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Everything posted by Tyburn

  1. Look for player personal details panel. I think the height=“300” bit on this container isn’t the issue, but I’d play around with that too.
  2. I actually play a low block, low line of defence, with an attacking mentality. The idea is that we’re constantly looking to break aggressively AFTER drawing a team out. Has worked quite well. Miraculously 😁
  3. You still have to clear the cache after you have changed anything. Go to bottom left icon, clear cache and then reload the skin.
  4. Yes. Definitely. To HAVE to pay attention is so much more immersive than past versions of the game. My issue is generally thinking we are better than we are. I’m 3 seasons into a save with Leicester and have now assembled a squad full of young talent. I’m talking Fati, Carmavinga and Gvardiol level talent (I’m now in debt but there you go). My issues are judging my perceived level to my actual level. And it’s been fantastic fun. Especially as I have promises hanging over me and that is requiring a lot of “managing”. But as someone said before, to actually feel like you have to “manage” games now as well as the squad is just perfect! In FM21 I could roll out one tactic, one system, all season - every season. Not now. And it’s great.
  5. Changing things up based on opponent/form/player availability/morale etc is very much a thing this year. I skipped 22 so couldn’t comment, but even from 21 the AI is waaaayy better at working you out. I currently have 4 “styles”. All 433. One counter low block attacking, one high block high intensity attacking, one mid block balanced and one total shut out tactic. Different roles in each “style” that are all suited to my players. So far seems to be good. Changing “styles” throughout a match is nice and seamless as I have used different “tactics” to replicate instructions I would be using in certain match circumstances. I find this works better for me than trying to adjust everything on the fly. Main trouble I have is knowing which “tactic” to start with, if all options are available. Makes me have to ‘manage’.
  6. A great contrast to orange is cyan. It’s used in films all the time. Faces are generally on the orange spectrum so background lighting is often a light blue. Makes faces “pop”.
  7. I am going to put this down as lost in translation ... GOOD LUCK!
  8. If it was possible I would have imagined one of the "BIG" guys would have answered you by now...
  9. Just to say, out of curiosity, I spent about 2 hrs searching for this recently. It started as curiosity, then became a rabbit hole. In the end I found nothing and gave up. It would make sense that this pop up is "somewhere". But personally, I couldn't find it.
  10. I had this 2nd season too. Seems to only affect this particular international break though, as haven’t had it since.
  11. The layout of the main container is divided as “-4,-4,-4,-6”. This represents the 4 “containers” you see at the bottom of the screen. If you want to add divider lines between the containers you need to add them to the main “layout” as well as placing them inbetween the actual containers. So layout=“-4,1,-4,1,-4,1,-6” for instance. The number you put in will be the “width” you give the lines. 1 or 2 should do it though. You may also want to play around with the “gap” number too.
  12. Yep. I think I get it. Thank you very much for sharing! Will have a play around.
  13. @mastelli This is great! What’s the process of a selector panel? What’s the body of code needed to make the game choose what blocks of code to load? This could really help me with some issues I have with certain bits of information I would like hidden on some pages but visible on others. Maybe 😊
  14. It’s not just you. From my experience this is definitely a thing, and has been for quite a few years. Seems to mostly kick in around the quarters. Tactics DO seem irrelevant. Switching to a low block counter tactic away from home (which has been used all season for tricky games in the league) looks unrecognisable in the champs league. And even if the engine has trouble scoring against it, I still lose to a cricket score, as suddenly my team forget how to defend corners and freekicks outside the box become more like penalties. I understand the need for drama. I don’t mind losing away from home. I just wish it was by the odd goal or two. Not always 5!
  15. Well, at home against Forest I have 60% but away to Man City I have 30%…
  16. A lot of panels have blocks of code for resizing. I have never incorporated it in my own skin, with new panels, only ever tweaked the numbers for alignments. But I’m guessing these blocks could be added to any panel you’re working on that needs it.
  17. Sometimes, I’ve found, especially in FM23, the game just won’t read certain jpg files, even though there is no obvious reason. If you are updating images, with ones you’ve found on the internet, occasionally, when looking at the image properties, the image will be “locked”. Try unlocking. Sometimes works. The alternative is find another image. I’ve said this before, but when trying to find a stadium background image that the game would read, for the Cuban national stadium, I had to burn through 5 different files before finding one the game was happy with. For no obvious reason. If all else fails! I have also had to create a new folder, that sits at the top of my backgrounds folder (name it 0-whatever) that has its own config file. For REALLY tricky image recognition. The game reads configs in the graphics folder in positional order. So if there is a conflict somewhere your new folder will be read first, and hopefully show the image you want.
  18. Was simply asking a question of your willpower. It’s a game. You will find exploits anywhere. There is absolutely more than one path to “winning”. If you’re finding the ME stale perhaps you could consider changing your tactic. Does this address your comment a little clearer?
  19. It’s my own custom skin (not for release this year). But seeing as you’re playing FM21 I released a skin for this version called “NoStars&Attributes21”. Is still available for download in the skinning hideout. No stars, no attributes, no player search or staff search and a few other tweaks. Sounds like you may already be using it 😊
  20. Personally I want realism. So much so that I deliberately put restrictions on myself and have created a skin that disables loads of “features” to help with that. Each to their own of course.
  21. Match caption panel small. Look in match/comps/ger/bundesliga
  22. Ah, yes. eng. Forgot about that and wasn’t on pc. Glad you’ve sorted it.
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