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OpenAI ChatGPT is a gamechanger for FM immersion

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9 hours ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

Furthermore, if you cannot comprehend that sentence, then a good thing that you are not an editor

Mate, the only reason I'm not an editor is because I retired after more than 30 years of being one. And the sentence is easily comprehensible - my complaint is that the two sections I quoted are saying exactly the same thing; one section is, therefore, redundant, something us editors are paid to eliminate from text.

I'm genuinely curious why you've chosen this particular hill to die on.

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4 hours ago, V3ntricity said:

I can't believe there are people in here that argues against this. Either you don't understand AI or you are nitpicking AI answers for faults. 

But it's not about using ChatGPT as it is, that would be terrible. It's about using it (or tools like it) with an added context that is FM, training it and developing models for use in game. This could greatly enhance immersion and solve one of the major problems of FM, which is the tedious repetition of text and processes.

This is not complicated to do anymore, especially on a smaller scale. Just making the same game reviews and conversations in game a little bit more interesting would help alot.

Look, I get that it is not necessarily easy to hook up a service like this in decades old c++ code just to inject some text.  Game developers tend not to be the best at writing maintainable code. But in theory this is easy, and in reality this is a challenge and opportunity you probably should take. 

Well if it's so easy, you could always do it yourself!

In practice of course, it isn't that easy at all. There's an enormous amount of processing power required to run an LLM, and an enormous number of man hours to debug it. OpenAI is spending much, much more than SI's development budget, and SI have to maintain an actual game too! I mean, building a context sensitive help tool which uses something like Dialogflow to link human questions to articles about how to play is pretty easy, but I'm not sure making FM an online only game with a subscription based on how much you play just to have an FM version of Clippy would be that popular. (One fansites could implement if they wanted to pay for the API calls though...)

And in case you haven't looked at the examples here, ChatGPT is tediously repetitive (unless you choose to do outlandish things like ask for a match report in the style of the Bible), it's just tediously repetitive and erratic and difficult to debug. By the time you've trained it (and turned down the temperature setting enough) to be accurate enough to be useful, it's probably not much different to the current limited interactions.


2 hours ago, warlock said:

Mate, the only reason I'm not an editor is because I retired after more than 30 years of being one. And the sentence is easily comprehensible - my complaint is that the two sections I quoted are saying exactly the same thing; one section is, therefore, redundant, something us editors are paid to eliminate from text.

I'm genuinely curious why you've chosen this particular hill to die on.

tbf to ChatGPT, this tendency to be overly wordy is mostly because human testers are more impressed with verbosity and appending lots of caveats (including redundant ones) than concise responses.

I'm not sure how much of this is because people like waffle in general, how much is because maintaining coherence whilst being longwinded is seen as an accomplishment for a computer, and how much is because the waffle and the caveats cover for pretty dubious answers.


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39 minutes ago, enigmatic said:

help tool which uses something like Dialogflow to link human questions to articles about how to play is pretty easy

I created one that used a bot in Slack to talk to a Google sheet through Dialogflow back in the day to recall hours spent on each project I was involved with. Something very basic of "bot, I used 3 more hours on project X" and it added some hours to the sheet and responded with "thanks, I've added the 3 hours to project X, you have now spent 15 hours on it". And some to create new projects and the like. Was mostly to see how it was done, but then Dialogflow started charging per dialog, so I abandoned it.

Still very far from AI though, mostly just teaching it to recognize keywords and guesstimate responses. The training was also pretty basic, but worked well for simple tasks like that.

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1 hour ago, enigmatic said:

the waffle and the caveats cover for pretty dubious answers.

That would be my guess :)

I'm sure I'm coming across as anti-AI in this thread but I'm really not. Almost all of my 30 years as an editor was spent in IT publishing, so I have a long-standing interest in the subject. I just don't see the applicability of ChatGPT to computer gaming in general, or to FM in particular.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 07/02/2023 at 15:41, phnompenhandy said:

Just leaving this here...


Hey thanks! That's my video :)


I was just here to see what other people had done around Chat GPT and FM.  Some interesting things, for sure.

Edited by Cultured Left Foot
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Close, but not 100% there :rolleyes:

Please recommend a tactic for the game football manager (formation, team instructions and player roles) that fit the following players: Alban Lafont, Fran Garcia, Oumar Solet, Tanguy Nianzou, Wilfried Singo, Sofyane Amrabat, Antonin Barak, Luis Alberto, Moukoko, El-Nesyri, Schjelderup.

Given the players you've listed, you could use the 4-2-3-1 formation with the following tactics:


  • GK: Alban Lafont
  • LB: Fran Garcia
  • CB: Oumar Solet
  • CB: Tanguy Nianzou
  • RB: Wilfried Singo
  • CM: Antonin Barak
  • CM: Luis Alberto
  • CAM: Sofyane Amrabat
  • LM: Schjelderup
  • RM:
  • ST: Youssoufa Moukoko

Team Instructions:

  • Play Out of Defense
  • Work Ball into Box
  • Higher Tempo
  • Shorter Passing

Player Roles:

  • Alban Lafont: Sweeper-Keeper
  • Fran Garcia: Wing-Back (attack)
  • Oumar Solet: Central Defender (defend)
  • Tanguy Nianzou: Central Defender (defend)
  • Wilfried Singo: Wing-Back (defend)
  • Antonin Barak: Deep-Lying Playmaker (support)
  • Luis Alberto: Box-to-Box Midfielder (attack)
  • Sofyane Amrabat: Advanced Playmaker (attack)
  • Schjelderup: Inside Forward (attack)
  • Youssoufa Moukoko: Advanced Forward (attack)
  • El-Nesyri: Target Man (attack)

This formation would allow you to have a strong defense, midfield support, and attacking options. The team instructions would ensure that the team plays with a high tempo and looks to work the ball into the box to create scoring opportunities. The player roles would maximize the strengths of each player and provide a balanced attack-defense setup.


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  • 3 weeks later...

If your plan for AI integration into Football Manager is to just ask it how to play Football Manager, then you're doing it wrong. From the perspective of a video game, the AI tech is not meant to replace YOU. It's meant to replace the Non-Player Characters, better immerse you in the game world by having the NPCs respond more naturally than the current code allows, and to provide yourself with more options on how you can effect actual changes in those NPCs.

The best use for this tech in FM would be to immerse it in the game world itself, and allow the player use the "Additional Comments" or a "Custom Comment" field to respond in press conferences, job interviews, player talks - or anything else involving a NPC interaction - in a way that isn't limited to 5 multiple choice responses, particularly when the response you want to give isn't on the list. Then the game could use the AI's natural language capabilities to understand the response, and then, more importantly, use its coding abilities (which frankly, are even better than its language skills right now) to make the necessary happiness and relationship changes under the hood based on your words.

At the moment, you can type custom comments, but they are meaningless; all it does it tack on the same string you typed to the end of the article. You can type literally anything and it has no effect on the game. An AI could use your custom comment to actually cause something meaningful to happen, like players having a more nuanced relationship with you beyond just morale and happiness, becoming more/less convinced to sign with you, Chairmen discussing club vision and making decisions on your future, and more. Individual NPC attributes could cause them to react differently to your words, and they could even use the conversations to draw conclusions and form opinions about you. In rare cases, the NPCs could even interact with and influence each other! 

The existing multiple choice structure would still exist, but you would have the ability to meaningfully affect the game with custom responses as well.

If you do insist on using the AI to replace yourself, then the AI could even take on the attributes of your staff and provide advice from their perspectives, based on their own strengths, weaknesses, and preferences (and of course, those attributes could cause them to give you bad advice!)

Edited by Chas (Psyatika)
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2 hours ago, Chas (Psyatika) said:

At the moment, you can type custom comments, but they are meaningless; all it does it tack on the same string you typed to the end of the article. You can type literally anything and it has no effect on the game. An AI could use your custom comment to actually cause something meaningful to happen, like players having a more nuanced relationship with you beyond just morale and happiness, becoming more/less convinced to sign with you, Chairmen discussing club vision and making decisions on your future, and more. Individual NPC attributes could cause them to react differently to your words, and they could even use the conversations to draw conclusions and form opinions about you. In rare cases, the NPCs could even interact with and influence each other! 

This isn't how ChatGPT or equivalent LLMs work though. ChatGPT doesn't evaluate how nice your remarks were and update variables in FM's game database which govern morale and attitudes towards you and career plans and club vision. It just spits out more text 

Ironically, if you actually want those effects, you want the existing system of decision trees and hardcoded responses that actually does this (or attempts to) and is possible to debug when it does this badly...

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1 hour ago, enigmatic said:

This isn't how ChatGPT or equivalent LLMs work though. ChatGPT doesn't evaluate how nice your remarks were and update variables in FM's game database which govern morale and attitudes towards you and career plans and club vision. It just spits out more text 

Ironically, if you actually want those effects, you want the existing system of decision trees and hardcoded responses that actually does this (or attempts to) and is possible to debug when it does this badly...

You can use LLMs as an interface though

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12 minutes ago, Platinum said:

You can use LLMs as an interface though

In theory you can set text responses as triggers for actions and train it to give the right ones, but in practice that would just be an extremely painful to code, buggy and system-requirements intensive layer over what's already there... 

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15 hours ago, enigmatic said:

In theory you can set text responses as triggers for actions and train it to give the right ones, but in practice that would just be an extremely painful to code, buggy and system-requirements intensive layer over what's already there... 

Mostly agree which is why I dont think its worth the effort (I dont think buggy is a given). I think simple things like news reports and can be rewritten using LLMs though to get rid of the repetitiveness. Would have to do some testing to see how often the rewriting loses the original meaning though. You could do the same for player interactions  and press conferences however I think we actually want the interactions to be repetitive in this case and instead want our range of responses to be adequate - which is completely separate to any type of ChatGPYT technology.

Ultimately though I would guess that the cost likely wouldnt make sense. If it uses an API from OpenAI for example  it would be expensive and require the internet or require the user to run it locally on their machine which may or may not alter the system requirements in a significant way.

Regardless I hope they are putting A LOT of resources in to improving interactions and immersion.

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22 hours ago, Platinum said:

Mostly agree which is why I dont think its worth the effort (I dont think buggy is a given). I think simple things like news reports and can be rewritten using LLMs though to get rid of the repetitiveness. Would have to do some testing to see how often the rewriting loses the original meaning though. You could do the same for player interactions  and press conferences however I think we actually want the interactions to be repetitive in this case and instead want our range of responses to be adequate - which is completely separate to any type of ChatGPYT technology.

Ultimately though I would guess that the cost likely wouldnt make sense. If it uses an API from OpenAI for example  it would be expensive and require the internet or require the user to run it locally on their machine which may or may not alter the system requirements in a significant way.

Regardless I hope they are putting A LOT of resources in to improving interactions and immersion.

It's unambitious to think like that for a big game like FM. The costs could be too high, but that will be remedied by implementing their own AI services over time, which would be both simpler and more specific to FM.

AI could be used plenty of places in FM that not only would make the game less repetative, but also considerably more informative. How cool would it be to use a simple text service through AI to show tidbits of information on the city your team is playing against? I would love to have a little map and a little text box when playing against some lower league team or international team, where it shows the city on a map and some information about it. 

That is not in any way complicated to implement, it certainly shouldn't be. The benefit would be huge for a game like FM. It's the main thing I miss in game, and it's more of a closeness/discoverability to the environment and culture.  A tool like ChatGpt would be perfect for this. If the costs would be to high, then there are ways to go about it.

1) set up a server that is basically a proxy between FM and ChatGPT. It would be like a Redis server, but for information to be used in FM.  So in game FM would enqure for info on Torquay (for example) to the proxy. If it is already saved in the db, it would return it, else it reaches out to ChatGPT, inserts this info in the db, and returns. It's cheap and effective. From time to time,  this database could be updated for more fresh info if desired.

For information that needs to be more dynamic, then you could directly use ChatGPT, or preferrably FMs own AI tools (it would be worth building in the long run). But doing it this way, alot of the operations would be stuf that don't need to be immediately dynamic, so the costs will be substantially reduced.

2) Not use AI services, and instead just download wikipedia to this server. You could even add a feature where FM users could update information themselves. It's amazing how people like to contribute to things they care about. it gives them a sense of ownership and pride. This is a huge opportunity for FM, like many other things I've listed. 

It's not about these specific examples, but these features are just something I would want. There are many use cases (generating pictures and backgrounds for example). 

I sometimes believe the developers/leadership/owners of FM to lack vision and ambition. It's a really great game, but they really neeed to inject some vitality into their game or they could quickly grow stale.  A FM that includes women's football is not really that innovative (it's more of the same). Using the opportunities of internet services would make the game considerably more dynamic and adaptable. 

It really isn't a complex thing to do for most developers (I suspect it's more about having a culture that is afraid of change, which most companies grow into). An indicator of this is people who obsess over details that are wrong and then come to the conclusion that ChatGPT is terrible or not useable. You simple don't see the forest for the trees.  

Edited by V3ntricity
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Giving an entire new footballing world to manage in, one that hopefully has significant differences in how you approach things isn't innovative, but telling you more about Torquay is?  Really?  Something you could get by alt-tabbing and firing up Wikipedia itself doesn't strike me as remotely innovative or even that useful.

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Maps and Wikipedia excerpts could be one for the feature request section, nothing really to do with AI (although ChatGPT can make up a "sporting culture" for a lower division club that doesn't really have a well documented one and sanitise some of the famous ones by not mentioning the ultras...)


1 minute ago, forameuss said:

telling you more about Torquay is?  Really? 


This works particularly well in John Cleese's voice ;) 

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On 20/01/2023 at 14:01, themadsheep2001 said:

They aren't arguing against AI, but this particular AI, which is currently crap, especially as a help tool. That's been the core of the discussion. AI in general is different discussion. If you're going to have a pop, at least have the courtesy to read the detail and context they have posted

Crap? This is objetively wrong. It depends on what you use it for and how (also, ChatGPT comes in more than one form). The limited understanding of these tools at display, combined with the negative attitude to explore possibilities, is quite disappointing (including your snide and pointless remark).  

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2 hours ago, enigmatic said:

Maps and Wikipedia excerpts could be one for the feature request section, nothing really to do with AI (although ChatGPT can make up a "sporting culture" for a lower division club that doesn't really have a well documented one and sanitise some of the famous ones by not mentioning the ultras...)

It is just an example of the use of AI tools, and thus have alot to do with the discussion at hand. Meaning even static information like plain info can be made interesting and tailor made with the help of AI

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33 minutes ago, V3ntricity said:

Crap? This is objetively wrong. It depends on what you use it for and how (also, ChatGPT comes in more than one form). The limited understanding of these tools at display, combined with the negative attitude to explore possibilities, is quite disappointing (including your snide and pointless remark).  

In terms of giving useful advice in regards to FM, it's crap. The advice its been giving as examples was both woolly and incorrect, and that's what people were talking about in those examples before you came in halfway through a thread, and fired off without reading what people were responding too. Again please read the context of what people are saying, otherwise its a bit of waste of time. 

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38 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

In terms of giving useful advice in regards to FM, it's crap. The advice its been giving as examples was both woolly and incorrect, and that's what people were talking about in those examples before you came in halfway through a thread, and fired off without reading what people were responding too. Again please read the context of what people are saying, otherwise its a bit of waste of time. 

it's not crap because you are using it wrong. That is what my post was about. This whole thread is about how it can contribute to FM.  Also, if your understanding and use of ChatGPT is through the old prompt, you don't really know its capabilities.  Asking it randomly to give you advice on tactics is obviously not very useful

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13 hours ago, V3ntricity said:

It's unambitious to think like that for a big game like FM. The costs could be too high, but that will be remedied by implementing their own AI services over time, which would be both simpler and more specific to FM.

AI could be used plenty of places in FM that not only would make the game less repetative, but also considerably more informative. How cool would it be to use a simple text service through AI to show tidbits of information on the city your team is playing against? I would love to have a little map and a little text box when playing against some lower league team or international team, where it shows the city on a map and some information about it. 

That is not in any way complicated to implement, it certainly shouldn't be. The benefit would be huge for a game like FM. It's the main thing I miss in game, and it's more of a closeness/discoverability to the environment and culture.  A tool like ChatGpt would be perfect for this. If the costs would be to high, then there are ways to go about it.

1) set up a server that is basically a proxy between FM and ChatGPT. It would be like a Redis server, but for information to be used in FM.  So in game FM would enqure for info on Torquay (for example) to the proxy. If it is already saved in the db, it would return it, else it reaches out to ChatGPT, inserts this info in the db, and returns. It's cheap and effective. From time to time,  this database could be updated for more fresh info if desired.

For information that needs to be more dynamic, then you could directly use ChatGPT, or preferrably FMs own AI tools (it would be worth building in the long run). But doing it this way, alot of the operations would be stuf that don't need to be immediately dynamic, so the costs will be substantially reduced.

2) Not use AI services, and instead just download wikipedia to this server. You could even add a feature where FM users could update information themselves. It's amazing how people like to contribute to things they care about. it gives them a sense of ownership and pride. This is a huge opportunity for FM, like many other things I've listed. 

It's not about these specific examples, but these features are just something I would want. There are many use cases (generating pictures and backgrounds for example). 

I sometimes believe the developers/leadership/owners of FM to lack vision and ambition. It's a really great game, but they really neeed to inject some vitality into their game or they could quickly grow stale.  A FM that includes women's football is not really that innovative (it's more of the same). Using the opportunities of internet services would make the game considerably more dynamic and adaptable. 

It really isn't a complex thing to do for most developers (I suspect it's more about having a culture that is afraid of change, which most companies grow into). An indicator of this is people who obsess over details that are wrong and then come to the conclusion that ChatGPT is terrible or not useable. You simple don't see the forest for the trees.  

I know its just an example but I dont think using it to get info about a city is that useful - thats something I would look at, at most once maybe twice in my whole playing time and would have no impact on my enjoyment of the game. Also I dont see what difference there would be between the actual Wiki article and a rewriting of the wiki article by ChatGPT or some other LLM.

I dont think my point had anything to do with ambition, its about making the right investments to improve the game, and I dont see how ChatGPT could improve the game without significant investment into making it an interface between user input and the game mechanics - however doing that is very time and cost intensive and I think quicker and immediately more effective workarounds are a better call. For example the current player interaction system is not great because 1) Players make complaints that dont make sense within the context of the game and 2) the answers you can give back to the player do not include sensible responses. ChatGPT wouldn't be able to solve those 2 problems unfortunately. All it could do is rephrase the complaint the player gives you. (I actually think ChatGPT would make things worse if was used to rephrase complaints  but I wont go in to that here)

Because of this I said that I think its only use would be to rewrite news articles - but I dont think this is worthy of the time or effort either.

Some day in the future I hope LLMs can be used to enhance player interaction - but I dont think that time is now. But who knows maybe Im proven wrong.

Edited by Platinum
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1 hour ago, decapitated said:

ChatGPT is an interesting tool but the only application I can see for FM indirectly is for adding flavour and character in the career updates forum rather than anything that could be incorporated into the actual game for users. 

I don't think after trying it myself, it can be even used for that. I wrote:



write a lengthy newspaper report about the 2022/23 football season of Juventus in Serie A. Juventus appointed as their new manager Salvatore Giannio. Giannio born in 1986, started his career as a youth player at Palermo in 2002, transferred to Juventus in 2007 for 7 million euros where he spent 8 years playing in the position of attacking midfielder before transferring to Lazio on a free transfer in 2015 and also played for Chievo and Perugia before retiring in 2019 and joining the Juventus coaching setup. He also won 51 caps and scored 9 goals for Italy. There was a lot of scepticism about Giannio replacing previous coach Antonio Conte. The media and fans were very critical of their early season form which was inconsistent, with the club drawing more than winning and also losing 4-2 away to Verona in a shock result and a 1-2 home defeat by Roma which led to protest by the clubs ultra's. From December to March, however Juventus went on a 22 game unbeaten run. Giannios high pressing, gegenpressing style of play was extremely incisive and effective. The main components were the form of Serbian striker and new arrival from Fiorentina, Dusan Vlahovic who ended up scoring 45 goals in the 2022/23 Serie A being top scorer in the division and winning the European golden boot, Polish goalkeeper Wojciech Szczęsny who won serie A goalkeeper for the year 2023 with 22 clean sheets, and midfielders Nicolò Fagioli, 21 and Fabio Miretti, 19. Fagioli won best junior player in serie A for 2022/23 and there have been calls for him to be called up to the Italian senior men's side, and Miretti won the best under 19 player in Serie A for 2022/23. Juventus won Serie A on the penultimate match day of the season, which was Giannio's first ever trophy. Memorable matches included a 5-1 away victory over Sassuolo in which Vlahovic scored all 5 of Juventus's goals and a 4-2 away victory to A.C. Milan in which, again, Vlahovic scored all Juventus's goals in the match. They made it to the semi finals of the Coppa Italia before being eliminated by eventual winners A.C. Milan after putting in some uncharacteristically tired and lacklustre home and away games. Juventus's champions league form was also impressive. They qualified for the knockout stage and beat Liverpool 3-2 on aggregate thanks to an injury time strike in the 2nd leg at home by Vlahovic who also scored a hat-trick in that match. They faced Real Madrid in the quarter finals who they beat 2-1 on aggregate and the only goal of the second of two legs was scored by 29 year old Polish striker Arkadiusz Milik at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium in Madrid. They were defeated 7-3 on aggregate by eventual winners Barcelona who comprehensively outclassed them. Juventus's strong serie A and Champions League form means Giannio is extremely popular with Juventus's fanbase as of May 2023 and having already arranged a free transfer for Norwich City's English right-back Max Aarons, 23 at the end of his contract in June 2023, there is much speculation over which players he might sign. However his spending ability is hampered by most of the transfer budget being taken up with signing players who were previously loaned to Juventus such as Manuel Locatelli, Arkadiusz Milik, Moise Kean and Leandro Paredes.

It responded with




The 2022/23 football season of Juventus in Serie A was a rollercoaster ride for both the team and its fans. The appointment of Salvatore Giannio as the new manager had raised eyebrows, and many were sceptical about his ability to fill the shoes of the previous coach Antonio Conte. However, Giannio, born in 1986, had started his football career as a youth player at Palermo in 2002 before moving to Juventus in 2007 for a fee of 7 million euros. He played for the team for eight years before transferring to Lazio in 2015. He also played for Chievo and Perugia before retiring in 2019 and joining the Juventus coaching setup. He won 51 caps and scored 9 goals for Italy during his career.

The early season form of Juventus was inconsistent, with the club drawing more than winning and also losing 4-2 away to Verona in a shock result and a 1-2 home defeat by Roma, which led to protests by the club's ultras. The media and fans were critical of Giannio's tactics, and it seemed like he was struggling to find his feet in the league. However, from December to March, Juventus went on a 22-game unbeaten run, and Giannio's high pressing, gegenpressing style of play became extremely effective.

One of the main components of Juventus's success was the form of Serbian striker Dusan Vlahovic, who had arrived from Fiorentina. Vlahovic scored 45 goals in the 2022/23 Serie A season, becoming the top scorer in the division and winning the European golden boot. Polish goalkeeper Wojciech Szczęsny won Serie A goalkeeper for the year 2023 with 22 clean sheets, while midfielders Nicolò Fagioli, 21, and Fabio Miretti, 19, also played crucial roles. Fagioli won best junior player in Serie A for 2022/23, and there have been calls for him to be called up to the Italian senior men's side, while Miretti won the best under 19 player in Serie A for 2022/23.

Juventus won Serie A on the penultimate match day of the season, which was Giannio's first-ever trophy. Memorable matches included a 5-1 away victory over Sassuolo in which Vlahovic scored all five of Juventus's goals and a 4-2 away victory to A.C. Milan in which Vlahovic scored all Juventus's goals in the match.

Juventus also had an impressive run in the Champions League. They qualified for the knockout stage and beat Liverpool 3-2 on aggregate thanks to an injury-time strike in the second leg at home by Vlahovic, who also scored a hat-trick in that match. They faced Real Madrid in the quarter-finals and beat them 2-1 on aggregate, with the only goal of the second leg being scored by 29-year-old Polish striker Arkadiusz Milik at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium in Madrid. However, they were comprehensively outclassed by eventual winners Barcelona, losing 7-3 on aggregate.

Despite the disappointing exit from the Champions League, Giannio had become extremely popular with Juventus's fanbase by May 2023. He had already arranged a free transfer for Norwich City's English right-back Max Aarons, 23, at the end of his contract in June 2023. There was much speculation over which players he might sign, but his spending ability was hampered by most of the transfer budget being taken up with signing players who were previously loaned to Juventus such as Manuel Locatelli, Arkadiusz


That is basically just regurgitating what I wrote originally so I said to it:


regenerate the response but make it longer and more in-depth




The appointment of Salvatore Giannio as Juventus' new manager came as a surprise to many. Born in 1986, Giannio began his career as a youth player at Palermo in 2002 before transferring to Juventus in 2007 for a fee of 7 million euros. He spent 8 years playing in the position of attacking midfielder before moving to Lazio on a free transfer in 2015. Giannio also played for Chievo and Perugia before retiring in 2019 and joining the Juventus coaching setup. He had an illustrious career, winning 51 caps and scoring 9 goals for Italy.

There was a lot of scepticism about Giannio replacing previous coach Antonio Conte, and the media and fans were very critical of their early season form which was inconsistent, with the club drawing more than winning and also losing 4-2 away to Verona in a shock result and a 1-2 home defeat by Roma which led to protest by the clubs ultra's. However, Giannio's high pressing, gegenpressing style of play was extremely incisive and effective, leading to a significant improvement in Juventus' form.

From December to March, Juventus went on an impressive 22-game unbeaten run in Serie A. The main components of this success were the form of Serbian striker Dusan Vlahovic, who was a new arrival from Fiorentina. Vlahovic was exceptional, ending up as the top scorer in the division with 45 goals and winning the European golden boot. He was a crucial part of Juventus' attacking force and was often the difference maker in key games. Another player who shone for Juventus was Polish goalkeeper Wojciech Szczęsny, who won the Serie A goalkeeper of the year award for 2023 with 22 clean sheets. His impressive performances between the posts kept Juventus in games and secured them vital points throughout the season.

In midfield, Juventus had two outstanding players: Nicolò Fagioli, aged 21, and Fabio Miretti, aged 19. Fagioli was awarded the best junior player in Serie A for 2022/23, and there have been calls for him to be called up to the Italian senior men's side. Meanwhile, Miretti won the best under 19 player in Serie A for the same season. Both players showed immense potential and were crucial in Juventus' success in the 2022/23 campaign.

Juventus eventually won the Serie A title on the penultimate match day of the season, which was Giannio's first ever trophy as a manager. The club's fans were delighted with the team's performances, which included a memorable 5-1 away victory over Sassuolo in which Vlahovic scored all 5 of Juventus' goals, and a 4-2 away victory over A.C. Milan in which Vlahovic again scored all of Juventus' goals.

Juventus also had a decent run in the Champions League. They qualified for the knockout stages and faced Liverpool in the round of 16, eventually beating them 3-2 on aggregate thanks to an injury-time strike in the second leg at home by Vlahovic, who also scored a hat-trick in that match. In the quarter-finals, they faced Real Madrid, who they beat 2-1 on aggregate, with the only goal of the second leg scored by 29-year-old Polish striker Arkadiusz Milik at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium in Madrid.

However, Juventus' Champions League campaign came to an end in the semi-finals after they were defeated 7-3 on aggregate


You'll notice both times it ran out of the text limit to actually respond. I don't think there is any application for Chat GPT directly or indirectly for FM currently.

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On 28/02/2023 at 16:28, decapitated said:

I don't think after trying it myself, it can be even used for that. 

The theoretical point of it is if you don't have the time and inclination to write lots of stuff, it can generate something that looks a bit like a match report from something as basic as this

Man Utd 3 West Ham 1

West Ham goals: Said Benhrama 54'

Man Utd goals: Aguerd own goal 77', Garnacho 90', Fred 90'+5


Trouble is, it gets a tad too creative with that. I think the funniest thing is it's used "Garnacho" as an input to pick half of Man Utd's youth team, and then given his goal to Elanga!


Manchester United secured a 3-1 victory against West Ham in a thrilling Premier League encounter on Tuesday night at Old Trafford.

West Ham started the game brightly, looking to take the game to the hosts from the first whistle. Their attacking intent paid off early in the second half when Said Benhrama found the back of the net in the 54th minute, capitalizing on a mistake by the United defense.

However, the home side responded well to the setback, gradually taking control of the game and creating numerous chances. Their persistence paid off in the 77th minute when a cross from the right flank was deflected into the net by West Ham defender Aguerd, who was under pressure from the United attackers.

With the scoreline level, both teams pushed forward in search of a winner. It was United who finally found the breakthrough in the 90th minute, as substitute Anthony Elanga whipped in a cross from the left, which was met by fellow substitute Shola Shoretire. The youngster's shot was saved by the West Ham goalkeeper, but the rebound fell kindly to fellow substitute Arnau Puigmal, who squared the ball to the unmarked Anthony Elanga, who slotted the ball into the net to give United the lead.

The home side weren't done yet, and in the 5th minute of stoppage time, Fred put the game beyond doubt with a well-taken goal, capping off a brilliant performance by United.

Overall, it was a dominant display by the Red Devils, who fully deserved the three points. West Ham can take heart from their spirited performance, but ultimately it was United's quality that shone through.

Not gonna lie, I think the existing auto-generated reports are better


unless you want to do this

write a match report for this football match in the style of William Shakespeare:

Man Utd 3 West Ham 1

West Ham goals: Said Benhrama 54'

Man Utd goals: Aguerd own goal 77', Garnacho 90', Fred 90'+5


Hark! Ye noble lords and ladies, I bring to thee a tale of football, a clash of titans fierce and true, betwixt Manchester United and West Ham, that played at Old Trafford.

The game did start with much ado, the players charged with vigor new, and West Ham they did take the lead, a goal from Benhrama, good indeed.

But Manchester United did not relent, and fought back with fierce intent. In the 77th minute, Aguerd did deflect, and United did draw level, in perfect effect.

The match was tight, and tensions high, as both teams sought to strike and vie. And then in the 90th minute, Garnacho did score, his shot so fine and pure.

West Ham they tried to find a way, to draw the match, to make it stay. But alas, it was not to be, for in the 95th minute, Fred did score, and sealed the victory for United, forever more.

Thus ends our tale of football bold, of teams so mighty, and stories told. Manchester United did emerge victorious, with West Ham left to rue, their loss so sorrowful, but such is football, and thus it be true.


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22 minutes ago, enigmatic said:

tbf, I'm sure it's trained on lots more godawful pseudo-Shakespearean Ye Olde English writing than actual Shakespeare :D  Hark! Ye noble lords and ladies indeed.

My biggest issue with it is that people are pronouncing "Ye" as "Jee", rather than the correct "thee". Since the Y was a simple substitute for þ (thorn), and not the letter Y we use today.

/linguistic rant

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10 hours ago, enigmatic said:

The theoretical point of it is if you don't have the time and inclination to write lots of stuff, it can generate something that looks a bit like a match report from something as basic as this

Man Utd 3 West Ham 1

West Ham goals: Said Benhrama 54'

Man Utd goals: Aguerd own goal 77', Garnacho 90', Fred 90'+5


Trouble is, it gets a tad too creative with that. I think the funniest thing is it's used "Garnacho" as an input to pick half of Man Utd's youth team, and then given his goal to Elanga!


Manchester United secured a 3-1 victory against West Ham in a thrilling Premier League encounter on Tuesday night at Old Trafford.

West Ham started the game brightly, looking to take the game to the hosts from the first whistle. Their attacking intent paid off early in the second half when Said Benhrama found the back of the net in the 54th minute, capitalizing on a mistake by the United defense.

However, the home side responded well to the setback, gradually taking control of the game and creating numerous chances. Their persistence paid off in the 77th minute when a cross from the right flank was deflected into the net by West Ham defender Aguerd, who was under pressure from the United attackers.

With the scoreline level, both teams pushed forward in search of a winner. It was United who finally found the breakthrough in the 90th minute, as substitute Anthony Elanga whipped in a cross from the left, which was met by fellow substitute Shola Shoretire. The youngster's shot was saved by the West Ham goalkeeper, but the rebound fell kindly to fellow substitute Arnau Puigmal, who squared the ball to the unmarked Anthony Elanga, who slotted the ball into the net to give United the lead.

The home side weren't done yet, and in the 5th minute of stoppage time, Fred put the game beyond doubt with a well-taken goal, capping off a brilliant performance by United.

Overall, it was a dominant display by the Red Devils, who fully deserved the three points. West Ham can take heart from their spirited performance, but ultimately it was United's quality that shone through.

Not gonna lie, I think the existing auto-generated reports are better


unless you want to do this

write a match report for this football match in the style of William Shakespeare:

Man Utd 3 West Ham 1

West Ham goals: Said Benhrama 54'

Man Utd goals: Aguerd own goal 77', Garnacho 90', Fred 90'+5


Hark! Ye noble lords and ladies, I bring to thee a tale of football, a clash of titans fierce and true, betwixt Manchester United and West Ham, that played at Old Trafford.

The game did start with much ado, the players charged with vigor new, and West Ham they did take the lead, a goal from Benhrama, good indeed.

But Manchester United did not relent, and fought back with fierce intent. In the 77th minute, Aguerd did deflect, and United did draw level, in perfect effect.

The match was tight, and tensions high, as both teams sought to strike and vie. And then in the 90th minute, Garnacho did score, his shot so fine and pure.

West Ham they tried to find a way, to draw the match, to make it stay. But alas, it was not to be, for in the 95th minute, Fred did score, and sealed the victory for United, forever more.

Thus ends our tale of football bold, of teams so mighty, and stories told. Manchester United did emerge victorious, with West Ham left to rue, their loss so sorrowful, but such is football, and thus it be true.


Nah you wouldnt do this, instead you input the existing match report and get it to rewrite it, possibly with different tones or emphasises. It's good at summarising or rewriting text so I dont think it would often make up things that arent in the existing report.

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Just now, Platinum said:

Nah you wouldnt do this, instead you input the existing match report and ask it to rewrite, possibly with different tones or emphasises

But if you've got an existing match report, you might as well use the existing match report rather than the existing match report with a slight change in wording and a couple of things that didn't happen...

Unless you're wanting it in cod Shakespeare I guess. Or the style of the Bible

And it came to pass, in the land of Manchester, that a great football match was played, between the home team, Manchester United, and the visitors, West Ham.

The game was hard-fought and full of passion, with both teams seeking to overcome the other. And it was West Ham who struck first, with a goal from Benhrama in the 54th minute.

But Manchester United did not falter, and they fought back with all their might. And it was in the 77th minute that they were rewarded, when Aguerd of West Ham, in an unfortunate moment, put the ball into his own goal, thus equalizing the score.

The match continued with both teams vying for supremacy, but it was Manchester United who prevailed. In the 90th minute, Garnacho of United scored a goal, and in the 95th minute, Fred sealed the victory for United with another goal.

And the crowd rejoiced, and the players celebrated, for Manchester United had emerged victorious. And it was written, that they had won by a score of three to one, with goals from Aguerd of West Ham, and Garnacho and Fred of Manchester United.

Thus ends the tale of this great football match, a story of triumph and defeat, of battles fought and won. And it shall be remembered, for all time, as a testament to the great sport of football, and the glory of those who play it. Amen.

Actually, that's worse than its Shakespeare, although at least it's got the scorers right...

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1 hour ago, enigmatic said:

But if you've got an existing match report, you might as well use the existing match report rather than the existing match report with a slight change in wording and a couple of things that didn't happen...

Unless you're wanting it in cod Shakespeare I guess. Or the style of the Bible

And it came to pass, in the land of Manchester, that a great football match was played, between the home team, Manchester United, and the visitors, West Ham.

The game was hard-fought and full of passion, with both teams seeking to overcome the other. And it was West Ham who struck first, with a goal from Benhrama in the 54th minute.

But Manchester United did not falter, and they fought back with all their might. And it was in the 77th minute that they were rewarded, when Aguerd of West Ham, in an unfortunate moment, put the ball into his own goal, thus equalizing the score.

The match continued with both teams vying for supremacy, but it was Manchester United who prevailed. In the 90th minute, Garnacho of United scored a goal, and in the 95th minute, Fred sealed the victory for United with another goal.

And the crowd rejoiced, and the players celebrated, for Manchester United had emerged victorious. And it was written, that they had won by a score of three to one, with goals from Aguerd of West Ham, and Garnacho and Fred of Manchester United.

Thus ends the tale of this great football match, a story of triumph and defeat, of battles fought and won. And it shall be remembered, for all time, as a testament to the great sport of football, and the glory of those who play it. Amen.

Actually, that's worse than its Shakespeare, although at least it's got the scorers right...

Yep which is why its not worth the effort. I dont think the news items and match reports are repetitive or important enough to warrant having a rewriting

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On 02/03/2023 at 20:48, enigmatic said:

But if you've got an existing match report, you might as well use the existing match report rather than the existing match report with a slight change in wording and a couple of things that didn't happen...

Unless you're wanting it in cod Shakespeare I guess. Or the style of the Bible

And it came to pass, in the land of Manchester, that a great football match was played, between the home team, Manchester United, and the visitors, West Ham.

The game was hard-fought and full of passion, with both teams seeking to overcome the other. And it was West Ham who struck first, with a goal from Benhrama in the 54th minute.

But Manchester United did not falter, and they fought back with all their might. And it was in the 77th minute that they were rewarded, when Aguerd of West Ham, in an unfortunate moment, put the ball into his own goal, thus equalizing the score.

The match continued with both teams vying for supremacy, but it was Manchester United who prevailed. In the 90th minute, Garnacho of United scored a goal, and in the 95th minute, Fred sealed the victory for United with another goal.

And the crowd rejoiced, and the players celebrated, for Manchester United had emerged victorious. And it was written, that they had won by a score of three to one, with goals from Aguerd of West Ham, and Garnacho and Fred of Manchester United.

Thus ends the tale of this great football match, a story of triumph and defeat, of battles fought and won. And it shall be remembered, for all time, as a testament to the great sport of football, and the glory of those who play it. Amen.

Actually, that's worse than its Shakespeare, although at least it's got the scorers right...

I asked AI to write this out in a short jazzy way



Manchester United clashed with West Ham in an electrifying football match. After West Ham's early lead, United bounced back with goals from Garnacho and Fred to seize a spectacular victory. The players were over the moon and the crowd was in a frenzy. It was a game for the ages, showcasing the beauty and thrill of the sport.


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I went back and asked for 140 characters (like twitter) but it lost it's jazziness

So I asked it to increase to 280 characters but it jazzy and with lots of flavour



In a nail-biting football match between Manchester United and West Ham, the visitors started strong with an early goal. But Manchester United showed their determination, equalizing with an own goal by West Ham and then scoring two stunning goals of their own to secure a thrilling victory. The atmosphere was electric, and both the players and the fans were over the moon with the result.


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And one last time to keep it interesting


Manchester United and West Ham's football match was a rollercoaster ride. After Benhrama's opener, United equalized with an own goal by Aguerd. In a nail-biting finish, Garnacho and Fred scored stunning goals to lead United to an exciting victory. Fans and players alike were overjoyed by the result.


I think these types of Ai generated a bit better than repetitive ones.
I'm going to ask it to generate a question a reporter would ask a manager.

With a bit of fiddling with the answers




generate a set of questions a reporter might ask the winning manager during a press conference
What did you say to the team at half-time to inspire such a strong second-half performance?




  1. Quote


    1. How did you feel when West Ham scored the first goal, and how did the team react to that setback?
    2. What was your game plan going into the match, and did you have to make any adjustments during the game?
    3. Can you comment on the individual performances of the players who scored the goals, Garnacho and Fred?
    4. What do you think was the key to your team's success in the final minutes of the match?
    5. How do you plan to build on this win and carry the momentum forward into your next games?
    6. What message do you have for the fans, who were cheering the team on throughout the match?
    7. Can you comment on the opposition team and what they did well during the match?
    8. How important was this win in terms of your team's overall performance this season?
    9. What challenges did your team face during the match, and how did they overcome them?





Pick 3 random questions and generate 5 responses a manager might answer with to each





keep the questions and answers short - approx 140 characters

  1. What was your game plan going into the match, and did you have to make any adjustments during the game?
  • We had a clear game plan, but had to adjust tactics as needed.
  • Our plan was to play with intensity and adapt to West Ham's style.
  • Defend well, attack dynamically. Made halftime tweaks to midfield.
  • Control tempo, dominate possession. Tweaked tactics to break through West Ham's defense.
  1. Can you comment on the individual performances of the players who scored the goals, Garnacho and Fred?
  • Garnacho and Fred were exceptional. Their hard work paid off.
  • Garnacho showed his quality with a stunning finish. Fred's goal was the icing on the cake.
  • Garnacho and Fred played with passion and commitment. They deserved to score.
  • Garnacho's goal was world-class, Fred's was the result of excellent teamwork.
  • Garnacho and Fred are both talented players who are always looking to make an impact.
  1. What challenges did your team face during the match, and how did they overcome them?
  • West Ham were a tough opponent, but we adapted to their style of play.
  • We struggled to break down their defense, but kept pushing and created chances.
  • Our players were fatigued, but we made substitutions to keep the energy levels up.
  • We had to deal with some injuries, but the team showed great resilience and character.
  • We faced a lot of pressure in the final minutes, but the players remained focused and determined.
To me it's a bit more engaging.
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To me it's every bit as generic as the original (arguably more, at least there's the occasional jokey references in the SI responses) but wrong a lot more often and is completely disconnected with any possibility of the responses having any effect on player relationships...

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21 minutes ago, enigmatic said:

To me it's every bit as generic as the original (arguably more, at least there's the occasional jokey references in the SI responses) but wrong a lot more often and is completely disconnected with any possibility of the responses having any effect on player relationships...

I'm not saying it's perfect the way it is - but it's a bit better than the same message coming up all the time - and all the same questions and responses. 

Different reporters could have different AI levels to generate good/bad questions. 

If you feel it's as every bit generic - then it won't affect you - but at least others might appreciate a bit. 

So if it doesn't affect you then what's the harm in including it?


AI is here - whether we like it or not - so it's better to embrace it and utilise it and give deeper immersion to the game.


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Here's a fictional game, players, reporters questions and manager reaction - with an option for an over the top reaction

Manchester United 3-2 Arsenal

Goals: Ravenwood (15'), Blaze (35'), Lightning (78'); Shadowstrike (21'), Swiftfoot (60')

United edge Arsenal in a five-goal thriller. Ravenwood, Blaze and Lightning scored for United while Shadowstrike and Swiftfoot netted for Arsenal.

Reporter-style questions:

What made the difference in United's win?
How did Arsenal respond to falling behind?
Why was defending such a struggle for both teams?
Manager responses:

"Our attacking play was outstanding today. We were clinical in front of goal and held off a strong Arsenal fightback."
"We showed great character to get back in the game after going behind early. We played some fantastic football."
"It was a high-intensity game with a lot of chances at both ends. Both teams will need to tighten up defensively, but it made for a great spectacle."

Over the top reaction: "We deserved to win, but the referee was a disgrace! He gave them everything! It's a conspiracy against us! #MUFC #EPL"



I think it's a bit more fun.

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5 minutes ago, Smurf said:

I'm not saying it's perfect the way it is - but it's a bit better than the same message coming up all the time - and all the same questions and responses. 

Different reporters could have different AI levels to generate good/bad questions. 

If you feel it's as every bit generic - then it won't affect you - but at least others might appreciate a bit. 

So if it doesn't affect you then what's the harm in including it


Personally I'd rather not pay more money for an online only game just to get a buggier version of media interviews that have no side effects. YMMV


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3 minutes ago, enigmatic said:

Personally I'd rather not pay more money for an online only game just to get a buggier version of media interviews that have no side effects. YMMV

Why would you pay more money - who said it was an online game only? If you're not online you get the standard borefest. 

Who says it can't have side effects? 


*edit* the news conferences are already buggy - and boring - that's why I skip every single one and don't interact with the media side of the game at all.

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Just now, Smurf said:

Why would you pay more money - who said it was an online game only? If you're not online you get the standard borefest. 

Who says it can't have side effects? 

You would pay more money because every bit of text generated by a GPT API costs SI money.

It can't have side effects because the game logic has no idea what the generated text responses mean, and GPT has no idea how the game logic works works. 


So basically, it's like the box that SI let you type your own responses into, except with boring text SI pays money to generate instead...


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I honestly think there is no current possible use for ChatGPT in the FM series. Most of the points I would make on it have been made by Enigmatic beforehand in a more concise way. You can suggest whatever possible use you'd like, but it still comes down to the output having no relation to the core game. It's fun for things like this though. 


Write me a match report for the 2021 FA Cup final in the style of a freestyle rap


Yo, listen up y'all, I got a story to tell
'Bout the 2021 FA Cup final, where two teams fell
Chelsea and Leicester, they took to the pitch
A battle for the trophy, they were ready to switch

It was a sunny day at Wembley, the crowd was hyped
The players were warmed up, ready to fight
Chelsea in blue, Leicester in white
The stage was set, for a cup final delight

The game started off, with Chelsea in control
They passed the ball around, with finesse and goal
But Leicester were tough, they didn't back down
They pressed and they fought, to keep Chelsea on the ground

The first half went by, with no goals to show
The teams were even, but the tension did grow
Then out of nowhere, Leicester scored first
A stunning goal from Tielemans, it was the worst

Chelsea tried to fight back, but Leicester held strong
They defended with their lives, it didn't take long
The clock ticked away, the fans held their breath
But Leicester held on, and secured their success

The final whistle blew, and Leicester had won
The FA Cup was theirs, and they were the one
It was a great game, a true cup final treat
Leicester had won, it was their day to defeat

So that's my rap, about the 2021 FA Cup
Leicester were the champions, and they didn't give up
They fought with their hearts, and their passion did show
And now they're the winners, of the FA Cup glow.

Leicester wore claret not white so skynet gets it wrong again.

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11 minutes ago, decapitated said:

Yo, listen up y'all, I got a story to tell
'Bout the 2021 FA Cup final, where two teams fell
Chelsea and Leicester, they took to the pitch
A battle for the trophy, they were ready to switch

The "rap" works surprisingly well if you imagine it to the tune of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme...

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Most of the raps from ChatGPT (even and especially the rap battles) seem to take their influence from Will Smith as well as other early 1990s pop-rap luminaries like Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, Kriss-Kross, etc. though somehow less cool than any of those. If it improves at the speed of Midjourney then by this time next year it'll be in Aesop Rock/Cannibal Ox levels of rhyme quality and complexity.

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11 hours ago, enigmatic said:

You would pay more money because every bit of text generated by a GPT API costs SI money.

It can't have side effects because the game logic has no idea what the generated text responses mean, and GPT has no idea how the game logic works works. 


So basically, it's like the box that SI let you type your own responses into, except with boring text SI pays money to generate instead...


Who says they have to use Chat GPT - I'm using it here and it costs nothing. 

Anyone can create ai chats - with natural language processing and machine learning using platforms and frameworks and coding that's already available and in use. 


Just because we're talking about openai-chatgpt in the forum thread doesn't mean it will need to be used - there's other ways to get this done - I guess this particular ChatGPT was honed in on cos it's in the news a lot - but there's no reason to use this exact one.

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3 minutes ago, Smurf said:

Who says they have to use Chat GPT - I'm using it here and it costs nothing. 

Anyone can create ai chats - with natural language processing and machine learning using platforms and frameworks and coding that's already available and in use. 


Just because we're talking about openai-chatgpt in the forum thread doesn't mean it will need to be used - there's other ways to get this done - I guess this particular ChatGPT was honed in on cos it's in the news a lot - but there's no reason to use this exact one.

What I'm saying is that new technology is constantly being developed and it should be embraced if it's useful.

The game makers shouldn't ignore emerging technologies. 

I don't expect to see AI chat in the game anytime soon - I know there's a pathway for the development of the game, maybe AI chat is already in the works, maybe it's not - maybe it's being added to the roadmap. 

But it shouldn't be ignored - emerging technologies are exciting utilising emerging technologies well will increase the popularity of the game and lead to more sales and more publicity - which in turn brings more players and interest.

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