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Everything posted by samrnpage

  1. If there is no twitter post by 5pm today, it isn't today. Not enough staff on the forum either. It's a shame I thought it was certain to be today
  2. If you cannot work out why giving the youtubers early alpha build access to do videos early is a good idea, then maybe it's too much hassle to explain it to you. Its not a difficult thing to work out.
  3. I understand, its a place full of intelligent intellectual conversation about a variety of topics like youtubers, pizza toppings and tv shows.
  4. Is there a legal/logical/good reason that the MODs/Staff cannot just tell us the beta isnt out today if it isnt? Is it because it could create an overload on servers or something if they tell us what day it is? Or ?
  5. So what is everyones plans on FM24 What's the save ideas, what the world you're going to create?
  6. Let's get this straight. People who like pineapple on pizza's don't play FM, they play fifa career mode. Its that tragic.
  7. Going to be honest, the twitter post from the official twitter account saying #Beta with a timer is the only thing we need to wait for. Once that tweet drops its 100% coming today. I still have hope its today, but I Think itll be tomorrow
  8. Yeah this isnt surprising, the original poster is just a bitter old man that doesnt like change. I love watching football manager content. I thought it was an outrageous statement
  9. Loads - Zealands twitch saves are always class. There was a Loki Doki journeyman save from about 2-3 versions ago whereby he started Cardiff Uni and had a striker who he signed for every club going forward.
  10. I reckon its a very satisfying time to be a MOD/Staff member just before Beta release. Seeing us all get desperate for the game theyve all helped create over the last year. I am sure theres lots of work behind the scenes we dont know about to make it stressy as well. I bet they all get a right happy giggle reading these posts!
  11. Beg to differ, most of my friends who play football manager watch a few youtubers and their content is great. Zealand is my favourite, Loki doki and Lollujo are the next best.
  12. They have announced it on twitter every year for about 3 or 4 years. Its a loading symbol and the words Beta. Its to stir up last minute pre-orders and generate hype. Its not happened yet, if the twitter post hasnt happened by 7pm, it isnt tonight unfortunately folks
  13. Yes of course, it aint that deep and all it does is narrow your options and narrows your mind. As much as you hate you admit it, everyone loves to hate their rivals and without your rivals your seasons and football clubs are a lot more dull.
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