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Everything posted by psucolonel

  1. For some reason the scouting knowledge maps not highlighted. Is this a known bug?
  2. Is anyone else having an issue with the scouting knowledge maps not being highlighted? If so, I will reports this as a bug, but I am curious to see if this is only happening to me for some reason??
  3. OK...I just started a new game and the issue is still there...with version 24.01 anyway.
  4. Right now I am using the 24.01 version...which is the only version available to me...is there a way for me to update? I am a STEAM user and an official BETA tester for OOTP. With OOTP, I am required to join a BETA group (in STEAM) and the updates are download by STEAM automatically. I felt this would update automatically. I am not an official tester, so I didn't think I would need to join a separate group to receive updates automatically. I am going to delete the save and re-start and see what happens.
  5. There is a duplicate Nathan Harriel in the Philadelphia Union squad.
  6. Not sure where this should go…but the Philadelphia Union in the MLS has a duplicate player on the squad.
  7. I purchased FM24 on STEAM a few weeks ago and am wondering if I am eligible for the early access BETA version? If so, where can I download it?
  8. I was hoping some might this idea, or at least allow for some discussions. What do others think about something like this?
  9. Would it be possible to introduce a new ratings scale for FM? As we all know, it is currently a 1-20 rating system, which to me (and others I think) is a bit too granular for those seeking a very realistic experience. I certainly understand the need for ratings, and am not asking they be abandoned, but rather just a better way to view them in the default skin. Perhaps FM COULD Work off of a 2-8 scale, where 5 represents an average rating in any one category. A 6 would represent an above average rating, (one deviation from the middle) a 7 would be a very good rating, and an 8 would be elite. On the contrasting side, a 4 would be below Average, a 3 would be fair and a 2 would represent a "poor" rating. This would give you a possible 7 pockets of ratings (7 colors...instead of 4...but still less granular) This system is what was once used in Major League Baseball in the United States. If this is a ratings system with too much going on...I have another idea which is similar and would work very well off of the 1-20 system. As it stands, th 1-20 system is sort of divided by 4...abilities are divided into 4 tiers. (1-5, 6-10, 11- 15, 16-20) My idea is to divide it into 5 levels of ability (1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20) where it's similar to the 2-8 scale, but now you only have 5 levels of scoring as opposed to 7. So this is a 1-5 scale where a 3 (9-12) represents an average rating at any skill/attribute. 4 is "good" and a 5 is "very good". A 2 is "fair", and a 1 is "poor". Now you have 5 colors (as opposed to 4) and you have a "median rating" of 3. With this system you have much less granular ratings visible to the user (1-20) and it feels a bit more realistic while still staying within the 1-20 framework. I realize some of the skins to there sort of do this already, but it would be very nice to have the default skin work this way also since it's much nicer. Perhaps this could be an option feature within settings...or even customizable? It seems to me the second option here would be fairly easy to implement. Any thoughts? Thank you for your consideration.
  10. OK...I think I figured it out...since there are no injuries or suspensions (start of season) it is likely the result of those players NOT being registered.
  11. This is not a tactical question per se, so I thought this would be the appropriate place to ask...but what does it mean when certain players are highlighted in red on the tactics screen? Thank you in advance.
  12. Ok thank you. This makes sense. So basically duties and player instruction dictates where a player ends up after this initial starting position?
  13. Is the tactical shape you have chosen (formation) typically with possession, in transition, or without position? So when do players fall into shape? Obviously player instructions can make the players do different thinwhenitgs that may have them abandon (or not) their position in the formation...what is the flow of how this works? When do players stay at home, and when might they execute an instruction that tells them to perhaps do something different? I am a novice tactician when it comes to football, but I am still trying to learn just how things work. Thank you for any advice and/or help. Much appreciated.
  14. Yes, I suppose they would have to look at how to best streamline the system. They have done so (pretty well too IMHO) in so many other areas of FM, that I am confident they would come up with something that works very well, addressing both challenge and complexity. Like so many other areas of FM, you can usually makes things as fine tuned (granular) or macro as you like.
  15. I'd like to see it becoming more challenging, but not just for the sake of making it "tougher". What I mean for example is...say you want to hire coach X who is probably a decent coach...competition Neds to make it tougher. SO maybe other teams' want to hire him as a coach, but also maybe a lot of other teams with lower reps want him as a manager/head coach. So the challenge should come organically from competition, and not just making it tougher for the sake of making it tougher.
  16. Yea it funny, because while I hired what I would consider reasonably decent coaches for my league level, I don’t feel I got some ch great ones that I should be considered the best in the league. In fact I lost some of the better coaches I tried to hire from higher reputation teams. I believe you are correct…it’s not what I am doing in terms of hiring…it’s what the AI is NOT doing. I’ll have to look around the league and see if other teams are at least staffed to capacity.
  17. Within weeks of beginning my MLS save (game time) I seem to have assembled the best coaching staff in the league? Is this normal? It seems far too easy (at least to me) to put an excellent coaching team together with relatively no challenge from the AI. Most of my hirings came as recommended from other staff members, and it just appears I will not have to work very hard to recruit or maintain good coaches for my relative league level.
  18. I am attempting to orchestrate a trade with a rival team, and there is a box where it says my General Manager (DoF) can suggest players based on valuations. My question is, whose valuations is the GM recommending? Just not sure how this feature works...I am sure it's something simple, but I am just not seeing what's going on here?
  19. From what I can gather so far, it seems to be a good idea to train heavy physically in the pre-season. Lots of endurance, physical, resistance, and quickness training. I think it's important to start easing off little by little as the season approaches. This doesn't mean you should ever totally abandon this type of training however. I still think I should be dedicating 1-2 sessions a week to physical training. This of course depends on your match schedule, but if you can get in three sessions because you only have one match in any given week, I say go for it as long as you don't have other dire or pressing areas you need to address.
  20. How do people feel these specs will fare for loading all nations and all leagues with a large database? The number of players come out to 188,500K. I am not worried about longer processing times, as I am a slower paced players, but at the same time I don't want an unbearable crawl either. I just started a new save, so it's not too late to start again, but this IS my ideal setup.
  21. I am currently using very heavy physical (endurance) training in pre-season for exactly this reason. I believe it's important to focus heavily on physical training during this part of the year. Also...be weary of how often you schedule quickness training, as it seems to make players' unhappy for some reason. I wouldn't totally avoid it either though.
  22. I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask this or not (I seem to remember forums for league specific questions years ago) but I am wondering why in the MLS I am able to use general allocation money to buy down the cap impact of some players, but not others? I assume it might have to do with the type or length of contract they have, but I am unsure and also don't know anything about specifics. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank You. Cheers!
  23. OK, again, this 4-3-3 is something I created on my own, and I wouldn't consider it a super tactic, or a "broken" tactic. I was absolutely shocked. I did pre-load the stock 4-3-3 DM wide, but then just modified some of the roles and the team instructions a little. I didn't touch any of the player instructions. I really didn't think anything like this could even happen. I was obviously playing a very small club and therefore an obviously inferior opponent...but wow.
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