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Everything posted by psucolonel

  1. I agree...I tend to move at a slower pace anyway, so the longer processing breaks don't bother me as much as it might others. For me, the fun in FM is to be methodical in each and every decision I make. I also like a large, realistic (as much as can be allowed) and immersive game world. I have every league loaded on full detail (all leagues are playable) with a large database. It's about 210K players this year with the new J-Leagues. I don't mess with any of the custom/advanced player databases as I hope/feel what I have will be sufficiently realistic and a good number of players vs leagues. It's a lot I know, but like I said, I can tolerate a slower moving game more so than others. That's the trade-off for realism I suppose.
  2. Another note...Apple has just released an update to the Sonoma OSX, so this would likely take care of this issue also. It's my belief this was a quirky issue caused by an install error (interrupted internet service) during the original OS update. I think it's probably safe to close this case.
  3. I believe I have solved the issue. I did a complete re-install of Mac OS Sonoma and then did everything you suggested. It is working fine now. I believe the issue may have been an OS updating error.
  4. OK...so the ONLY way I can prevent the issue from happening is to remove all of the custom graphics and then verify the game files and remove the cache & preferences folders. If I do this the issue doesn't happen. The second I introduce graphics (custom) the issue comes back. It will come back even if I then remove the graphics folder without again verifying files and removing the two folders.
  5. OK..now I added in some custom logos and the issue returned....I did this without tracking and unticking the cache and re-load skin options, so I am completely at a loss. This is very odd. Some kind of display issue.
  6. OK I tried just making some changes in preferences, and that seemed to bring the problem back again.. This was without adding any custom graphics at all. There could be a few settings in particular that I think could potentially be the culprit. 1. It could be happening because I untick the "use caching to decrease loading time" and then select the "reload skin when confirming changes. 2. It could be related to me changing Match 3D graphics quality from "high" to "very high" 3. Changed the preference to run FM 24 in windowed mode at 125% rather than full screen at 100% EDIT: OK, after playing around with the settings a bit...it appears that it is number one on this list that is triggering the issue. So it doesn't appear to be the custom graphics themselves, but rather anytime I re-load the the skin or don't use caching to decrease loading time.
  7. OK I did this and it now appears to be working correctly. I have not yet tried to add any custom files back in (graphics folder) nor have I tried changeing any prefferences yet. When I do, I will try creating a new "graphics" folder, and will also re-download any custom materials.
  8. I have custom kits, logos and player cutouts installed. but these are widely used by many people (these particular ones) and I think you would be seeing a lot of other people with this issue if that were the problem.
  9. I can report no issues with the actual gameplay...this appears to be some sort of a FaceGen issue.
  10. I thought it worked well at first, but it reverted back to the problem after I fired it back up again. So while this solution works very temporarily, that is all.
  11. I already verified…it did replace 15 files. After verifying it appears normal, but then eventually reverts back to the problem. I did this without clearing the cache and preferences however, so I will try that and then report back here.
  12. Is there an easy and reliable way to generate cutout faces for staff the way you can with NewGan for players?
  13. FaceGen appears to be darkened by the new Mac Sonoma update. So far, here are the issues I see. I have not attempted to play a full length game yet, but I am wondering if there may be problems with that also. I will have to wait and see.
  14. This just started after the Sonoma update. Anyone else seeing odd graphical issues...specifically with FaceGen?
  15. You will need to keep trying new proposals until the other team is satisfied. Doesn't need to be any easier.
  16. Could someone from SI confirm if this is a rule? Otherwise it COULD be a bug.
  17. The idea here for me was to just let this player get a little first team experience in the pre-season and then shuttle him right back to the Philadelphia II squad.
  18. Yes, I don't seem to have this option. It may be because I just did it thought. Maybe I have to wait a day?? I will see after my match and then check back. Thank you for your help.
  19. I am in pre-season of my MLS save. I brought a player from the B squad up to the first team to play in a match, but I have no intention of keeping him there. I do not see an option to send him back down now however. Am I missing a rule here? Is it a rule that once you promote a player he must remain with the first team?? What about salary considerations? AM I now paying him more? In the MLS the parent team has a second team and an Academy team...this particular player came from the second team...not the academy. I am most thankful for any insight.
  20. I used to when I worked in Wilmington, DE. It is right next to the Commodore Barry Bridge. I lived in the Valley Forge Area (Wayne) and commuted. I also used to take the bridge to go to Route 55 to Avalon via Glassboro and Vineland.
  21. Why are some of the scouting grades under the player reccomendation area grey, while others (green for A, ) are in color depending on the grade? I understand the different colors for each grade, but what are others grey no matter what the grade is?
  22. Is FM24 in good enough shape to consider beginning a new long-term career save? I realize of course there will always be some bugs at launch, but I am just wondering what the consensus is on this, and whether or not it might be better to wait for an update(s)?
  23. Correct...is the individual scouting page that is lacking.
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