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Posts posted by danielgear

  1. On 12/08/2024 at 15:51, _Ben_ said:

    I've been doing some further reading this week as I try to build more knowledge around the three at the back shape, which, of course, rose to fame during the 90s in Italy. One particularly successful real life manager who utilises it well is Ruben Amorim, so I thought I'd see where our similarities like. In game, he's out of work - sacked by Sporting and then by Vitoria but, sadly, has no interest in becoming my assistant manager at this stage. Google is full of lovely write-ups on the man and I've dug through them, seeing many similarities. The only difference, from our blueprint, is that I can see, is that their main centre back, Coates, has license to step forward and play the ball, whereas ours - Amey - has the same license but that is to engage with duals and lay the ball off. I can see that his vertical play between the centre backs, deepest midfielder - in this case Hjumland - and then onto the more advanced one in the pivot can be seen replicated here. Likewise, his overall 3box3 shape is similar to ours and the overall average positions looks similar, too. 

    I'm certainly not a tactical recreation kind of FM player but it's good to see that my methodology here does seemingly have some crossover to real life!

    I did a recreation based on some research on him during the 2022/23 season 


    He is very flexible in how he adjusts his 343, it can change game by game depending on the opponent or his player availability. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, jkadms said:

    The player profile page really is incredible, I think I'm gonne have to ditch the one I was working on for my own personal skin and just use this with a few tweaks 

    I have noticed a minor issue with one of the features, though. When I go onto a player's profile, the positions button isn't active until selecting and then deselecting the custom report button



    I did notice this this morning and also on the previous version if you clicked the position here (marked badly in yellow) it would take you to the players position/role ability screen. Does that work after clicking the cog on and off?




  3. 16 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

    I have continued to work on this and may pop up a link, at some point for this WIP skin. Essentially, I've not actually deleted anything that I have now removed and have built a fresh without clearing out old panels. It means that the skin folder is full of ' - Copy' and the like but, hopefully, things work.

    All of the red areas are secret (some not so secret) buttons that, off the back of the FM25 UI announcement, do this:


    It means you can go from the above to this and then to this with the click of a few buttons.

    Love it Ben 

  4. 5 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

    I fancied a rebuild. So that is what I am doing:


    Might go in the bin tomorrow or might be the thing that re-invigorates my skinning plans, getting me to build some new things before FM25!

    The idea is to remove the three tabs as, really, I don't use that much from them all. What I can then do is build some nice stuff with buttons keep this looking a lot less crowded than it used to.

    Looks really good Ben

  5. 1 hour ago, _Ben_ said:

    that it's the most fun part of the game for me! I'd love to hear what people think about these three lads and how they'd develop.



    I love wing backs and these two at 15 look great. They should develop well. It will be interesting to keep an eye on them. 

    1 hour ago, _Ben_ said:

    I think, and I thought this last year, the top five leagues just aren't really for me. I love the chase more than the winner's champagne.

    One of my biggest issues with FM. Once I’ve reached the peak it feels like I’m too good for the AI to then topple again. 


  6. 13 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

    My current concern is that, because he's so good, he won't be playing at an appropriate level in the u19 division and, therefore needs first team football. However, given that I'm wanting to be so precise on his development, I'd rather he didn't have substandard coaching and training regimes. It's a real catch 22 for the next 18 to 24 months before I want to just give him first team football with us.

    I had the same concerns with Ekpe at QPR. But as long as he's performing to a decent standard (Average rating 6.87 after 38 appearances) Then I'm happy that he is ready for this level. I've always used match performance as an indicator to judge their readiness. 

  7. 16 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

    as I've said all along here - it's the process that I enjoy rather than the actual successes that come from it.

    This is very much FM for me. I can easily win everything If I wanted to but I like to have an identity behind my management so that when you do win like that it feels earnt. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Shrewnaldo said:

    I would 100% take a team consisting of only Model Professionals or Model Citizens. I don't mind boring


    2 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

    Yeah, I'm with you! I sold off two of my top talents last year because their personality was - in my eyes - absolutely inhibiting their development.

    Totally understandable, I enjoy a few mavericks in my squad. Adds something different. They obviously have to be worth the hassle. 
    Squad players I like to have good personalities but sometimes I’ve had bad personalities do great things that make them worth the hassle. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

    I also like that, as I've shown above, it's not far from good personalities such as a Perfectionist, should you have the right players around him.

    100%, I’ve never been one to worry too much about personalities. For young players most are easy enough to change but also nobody wants a team full of clones 

  10. 19 hours ago, Shrewnaldo said:

    forget what exactly Fickle implies but isn't it just low Loyalty 

    fickle player will have little love for your club(at least slightly higher than that of a mercenary) while still having very high ambition. He will therefore prioritize his career more than the progress of the club and should you slightly fail expectation, he will try to jump ship at the earliest opportunity.

    basically high ambition + low loyalty. People have called it a bad personality but I’ve never found it to be an issue as long as you can be successful with them. 

  11. 2 hours ago, MattyLewis11 said:

    You may well be pleased to know that I have fired the save back up and will be continuing from the 2027/28 season, I appreciate I need to provide a little update to remind you on the progress of the save.

    I will provide that in due course. 



  12. 4 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

    unless you have knowledge of skinning, you can't customise it to the attributes you want!

    This is what I thought the issue would be as not everyone will have your DNA will they :lol:



  13. 7 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

    They will, naturally, come in on their favoured foot and most have a cut inside trait but, by keeping them as wingers, they stay wider for longer, allowing more freedom and isolation within the central areas or allowing a good ball out wide to a big space for them.

    The addition of the cut inside with the ball player instruction for wingers has helped aswell this year for players without the traits. 
    But yes similar reason for me using them. Especially with the FBs both inverting either to CB or DM, we need them to hold width. 

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