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Everything posted by psucolonel

  1. I have very little experience, so please bear with me. I have a 4.5 star Attacking Midfielder on my B squad (Philadelphia in the MLS) who I decided I MUST sign. So, I offered 850K to his club (he is on loan) and the offer was accepted. So I get into negotiations with the player and his demand are far more than my budget will allow...but, I didn't realize I could re-configure my budget to allow more money for salary. (wages) Unfortunately by the time I realize this the player has cut off negotiations. Am I done for good? Will he ever come back to the table? Do I need to restart the save all over again? Obviously a rookie mistake (live and learn) BUT I am only days into the save. I get the feeling I am going to be learning so much on the fly that I am eventually going to want to re-start my save several times.
  2. Hello, I am finally taking the plunge and taking control of teams' training schedules. I am currently working on individual player training after viewing a couple of master class videos on FM Scout. They were well done and very informative BTW. Anyway, I am just looking for any other advice or resources others may have after years of experience. Obviously FM 23 is a new game, but I assume most of the principles from previous versions hold true. Anyway, thanks in advance if you have anything to offer that you might be willing to share. Obviously I am pretty inexperienced with this facet of FM, and am very grateful for any good knowledge I can gain.
  3. In all truthfulness (and I am a BETA team member) they aren't being that transparent over there anymore either.
  4. I took the advice to make all leagues playable with full detail (about 200K players) and that’s it. I’ll see how it goes from there. I’ve got a very good MacBook Pro that I custom ordered for a circumstance like this 😉
  5. yes, good points. Very often lower level coaches are rated much higher in youth development than other coaches may be. I have to admit, that's what really love about FM...there are just so many variables and decisions to be made while considering many different factors.
  6. Ok that must be the issue…I had a feeling it was league related…thank you!! so I suppose I could theoretically purchase the contract and do this…but I might as well wait as he is only 17. I do have some other players that are 18 I may try it with though.
  7. Yea...that was my first thought also...but that doesn't seem to be the issue.
  8. Strange, it won't seem to let me do this. I have two youth teams' however...an academy team, and a Philadelphia II team. I don't know if the issue is that I have not yet advanced at all in the game yet, or it's an MLS thing....just a little confused on this. You might notice in the image below, the academy area is greyed out when I attempt this.
  9. Is this another OOTP reunion here or what? lol. Thanks for the responses guys. So if a player misses some first team training, will that have an adverse effect on his development?
  10. I am wondering if there is a way to have a player(s) from the youth squad train with the main team, yet remain on the youth squad roster. I have a couple of young players who are probably just talented enough to maybe make the main squad, but would probably benefit the most by training with them and still play matches with the youth team. Is there a way to accomplish this? Thank you for any advice.
  11. Dumb question guys...how do you indicate you want full detail for any given league? I see playable & view only, but I'm not seeing the option for full detail. Thanks.
  12. Thanks for your help!! I have looked at Daveincid (even subscribe to him) but I can never understand his videos very well, and have had some difficulty trying to figure out what he wants me to do. That was last yer thought...hopefully I can figure things out better this year. I would really like to get a good save rolling in FM 23, as it just really looks fantastic!!
  13. Thank you guys...I basically loaded every league available (all playable) and then loaded all the Continent players in the custom database. I just started, so it's no big deal if you guys have any other suggestions about how to set it up for realism. I am doing a MLS save, so it's a bit different than most other leagues around the world for sure. Would you suggest making some of the leagues view only? , or just keeping it as is? I suppose there are far more players and realistic stat outputs from keeping them playable? Tokyo ...I am curious about what you were saying regarding "full detail" vs. the default setup? I have a pretty good MacBook Pro that I purchased a couple of years ago with 2.4 GHz 8 core intel core i9 &32 GB memory. Thanks for the feedback....Good to see you here Jpeters!! This is certainly a different animal than OOTP. Much more in depth & complex!!....maybe just because I am not as familiar, but it seems that way.
  14. Thanks for all of your hard work SI...much appreciated...a wonderful and fantastic product!!
  15. While I am not completely new to FM, I have never really got myself stuck into a save either. I have decided to load every league available in the game, and maximize the player database to 459,070 players. Now I realize this is going to make things very slow, and I can live with that, as I am looking for maximum realism. My question however is this: Other than slowing down processing time, will there be any other adverse affects to my save in either the long or short terms? As I said I can put up with a slow game...I just want to make sure nothing catastrophic will happen down the road. Thank you in advance for any input, thoughts, ideas or general comments. Much appreciated.
  16. Is there an easy and/or quick way to delete a manager profile, and create a new one?
  17. I would love to see a system where scouting is not always correct (attributes) depending on the quality of your scouts. It would also be a nice addition to have a smaller scale for scouting. I know and realize the 1-20 scale has been part of FM forever, but I just don't feel it's as realistic as say a 2-8 scale where 5 is average. If that's a no go, you could keep the 1-20 scale, but break it down into a 1-5 scale where 3 is average. So you would have 1-4 (1) 5-8 (2) 9-12 (3) 13-16 (4) 17-20 (5). Any thoughts? I know you can get rid of attributes all together by editing the skin colors, but that doesn't seem realistic either.
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