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[FM23][SKIN] Mustermann 23 v3.03 - Updated 10/06/23 - NEW SKIN ADDED!!


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2 minutes ago, gabbfx said:

Oh thank you very much! I have 0 experience with skin editing so I couldn't do it right.
Do I just need to copy "player overview panel.xml" from default skin and paste it in folder of Mustermann?

You'll need to copy the section with the attributes, into the area annotated in Mustermann23 as <!--ATTRIBUTES-->.  There are guides on how to understand xmls stickied in this subforum: 


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29 minutos atrás, GIMN disse:

You'll need to copy the section with the attributes, into the area annotated in Mustermann23 as <!--ATTRIBUTES-->.  There are guides on how to understand xmls stickied in this subforum: 


Its easy? Because i'm totally noob lol

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Just now, lukewm said:

Am I missing graphics for this match team news panel? Assuming I probably am and if so what file directory do I need to follow?

(Working on base transparent skin as well if that could be an issue)

Screenshot 2023-06-11 at 13.06.46.png

Did you just take only the team sheet panel?  Yes, you will need the associated graphics with it.  If you look in the file you will see the files referenced and the paths they need to be in within the graphics folder.

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18 minutes ago, GIMN said:

Did you just take only the team sheet panel?  Yes, you will need the associated graphics with it.  If you look in the file you will see the files referenced and the paths they need to be in within the graphics folder.

Ah okay that is probably where I have gone wrong thank you!

Sorted looks lovely, top stuff!

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2 minutes ago, cianw said:

on the new skin is there a way to change the player stats to numbers instead of dots?


On 10/06/2023 at 11:50, GIMN said:

It is only available in dark mode and graphical.


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Love the MPGD skin, thanks a lot. My only feedback is that I'd like to be able to easily see the player's birthday on there somewhere, so that I know if a 17-year old is soon turning 18 or if he's only recently turned 17, and stuff like that. Thanks for your hard work.

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2 hours ago, StatboySpurs said:

Love the MPGD skin, thanks a lot. My only feedback is that I'd like to be able to easily see the player's birthday on there somewhere, so that I know if a 17-year old is soon turning 18 or if he's only recently turned 17, and stuff like that. Thanks for your hard work.

Thanks for the feedback.  It's something I'll consider.

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I've been playing a lot on my Steam Deck and finding an attributeless skin that works well has been tough. Your original skin was the best of a bad bunch, was usable but had some annoying issues. Decided to try the MPGD and it seems to work pretty much perfectly so far on the Steam Deck. Solves most of the annoyances of the original version.

One thing though, when hovering over the circle with a person in icon to get the popup on a player and going to the ability tab what are the graphics implying? On the original skin, this showed the attributes as they are shown on the full player page with each attribute being represented by a circle of carrying sizes and shades to attribute how good they are but in the new skin its each part seems to be out of 5 circles. Is that judged against the rest of my squad?  have players with all 5 filled on some categories but playing in Tier 10 England at the moment there is no way they are 5 star overall which makes me think it must be in relation to the rest of my squad but when looking at for example final 3rd and the 3 attributes that make up that my Striker has the smallest circle for composure, second sized circle for decisions and smallest circle for flair but gets 5 circles on the ability page while my WB has second circle on composure and decisions and 1dst circle on flair but gets 1 and a half circles on the ability page. It just makes little sense. 

It's not a massive issue but it does add an extra click which can be annoying to now evaluating players as that popup seems misleading

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1 hour ago, wakey said:

I've been playing a lot on my Steam Deck and finding an attributeless skin that works well has been tough. Your original skin was the best of a bad bunch, was usable but had some annoying issues. Decided to try the MPGD and it seems to work pretty much perfectly so far on the Steam Deck. Solves most of the annoyances of the original version.

One thing though, when hovering over the circle with a person in icon to get the popup on a player and going to the ability tab what are the graphics implying? On the original skin, this showed the attributes as they are shown on the full player page with each attribute being represented by a circle of carrying sizes and shades to attribute how good they are but in the new skin its each part seems to be out of 5 circles. Is that judged against the rest of my squad?  have players with all 5 filled on some categories but playing in Tier 10 England at the moment there is no way they are 5 star overall which makes me think it must be in relation to the rest of my squad but when looking at for example final 3rd and the 3 attributes that make up that my Striker has the smallest circle for composure, second sized circle for decisions and smallest circle for flair but gets 5 circles on the ability page while my WB has second circle on composure and decisions and 1dst circle on flair but gets 1 and a half circles on the ability page. It just makes little sense. 

It's not a massive issue but it does add an extra click which can be annoying to now evaluating players as that popup seems misleading

They are an averaged evaluation of that area, so shouldn't be showing as 5* for lower league players.  Can you send across your save game so I could have a check and troubleshoot?

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2 hours ago, wakey said:

Brilliant, thank you.

Having a look through the squad, the players "Ability" looks to be showing up correctly for me (I'm assuming this is the striker you were speaking of):


I wonder if it's an issue with resolution, as I know the Steam Deck is lower width than the minimum specs this is built with.  Unfortunately, as mentioned in the opening post MPGD is a beta build and currently only works at 100% zoom levels, so I anticipate there might be issues if you have the scaling lower than that, too.  I don't know how easy it is to screenshot from Steam Deck, but would you be able to show how it appears for you?

Incidentally, for players whose attributes have not been fully scouted, you will get false reports.  Using Twin Peaks director for example:


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It is running at 100% Scale but the resolution is 1280x800. On Attacking Final 3rd is off on mine, on defending Positioning, Possession all of them and Physical they are all correct so its a little odd that some match yours and others don't. You would have thought they would all be off if it was a resolution issue 

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24 minutes ago, wakey said:



It is running at 100% Scale but the resolution is 1280x800. On Attacking Final 3rd is off on mine, on defending Positioning, Possession all of them and Physical they are all correct so its a little odd that some match yours and others don't. You would have thought they would all be off if it was a resolution issue 

Could you give this file a try?  You need to put it in panels/player/mustermann/popup folder (overwrite the existing file).  Clear cache & reload skin.

attributes graphical.xml

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1 hour ago, GIMN said:

Could you give this file a try?  You need to put it in panels/player/mustermann/popup folder (overwrite the existing file).  Clear cache & reload skin.

attributes graphical.xml 60.46 kB · 0 downloads

Yeah, that seems to have fixed it as, Mansell's ability ratings now match yours perfectly. If I come across any other issues I'll let you know. 

After all while it's not your intended audience even at this early stage its the best skin for playing on a StreamDeck I have tried (And not just attributeless ones, any skin). There are plenty of great skins out there that look amazing on a 13 inch or greater screen but on a small screen like a StreamDeck they are just too busy and its hard to use. You get the balance just right there between having all the data we might want close at hand with the fewest possible clicks without it being too busy and hard to use. Can't wait to see how good it is by its full release for FM24

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8 minutes ago, wakey said:

Yeah, that seems to have fixed it as, Mansell's ability ratings now match yours perfectly. If I come across any other issues I'll let you know. 

After all while it's not your intended audience even at this early stage its the best skin for playing on a StreamDeck I have tried (And not just attributeless ones, any skin). There are plenty of great skins out there that look amazing on a 13 inch or greater screen but on a small screen like a StreamDeck they are just too busy and its hard to use. You get the balance just right there between having all the data we might want close at hand with the fewest possible clicks without it being too busy and hard to use. Can't wait to see how good it is by its full release for FM24

I did have the Steam Deck in mind initially - the whole vertical scrolling thing works well for it, and the vertical dimensions are above the 1360x768 I had already been planning for.  In most places the horizontal dimensions shouldn't be an issue.  I've tried to keep as much as possible within an 1100 pixel width, so should work with sidebar icons - but there are frustratingly a few places where that just wasn't possible.

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Firstly - INCREDIBLE skins. Absolutely love your innovations. Could I tentatively suggest/request more incorporation/shortcuts to the Player Performance Analysis page with the other Polygon & Scatter graphs. Please don't take this as a criticism, I just think it would be great to have them on with a semi-attributeless skin and would compliment the Stat Pizzas perfectly!

Secondly - I am having a couple of graphical issues with the MPGD skin. 

  • Appears to be text missing in the Ability panels 
  • Some of the Attributes in the Preview/Quick-Look seem to not match up: Physicals look perfect, Defending matches (I think), but Attacking and Possession seem to be someway off.

I have posted the following screen shots for your reference, as well as my Resolution/Zoom settings:





Many thanks in advance if you happen to have the time to help!

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1 hour ago, dc10_ said:

Some of the Attributes in the Preview/Quick-Look seem to not match up: Physicals look perfect, Defending matches (I think), but Attacking and Possession seem to be someway off.

This should address that:

20 hours ago, GIMN said:

Could you give this file a try?  You need to put it in panels/player/mustermann/popup folder (overwrite the existing file).  Clear cache & reload skin.

attributes graphical.xml 60.46 kB · 2 downloads


1 hour ago, dc10_ said:

Appears to be text missing in the Ability panels 

Would you be able to confirm your Windows Zoom/Scaling settings?  I am on the exact same resolution/in-game settings, so there shouldn't be an issue here, but I'm still working on the scaling issues for everything else.

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1 hour ago, dc10_ said:

Could I tentatively suggest/request more incorporation/shortcuts to the Player Performance Analysis page with the other Polygon & Scatter graphs. Please don't take this as a criticism, I just think it would be great to have them on with a semi-attributeless skin and would compliment the Stat Pizzas perfectly!

Appreciate the feedback.  This is something that I'd considered and previously incorporated.  Eventually I moved away from it as there is a dedicated page for that information, and that page is eminently more customisable than it can be on the profile itself.  That said, I do think a quicklink would be beneficial.

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3 hours ago, GIMN said:

This should address that:


Would you be able to confirm your Windows Zoom/Scaling settings?  I am on the exact same resolution/in-game settings, so there shouldn't be an issue here, but I'm still working on the scaling issues for everything else.

Thank you - the pop-up fixed with that file! Awesome!


As for my Zoom/Scaling, its set at 125% in Windows Display Settings.

I took the opportunity to set it to 100% and then played around with the in-game zoom values. 

100% and 150% worked perfectly (showing the previously missing text), the two in between (110% and 125%) did not work.

Hope this helps?!


I dont mind setting my Windows scale to 100 each time I boot up the game, but if there was a possibility of troubleshooting with 125% that would be great.

Thanks again!

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20 minutes ago, dc10_ said:

I dont mind setting my Windows scale to 100 each time I boot up the game, but if there was a possibility of troubleshooting with 125% that would be great

Yes, I hope to have a solution for FM24!!!  MPGD is a beta skin. It will have problems (maybe I should say MORE problems, as the standard Mustermann skin isn't exactly perfect 🤣).

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7 hours ago, Steakk said:

Great skin, exactly what I'm looking for! In future updates, would it be possible to have an option that would remove the star ratings in the graphical skin?

You can try putting this in the graphics/icons/custom folder.  It will essentially just replace the star graphics with a blank graphic.  Hovering over a space where a star rating would be will still have a popup though.

star rating.rar

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I only discovered the skin now and it looks amazing. Great work! I really look forward to use it.

The pizza chart interest me and I have a few questions.

Can you tell more about how they are calculated? Does it change every season or are the values fixed?

Would it be possible to choose the leagues to compare with myself?

Would it be possible to replace some of the categories on the pizzachart? I would rather see interceptions per 90 instead of possession lost per 90. I don't have any knowledge about creating skins myself, but if there was a way to do it, I would certainly be interested.

Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Tjønte said:


I only discovered the skin now and it looks amazing. Great work! I really look forward to use it.

The pizza chart interest me and I have a few questions.

Can you tell more about how they are calculated? Does it change every season or are the values fixed?

Would it be possible to choose the leagues to compare with myself?

Would it be possible to replace some of the categories on the pizzachart? I would rather see interceptions per 90 instead of possession lost per 90. I don't have any knowledge about creating skins myself, but if there was a way to do it, I would certainly be interested.

Thank you!

From the opening post:

On 11/11/2022 at 03:57, GIMN said:


What on earth is a Pizza Chart?

  Hide contents

Based loosely on the Pizza Charts from The Athletic, this is a graph that shows how a player is performing compared to his peers.  Using a sample size of in-game FM data over multiple seasons across the Top 20 leagues (13,500 data points), you can now see how your players are performing as a whole and against their peers.  Shown as a percentile, in intervals of 10%.  This means if a player's bar is half way up, they are performing better than 50% of players in that position group.

N.B.  The comparison numbers are static.  They are based off the data pulled from multiple saves.  This does not adjust dynamically to data within your own save.

You will have to do the work yourself to compile the data and the statistics you want, then edit the classes in the classes folder accordingly to set the percentiles.  The numbers are fixed, so if you'd want to change them each season, you'd need to repeat that process every time.

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hello :D

this skin is fire, thank you for this

one question, maybe someone can help me. I want to have the tablet drop down during highlights and only be visible between highlights. its that possible?

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21 minutes ago, Marbah said:

hello :D

this skin is fire, thank you for this

one question, maybe someone can help me. I want to have the tablet drop down during highlights and only be visible between highlights. its that possible?

i think there is an option for it in the preferences

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44 minutes ago, snowofman said:

i think there is an option for it in the preferences

thank you, found it "show information popup between match highlights"

also, do you know if there is some kind of possibility to add the potential and current ability stars (according to staff) on the main profile page for players

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7 minutes ago, Marbah said:

thank you, found it "show information popup between match highlights"

also, do you know if there is some kind of possibility to add the potential and current ability stars (according to staff) on the main profile page for players

you're welcome and it is, but you would have to make room(rework page) for it or replace current stuff.

it's not gonna be easy and i would rather let @GIMN give you a proper answer, as he's the creator and have better feeling with the amount or work that would go into adding things. 

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27 minutes ago, Marbah said:

also, do you know if there is some kind of possibility to add the potential and current ability stars (according to staff) on the main profile page for players

Depends which version you use.  In MPGD it's all combined in one graphic:


This player, for example, is 2 stars current ability and 3.5-4.5 stars potential ability.

On the regular skin it just shows current ability (according to staff):


To add the potential ability you will need to find the relevant piece of code and add it to panels/player/mustermann/performance/player performance rating.xml.  Word of warning though, it shares a space with the scout rating and does not interact very well, so might be fiddly to do.

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On 11/06/2023 at 09:06, GIMN said:

You'll need to copy the section with the attributes, into the area annotated in Mustermann23 as <!--ATTRIBUTES-->.  There are guides on how to understand xmls stickied in this subforum: 


has anyone managed to do that, because I don't understand how the whole skinning thing works.
I managed to fix the coach comparison by copying the file you uploaded but I can't find a way to add numerical numbers to the player overview.


Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 5.53.41 PM.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @GIMN, firstly want to thank you for the incredible work you are doing here. And as a regular at Dulwich Hamlet i'm loving the pink and blue scheme in the new skin!


I'm trying out the MPGD skin, which looks great, but I have an issue getting the pizza charts to display correctly. I've read through the topic here and taken the 'only works at 100% zoom' advice on board and set to that with various Full Screen resolutions but with each it's still skewed.

I'm on a Mac could that be part of the problem? Have attached screenshot of all the resolution options I have (i tried everything from highest res down to 1080), am I missing something that might help me find the correct combination? I would be happy to trial and error tweaking the xmls to get it to fit for me if you could point me in the right direction.


I've also got a couple of observations/queries, if you don't mind:

- On the player screenshot attached you can see that for the highest attribute range icon it's pink not a shade of blue, is that specific to this colour scheme or intended design?

- On the training Report news items the Leadership section is titled Miscellaneous. I can go in and update that for my instance but I assume that's not what you intended that to be titled.

- On the Player Report Form panel I can't see the squad or competition filters. Again if it's a design choice, no worries, but i do use that a lot so will have a play at getting that back in.

- Is there a way i could set the Ability tab to be the default on the player pop-up panel rather than Performance? Could i switch them around on the panel xml or force it some other way?


Apologies for all the questions, I tried to cram it all in to one post but once again, thanks for all your fantastic effort and for sharing with us.

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 09.50.01.png

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 09.50.37.png

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 10.01.46.png

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 10.05.35.png

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 10.25.18.png

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6 minutes ago, Woolrich said:

I'm trying out the MPGD skin, which looks great, but I have an issue getting the pizza charts to display correctly. I've read through the topic here and taken the 'only works at 100% zoom' advice on board and set to that with various Full Screen resolutions but with each it's still skewed.

Do you have general scaling settings on the Mac OS?  On Windows there is a separate scaling option which also needs to be 100%, and I imagine this is what is causing the issue, as the entire area is a fixed sizze.

7 minutes ago, Woolrich said:

- On the player screenshot attached you can see that for the highest attribute range icon it's pink not a shade of blue, is that specific to this colour scheme or intended design?

Correct, the top attribute range has the contrasting accent colour.

8 minutes ago, Woolrich said:

- On the training Report news items the Leadership section is titled Miscellaneous. I can go in and update that for my instance but I assume that's not what you intended that to be titled.

I still haven't settled on what it should be called - as much as I like "Leadership", I'm not as keen on it as it shares it's name with a specific attribute - so as this is v0.1 there might be some inconsistencies 

9 minutes ago, Woolrich said:

- On the Player Report Form panel I can't see the squad or competition filters. Again if it's a design choice, no worries, but i do use that a lot so will have a play at getting that back in.

That's something I'll look at reintroducing.  This is a beta version in prep for FM24, so there may not be an update for FM23.  If there is, I will include this and tag you accordingly.

11 minutes ago, Woolrich said:

- Is there a way i could set the Ability tab to be the default on the player pop-up panel rather than Performance? Could i switch them around on the panel xml or force it some other way?

In the player overview popup panel.xml there is a container class called "mustermann_tabbed".  In there is a parameter called "default_item".  Set this to the ID of the ability tab.

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Thanks, appreciate the reply @GIMN

3 hours ago, GIMN said:

Do you have general scaling settings on the Mac OS?  On Windows there is a separate scaling option which also needs to be 100%, and I imagine this is what is causing the issue, as the entire area is a fixed sizze.

Have tried this but to no avail, set to default scaling 2560x1440 on the iMac display and same res in game with 100% zoom. There might be a sweet spot in there somewhere if i kept tinkering with it but i can live without the pizza for now, so no worries.

3 hours ago, GIMN said:

Correct, the top attribute range has the contrasting accent colour.

I went and had a look at some top level players (not my Colwyn Bay lot!) and the top attribute range contrast colour makes a lot more sense to me now when I see it in all it's pink glory.

3 hours ago, GIMN said:

I still haven't settled on what it should be called - as much as I like "Leadership", I'm not as keen on it as it shares it's name with a specific attribute - so as this is v0.1 there might be some inconsistencies

I like 'Leadership' too, but I get what you mean about the duplication; 'Mental' or 'Mentality' or 'Character' could fit for that imo.

3 hours ago, GIMN said:

That's something I'll look at reintroducing.  This is a beta version in prep for FM24, so there may not be an update for FM23.  If there is, I will include this and tag you accordingly.

Great, for now i just removed that xml and the default doesn't jar too much with the rest of the skin.

3 hours ago, GIMN said:

In the player overview popup panel.xml there is a container class called "mustermann_tabbed".  In there is a parameter called "default_item".  Set this to the ID of the ability tab.

Thanks for tip on the tab defaults, that's really useful in a few areas actually, nice one.


Looking forward to getting a few months in with the MPGD skin and then on to FM24, keep up the great work. Have pinged you over a cup of coffee to show my appreciation.


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15 minutes ago, Woolrich said:

Have tried this but to no avail, set to default scaling 2560x1440 on the iMac display and same res in game with 100% zoom. There might be a sweet spot in there somewhere if i kept tinkering with it but i can live without the pizza for now, so no worries.

That's even more bizarre, as 2560x1440 is my native resolution.  The other thing that is confusing me is the pointed ends - with the most recent update the graphics, paths and code were all changed to fix an issue caused by the container type and to set things up for future where I'll be able to break it down into smaller intervals.  This is what the slices should look like (in various positions, sizes, etc...):


That suggests that there might be some conflict with your version reading the classes folder of an older version, and would explain why it only has a quarter (the old version had 3 angles, and then rotated them all by 90, 180 & 270 degrees).  If you have any old versions of the skin, are you able to move them out of the skins folder and see if that resolves the issue (after the usual refresh/clear cache).

22 minutes ago, Woolrich said:

'Character' could fit for that imo.

I like this suggestion, and I believe it is already in the game as a standalone string (which means translations exist!).  Thank you.

23 minutes ago, Woolrich said:

Looking forward to getting a few months in with the MPGD skin and then on to FM24, keep up the great work. Have pinged you over a cup of coffee to show my appreciation.

Thank you very much.  The news that major changes are coming in FM25 has been a huge relief, as it means that hopefully it'll be relatively easy to continue this on for FM24!

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50 minutes ago, GIMN said:

That's even more bizarre, as 2560x1440 is my native resolution.  The other thing that is confusing me is the pointed ends - with the most recent update the graphics, paths and code were all changed to fix an issue caused by the container type and to set things up for future where I'll be able to break it down into smaller intervals.  This is what the slices should look like (in various positions, sizes, etc...):


That suggests that there might be some conflict with your version reading the classes folder of an older version, and would explain why it only has a quarter (the old version had 3 angles, and then rotated them all by 90, 180 & 270 degrees).  If you have any old versions of the skin, are you able to move them out of the skins folder and see if that resolves the issue (after the usual refresh/clear cache).

That's fixed it, thank you. I had about 6 or 7 of your skins or mods of your skins in the folder although i suspect it was simply clearing the cache that fixed it as I foolishly hadn't thought of trying that earlier...

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5 minutes ago, Woolrich said:

That's fixed it, thank you. I had about 6 or 7 of your skins or mods of your skins in the folder although i suspect it was simply clearing the cache that fixed it as I foolishly hadn't thought of trying that earlier...

Awesome.  Glad that worked.  I should've probably twigged with the graphics earlier!

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While I wasn't able to "feel" your regular skins, the MPGD one is such a breath of fresh air. It single-handedly got me hooked to FM again 😀 Kudos! Really great work - I sincerely mean it.

I would also like to leave some notes about the skin:

  • bright blue colour with text is sometimes having a contrast issue (check the screenshot)
  • player overview:
    • has an issue with goalkeeper pizza graph (check the screenshot)
    • would be great if we can get more data in header section (country, contract length, show parent club if player is on loan)
    • would be great if we can get small padding in-between bars (check the screenshot)
  • tactics screen has three issues so far:
    • partnerships aren't always visible (have to re-drag the players for it to show up)
    • clicking on caret next to tactical style only dims the screen (check the screenshot)
    • while one of the sub-menus on the footer is open it's not possible to open a different one with single click - but rather two clicks (e.g. "IN POSSESSION" is open; click on "TRANSITION" closes the in possession menu and doesn't re-open transition menu) - not sure if this is feasible, but would be awesome to be able to re-open a different menu with single click
  • there are a lot of different fonts in the UI right now - I'd suggest trying to reduce it a bit (btw I really like how Montserrat looks in FM, great choice!)
  • the header on Inbox -> News seems a bit off, it breaks the UX of the game and skin
    • I feel like it might alleviate the problem if looks more in-line with the rest of the UI (more FM-like)


Once again - great work! I hope you'll take into consideration some of the notes that I've left (and potentially fix them for FM23 🙏).

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 22.31.11.jpg

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 22.32.47.jpg

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 22.35.47.jpg

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 22.40.14.jpg

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 22.46.16.jpg

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Thank you for your feedback

3 minutes ago, nilak said:

bright blue colour with text is sometimes having a contrast issue (check the screenshot)

Thank you for noticing that, I will address that.

4 minutes ago, nilak said:

has an issue with goalkeeper pizza graph (check the screenshot)

There is no goalkeeper pizza graph.  There are not enough goalkeeping metrics to warrant it; instead you get the Scisports visualisation that the game decides (either the pie charts you see or the polygon)

5 minutes ago, nilak said:

would be great if we can get more data in header section (country, contract length, show parent club if player is on loan)

I will consider adding contract length to the wages string, country is already there, and parent club is down at the bottom with the season statistics.  I will not be adding more to the header.

11 minutes ago, nilak said:

would be great if we can get small padding in-between bars (check the screenshot)

11 minutes ago, nilak said:

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 22.46.16.jpg

You need to clear cache, shut down the game and load back in.  Possibly need to remove other skins from the skin folder.  Those graphics are not part of the skin.

7 minutes ago, nilak said:
  • partnerships aren't always visible (have to re-drag the players for it to show up)
  • clicking on caret next to tactical style only dims the screen (check the screenshot)

I can't see a screenshot for the bottom.  Could you please share - and the same for partnerships; I haven't experienced this, and can't replicate it (but don't currently know what might be the condition for this to not show)

8 minutes ago, nilak said:

while one of the sub-menus on the footer is open it's not possible to open a different one with single click - but rather two clicks (e.g. "IN POSSESSION" is open; click on "TRANSITION" closes the in possession menu and doesn't re-open transition menu) - not sure if this is feasible, but would be awesome to be able to re-open a different menu with single click

This is a limitation of the game; it's the same behaviour in the default and all other skins, unfortunately.

9 minutes ago, nilak said:

there are a lot of different fonts in the UI right now - I'd suggest trying to reduce it a bit (btw I really like how Montserrat looks in FM, great choice!)

Could you provide some screenshots - Montserrat should be in all places, and I have tried to establish a basic hierarchy where possible.

10 minutes ago, nilak said:

the header on Inbox -> News seems a bit off, it breaks the UX of the game and skin

  • I feel like it might alleviate the problem if looks more in-line with the rest of the UI (more FM-like)


It is based on the SkySports interface.  In the same way the Social feed is based on Mastodon.

12 minutes ago, nilak said:

Once again - great work! I hope you'll take into consideration some of the notes that I've left (and potentially fix them for FM23 🙏).

There is no commitment to further updates for FM23; as said MPGD is a beta in preparation for FM24, so I appreciate the feedback.  I intend to shift my efforts over the summer to playing/enjoying the game.

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11 minutes ago, GIMN said:

Thank you for your feedback

Thank you for noticing that, I will address that.

There is no goalkeeper pizza graph.  There are not enough goalkeeping metrics to warrant it; instead you get the Scisports visualisation that the game decides (either the pie charts you see or the polygon)

I will consider adding contract length to the wages string, country is already there, and parent club is down at the bottom with the season statistics.  I will not be adding more to the header.

You need to clear cache, shut down the game and load back in.  Possibly need to remove other skins from the skin folder.  Those graphics are not part of the skin.

I can't see a screenshot for the bottom.  Could you please share - and the same for partnerships; I haven't experienced this, and can't replicate it (but don't currently know what might be the condition for this to not show)

This is a limitation of the game; it's the same behaviour in the default and all other skins, unfortunately.

Could you provide some screenshots - Montserrat should be in all places, and I have tried to establish a basic hierarchy where possible.

It is based on the SkySports interface.  In the same way the Social feed is based on Mastodon.

There is no commitment to further updates for FM23; as said MPGD is a beta in preparation for FM24, so I appreciate the feedback.  I intend to shift my efforts over the summer to playing/enjoying the game.


Thanks for the quick reply - I've removed other skins and now the bars are gone and there are no more different fonts on certain screens.

I fully understand your last point and I feel like the skin is in good enough shape. If any updates comes though - they would be very welcome 😃


I'm sending a video for an issue with partnerships on tactics screen.

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34 minutes ago, nilak said:

Thanks for the quick reply - I've removed other skins and now the bars are gone and there are no more different fonts on certain screens.

Phew!  I don't know how long I spent working on font hierarchies and gap/margin consistency.  Probably basic stuff for graphic designers/UI experts but I am most definitely neither of those things.

36 minutes ago, nilak said:

I'm sending a video for an issue with partnerships on tactics screen.

Screen Recording 2023-07-07 at 23.27.42.mov

Super, thank you for that.  That's very peculiar.  Was the defensive partnership showing as normal, or did you have to do the same thing there?

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3 minutes ago, GIMN said:

Super, thank you for that.  That's very peculiar.  Was the defensive partnership showing as normal, or did you have to do the same thing there?

I just checked again and the issue seems to be with MCR position. DM to MCL works out of the box.

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