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Official Lost Season 5 Thread *airs in the US on Wednesdays @ 9PM EST (Thur 2AM GMT)*


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You mean Lance Reddick? he went onto be one of the leads in Fringe, but was made famous in The Wire, clearly he will never surpass those heights.

That's the guy, Fringe, knew it was something. His involvement in Lost seemed to just ... end. I know it was Abrams in Fringe too but still ... seemed like he'd be an important character, don't you think? Then nuthin'

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Could you explain this further please.

By shadow of the statue I take it you mean when Richard takes Locke to kill Jacob, obviously that was at a similar time to when Jack and everyone else returned.

But that would mean they aren't on one time line, how could the writers justify having all of the old characters in the show? I agree with the suggestion that maybe Charlie etc will only feature for a couple of episodes, I'm sure I've read that the full season is on one time line though...... will have to look up the quotes.

Meant the time line in which everyone off island was on ... i.e. a proper 3 years since they all left the island, Jack/Kate are now in Dharma-land but as far as they're concerned it's still '3 years since they left the island'.

As far as I can see, the people that are actually still in '3 years since they left the island' time are the other people not taken in a flash of light from Ajira ... Ben, Sun, Frank .. shadow people, ghost Locke, Jacob ...

If I were to pick one time line for the entire season I think I'd pick that one, the pivotal story will be the explanation of Locke/Jacob/Enemy so it's a case of getting everyone else there. Sun is also there and let's face it, she needs to be reunited with Jin, everyone else will come.

The writers may not be able to justify all the old characters in that time line but then I don't really care about that as I didn't say I think it'll all be reset as everyone else has said. I favour the option of old characters being referred to or involved in some other way :thup:

That's just my feeling. They may well go back to the 'original' time line in which case old characters could be there and they'd need to explain getting Jacob/Shadow people and all the others there, they'd need something to happen to move both groups of people ... maybe that 'something' was Juliet and the explosion so I guess we'll see but it's not something something I particularly am leaning towards liking this whole 'everything is reset' thing :/

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when the skips were happening loads they found ajira water on the beach then went in a canoe to another part of island someone was chasing them and she shot backwards and hit someone (who were shooting back too) I think it's possible it hadn't happened 'yet' in Suns/Bens time yet....She may of shot one of Illyana's crew

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One of my fave shows of all time, second to X Files. Thing is with it, I don't believe S1,2,3 have much re-watch ability at all ...whereas I've seen certain Files eps loads, Wire worth a 3/5 view. Sopranos yes....but LOST? I dunno, even though I've bummed it and analysed it more than any other show

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season 1 & 2 were great first time round as it was just mental or had really gripping moments the whole time. It loses that on a rewatch.

I forget now was season 3 that god awful one where the others had Jack in a prison cell or was that 4? I also recall some ******** with Juliet being marked after a court hearing type thing.

If it was season 3 then it had that awful line by Jack as well "if you've got something to watch, THEN GO WATCH IT" eurgh horrible.

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The first half of Series 3 is awful. After a good finale in season 2, you begin season 3 bored stiff for the first couple of episodes. Though it did pick up near the end of the season.

Seems strange but I prefer season 4 the most. Quite short so they packed a lot in. No fillers, good new characters (Daniel, Keamey, etc) Considering you know they escape in the end, it's still very exciting and the flashforwards are genius.

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Probably. Its impossible to have an answer for everything now anyway since over the last 4 seasons there have been like 20 questions to each answer. Now you just have a stockpile of unexplainable events alot of which most people won't care about anymore.

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The first half of Series 3 is awful. After a good finale in season 2, you begin season 3 bored stiff for the first couple of episodes. Though it did pick up near the end of the season.

They did that stupid 6 episodes and then a break thing, was quite annoying, didn't really feel like it flowed, didn't particularly enjoy those first 6 very much either, did pick up but I can understand people not having favourable memories of season 3.

I think they're all generally excellent tbh considering the guff out there on TV I've found Lost pretty watchable all the way through from the start :thup:

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I quite enjoyed season 3 if I can rememeber its when things started to make 'sense' I think that was the season when Desmond came along? (Or is that too early?). The whole thing about pushing the button, the purpose of it, why it was there, the whole Dharma thing, the others and what they were doing there. There was probably more questions and debate about that Season then most seasons in that more questions were asked rather being answered.

Season 4 was good, what made it was the flashbacks and flash forwards concept.

I'm tempted to not watch the final season until they're all done, then just watch them over one weekend. No adverts, no waiting.

Absolutely don't. Not only will you fail to do it but the agony of waiting till it's done and watching it as one be season will drive you mental.

The best part of lost is the debate and the questions.

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I disagree with deltaroad- for me the best is experience is watching tv shows it bulks! I saw the first 3 seasons of lost within 3 weeks and have watched 4 and 5 over longer periods. I definitely prefered watching them in bulk- but each to their own. (though nothing will beat me watching all 7 24 series within about 5 weeks! I felt my life had lost its purpose once I'd finished!)

Season 3 I have to say was awful. There were some episodes I really felt like skipping, I remember one just about Desmond and Penny and I was falling asleep! Season 1 by far the best for me. I don't enjoy lost anywhere near as much as I used to- although it is still entertaining, I watch it more to find out how things will end up, as I've invested to much time into it already.

And agree with the poster who said lost is not rewatchable. It is far too slow paced to do, I know because me and my friend tried it, we only saw one episode!

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Unlikely though, Richard will probably feature in the final ever scene, killing Jack or something equally as ridiculous.
Season 3 was utterly terrible. Quite shocked at the mention of The Wire above, it's incomparable in my view.
The pilot was amazing but the rest of season 1 wasn't that great. I do agree that very few questions will be answered though. It's obvious that no matter what answers they give it will not be as good was what we have all imagined, it's probably better to leave some of it open ended for that very reason.

It sounds like you hate the show so much, I wonder why you watch.

I've loved every minute. Though I've always been disappointed at how peripheral a figure Walt has been given how important he seemed early on.

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I agree with season 3 being the weakest. Loads of people I know seem to say it's season 2 though. Disagree with it not being rewatchable, it takes times of course and certain filler episodes are pretty weak but I like seeing how things appear with the knowledge of what happens. It seems as though little throwaway lines or seemingly innocuous things in the past carry a lot more meaning, but that could just be me trying to fit everything in I guess :D

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Season 3 also had Expose. I remember waiting a week for the next episode, watching Expose and just feeling so hard done by. It was totally pointless.

Edit: Also the one about jack's tattoo was season 3. That was awful. It was only saved by the very fit oriental bird in his flashback.

That was 'Bai Ling' :thup: - yeah, that was probably one of the worst episodes of the entire show, hardly remember anything about it, were they alluding to it being mystical or something as it's like, you know, a tattoo :D

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I've loved every minute. Though I've always been disappointed at how peripheral a figure Walt has been given how important he seemed early on.

Thought that many times myself, may have mentioned here, chuck it in with Matthew Abbadon though. Built Walt up so much, his weird 'gifts' and then ..... gone and no one cares!

I know he got big pretty quick but jeez, I was expecting him to be a part of the reason why the plane crashed or something. Now he gets a token appearance here and there, visiting Hurley or appearing to Locke in the jungle (still not sure of the significance of that really).

Totally forgot about him :/

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Walt better get closure.

Hexham, i mentioned wire as I like it to, I can rewatch that, Lost I can't. That's all, take your fanboy hat off ;)

I didn't hate S3 as much as many people, agree it started slow though, but it had more Richard and Ben towards the end=good thing.

S4 was good but too many explosions etc

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It sounds like you hate the show so much, I wonder why you watch.

I've loved every minute. Though I've always been disappointed at how peripheral a figure Walt has been given how important he seemed early on.

In fairness two of those quotes were about season 3, overall I'm very positive towards lost in general, it's one of the many shows that I keep up with. When I didn't watch a lot of TV lost was still a weekly event for me. I think my frustration comes from wanting more than we ever get but it's certainly entertaining.

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Walt better get closure.

Hexham, i mentioned wire as I like it to, I can rewatch that, Lost I can't. That's all, take your fanboy hat off ;)

I didn't hate S3 as much as many people, agree it started slow though, but it had more Richard and Ben towards the end=good thing.

S4 was good but too many explosions etc

My bad.

The Wire is probably one of the reasons I don't like lost quite as much. Obviously two completely different shows but I feel as though The Wire has made me which TV in a new way. I wouldn't watch lost at all if I thought it wasn't enjoyable, sometimes I feel myself picking holes in everything though.

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I seem to remember that last season wasn't written as a two part premiere. damon and carlton wrote the 1st ep and somebody else did the second. they just aired them back to back as the premiere. this season's premiere is part 1 and part 2 and are both written by darlton.

not that it matters really.

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