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The totally *not* official Advanced Access Speculation of FM24 - This time it’s speculative

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10 hours ago, Shrewnaldo said:

Without wanting to be all "buzzkill" about it, but aren't we expecting the "content creators" to release the "early look" videos at least a day before the beta release? That's what happened last year, right? Unless they've already done that and I've missed it?

OK, there you go

Sorry to have applied, you know, logic and stuff to this scenario 

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1 minute ago, astrocreep2000 said:

Definitely. If it was tomorrow, I'd expect the videos later in the day. WTS posted too.

Agreed. 9am content drops when most folks are at work/school are not optimum release times so I expect BETA later today

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1 minute ago, KillYourIdols said:

omg, hoe cum all these "streamers" gt it for free whn us who paid 4 beta wait. Si are close too loseing me as a custome. we shuld vote with our wallets :seagull:

not cool

That's a really good impression of that dude that was on yesterday. 

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5 minutes ago, KillYourIdols said:

omg, hoe cum all these "streamers" gt it for free whn us who paid 4 beta wait. Si are close too loseing me as a custome. we shuld vote with our wallets :seagull:

not cool

Do remember it is only the Alpha version so just like you, I'm very much waiting for the release

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3 minutes ago, KillYourIdols said:

In case anyone is not sure on my level of pathetic addiction, I've left my PC on at home so I can remotly access it and install the beta then move all my graphics etc over should it release before I leave the office tonight.


Same, anydesk at the ready 


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17 minutes ago, KingBuzzo15 said:

I see we've got more unbelievers that don't get this thread. Me thinks we need a purge.

I will gladly do so, but I am slightly worried I would purge everybody....

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16 minutes ago, lcfcbluearmy said:

I guess we will have to wait another day to make sure the creates get their views first


Just to be clear this wasn't a critisism of SI or the creators just an observations about when it looks likely for the beta to drop as usually these are given about a days exclusivity before the beta drops

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17 minutes ago, KillYourIdols said:

omg, hoe cum all these "streamers" gt it for free whn us who paid 4 beta wait. Si are close too loseing me as a custome. we shuld vote with our wallets :seagull:

not cool

Nailed it

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