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Everything posted by psucolonel

  1. Same...it has the player profile under overview > attributes. It is blank under overview > profile.
  2. Yes, I did...I am going to re-load the skin and then re-start FM 24 and see what it looks like afterwards.
  3. This looks like a great skin, but none of the players have a "profile" screen.
  4. Any additional thoughts on this? I am still trying to figure out how or why (or even if) the AI behavior is altered when using Daves realism mod. I do have every league in the game loaded already with a large database, so my thinking is that there shouldn't really be any shortage of players to help the AI with squad building. I am also running every league in full detail, which is also supposed to help the AI. (from what I have gathered anyway) Any other thoughts or observations on this subject? I find it interesting just because I am unsure how the mod could/would alter AI behavior? I just got back from my holiday trip, so I thought I would go back to discussing this after a couple of weeks.
  5. Yes, I did just that. Definitely seems a bit strange.
  6. One thing worth noting is that the AI teams are constantly trying to trade me for them. So the AI can include my team’s international slots in a trade proposal, but I cannot. i am starting to think this is a bug since AI teams are trying to trade me for the slots.
  7. It should probably appear in green as opposed to red.
  8. One thing worth noting is that the AI teams are constantly trying to trade me for them. So the AI can include my team’s international slots in a trade proposal, but I cannot.
  9. According to my scouting reports I am using 6 out of a possible 8 International slots, yet when I go to trade a slot away, I cannot and the option to do so is "greyed" out. Is this because I have other foreign players not registered who are out on loan? Is this a bug? Not quite sure what is going on with this. I am also having trouble viewing all of the players who are taking up an international slot in one place...thee doesn't appear to be a filter for this anywhere (unless I am missing something) Any help is most appreciated. Thank You.
  10. Is it possible that I am only using 6 slots out of 8 currently, but have foreign players on loan? Would that make a difference as to why I cannot trade INT slots?
  11. Is there an easy way to view just the players who are considered to be taking up International slots on my squad in the MLS? I am thinking there almost would have to be a way to view this, but I just cannot seem to figure out how or where. Thank you for any assistance. Cheers!
  12. I am experiencing this issue also. My team has two unused Int. slots and I cannot seem to trade them. I first thought there must be a rule being violated or something along those lines, but it doesn't appear so. This is kind of a save killing bug. Does anyone know about the status of this? Was it fixed and now we need to begin new saves? (I really hope not)
  13. I am having a bit of a time trying to figure out just what my DOF is saying when he gives me this advice. Is it too generous on my team's part, or are theirs?
  14. Are NewGans working? I am a bit late to the party here, and am trying to figure out what happened, and there really isn't a definitive explanation anywhere. I see ways to fix the manager profile picture, but no explaination as to why this happened or if it will return ??
  15. OK...well I did indeed do a search just now, and honestly not much came back...at least not in these forums.
  16. well I apologize but I did NOT happen to see this. To insinuate that I am somehow lazy is very much an insult. Good day sir!!
  17. That’s good to know but I still have no idea why something like this would be removed…and seemingly without explanation.
  18. Can someone be kind enough to please explain what the differences between the scouting priorities are? I think I get that Top Priority means just that...and that "ongoing" means the search will continue endlessly unless I instruct my scouting team to halt that particular recruitment focus. What is "standard" though? What is the difference between standard and ongoing? Thank you in advance
  19. Huh? Why would this be ignored? Why was it even removed?
  20. I was previously able to use a photo for may manager profile by uploading it in preference. This option no longer seems to appear there. Has this feature been removed for some reason?
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