if and how the ME reflects this thing: I think that it's fine to see more errors when your guys play under pressure, but it should have an impact on both teams. When my opponents go full press I don't necessarily expect to take advantage of their vulnerabilities, but if I'm struggling doesn't mean that I'll lose. Or, a good performance doesn't always translate into a good result. I guess every FM player knows that :)

Squad management: I'm under the impression that it depends too much on the player's personality. I always start as an unknown manager, and I've had the most nonsensical interactions with low reputation, "balanced" players, who sometimes had me as their favourite staff, and all sorts of "O wonder, you, the almighty manager, found time to speak with me!" with world-class, "professional" players. If my theory is true, perhaps the researchers should be a bit more careful when assigning attributes such as controversy and professionalism.

Press conferences and social media: maybe it could be reworked to be centerted on one particular hot topic. "The talk of the week", so to speak. Like having been knocked-off from a cup, having a good/bad run, new signings, struggling rivals, or, if there's really nothing to talk about, some rumours/fake news. It would probably be more various and unpredictable.

For intance, if I have just sold/bought a high profile player and I'm going to play against a much weaker team, social networks will be on fire and the press will probably bury me with questions about the player, and ignore the forthcoming match. If I'm the manager of a small team playing against a bigger club, the press will probably ignore my team and focus on my opponent, and if they just sold/bought a high profile player they'll probably want to talk about it. It's not that it doesn't currently happen, but it feels like everything is watered-down, like "well, you just won the CL, but how about this guy from the U18 who just renewed his contract, exciting, eh?"


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I've enjoyed the game and the update however i've been surprised by how much easier it has become (FM22).  Post update I took on Cambridge United for a challenge, opted for a 4-4-2 formation from scratch (gegenpress), tweaked it at the start of the season but didn't make any real changes to the formation or style afterwards.  Had no real money to buy players apart from bring in a few decent loans.  Despite having probably about 3/4 players of Championship quality (Odekina, Smith, Ironside and Lankester) we flew through the league only losing the title to Ipswich and finished on 88pts.  On promotion the money didn't flow and i was forced to sell one of the previous mentioned players for £250k to invest in the squad.  Expected to find myself really struggling against the comparable heavyweights of Palace, Newcastle and Norwich (who got relegated) but I'm about 20 games into the Championship season and are currently 5th with a squad of probably less than 20 first team players bulked out by 6 loanees.  

It has been extremely enjoyable, but i feel the challenge has gone from the game? I remember real struggles at surviving relegation in FM21 in similar circumstances but I feel that i could set any team up with 4-4-2/4-3-3 at the moment and finish in the play-offs at the very least with out much challenge.  Maybe I have grown wise to the game and have picked up too many tactical tips along the way.  

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22 hours ago, sirgiorgio said:

"well, you just won the CL, but how about this guy from the U18 who just renewed his contract, exciting, eh?"


As much as some people may not like it, this is exactly the kind of question that appears in a press conference in real life.  Honestly its some really mundane stuff.  You can see why managers like Dyche try to have a little fun with it

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30 minutes ago, Brother Ben said:

As much as some people may not like it, this is exactly the kind of question that appears in a press conference in real life.  Honestly its some really mundane stuff.  You can see why managers like Dyche try to have a little fun with it

If it's not enjoyable, then there's no reason for it to be in the game. There's no way to have fun with it, it's the same binary responses every time. 

Any attempt at simulating human interactions in video games is always tedious. AI just isn't there yet and I can't think of any games that implemented it well. 

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6 minutes ago, dannyfc said:

If it's not enjoyable, then there's no reason for it to be in the game. There's no way to have fun with it, it's the same binary responses every time. 

Any attempt at simulating human interactions in video games is always tedious. AI just isn't there yet and I can't think of any games that implemented it well. 

Personally its all about realism for me and I never miss one so i'd keep it in there but I get what you're saying.

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16 ore fa, Hurball ha scritto:

FINALLY someone else points out the major issues that I've had with FM22!

The centre backs losing the ball from goal kicks is absurd - either every goalkeeper in the lower divisions in Eastern Europe is the next Ederson, or the ME is broken from goal kicks. It was like this in FM21 too, but thankfully the rest of the ME was good enough to just about make up for it. Weirdly it doesnt actually result in many goals because the strikers, despite being through on goal, don't finish off the easy chances like that. Like you've pointed out, scoring from set pieces seems to be the more likely thing to happen.

I kept trying to get back into my save, but I've given up now, for me FM22 just isn't fun to play.


On a side note personally I'm not sure it's really acceptable for SI to release the game, do ONE major patch after four months, then leave everything as it is until next year. The Club World Cup has been broken for years, nobody seems to care. EA and Ubisoft rightfully get criticised from all sides about their distain for their customers, but are we really getting any better here? Yes, SI are a smaller company, but how many people does it take to fix the Club World Cup stamina issue, or the niggly UI issues that have been present for multiple games now...?


Hope they will address some of these issues with 22.4, are major problems.

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Before I raise this as a bug, I just wanted to check if I have the correct understanding of this.

I'm playing in the premier league and two of my players just received their 5th yellow card of the season and now they are suspended for the next game. The issue is that they received their 5th yellows in the teams 21st game of the season and according to the rules the players should only be suspended for a game after 5 yellow cards if they occur before the 20th game of the season. 


Am I interpreting this rule incorrectly or is it a bug?


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Not sure whether I should report this as a bug or just leave a "rant" here, but the mechanism behind the board accepting "too good to refuse" offers for players needs some tweaking.

My finances are secure. I have some 4M € in the bank, no net debt and 1,5M € of transfer debt. I'm not even stretching my budgets as I have 2M available in my transfer and wage budgets. What's more, I'm about to get knocked out of the UCL play-off and get 8M for that, which means that my balance was about to be 12M. Also, all my future projections are positive.

Admittedly, I do have some future transfers arranged (mostly low transfer fees and high appearance fees) and some instalments/appearance fees to pay for the players in my squad, but if I count every single instalment, transfer fee and appearance fee that I could possibly pay, the total amount doesn't add up to the 12 million I'm about to have in the bank.

And yet, my board have decided that it's a bright idea to sell our star player for 2,6M + 30% of profit from next sale. The first "too good to refuse" offer was 2,3M and I managed to veto it, but the board didn't even give me a chance to talk them out of accepting Watford's improved bid of 2,6M + 30% of profit from next sale and now I will lose one of my best players who I can only replace with free agents as the domestic transfer window is closed.

This honestly doesn't make any sense to me. There's no way for me to end up in the red in the near future, I don't have the "sell for profit" objective and I'm about to receive a big payment for playing in continental competitions. Why does my board think that we must accept any sort of offers when we have the finances to bring in a couple of players without going into debt?

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