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Issue Comments posted by perpetua

  1. 22 minutes ago, Bora4587 said:

    yes i did it, but as you see on the screenshots, all matches seems to start at same time, i don't know if it changes later, but i will check it now,

    If you don't allow the game to move matches for TV, then they all get played on the same day, at the same time.  This is a feature that's commonly used in online games so that all human managers play their matches at the same time.

  2. Thanks.  Unfortunately the FA announced the clubs in the division after our data lock so these will be done in a future update.

    Also by my count there are 13 of them that need to be added.

    Şırnak Petrolspor is already in the DB as Şırnak İdmanyurdu Spor and have just changed their name.
    Arhavi 08 Spor Kulübü is also in the DB as Arhavi Gençlik ve Spor and have just changed their name.


  3. Thanks for all of this.

    1. Club finances are a factor that we use in determining club reputations.  While Hatayspor represents an important city in Turkey, their finances are not at a level which befits a reputation higher than the other clubs you mentioned in our estimation.

    2. Youth Recruitment is primarily related to the birth place of newgens created at the club.  If a club only recruits youth players from their own city, using 1 is the appropriate way to reflect this.

    3. & 4. Amateur and Super Amateur clubs are primarily in the database so that we can enter them in player histories.  Given that there are more than 3000 clubs at those levels, we do not have the resources to constantly keep those up to date.  If you would like to join the research team to help fix these quicker, you would be most welcome.

    5. Same with 3 & 4. :) Although when we last talked about this with an assistant who was working on amateur clubs at the time, we had decided that since the FA keeps changing how groups are set up depending on the number of clubs participating it's probably not the best way to go.

    6. Turkish Cup is still in the process of bring updated.  This is to be fixed in a future game update.  Unfortunately since our FA tends to change cup details every season and announce the details quite late, it hasn't been possible to get the Turkish Cup correct at game release for several seasons now.

    7. The name change was approved by the FA after our database lock, this will be fixed.

    8. Can you elaborate on this please?

    9. See answer for 3 & 4.

    10. You will have to provide more details on this please.

    11. See answer for 3 & 4.

    12. Commercials?  We set total commercial income, which in Turkish should translate to toplam ticari gelir.  This could include a variety of things such as income from a club owned gas station or social facilities, or sponsorships etc.  We tend to use this to ensure clubs have sufficient income stay afloat and be able to sustain their current level.  Below Turkish 1. League, I am not aware of payments to clubs from the Turkish FA aside from some very small amounts.  If you have further information, I would be happy to get this reflected.

    13. I do know a few clubs are a bit too low, since last few years' inflation made Turkish Lira worth very little.  I'll have a look and make amendments where necessary.  It's probably also useful to mention that the primary role of ticket prices is to simulate club stadium income.  There is of course very little information about this at the lower ends of the pyramid.


    Finally, the Turkish Super League, 1. League and 2. League are the active leagues in the game.  To ensure sufficiently researched clubs feed into the 2. League in later seasons, we are required to keep the Turkish 3. League partially researched.  Anything for clubs below that, we do so voluntarily and if there is sufficient time left over from our actual tasks.  So if you have an interest in these leagues 2, 3 or 4 levels below the lowest active level in the game and would like to see them updated in the game, the best thing to do would be to get involved in FM research.  

    Do send me a DM if you have such an interest please.

  4. 4 hours ago, certay said:

    Perpetua, there is nothing other way to fix this issue? We dont need to wait until next data update to play lower division of Turkey. This is a bug or mistake or anything whatever you say, I dont know how you classified. If you have any suggestion I think you can write or give a help to fix. Some data researcher or software engineer also used to fix different data like Swiss league from scratch. At least we can play regional leagues. Thanks heaps.

    I think your best option is logging this as a bug and having coders take a look at it.  Since that's not my role, I have no idea what may be wrong.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Kane10 said:

    And how are wages calculated and entered into the game? KAP statement + %x tax ?

    Tadic's KAP statement is 4.2M Euros , in the game he is earning 5.25M Euros

    Typically clubs announce the amount that they will pay the player net of taxes.  In Tadic's case that is 4.2 million Euro.

    The withholding tax for the Turkish Super League is 20%, so the cost of Tadic to Fenerbahçe is 4.2 million / (1 - 20%) = 5.25 million

    This difference of 1,050,000 is eventually returned to the sports club to be used for other sports such as basketball, volleyball etc.  Since we are only interested in the football entity, this money doesn't get returned in the game.

  6. This is known.

    Unfortunately our ability to edit clubs' competition field was locked by the time the Turkish FA announced the groups on October 6th.  When I requested these to be made as a last minute change, it was deemed too risky since it could lead to unforeseen errors in the game. 

    From the data side, this is something we will remedy in a future data update.

    In the meanwhile, you may get a quicker remedy by logging this as a bug.


    PS. Making the changes in the database is a 10 minute task for me since I have all of the necessary data ready on hand.  The comment about work ethic is a bit misguided for such a simple task to complete. ;)

  7. This is something that will need to be changed with code.

    When affiliates were first introduced, clubs made a lot of agreements with other clubs contrary to the reality of Turkish football so we requested this to be toned down.  Probably we can come up with a good rule for this restriction to be relaxed a little.

    On the other hand, the current strategy seems to be purchasing clubs rather than just affiliating with them.  So it might also be a good idea to wait for SI to reflect this trend in football with a new feature.

  8. If you have different opinions on how these players should be rated, feel free to relay them to the researchers who are responsible for the clubs they now play.

    We did review Altay Bayindir, William Arao, Gustavo Henrique and Diego Rossi before completing their transfers, like we always do during May/June.

    Bruma and Berisha have not played for a club in Turkey for quite some time so they would have been reviewed by the researchers of clubs where they were on loan last season.

  9. 1 hour ago, Iboshow said:

    This has nothing to do with the new style more about how it works in the Turkish league. After Champions league mid week game, games should be played Saturday while Europa is Sunday/Monday.image.png.53e72f911aa8de7ff3e135c4fdc8598c.png

    In principle I agree, but to be specific it should be after CL game on Wednesday league match should be on Saturday.

    If after a CL game on Tuesday, league match could be on Friday or Saturday.

    If the club is playing a CL, EL or ECL match within a span of 6 or 7 days, then league match should be no earlier than the 3rd day after the first match.

  10. I think the likely issue here is the fact that there are champions league matches in consecutive weeks in January 2025 instead of the more typical match every 2 weeks.

    We don't know how the Turkish FA will react to this.  Perhaps they make the schedule in 2024/25 such that no league matches are scheduled for that weekend to allow participating clubs the ability to play the final 2 fixtures of the champions league without a league match in between.

    Or reschedule for all clubs playing in Europe if at least one participating club has a chance of not being eliminated.


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