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Will we ever see more LLM added to FM?

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Presumably 2 reasons: 1 is any licensing fees required outway the extra sales they would get and 2 is that for any extra leagues SI add they would need more data on the players which in turn means more work for the scouting team. A lot of those lower leagues are multiple divisions with a lot of teams. Serie D is 172 teams, Regiononllia is 93

That said I would really like the Regiononllia from Germany, especially as we have 4 tiers in France, Denmark, England (well 6 tiers for England), Scotland etc. Could make the same argument for Italy as well. However I can completly understand the work involved would be really high which a lot of FM players might not even touch.

Lucky for us you can activate the lower leagues via a datbase edit in the pre game editor, which I am sure others will do and post when the full game releases. Thats how I plan on playing the Regiononllia.

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2 minutes ago, Slippy_ said:

Presumably 2 reasons: 1 is any licensing fees required outway the extra sales they would get and 2 is that for any extra leagues SI add they would need more data on the players which in turn means more work for the scouting team. A lot of those lower leagues are multiple divisions with a lot of teams. Serie D is 172 teams, Regiononllia is 93

That said I would really like the Regiononllia from Germany, especially as we have 4 tiers in France, Denmark, England (well 6 tiers for England), Scotland etc. Could make the same argument for Italy as well. However I can completly understand the work involved would be really high which a lot of FM players might not even touch.

Lucky for us you can activate the lower leagues via a datbase edit in the pre game editor, which I am sure others will do and post when the full game releases. Thats how I plan on playing the Regiononllia.

Oh Really , I didn't know I had that option.

so I still play FM22 and usually buy myself FM23 December when am bored of fifa and cod , so it is possible for me to play Regionllia?

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Just now, Russell10 said:

Oh Really , I didn't know I had that option.

so I still play FM22 and usually buy myself FM23 December when am bored of fifa and cod , so it is possible for me to play Regionllia?

A quick google search reveals that yes some people have done the work!

I found 2 for FM22, one on steam (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2317830932) and one for download (https://fminside.net/downloads/editor-data/351-fm22-german-football-system)

Should be really easy to use. If you play FM via steam you can just go to the workshop, hit download and when you go to create a game go the advanced options and make sure the database edit is ticked. For a direct download you need to put the file in the editor folder and it will appear in game, same as the steam one. The person who created the steam one I used thier edit for FM21 and had a really good time with no issues managing in the Regionllia.

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Brilliant thank you, I never wanted to download anything like that incase they touched players attributes , but if it is just adding the league then am all for it.


Hopefully in future FMs we get more but as you said can appreciate how much hard work it is.

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As is always the case, this is a fine balance between increased costs and expected returns- the lower down the ladder you go, the smaller the return I expect.  Luckily, the community has always been excellent in providing expanded databases, so that would be your best option.

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13 hours ago, FrazT said:

As is always the case, this is a fine balance between increased costs and expected returns- the lower down the ladder you go, the smaller the return I expect.  Luckily, the community has always been excellent in providing expanded databases, so that would be your best option.

Thanks Fraz, do you ever think it will be a viable option in the future?

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1 minute ago, Russell10 said:

Thanks Fraz, do you ever think it will be a viable option in the future?

Only SI will know where the FM game will go in the future and if I am being honest, I would think it will be unlikely that they will invest in this kind of area when there will be other, perhaps more commercial, areas that the money and resources could be used for ( think women's football e.g )  I think that the community will be the more likely option for you in the future, but that is purely a personal opinion and not based on any inside knowledge.

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There is a thread regarding this int he feature requests section that has been around for a while:

In there SI have said:

On 30/05/2018 at 16:24, Neil Brock said:

Happy to pin this so people continue to vote. Currently there are no plans to add any further leagues and in part that is down to the difficulties getting accurate research from some leagues and the the potential lack of interest in playing that league. I know there are some leagues in game for FM18 which barely get played (there's a European league in game where less than 350 careers were even started, let alone any fixtures played). That's less than 0.05% of users! 

Realistically it would need to be worth the large amount of work needed. This in part is decided by sales in that particular country as well. So whilst there are no plans, it's still interesting to get a gauge even on this relatively small number of votes. I must add that even if one here is highly voted for, there is absolutely no guarantee it would be added. 


So the idea is that there needs to be a high enough interest and enough people who can help with research for the leagues. While this was more towards new leagues, the same can be said for lower tiers in existing nations I believe.

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22 hours ago, Russell10 said:

they would add leagues like Serie D

In Steam there is Italy down to D5 (Eccellenza) mod. In case you would be relegated from Serie D... And a lot of other leagues mods.

BTW, did you know that there are a lot of graphics updates made by players? Logos, pictures,... and 2D and 3D kits. Check this sortitoutsi.net site. That's one of the best.


21 hours ago, FrazT said:

the lower down the ladder you go, the smaller the return I expect.

That might be true. But there are also countries where a lot of people doesn't live in the biggest towns, so their "natural" favourite team wouldn't be any of top league teams. And many could want to be the manager in their "own" team.

What makes me to want these lower leagues included more deeply, is that new managers just don't get their first jobs from professional leagues. And, at least I want to start from some semi-pro or even amateur team, as would happen IRL.

Also many of these top leagues' players are originally from lower leagues - how should we find any new wonderkid, if they are all already in academies now?

And, the best, sometimes something like this can happen IRL: FA Cup, 11.1.2021 Marine AFC - Tottenham. I saw that one on TV. Marine AFC was then a semi-pro 8. league level team. What if that team wouldn't even exist in FM? Picture below (Getty Images).


But, you are absolutely right - SI will have problems to do lower leagues. And those could be done with using volunteers and assistants.

And, if I remember correctly, isn't it so, that below top leagues there is some variation in all players' attributes. So, that anyone wouldn't be able to find the "best" players in advance - in earlier games.

IMO, SI could, and SHOULD reward their valuable assistants somehow. Like you, FrazT. At least free copies of new FM's. Every year. And for those who make lower leagues' players' data updates, league updates, update pictures or make all those kits.


My biggest fear is, that those lower leagues won't ever be "realistic". Some probability calculations aso. are from pro levels, and they can't be used that way in lower leagues!

One example - an amateur team, which has 0 wage budget, has about 40 000 to be used in scouting... (Was that package about 40 000? Can't remember.) Or, a physio with skill level 15 would come as a volunteer into our team...

There should be done some adjustments concerning lower leagues. I wrote about this in Requests forum.



Marine AFC - Tottenham.jpg

Edited by rristola
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On 24/10/2022 at 04:35, FrazT said:

As is always the case, this is a fine balance between increased costs and expected returns- the lower down the ladder you go, the smaller the return I expect.  Luckily, the community has always been excellent in providing expanded databases, so that would be your best option.

The Editors' Hideaway forum is a veritable Aladdin's Cave. We have a fantastic community of fans who noodle about in the editor and produce superb edited lower league files every year. I would have stopped playing FM a decade ago without them. As it is, I never get bored. I'm currently managing my childhood village's reserve team in the 14th tier of English football with players' CA ranging between 1 and 5 (with FM21). Really, the fan-created stuff is so good, SI can safely leave this minority interest to them.

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11 hours ago, rristola said:

My biggest fear is, that those lower leagues won't ever be "realistic". Some probability calculations aso. are from pro levels, and they can't be used that way in lower leagues!

One example - an amateur team, which has 0 wage budget, has about 40 000 to be used in scouting... (Was that package about 40 000? Can't remember.) Or, a physio with skill level 15 would come as a volunteer into our team...

There should be done some adjustments concerning lower leagues.

Quite true, so you need to add your own rules to make your save what you consider more realistic. I start with no manager qualification, which means my attributes are all 1s and 2s. I don't bring in any players - no transfers, loans or frees, only using the staff and players I inherit and academy intakes. It's VERY hard to win games, but that's as it would be if I ever really did end up managing an amateur team's reserve side!

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