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Official Lost Season 5 Thread *airs in the US on Wednesdays @ 9PM EST (Thur 2AM GMT)*


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Sayid is by far my favourite, he isn't in it anywhere near enough. Probably because it would involve him killing nearly everyone.

I used to love Ben in the earlier episodes, mainly when it was discovered he wasn't Henry Gale. I really don't like Sawyer at all, especially now he isn't meant to be quite intelligent, even when Juliet basically has to lead him away from fights.

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The life and death of Jeremy Bentham for me was one of the worst ever Lost episodes. Well anything that revolves around John Locke these days is.

I thought John was such a cool character in the early seasons, I find him so annoying these days.

harsh, the acting for the death scene between ben and locke is very good, same for jack and locke when he's screaming we need your help etc and jack's bitter saying it's over...


only good one liner was calling Hurley "SNUFFY" ****ing brill

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Yeah not a fan of Locke either, can't really put my finger on why though. Just find him whiny and annoying a lot of the time.

Best ep generally for me was the Des / Penny reunion, I thought it built really well a lot like many of the early episodes did, a lot of later ones seem a bit... aimless at times.

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^ Nah all the episodes outside the island was poor, bar maybe one or two. This is why I liked season 1-3 in comparison to 4-5 where the story took place on the island. Season 4 from what I can remember was half on island and half off it, wasn't quite the same as I wanted everyone to remain on the island and explore it further.

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Currently re-watching season 5 :thup: 7 episodes in atm - things got a bit hazy for me around this time first time around, the whole 'we're getting on the Ajira flight' thing. One thing I did forget is that Locke visited Walt (when Abbadon was driving him around) and Walt said he dreamed about him, wearing a suit (as he was when he got back on Ajira) with people around him trying to kill him. More to come from Walt or throwing him a token bone of a few relevant lines of dialogue?

Also, I do and have for some time, wanted to know some more about the whole Henry Gale thing

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I'm still watching, watched episode 14 last night, this is the one that made me go 'err, hang on' first time around even though it's setting up the finale.

Faraday returning on the sub in case you don't remember. Been studying relativistic physics his whole life and he 'didn't consider' the variables? Wtf?! You're a physicist, you'd consider everything. Anyway, I'm not buying this whole 'Oh, btw, we can change stuff now' thing just cause he saw a picture of the Losties in the Dharma (which is what made him change his mind).

His Mum/Widmore telling him to go to the island is because he needs to be there. The fact that he went back and got shot by his Mum and said "you always knew you would shoot me" surely means that what happened, does indeed happen? I mean, how can it not. They can't pop out of existence, that's not how I interpret time travel.

The other thing that doesn't stand up for me is that 'drilling even 1 cm more will release this immense pocket of energy with great consequences' but apparently detonating a hyrogen bomb near it will be ok?? Not quite sure about that.

The episode is probably the one that makes people think "it'll end with them landing on the runway in LA" but I seriously hope it doesn't or if it does I want some better explanations than this. Going back in time and dying cause 'it's our present'? Surely, not, the consequences of being back in time would surely already be felt in everyone's present, none of this 'Back to the Future' disappearing which they referenced many times.

Not sure what this explosion Juliet set off will do, surely will cause the 'incident' and mean it needs to be concreted and the Hatch finished and the button that they pushed? If so, backs up 'what happened, happened' (in which case, Faraday is a bit of a pants Physicist, isn't he).

Also, how bloody annoying is Radzinsky? :D

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Possible Daniel always thought that "whatever happened, happened" and just wanted the other Losties to think otherwise so he could cause the incident and return them to the present.

I hope when the Losties get returned to the present it's done well. Not just randomly sent back to the present because they set off a H bomb. I think however they do it will play a big part in whether next season sinks or swims.

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I said that before about how they made Faraday dumber because as a scientist he would consider the variables. But by his theory of whatever happen happens is just that. He will never considered the variables - past or present because that is what happens.

The timeline is just a loop http://www.besttrack.com/Loop-end-view.jpg

At the moment they're are at the top of the loop going back in on themselves in the 70's. Now the explosion has happen they will return back to 2009 and carry on as normal.

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Possible Daniel always thought that "whatever happened, happened" and just wanted the other Losties to think otherwise so he could cause the incident and return them to the present.

Yeah, but had he just left them alone and not told them about 'the incident' it would have happened anyway (what happened, happened) and also they were drilling down there building the Hatch thing

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At the moment they're are at the top of the loop going back in on themselves in the 70's. Now the explosion has happen they will return back to 2009 and carry on as normal.

Some more explanation will be needed on that for me, why back to current time. The reason they were skipping is cause of what Ben did and Locke put right. Not quite sure, with everyone going back and 'recreating the circumstances' why Jack, Kate, Hurley were taken in the light from the plane but Sun landed as normal? :/ Can't get closer to re-creating the original scene that that!

The consequences of touching this pocket of energy are huge, will they skip in time again (no, done that) so not sure why it'd blast them back to their current time, if so, will it blast them there (of flash them) with what happened, having happened (i.e. hatch was built, incident happened, everyone died, purge, Ben is evil, they come to island, etc) so back to how it was before time skipped but now all back on the island.

I really don't see how Daniel can say 'I'm gonna detonate a Hydrogen Bomb' as some kind of 'yeah, that'll negate the energy' ... surely, it'd blow up the thing they have been told not to drill into.

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triple post ftw but who do you think is on which side in this 'War is coming' thing??

Jacob vs his enemy

Ben on one side, Widmore on the other. Who is the bad guy, we're lead to believe it's Widmore, he was exiled, Ben is evil but Ben has been judged by the smoke monster so obviously did something right in keeping Widmore away (moving the island, etc). Did tell him to follow Locke though so Ben/Locke on same 'team'.

Is smokey mis-leading Ben there as Locke isn't really Locke (if you get me), he's the enemy so is enemy/fake Locke and the smoke monster together/same cause?

Shadow of statue people nabbed Miles, told him war is coming, don't go on freighter, shows they are anti-Widmore (so, pro Ben or more than 2 teams?), they brought Locke to statue (they knew he was on plane, Ilyana not really a bounty hunter?), Bram/Ilyana obviously know Richard so Richard with them and therefore also anti-Widmore?

Looking like Ben is the 'good guy' in this as he said early on. The again, Christian told Locke to move the island 'Ben told me ..." and then "when has listening to him done any good' which implies Christian not a fan of Ben, how come?

This 'War' got to be big part of the final series, going to be interesting :thup:

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I would love it if Widmore was the good guy. But I don't think he will. It seems, as you said, Ilyana's group is with jacob and Richard. And against Widmore. But where Ben fits in I don't know. He hates Widmore yet kills Jacob :D He really messed up there tbh

Possible Ben has just been a pawn between Jacob and his enemy. Whereas Widmore is more of a protaginist. Jacob expelled Widmore (as we are lead to believe, up for debate though), if he did then it must of been pretty serious. Hopefully we find out the full extent next season, and hopefully it isn't just because he had a child and family off the island.

So many questions and only one season to go. Gonna be alot of disapointment by the end me thinks

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They showed Widmore being expelled though, Richard came to him when he was playing with Alex "he's getting on the sub". He went to say good bye, Widmore said he's come to gloat, one day it will be you that will banished. Ben said he broke the rules, had kid with someone off the island, etc etc so that's how he had him exiled - that does seem what it was all about.

Widmore trying to kill Ben since then for that?! Slight over reaction :D

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Where did Widmore get all his money from? They hadn't really done any time travel so can't be anything related to his time on the island.

Sawyer made me chuckle last night, Faraday rocks up for that meeting about 'Phil is in the closet, what do we do' and Sawyers says 'come on, twitchy' :D

Faraday is annoying, just whispers constantly

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Some more explanation will be needed on that for me, why back to current time. The reason they were skipping is cause of what Ben did and Locke put right. Not quite sure, with everyone going back and 'recreating the circumstances' why Jack, Kate, Hurley were taken in the light from the plane but Sun landed as normal? :/ Can't get closer to re-creating the original scene that that!

Because what happen happen theory. They already went back to the 70's. Which is why Ben always knew sayid was a killer cos he shot him in the 70's. That already happen when Jack and co landed on the island, Ben knew one day losties will go back. Same thing happen to Charlotte how she remembered a strange man telling her not to go back to the Island, that strange man was Faraday.

Sun never went back to the 70s orginally, so she wounldn't go back again. That's proof from the photo she saw of Jin, Hugo et al.

The consequences of touching this pocket of energy are huge, will they skip in time again (no, done that) so not sure why it'd blast them back to their current time, if so, will it blast them there (of flash them) with what happened, having happened (i.e. hatch was built, incident happened, everyone died, purge, Ben is evil, they come to island, etc) so back to how it was before time skipped but now all back on the island.

When blast happen Option 1 is put the losties back to their time (2009) or 2 they stay in the 70's as the others. Regardless it doesn't really matter if the losties stay or go as it's their PRESENT TIME.

I really don't see how Daniel can say 'I'm gonna detonate a Hydrogen Bomb' as some kind of 'yeah, that'll negate the energy' ... surely, it'd blow up the thing they have been told not to drill into.

I can't remember what was said either on this forum or another or it was one of the episodes that the blast will interrupt the huge energy and stop light/energy being concentrated. Basically acts a diluent.

Ben on one side, Widmore on the other. Who is the bad guy, we're lead to believe it's Widmore, he was exiled, Ben is evil but Ben has been judged by the smoke monster so obviously did something right in keeping Widmore away (moving the island, etc). Did tell him to follow Locke though so Ben/Locke on same 'team'.

I think Ben purely becuase he does what is right for the Island.

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Because what happen happen theory. They already went back to the 70's. Which is why Ben always knew sayid was a killer cos he shot him in the 70's. That already happen when Jack and co landed on the island, Ben knew one day losties will go back. Same thing happen to Charlotte how she remembered a strange man telling her not to go back to the Island, that strange man was Faraday.

Sun never went back to the 70s orginally, so she wounldn't go back again. That's proof from the photo she saw of Jin, Hugo et al.

Eh? They were told by Eloise to recreate the circumstances of the original flight. What happened, happened, doesn't explain why Sun wasn't taken with Jack, etc. She never went to the 70s cause she wasn't taken from Ajira, the only reason any of them from Ajira were in the 70s is cause they were taken from the plane. What happened, happened only applies cause they were taken, it's doesn't explain why Sun was not taken as they were all supposed to go back together.

Also, Ben did not know Sayid was a killer as he didn't recognise him. In the conversation between Hurley and Miles Hurley asked this, Miles didn't know the answer. This was then explained to us when Ben was taken to Richard and went in the temple, Richard told Sawyer and Kate that 'he won't remember this, he'll always be one of us' ... so that's why Ben didn't know Sayid or recall being shot by him.

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Another thing I was thinking is that Jack saved Ben's life in season 3 (?) and Kate also had a part in saving his life by giving young Ben blood. The list of people from the plane that Jacob wanted included Jack, Kate and Sawyer (Hurley but was token as told to go home and tell the rest not to come). Perhaps Jacob in the original prepared that list as he knew Jack was required and so was Kate through this series of events to save Ben. Sawyer was required because they threatened to kill him, which made Kate convince Jack to operate on Sawyer - something like that anyway

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Richard said Ben wouldn't remember the events leading up to him being "saved", but all your other points remain true ;)
Eh? They were told by Eloise to recreate the circumstances of the original flight. What happened, happened, doesn't explain why Sun wasn't taken with Jack, etc. She never went to the 70s cause she wasn't taken from Ajira, the only reason any of them from Ajira were in the 70s is cause they were taken from the plane. What happened, happened only applies cause they were taken, it's doesn't explain why Sun was not taken as they were all supposed to go back together.

Also, Ben did not know Sayid was a killer as he didn't recognise him. In the conversation between Hurley and Miles Hurley asked this, Miles didn't know the answer. This was then explained to us when Ben was taken to Richard and went in the temple, Richard told Sawyer and Kate that 'he won't remember this, he'll always be one of us' ... so that's why Ben didn't know Sayid or recall being shot by him.

Forgot about the temple thing with Richard. I remember now that Jin told Locke not to bring Sun back. At that time Locke was a key figure (Although he is probably like everyone else and we are lead to believe he is the choose one). I can't really explain the Sun thing, my thinking is shes not in the 70's because she wasn't there in the first place. So she can't return back there.

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Another thing I was thinking is that Jack saved Ben's life in season 3 (?) and Kate also had a part in saving his life by giving young Ben blood. The list of people from the plane that Jacob wanted included Jack, Kate and Sawyer (Hurley but was token as told to go home and tell the rest not to come). Perhaps Jacob in the original prepared that list as he knew Jack was required and so was Kate through this series of events to save Ben. Sawyer was required because they threatened to kill him, which made Kate convince Jack to operate on Sawyer - something like that anyway

That might have not been the real Jacob. Ben always went to the cabin to see jacob and he never lived there. Could turn it on the head and say Smokey/Flocke wanted Jack and co dead as it would then mean Ben wouldn't be saved.

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Forgot about the temple thing with Richard. I remember now that Jin told Locke not to bring Sun back. At that time Locke was a key figure (Although he is probably like everyone else and we are lead to believe he is the choose one). I can't really explain the Sun thing, my thinking is shes not in the 70's because she wasn't there in the first place. So she can't return back there.

That's what I mean ... what is 'not there in the first place'?

NONE of them were there until they were snatched from the plane. Sun was with them on the plane. Had Jack not been snatched from the plane then he also 'wouldn't be there in the first place'. There is no first place.

There must be a reason why out of all of the O6 from Ajira only Sun wasn't taken in the flash of light from the plane, that's odd.

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