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Scout Attributes in LLM. Why hire any if they are so bad?

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Typically in my lower league saves, I can't find or attract scouts with attributes for judging player ability or potential over 6 (6 being a luxury). What would be the use of hiring any scouts with these 'qualities', unless there is some nuance to the attributes that I'm missing? I can understand having low ability in judging potential, but how can anyone that has functioning eyes be incapable of noticing that a player is quick, can control a ball quite well,  pass OK, etc etc to achieve a 4 or 5 out of 20?

I could probably pose the same question about physios - someone with a 3 or 4 would be more likely to kill the patient than fix them I suspect :)

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They can, and no matter how poor the scout it, they will reveal the attributes and slowly decrease the range (unless you use disable attribute masking of course), they will also remark about the player's hidden attributes regarding professionalism, consistency, important matches, etc.

The low scouting attributes will impact how fast they do it, and how accurately they will set the star scores in ability and potential.

For physios, their skill impact the accuracy of how long the player will be out, as well as PREVENTING "non contact injuries" ie pulling something and the like. So a poor physio will help a bit and let you know how long the player will be out, a great one might help the player avoid an injury all together, and if there is an injury the prediction about how long it will last will be more precise.

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if you do the scouting yourself you can do without them like in my current save I'm only relying on DOF recommendation and agent offers at the moment then I offer the players I get on trial if they come then fine, if they don't I don't look at them again 

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