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The totally *not* official Advanced Access Speculation of FM24 - This time it’s speculative

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4 minutes ago, kiwityke1983 said:

I think initially people said they would rather have the beta now than potentially wait another 24 hours than watch a video, that somehow evolved into people hate them. 

Oh ok yeah I understand people's frustrations and maybe their slight jealously that certain people like content providers get the Alpha/Beta before the general public but there is a reason why they get them before we do and it is cos they disect it and they are some of the best people to let Sega/Sigames know about bugs etc.

It is also good PR for Sega/Sigames and helps build interest and excitment for FM24.

I don't understand the hate though. @doctorbenjy is a good bloke. He deserves a medal for putting up with Lollujo and WorkTheSpace during that network game stream :D

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1 minute ago, XaW said:

Agreed. Now, please stop arguing about other things and discuss when the beta will arrive and have fun with gifs. Otherwise this thread will be removed, and this is coming from one of the few mods that really want it to stay open.

Not trying to start an argument here but genuinely wondering..

Why would mods want the thread to be closed? I get that sometimes the odd comment oversteps the mark but surely that is just part of the modding, right? I can't understand why I moderator wouldn't want to moderate (providing the majority of the posts are above board - which they seem to mostly be to me anyway)

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16 minutes ago, KillYourIdols said:

Either way, not much is coming out of a large (not all) portion of the discussion on the Merits, or otherwise, of YouTubers, but your points are valid.

I concur although the ship appears to have sailed and only beta can save us now. 

Edited by mackem10
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Just now, XaW said:

Because this is really causing a strain on the mods, we've removed 3-4 pages of insults, swearing, bickering, and worse. This thread is genuinely fun, but it wouldn't be if we didn't remove all the bad stuff. I love this thread and I think it's awesome fun, but we mods do this on a voluntary and unpaid basis, and last night I spend the whole night making sure everyone else had fun in here. And really, if people can't control their actions, then we can't allow for leniency either.

Also, I'm removing posts that continue the arguments and I will start to thread ban repeat offenders. This is a general warning and not to you @we88y.

"we mods do this on a voluntary and unpaid basis" - I didn't realise this, fair play - I assumed it was SI staff.

I also think this thread is fun and look forward to its every year. Hopefully it'll stay open or they'll release the beta so you can close it ;)

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Just now, we88y said:

"we mods do this on a voluntary and unpaid basis" - I didn't realise this, fair play - I assumed it was SI staff.

I also think this thread is fun and look forward to its every year. Hopefully it'll stay open or they'll release the beta so you can close it ;)

Many do, but we do this for fun, believe it or not! :D 

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Just now, Wolf_pd said:

That quote from Miles is exactly why we need the BETA right now. :ackter:


FM 23 was the weakest of FM's since i can't remember... Maybe FM 18...

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1 minute ago, Wolf_pd said:

The irony that the long serving users who pointed this out on release last year were told to shut up and comments and thread's deleted. Now they agree with them/us

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I often wonder if folk spend this much time IRL telling everyone about the stuff they don't like?

Like, if they don't like pineapple on pizza, do they hang around Domino's or the frozen food aisle in Tesco waiting for someone to choose a Hawaiian, then wander over to let the other person know just how much they don't like pineapple on pizza. And if they disagree, follow them home explaining why they're so stupid and juvenile for doing so.

And then the makers of Hawaiians hang around the freezer taking massive offence anytime someone happens to choose a different flavour and mention they don't happen to care for the pineapple.

I really, really hope people do that

In summary, folk should just unclench (and enjoy the beta when it's out on Monday 🎣

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5 minutes ago, XaW said:

Because this is really causing a strain on the mods, we've removed 3-4 pages of insults, swearing, bickering, and worse. This thread is genuinely fun, but it wouldn't be if we didn't remove all the bad stuff. I love this thread and I think it's awesome fun, but we mods do this on a voluntary and unpaid basis, and last night I spend the whole night making sure everyone else had fun in here. And really, if people can't control their actions, then we can't allow for leniency either.

Also, I'm removing posts that continue the arguments and I will start to thread ban repeat offenders. This is a general warning and not to you @we88y.

I only just saw this I was trying to type and calm a newborn at the same time...

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2 minutes ago, andu1 said:

That quote from Miles is exactly why we need the BETA right now. :ackter:


FM 23 was the weakest of FM's since i can't remember... Maybe FM 18...

I think the game has got slightly better is some aspects since 2012 (ME and 64 but support) and vastly worse in others (media and player interaction. Bloatwear)

Edited by trevjim
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Just now, Hoarau said:

I'm a grumpy old 42 years old who has been playing this game since the early, early CM days and I really enjoy nearly all the FM YouTube creators for differing reasons. Some are more analytical, some are more comedic... that's part of the appeal for me. 

This should be a joyous time of year, where we all come together and amass our collective excitement for a very niche kink in a bubble of joy instead of trying to besmirch those in the community for putting out content.

Now get off my lawn!!!!



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