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The Lost Season 4 thread *for episodes aired in the US/abc.com* *season 3 spoilers and a mid-season cut-off guranteed*


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Hooray! Finally caught up with everyone icon_biggrin.gif

Enjoyed it alot, I think the show has moved on so much from what it was in the first couple of series to where it is now.

Only part I didnt like was the "icy wheel" thing to "move the island" ... not sure how i thought he was gonna move it but didnt expect that.

Ben said whoever moves it cannot go back but was talking about going back with the Oceanic 6 ? I thought Michael couldnt die but remembered him going on the Freighter "to die" ... never really liked Michael anyway - his constant "i'll do anything for MY BOY" early on used to annoy me !

Locke was one of my picks for being in the coffin, Ben being the other. The thing is Locke being in that coffin could not be until season 6.

Not sure how season 5 will go ? Focus on Ben/Jack getting the O6 back to the island ? Sawyer, Juliette, etc will be thinking the Freighter crew are dead, including Jack, Kate, etc no doubt.

How is Farraday gonna survive ? All the losers on that raft are nobodies and defo gonna die, bit pointless him dying, he's the guy with all the time travel knowledge, he's needed.

Miles can sense/see ghosts, maybe Charlotte is reborn/past life, etc and he can see that ?

Any chance Jin survives ? No sure who the "other person" Sun blames for his death is ? Said 2 people to blame, her father is one. Jack mentioned to Ben in the parlour that Sun blames him but is he the other guy ? Surely that'd be Ben/Widmore ?(Setting him up, part of O6 back to island plan)?

Ben arriving in Tunisia with that jacket and the cut on his arm is clearly after turning the icy wheel. Then he checks in and finds Sayid .... Nadia funeral .. what's the time frame on that ? 'Zaps' off the island and meeting Sayid ? Was that the first thing he did off the island (post wheel) ?

Season 5 maybe have flashbacks of the O6 back on the island ?

Desmond saw Claire get on the helicopter ... Jack knows it's his sister now ? Want to save her ? I guess him finding that out is before the funeral parlour, figure parlour is furtherest point forwards in the story

Early 2009 ? I'll have been and gone from the UK ... no idea when I'll get to see it icon_frown.gif have to wait ages

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I read someone saying they thought the creators said it was all scientific at the start of the show's run was to downplay the sci-fi elements as TV networks were supposedly slow to take a gamble on this genre in primetime slots...

Then when Lost built up a fanbase they started to slowly ignore what they said about everything being plausible.

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Originally posted by Annihilator666:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by BJG123:

Time on the island isn't constant with the rest of the world as we've discovered.

Err, yes it is, as shown when Desmond called Penny from the freighter and she had a christmas tree up... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Desmond called her from the frieghter, not the Island, whe know time is different on the frieghter to the island 'cos of that doctor washing up before he was killed.

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I think they all defo go back at some point, not sure of the time frame though. If these 'furthest forward' flashes are 3 years ahead then a fair bit of time (real time anyway) will have passed before they go back, alot of filling in to be done !

Season 6 has gotta show all these bad things that happen and also how Locke becomes Benthem and how he dies, plus he visits the O6 off the island. Jack said he and Kate spoke with him 'about a month ago' (?) plus Jack clearly doesnt believe it was suicide. Maybe Matthew Abbadon is involved in his death ? His role in all this needs to be cleared up too.

I'd also like to know how the hell the real Henry Gale was, in the balloon and what happened to him and how the French chick got to the island and what the deal with the Black Rock is ... let's not forget the 4 toed foot too !

Plenty of stuff to fill in. I think Season 5 may be split with that lot in the current time (furthest forward) with Ben and figuring out how to get back and also the Island with Sawyer, Charlotte, etc and what's happening to them, Locke will obviously be in that, what are these bad things that happen ... could be interesting

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Originally posted by BJG123:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Annihilator666:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by BJG123:

Time on the island isn't constant with the rest of the world as we've discovered.

Err, yes it is, as shown when Desmond called Penny from the freighter and she had a christmas tree up... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Desmond called her from the frieghter, not the Island, whe know time is different on the frieghter to the island 'cos of that doctor washing up before he was killed. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think you need to re-watch a few episodes...

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Found this on wikipedia

Name Jeremy Bentham

Birth 15 February 1748

London, England

Death 6 June 1832

London, England

School/tradition Utilitarianism, Legal positivism

Main interests Political philosophy, Ethics, Economics

Notable ideas Greatest happiness principle

Influenced by John Locke, David Hume, Baron de Montesquieu, Claude Adrien Helvétius, Thomas Hobbes

Influenced John Stuart Mill, Michel Foucault, Peter Singer, Iain King, John Austin

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The utilitarianist aspect is key - Locke, as Bentham, clearly appeals to the Oceanic 6 with the idea that they must return to the island regardless of their current status because it's best for the majority of the group that remained there.

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It's weird that Hurley chucked that 'check mate Mr Eko' line in there, eh. I know he's a bit mental again but why Eko ? Not sure if it means he'll feature again. Dont think he'll be Jacob one way or the other, neither will Walt.

Kinda wonder what was the point of the whole Walt thing. We never did find out why the Others took him, aside from the sake of taking 'good' perople and 'lists'. He was supposed to be 'special' and he's got some odd powers ... have they really explored that enough ? I dont think so tbh

Maybe the growth spurt (icon_biggrin.gif) meant they couldnt do all they wanted ? Seemed like he was really gonna be central to alot of the things going on but has been, well, nothing really :/

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Originally posted by Annihilator666:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by BJG123:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Annihilator666:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by BJG123:

Time on the island isn't constant with the rest of the world as we've discovered.

Err, yes it is, as shown when Desmond called Penny from the freighter and she had a christmas tree up... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Desmond called her from the frieghter, not the Island, whe know time is different on the frieghter to the island 'cos of that doctor washing up before he was killed. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think you need to re-watch a few episodes... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Plus we've seen that radio communications between people on the island and off it don't suffer any time delay. For example, when Faraday did his 'payload' experiment, he was communicating directly with the boat and the dispatch and arrival of the rocket was confirmed, yet he didn't actually receive it until sometime later.

Also, the morse code communicaiton with the boat concerning the fate of the doctor suffere no delay. Same with the detonation signal from Keamy's heart-rate monitor. It seems the time lag affects things physically travelling to or from he island but not radio waves or other communications.

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Originally posted by DodgeeD:

Plus we've seen that radio communications between people on the island and off it don't suffer any time delay. For example, when Faraday did his 'payload' experiment, he was communicating directly with the boat and the dispatch and arrival of the rocket was confirmed, yet he didn't actually receive it until sometime later.

Also, the morse code communicaiton with the boat concerning the fate of the doctor suffere no delay. Same with the detonation signal from Keamy's heart-rate monitor. It seems the time lag affects things physically travelling to or from he island but not radio waves or other communications.

I think that we can assume that those were normal radio waves, i.e. omni-directional and so would have gone through the "safe channel"

Also they'd move at the speed of light and so probably would be largely unaffected by the effect on time.

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Originally posted by Goater666:

Razz im assuming Hurley has some sort of sixth sense and can actually see dead people? He think hes going mad but a lot of what he gets told comes true anyway.

Yeah, there was that whole thing with Charlie as well.

Think i need to re-watch this series, always catch more 2nd time around icon_biggrin.gif

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I think in the final flash forwards, with the doped up Jack he must have already had the encounter with Clarie's Mum so he's well aware that Claire is his sister. He didnt seem concerned about going back to the island to help Claire out at all

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...which of the many twists do you want to find out the answer to?

"The foot with the f**king toe missing. What was that and is it going to come back? Is there going to be two feet next time, with a geezer on top as the rest of the body?"

made me chuckle

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Harold Perrineau's comments fairly embarassing. The main problem now is that your "son" is 12 feet tall now !

I though Michael's role didnt add a whole lot in this last series aside from him being Ben's "spy" on the boat. I am sure they could have come up with a better way for Ben to obtain information or left us wondering how he did it.

Michael didnt even get a chance to meet with Jack, Kate or any of the main cast or even Hurley + Libby's death, etc

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Might of allrady been posted but, Jeremy Bentham sounds ace tbf icon_biggrin.gif

As requested in his will, his body was preserved and stored in a wooden cabinet, termed his "Auto-icon". Originally kept by his disciple Dr. Southwood Smith,[12] it was acquired by University College London in 1850. The Auto-icon is kept on public display at the end of the South Cloisters in the main building of the College. For the 100th and 150th anniversaries of the college, the Auto-icon was brought to the meeting of the College Council, where he was listed as "present but not voting".[13] Tradition holds that if the council's vote on any motion is tied, the auto-icon always breaks the tie by voting in favour of the motion.

The Auto-icon has always had a wax head, as Bentham's head was badly damaged in the preservation process. The real head was displayed in the same case for many years, but became the target of repeated student pranks including being stolen on more than one occasion. It is now locked away securely.

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Originally posted by Paul Bacon:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by titchuk:

The significance of those numbers is never going to be revealed though, is it? icon_frown.gif

They have been during the Lost Experience or something </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Was there where someone was spying on some kind of seminar behind some boxes and they were talking about this equation and how the numbers related to it, was spotted and did a runner ?

I thought this current series may have tackled 'Henry Gale' (in the balloon) and also how the French chick arrived. Story seems to have moved beyond that now so wondering if we'll get an explanation. I seem to remember them saying that would be covered. Maybe the strike screwed it all up :/

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Originally posted by Paul Bacon:

I take it the polar bears/pirate ship/plane with drugs on the island has been explained now then, with the island being able to move location it seems

The Polar Bears have already been explained - Dharma put them there to see how they'd react in a different environment.

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The Polar Bears have already been explained - Dharma put them there to see how they'd react in a different environment

Pretty sure they must have used the polar bears to "move the island" which is why one was found with a Dharma collar on in the desert.

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The plane with the drugs was also explained - Eko asked his brother to transport the drugs in those statues(Cant remember if he asked him or just hbid them in there himself) and Eko's brother crashed on the island.

Eko would have been on the plane, but the police shot at him and the plane took off without him, leaving Eko to claim he was a priest etc etc

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Originally posted by pandaLUFC:

Henry Gale's balloon had Widmore Indusries emblazoned on it, so presumably it was an attempt by Widmore to find the island, pretty much in the same mould as Des.

That's true, I guess with the whole Ben/Widmore thing still running there is every chance that they could do a flashback for that then icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Razzler:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Paul Bacon:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by titchuk:

The significance of those numbers is never going to be revealed though, is it? icon_frown.gif

They have been during the Lost Experience or something </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Was there where someone was spying on some kind of seminar behind some boxes and they were talking about this equation and how the numbers related to it, was spotted and did a runner ?


never did the lost experience, but yea the numbers are meant to be an equation for the end of the world and Dharma were there to try and change the numbers, hence save the world

Or something

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Originally posted by Ter:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">The Polar Bears have already been explained - Dharma put them there to see how they'd react in a different environment

Pretty sure they must have used the polar bears to "move the island" which is why one was found with a Dharma collar on in the desert. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think perhaps the Polar Bear being found in the dessert is a consequence of the Island being moved ?

Ben also turned up in the dessert with a cut on his arm do seems as though he 'travelled' there after he moved the island. Was some kind of time shift as he asked the date at the hotel and also went looking for Sayid. Not sure how far ahead in Sayid's life that bit is.

Also, Charlotte bribed that guy to go look at that dig site, she found the Dharma logo on the bear and looked fairly pleased with herself (like she had found something).

With her comments about "finding the place where she was born" and Miles saying she has been to the island before, she seems to have been trying to find a way back and could be aware of the whole time shifting thing.

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Originally posted by Paul Bacon:

They filmed alternative endings aswell for the coffin scene, with Ben and Sawyer being in there. As if they would ever use them tho, as it would change the whole story of Lost

I think they said that is to keep the cast and crew on their toes and try and stop leaks getting out

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