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Winter Patch Speculation Thread

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5 dakika önce, Colorado said:

I'm sure you're not as self-entitled as this reads, but the situation isn't complex: it's not ready but as soon as it is, it'll be released. It really is that straightforward.  

Yes but why say that here. May as well lock the thread with a message saying it will be out when its ready then. We are literally here to speculate and throw dates around, obviously we know it will be released when its ready but if that was enough we wouldn't be here to begin with, so saying stuff like when its ready goes against what the thread is about.

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9 minutos atrás, andu1 disse:

I hope the latest lqa update doesn't mean the update is postponed until next week.... :(

infelizmente acho que sim . Não vão lançar o patch .

desculpem por ter escrito em português 

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27 minutes ago, Justified said:

Hoping it'll be today. Got the evening free and looking forward to starting a new save today. @Neil Brock if it's not out today, could you give us a sign? If not, I will take your silence as the patch will be out this evening. :D 

Erm, he's on holiday and won't be back for another week.


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1 minute ago, Caletti said:

I don't know why but I've got the feeling that this year will be one patch in mid-March. I hope I am wrong.

I doubt it. A lot of work was completed ahead of the hard deadline of mid Feb regarding Data. 

Implementation of that data and bug fixes will take as long as they take. It's a complicated game. 

I'm glad of the delay, I'm super busy at work and not having the last data patch to start my final save is probably a blessing... 😂

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1 minute ago, Tanzinho said:

I doubt it. A lot of work was completed ahead of the hard deadline of mid Feb regarding Data. 

Implementation of that data and bug fixes will take as long as they take. It's a complicated game. 

I'm glad of the delay, I'm super busy at work and not having the last data patch to start my final save is probably a blessing... 😂

Well, to be fair, we all know what our real jobs are.

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56 minutes ago, Caletti said:

I don't know why but I've got the feeling that this year will be one patch in mid-March. I hope I am wrong.

Same, at this point it must be easier for them just to have the one. It'd be nice if they told us that though 

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1 hour ago, Caletti said:

I don't know why but I've got the feeling that this year will be one patch in mid-March. I hope I am wrong.

makes more sense to have just one patch.

Transfer markets all over Europe just closes only this week, 

Having researches providing  all the transfers this week,  in the meantime the tech-team has been working on other bugs.

And then, somewhere in the next 10 days: a new patch with all in one.



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5 dakika önce, Dropveter said:

makes more sense to have just one patch.

Transfer markets all over Europe just closes only this week, 

Having researches providing  all the transfers this week,  in the meantime the tech-team has been working on other bugs.

And then, somewhere in the next 10 days: a new patch with all in one.



Turkish transfer window closes March 7th. So if they release only one update, i think it will be too late.

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12 minutes ago, akinozcan said:

Turkish transfer window closes March 7th. So if they release only one update, i think it will be too late.

Yeah this. Just cos the transfer window shuts on the 7th they then have to implement all the changes and do a round of testing etc so that would push that update into the following week which would be more like the end of March

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2 hours ago, KamyKaze said:

Lol. Last update didn't touch the match engine. Last time that was touched was on the release day, hence why all this wait is nonsense, since the chaos football from the Beta was being used as a feature at some point, but it never came back after release...

Sorry, I meant the last 'big' update back at the start of December (I think!). It did make changes to the match engine and sorted some of the defensive issues. 

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The update is released between the end of February and early March so everything is still within the time frames communicated. The speculation is endless but the fact is that everything is going according to the schedule. When things don't happen right away, remember, it takes 6 months to build a Rolls Royce and 13 hours for a Toyota. 

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Just now, Fenech said:

The update is released between the end of February and early March so everything is still within the time frames communicated. The speculation is endless but the fact is that everything is going according to the schedule. When things don't happen right away, remember, it takes 6 months to build a Rolls Royce and 13 hours for a Toyota. 

Why don't you realise that you're posting on a speculation thread? It has been pointed out to you several times 

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2 dakika önce, Fenech said:

The update is released between the end of February and early March so everything is still within the time frames communicated. The speculation is endless but the fact is that everything is going according to the schedule. When things don't happen right away, remember, it takes 6 months to build a Rolls Royce and 13 hours for a Toyota. 

Toyota is better.

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4 minutos atrás, SaintPaul disse:

Why don't you realise that you're posting on a speculation thread? It has been pointed out to you several times 

He has been called Miles multiple times, if he doesn't catch on that tip, I don't know how he can get that he is on a speculation thread trying to speak in absolutes.

It looks like damage control, in a certain way.

Edited by josel15
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18 minutes ago, Funcut said:

We need new rules about transfer window in every league in the world.

Because of FM winter patch.

We cannot wait that long.


Exactly, I think FIFA should finally order that transfer window in every league in the world ends on the same day, preferably 31.01. This would really make our lives better!

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9 minuti fa, Fenech ha scritto:

The update is released between the end of February and early March so everything is still within the time frames communicated. The speculation is endless but the fact is that everything is going according to the schedule. When things don't happen right away, remember, it takes 6 months to build a Rolls Royce and 13 hours for a Toyota. 

Have the feeling that lately we’ve been used to wait 6 months to get a Toyota in the end

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2 minutes ago, gggfunk said:

Exactly, I think FIFA should finally order that transfer window in every league in the world ends on the same day, preferably 31.01. This would really make our lives better!


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27 minutes ago, oi_oi_ginger_roy said:

Yeah this. Just cos the transfer window shuts on the 7th they then have to implement all the changes and do a round of testing etc so that would push that update into the following week which would be more like the end of March

The swedish head researcher said it will be two winter updates.

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24 minutes ago, Fenech said:

The update is released between the end of February and early March so everything is still within the time frames communicated. The speculation is endless but the fact is that everything is going according to the schedule. When things don't happen right away, remember, it takes 6 months to build a Rolls Royce and 13 hours for a Toyota. 

Okay miles....

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I think we'll still get 2 updates, if they wanted to do just one they wouldn't use replies like "we'll set the update live as soon as it's ready to go, which in previous years has been around late Feb-early March" on Twitter. Unless they encountered some errors during testing which caused the delay and now they changed their plan to release just one update at a later time, which could also make sense since last couple of days their replies don't contain the late Feb-early March part anymore, and they added "we appreciate your patience while we continue to work on this".

So we know but we don't know :D 

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3 minutes ago, gggfunk said:

I think we'll still get 2 updates, if they wanted to do just one they wouldn't use replies like "we'll set the update live as soon as it's ready to go, which in previous years has been around late Feb-early March" on Twitter. Unless they encountered some errors during testing which caused the delay and now they changed their plan to release just one update at a later time, which could also make sense since last couple of days their replies don't contain the late Feb-early March part anymore, and they added "we appreciate your patience while we continue to work on this".

So we know but we don't know :D 

No need to panic. I think it just depends on who replies, as you can see they were giving the response without the late-feb, march bit last week and then went back again.


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13 hours ago, Razor940 said:

Aka people who don't know **** about the game or football. Cleon already exposed so many people talking about "playstyle this and that" here, in his website or even in his discord server.

Well by that I actually meant, if you only ever play 2 or 3 seasons you will never see a lot of the issues the game has and think it works perfectly fine.

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