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Everything posted by Pukey

  1. This is like watching France from 2010, just utterly horrific
  2. Like suffering being repeatedly punched in the face just for a bit of ice cream. Not worth it.
  3. Why are you evening listening to Matterface when it can be watched on BBC
  4. It's so bizarre isn't it? I know he's scored about 75 million this tournament but I don't trust him at all with penalties which is so bizarre to say about such a talent.
  5. Ref just wants to try and give France a kick up the backside so they play less ****
  6. Looking for it but clumsy defending, would like to see it again though
  7. Jenas doesn't mind Upemacano making a daft foul because he's "letting him know he's there" He doesn't need to make Messi know he's there in an aerial contest ffs
  8. That's incredible Can't believe how overblown that "**** Croatia" comment was, and Canada have come from very rarely qualifying to coming in and playing quite well, not sure what your media were expecting.
  9. If England were in the final and the only option was to watch on ITV I'd listen on the radio instead
  10. Never watched Pele tbf, maybe @SouthCoastRed can enlighten us
  11. It feels bizarre that in some people's minds if he wins today he's GOAT, and if he doesn't he's not. As though one game should dictate that. I know it's the world cup final but it's still a one off game where anything could happen.
  12. Excited for this one, I just hope we get one final magic Messi performance. Already comfortably the GOAT in my eyes but winning the world cup with one more exceptional game would be just perfect. Don't even dislike France in the slightest but them winning just feels a bit meh, though Mbappe putting in a superstar performance would really seal his place on top of the world.
  13. True but I can't think of many if any where it can definitely be claimed they're out because of the refereeing. Us and the Dutch for example had utterly awful referees but not why either team went out. There's not been a massive last minute utterly dreadful decision or anything.
  14. We're very fortunate referees haven't completely ruined this tournament because my word they've tried their best to do so
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