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Posts posted by danielgear

  1. Just caught up Ben, great final season in Turkey, and the move feels like a realistic step up. 
    Great in-depth posts since explaining the state of play since the move and your thought process behind your plans and decisions so far. 

  2. On 20/01/2023 at 20:50, _Ben_ said:

    My football content consumption over the past couple of days has been around Roberto de Zerbi, with this video being really interesting to me. I obviously favour counter attacking football and that thought of the 'De Zerbi-ism' of baiting the press seems really interesting to me and one that I don't think I've ever really considered. Of course, if we can commit players towards the ball and have players comfortable enough to evade that press, we'll have wide open space to attack. The formative ideas centred around defenders with two particular traits: Stops Play and Tries Long Range Passes.

    Watched the same video and have tried to recreate it, the baiting the press is a really good idea and I seem to have got it working nicely playing a range of wall passes around the opposition press to create gaps in their shape before switching the ball forward and breaking away. Not quite there yet but I'm having fun with it.

  3. 1 hour ago, tyler16 said:

    Have to admit I prefer this outcome for the narrative of the save even if it's bittersweet for you.

    Totally agree with Tyler, It's still a great season for you Ben and it would be great to see the same top 2 next year but in reverse 

  4. On 08/01/2023 at 20:43, _Ben_ said:

    My intention is to make this as realistic as I can by proposing a list, sorted in order of preference, to my DoF, who will the conduct the transfer and contract negotiations. I may not get my man, but I'll get one of a few that I've identified and I can easily see that, if we're down to negotiating with fourth of fifth choice, then the parameters need to change.

    This is how I play and have for a few years and adds to the realism.

    And wow what an ending to the season, you couldn't write it. Two (well 3) cup finals in a row. I have faith

  5. On 04/01/2023 at 18:28, _Ben_ said:

    But I do need to sort out the longer term future of the club and, using another wonderful tip from @FMStag (seriously, just follow his Twitter and blog), have set up some ongoing scouting focuses, which you can see here:

    cf120266e8c172d851ac193004db67ef.png 89249d81c4f574e68106907a76629464.png ae40adee6238534629ec4f19e33b9a63.png 78c597b42355c135b42f96d4603f3859.png

    The biggest issue is that I currently am allowed three scouts at the club, so these will fill slowly but they should fill with the players that I want to be

    LOVE this for recruitment focuses (best new feature this year)


    On 05/01/2023 at 21:23, _Ben_ said:

    I must say that I'm not knowledgeable enough to know whether this was a Ravel Morrison kind of thing or he just wanted first team football

    Was just a wanted first team football thing, was fed up of being promised a chance and not getting one.

    Save's going well Ben and some nice recruitment in January. Will be interesting to see what you do with the DM slot over the summer. I should have refreshed, I'm a whole page behind :lol: 


  6. 1 minute ago, vikeologist said:

    Just not enough, and not enough of the serious ones.

    It depends if what you consider serious is the same as SI.


    12 minutes ago, vikeologist said:

    You're misrepresenting me. Over the years I've raised lots of bug reports, but at the start of FM22 I realised that I'd been raising less in the last couple of years than I had before.  I did encourage others to raise bug reports when they complained about them on the thread I oversee, I hadn't done so much of that myself, so I made a conscious decision to actually make sure I was putting in the effort to be part of the solution. Basically I agree with the notion behind your reply that one has to actually walk the walk when it comes to reporting bugs.

    Maybe you misrepresented yourself but yes that’s what I meant. I understand the frustration when bugs aren’t fixed trust me but I also understand there must be reasons why. SI want it to be just as bug free as we do. 

  7. 30 minutes ago, DarJ said:

    do agree with you that seeing bugs carry over from previous games is annoying because it gives the feeling that they don't just care 

    This isn’t an SI issue though, numerous games that are yearly have the same issue, even bigger titles like FIFA and madden. Like you said they probably prioritise between impact and what can be fixed in a short time some bugs there might be reasons why they can’t fix them or within the time between editions. 

    The amount of bugs fixed between release and December was probably more than we realised due to the size of the patch update. For every bug you see they haven’t fixed how many bugs don’t we see that get fixed? 

    2 hours ago, vikeologist said:

    So anyway, last year (FM22) I raised lots of bug reports to try and become part of the Alpha team

    You say you have played for 20 years and finally on the FM22 edition you say you were really active in the hopes of getting on the alpha but now because you didn’t get on the enthusiasm has gone. If you can’t see the issue with that then maybe it’s best you don’t get on it :lol: I’m pretty sure the people who must get added are the ones offering consistently good quality bug reports over a period of time not just one edition when they want to try a bit harder to get on it. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, Jtomsett11 said:

    I've also been reading @_Ben_'s Age of Empires thread and saw a link to @danielgear's pre-season training article, so I've been inspired by both of them to have a go at my own pre-season and training for the season ahead. We'll see how it goes, but I'm borrowing heavily from their approaches.


    I didn't have the 6 weeks advised, so had to fit my schedules into 4 weeks and my assistant arranged 3 friendlies that I couldn't cancel, meaning I couldn't quite have the friendly cup double headers. However, I was still pleased by the outcome, with nearly all 23 of my players match fit, very few injuries and no complaints in training.

    Great to hear the process worked well for you. 

  9. RE the survey its also a small % of the market. Ben has around 110.000 subscribers less than half of that follow him on twitter. FM22 sold between 1-2million copies (can't find the exact number) but a article 5 months ago said they sold over 1 million so even if we take the minimum at 1million copies and Bens high of 110,000 that's only 11% of the consumer base. his latest tweet suggested 13,000 replies which is 1.3%.  which isn't a true representation of the consumer opinion just his small % of it. I know a lot of people that play the game that have never watched, read or listened to any FM content or visited the forum. Miles has said before in interviews the "community" is only a small part of the consumer. Whilst its great we as a community try to improve the game we have to also understand that SI don't just cater to us. The best way to improve the game is to feedback in the way SI asks via Beta testing threads and feature requests. 

    RE the game itself FM23 is the best in the series, there might be areas that haven't improved where you'd hoped but its better than last year and in fairness to SI improves year on year. The main outcry seems to be around graphics but again its a small area of the market. The graphics for me are spot on I don't need them to look any better than they are, my focus is more on the ME which has taken a massive step forward this year and Data which has improved and kept ahead of the market as the IRL game of football is becoming more data driven. 

    RE the skin, I agree its not the best but with so many great community efforts I'd rather SI focused more on improving the core game than a skin that I can easily download an better one and SI can spend more time improving Set Pieces :D


  10. 11 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

    It has helped hugely. We are able to last much longer in the game, meaning I'm not having to make a raft of early changes for fitness reasons and I can see games out much better than I did previously. It's also interesting to see how it's impacted our injuries:


    The (lack of) squad size has led to an increase of late but it's really positive to see how much healthier we were earlier in the season, almost certainly linked to match sharpness and fitness.

    That’s great news. I’ve found it works really well for me. It’s just making sure we take the time to keep track of minutes played in preseason

  11. On 16/12/2022 at 19:26, _Ben_ said:

    ollowing the excellent advice of @danielgear in regards to pre-season, I've been toying with how my pre-season is set up. Last year, we started the league under-prepared and not match fit, which cost us. Given that, this season, points could be harder to come by, I can't afford to throw opportunities away by not being ready. Here you can see that '6 day week' for the start of next month with them playing in up to two games and training in the other four, with one day of complete rest in between. I still need to fine tune what I want them to be doing on those days that they are at the training ground but it does appear, already, that fitness is growing pretty quickly. This is in contrast to the 'two-game week' that we did last time, which limited players to just 45 minute spells (hugely increasing complacency when the appeared) and at least two more days off the training pitch.

    Just caught up @_Ben_did you find the change in approach made a difference to the players conditioning for this season and helped with the great start you have made?

  12. 3 hours ago, MattyLewis11 said:

    Pre-season has been grand, we followed the recent approach as laid out by our friends over at 'View From The Touchline' which is basically four days training two match days (A and B squad) and one days rest. 

    If applied over a four week schedule the level of opposition should scale up from significantly weaker to strong. However, we only managed to fit in two weeks of games before playing Lyon in a testimonial before heading to England to play Leicester and Chelsea .

    I must say this approach is bang on and ALL players have a good level of match sharpness heading into the new season. 

    Love it Matty, glad it worked for you and you saw the same benefits 

  13. 16 minutes ago, MartinJ said:

    How are folks finding the scouting after the 23.2 update on Thursday?

    I didn't see anything about scouting on the change list, but I seem to be getting actual recommendations through from scouts where I wasn't before, which is promising.  (Entirely possible it's just me doing something different!)

    I've had this recruitment focus running for about a month in the game.  I specifically assigned the scout and the recruitment analyst.  3.5 stars is quite high, so it makes sense to be only getting a handful of A and B recommendations.  They're also pulling through to the Scouting Centre as 'ongoing focus recommendations'.  (See Ndidi below.)





    Great to see that you’re getting recommendations, patch might just be a coincidence, had a few people say to me on socials they weren’t getting any but we found out it’s because they weren’t waiting enough for results. Had one saying they’d not had no results after 3 days but they waiting and they came after a few weeks. Getting the chief scout to set assignments seems to be the way forward. 

  14. 48 minutes ago, pedromanuelpinto said:

    Very interesting. The 3 load for day, and before the game, don’t put your team with to much injuries?

    will try with the new save. 

    There is always the risk with injuries but preseason is the time you’re going to train them the hardest therefore the risk increases anyway. In the preseason above I got through it with only a few players getting knocks less than a week. 

  15. 1 minute ago, fries said:

    Thanks for the answer!

    Do you know how the preseason affects the fatigue later in the season? Can you minimize fatigue midseason by seting up the preseason? If yes, how have you considered this in your planning?

    For me preseason is about setting up a strong base fitness wise, regardless of how you approach preseason fatigue will need to be managed through the season with rotation and training plans. 

  16. 49 minutes ago, fries said:

    Interesting approach. I think I will try it out. But I have a few questions.

    How do you evaluate the success of your preseason?

    Why is the rest day preferred to a recovery and match review day?

    I evaluate my preseason to be successful if my squad not just my starting XI get to the first league game of the season in top condition, sharpness and morale. With a high tactical familiarity in the squad. 


    Recovery and match review “charge” your players still as they’re still doing training however light. You could try that approach and see but I wanted one full day off for the players. 

  17. 1 minute ago, Dani538 said:

    I've found the issue... apparently SI is excluding certain features when switching in another language... I've created a new post about it. When I switched to the English language it is there, but reverting back to Dutch it is gone... Now I am curious what else i've been missing haha.

    Recruitment Focus - EN.png

    Recruitment Focus - NL.png

    How strange haha. Glad you have worked it out though 

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