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Everything posted by Pukey

  1. Another example of commentators getting angry about something that's not happening. "THIS WOULD BE SCANDALOUS IF THEY DON'T OVERTURN THIS" - lads, they're overturning it, calm down. And Danny Murphy whinging about the ref going to the screen when they were all moaning about refs not going to the screen in the first season of VAR in the PL.
  2. On current displays Austria would outplay us in a 1-1 draw that goes to penalties where we probably go through. Will see if there's any improvement tonight to make me feel a bit more optimistic.
  3. If that handball happens 10 years ago and isn't given, pundits look at it as a key moment and argue it's a clear pen. No idea why they're pretending it's some crazy rule and it's sad it's given. His hand is miles away from his body, that's been a handball since I can remember.
  4. That's so unfortunate for the GK, great penalty save, great reflex save, but nothing he can do about the rebound
  5. Will be incredibly disappointing if Gallagher is the only change. Midfield definitely an issue that needs addressing, but that left side is not magically going to fix itself if you keep playing Trippier and Foden.
  6. Even if you're being very, very charitable and say he's referring to there being a language barrier, the "why is he here" comes across really terrible. Just pretty woeful stuff from Clarke.
  7. Best screenshot I could get Hungary defender's left foot is playing him on to me, but obviously angles can be deceiving. I think they check incidents first rather than offside? Can't actually remember. Either way, VAR's almost always going to stick with the on field decision in those kinds of incidents.
  8. VAR has enough issues without pundits talking absolutely nonsense like the above. Winds me up no end when they say "why was it not checked?!?!?!" when it obviously was. Logan even gave the pundits a chance to play devil's advocate but they didn't, just kept zooming in on the slow mo replay showing the contact and refused to discuss that Armstrong's movement initiates the contact. Armstrong literally jumps in front of him, initiating the contact. The slow mo makes it look more like one, but in real time the contact from the defender comes barely any time after Armstrong goes across. Shearer was arguing he's shielding the ball as he has a right to do, and sure he does but that's why there's contact. It's completely fair that the ref waves it away, and VAR should never be overturning it and indeed it doesn't.
  9. Dreadful game, but an entertaining 10/15 minutes where both teams were just shapeless messes going for it. Felt like someone was gonna score, shame it wasn't Scotland.
  10. Commentary still think it's a penalty but I'm just not having it at all. I don't think VAR overturns it if the ref gives it, but I think that's good refereeing to spot what Armstrong's tried to do, and 100% correct from VAR to stick with the on field decision.
  11. Yeah I have very, very limited sympathy with any players who are clean through but are only interested in trying to win a penalty. Even if it was technically a foul I just think why on earth is your thought to try and get a penalty instead of just having a shot?
  12. Yeah I don't think that's a pen and I thought that on first viewing. He's only interesting in trying to win a pen and jumps in front of the defender to try and win it. He's not just shielding the ball either. Can see why some might think it's a pen as he is entitled to try and protect the ball somewhat, but for me he's initiating the contact.
  13. Probably but with how Gunn has been so far this tournament I don't blame him for having a go at this stage of the game
  14. I've no idea who'll be next manager, pickings feel a bit slim. Howe not a bad shout but as above not sure he'd leave Newcastle at this stage. Dyche I'd be very very meh about.
  15. You'd need a left back who can attack even more than we do now with that formation though. You'd just get the same problem like against Denmark where they don't even need to bother defending their right hand side so can bring extra players over to counter any threat we have. It's not the formation that's an issue, it's the balance of it with too many players in the same condensed area of the pitch with absolutely sod all threat down our left hand side.
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