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Everything posted by BuzzR

  1. I'm sorry, I don't understand this. This discussion is meaningless. We keep hearing on and on every year about lower end computers and protecting the fan base .. When obviously it's not real. It's just not. When your recommended specs are from the time Borat was lunched and George W. Bush was president - you cannot argue that processing power and AI system is relevant and takes precedence over graphics and that's why there are no graphics improvements. You would protect your fanbase by been honest, and deliver meaningful improved products. There is proven evidence of graphics quality downgrade, and this ends the lower specs fan base nonsense argument. There are numerous issues and discussions on this forums regarding animations, lack of stadium variations, set pieces ! bugs that are inherited year after year.. and we keep hearing " protecting the fan base".
  2. What lower end machines are we talking about ?!?! I will repeat myself : This games RECOMMENDED specs are from 16 years ago ! That means it delivers a decent gaming experience ( tested and verified by QA ) on hardware that was high end 16 ( sixteen ) years ago. What lower-end PCs ( lower than this recommended specs ) do you defend when you talk about demanding AI system, optimizing and compromising from improvements ?
  3. So it's not graphics "we are concerned" about eventually, so the graphics could improve but .. ?! I have to remind you the fact that recommended ( not required ) specs for FM23 are: Intel Core 2 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 . Intel Core 2 released date is 2006 and Amd Athlon 64 X2 is 2005. ( from Steam Page ). This year's game runs on hardware that's 16 yo.
  4. I don't understand why we keep talking about low end PCs as a deal breaker for improvements.. I really don't. It's not like a future graphically improved version of the game will run the match only in 4k resolution and the textures will be 4k only - bursting out of that poor video card's vram. No one does that. NO ONE. Rest assured, if by a miracle of god - there will be an improvement in graphics, the lower end PCs will still be able to see the puppet show that currently is the match engine. We keep finding excuses for things that do not need to be excused. SI will not invest in graphical changes - art/ animation / stadiums licenses / geo-location variety until a competitor will outplay them in this field. And they don't have one competitor in any field. There is a post a couple of pages back, that shows the downgrade in graphics that happened between FM17 and FM18 going forward. Let's not forget it! - because it renders useless all discussions about graphics. If lower end PCs delivered a decent gaming experience in 2016 for FM17, I am pretty sure that they will do fine in 2022+ with at least the same quality of FM17.
  5. Me waiting to go home on Saturday thinking that @gunner86 is playing the beta thanks to me !
  6. This Friday, 8th of October.. Because I'm at a wedding on Saturday and obviously I have to suffer for not being able to play the beta ( a lot ) during the weekend.
  7. Never !! Manager Timeline as a headline feature is what you need!! Yap, on a serious note I would love to see a new set pieces creator .. We are talking about this for ages and every year we are ignored. There are pages after pages about set pieces in the suggestions forum, there are countless comments about the embarrassment that is the set pieces creator - and it is like this for years. I really, really hope that the match engine improvements and manager AI do live up to the hype - because the other headlines are just - decent. Also let's be fair, for a full price every year we should expect match engine improvements. It should be a given. At least the default skin has less purple.. that should be a major headline feature.
  8. Check this out - it's an older post where I've tried to explain the symbolic link for graphics:
  9. Unfortunately I've lost interest for the current edition the moment the new game was announced.. and it happened before. Just finished a season 2 days before FM23 release date announcement and it didn't helped either - going through the chores of pre-season thinking I will be half season in when the new beta arrives. I will keep FM22 for skin comparations and as soon the FM23 beta arrives I will start porting my skin - this year will be tricky for me having less and less free time ( recently changed my job - new environment, new people, new job! - a lot of anxiety and less free time). So yeah, I would love to start a long save with a custom database - and I would have to wait for it ( and the full release ) and until then It would be skinning - hopefully not too many changes necessary. P.S.: I've managed to set up a symbolic link to a graphics folder, and all my FM games are pointing to the same folder. No more moving, duplicating 20+ GB of pictures, logos, kits.
  10. You can for WB on Support duty as @ImDaWeasel said.
  11. Hi. I think it would be very helpful if we could gather tactical changes into small snippets in order to set or unset any combination of tactical instructions, opposition instructions, set pieces collections and access them easily in match via a drop down menu. I know there are plans available but they are triggered by scenarios. I would like to build some snippets of tactical changes that can we could enable / disable anytime we want and would save a lot of clicks. Thanks.
  12. How can you tell if you had a good preseason in terms of fitness and the players are ready for a long hard season?
  13. The skin is delivered from cache. Clear cache, reload skin and then analyze changes and ( most likely ) errors. From your screenshot looks like you have a TCS ... - copy folder, and it's most likely parsed by the game with the same name as the TCS skin [non copy] ( most likely packed). Are you certain you are using that "copy" skin in-game ? Use the Skinning Guide and Knowledge Base in the topics pinned to the top of the forum and start clean. Use the base skin provided there and make the match panels work with it. This way you have a one point of change - you know the base skin it's working as it's provided as it is from the game files, and add to it ( the panels you want from FME skin). Step by step, see what's working and what doesn't - what panel this panel references etc. Make sure you clear cache and reload skin with every new file(s) you add to the skin. Reloading skin only doesn't work when you add a new file to a skin. ( if you have cached enabled ). As @snowofman said this was rude and uncalled for.. There is a lot of effort put into a skin and a lot of energy is consumed scrapping through these god-forsaken xml files. Read this :
  14. " Knocks ball past opponent " is such a pest of a PPM. I have attackers & defenders with this trait and it just cannot be unlearned.. I had an IW that I've had him unlearn this for 3 seasons. Failing and failing again. Now I'm at my third try with one of my starting CD because that's a thing for some reason - CD with knocks ball past opponent. It's so specific for wingers, wingbacks but it's just bad.. you see it in game - usually there is no space to push the ball ahead and they lose it. You don't want to see how it looks for an IW pushing the ball away when he cuts inside - straight to a DM or whatever. I would agree that ok, it is here .. if you have a winger and there is space ahead of him - ok. But why is so hard to unlearn ? Clearly we use this player differently - for 3 years now! I don't know - sometimes some mechanics are just " compute a hard cap from attributes and roll the dice."
  15. It looks very nice and I don't mind - I'm really glad. I'm an influencer now Thank you so much for your panels - it works great. Here's mine after your input ( click to enlarge ):
  16. Hi @snowofman - Never managed to make it work. It would be amazing if you could share the file, thank you.
  17. I feel your pain. I used to do that but I gave up flipping all over in 6 panels to get some info.. What I'm doing now is look at their formation and shape and : - adjust the defensive width to narrow if they have inside roles on the wings, maybe set my DM on defense if I play a better team with an AM role. -adjust the attacking width or focus play on the flanks if they are crowding in the middle of defense with 3 CD and/or a DM. But this is more of an in game feel, looking at the match for a little and see if there is a lot of space on the sides and we are struggling to open them. That's it. No Data Hub, no who's who.. to much clicking around to find that info you want. I think there is something in there and can be useful if someone wants to dig into them - but opposition report UI panels are so needlessly complicated. You get a mail with some kind of summary from the scout : You have 3 buttons on the bottom and a hyperlink on top that will get you to : A. Overview and Submenus in Data Hub - Next Opponent and B. Team Report and submenus on that opponent "page". And from A or B I'm flipping all over the place to find out that : they scored a lot from inside the box, that their manager kind of likes man marking , assists are x% trough balls etc. I mean there is info, but it's all over the place. Some panels are ok, some of them are awful like the Data Hub/Next Opposition/ Scout report panel . And do not confuse this with [ Team ]/ Team Report/ Senior Squad/ Scout Report . And then you get the mail from the analyst who says the numbers are fascinating - but this you already know, because all numbers are fascinating . For example I would love to have some precise information : "crossing is a strength of the squad overall " - all of them ? do they have an assist heavy winger ? Who? I have to click : Team Report/ Senior Squad/ Report/ Select Scoring - Select Assists and see 10 assists on their right wing. Ok. Why don't you tell directly ?! And I still don't know who's the main assist guy on that side ! Is it the winger ? It's the fullback ? It would be nice if we were able to customize our next opponent scouting overview page: - I would want to see the most likely formation and style of play, - some relevant info about the manager tendencies - marking, mentality, - some info about goal scorers , assists - who? from where ? Then if you want more, dig deeper with some more organized panels. Anyway.. sorry for my long post. Hope I didn't highjack the thread.
  18. That's a cool analogy . I totally get what are you saying - the scout's report is an "opinion" based on multiple factors altered by his ability. Sometimes I found myself struggling to translate a simple real life concept into the game scouting module. For example: It's midseason and we kind of struggle scoring. We are creating chances but my strikers are just.. bad. So I would say " we need a better striker !". Here are my 3 strikers : In my AM assessment they kind of have the same ability (2,5* and 3*) - and are good for lower leagues ( League Two and National League ). ( *Never mind I'm in Championship ) Now, as I said - we need a better striker Mr. Scout, but I can't set up a scouting assignment saying "get me better strikers than this lot " or " get me a decent Championship striker ! ". The only thing I can set up is current ability ( = stars in scout's opinion ) to a larger value - say 3.5*. This could be and it is different than Assistant Manager's opinion. Fair point. But now I'm stuck with 2 relative measurement scales ( Scouts opinion and Assistant Manager opinion both relative to the players I've got) and I have no translation between them. Add to that the fact we are newly promoted to Championship, punching way above our weight. Instead of a helpful hand from the Scouting Team now I have a headache . I've started with simple concepts : " we need a better striker !" or " a decent championship striker " and I have 2 set of players with 2 measurement scales. I know one set of players is bad - my own, but are the ones in the other set better for my current situation? Ok, It could be an argument that if the scout finds a decent League One player it is correct to say it's better than what I've got now. Anyway, maybe I'm babbling too much and make no sense.. long story short : I would like to set up scouting easier, with real life concepts/ ideas rather than relative star ratings.
  19. I've got a decent amount of hours into the last 3 FM releases, but I still can't get a hold of how scouting works sometimes or how to use it efficiently.. For example: Let's take this assignment It looks easy. Find First Team Players ( i.e. scouted ability = good ) in England. *never mind the transfer fee for now. Now the confusion starts: 1. What does GOOD Scouted Current Ability really mean ? I know it equals 3 stars, but the stars are relative to your team only. It means 3 stars players ( in the scout assertion ) relative to my players at the start of the assignment or at the moment of the new found player assertion ? Because during the scouting assignment I could sign a new player that it will be viewed as a 5 star player relative to my existing squad. What will then be a GOOD player for the existing scouting assignment? Does the " good " value updates when my squad changes during existing assignments ? Is it evaluated and computed every time it filters a new player or is fixed at the begging of the assignment ? 2. How does Scouted Current Ability help me in anyway relative to the league I'm in or would be next season ? For example: I've got promoted to EFL Championship and I want to find good/decent players for EFL Championship. There is no way I can set up an assignment like this. I should be able to do so, disregarding the ability of the scouted players relative to my current players. 3. How does Transfer Budget filters players when the transfer value is a range ? And why isn't there an " Unspecified " option of transfer budget ?
  20. The game generates a copy of a DEFAULT view if you change the columns - resizing, adding/removing columns etc.
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