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FM Head Researchers
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Issue Comments posted by perpetua

  1. 6 hours ago, Weston said:

    Unless Turkey is unique, as far as I'm aware, GD is used during the season until all games between the tied clubs have been played anyway, ie if only one fixture has taken place, they don't use an incomplete head-to-head record yet. In this case, both Trab and Gala are better than Fatih, and Gala is better than Trab, no? This is certainly how it's done in Serie A, which has the same tiebreaker criteria order, though it's possible the intricacies are slightly different in situations like this, I'm not 100% sure.

    Yes, we do use goal difference until the end of the season as well.

  2. 21 minutes ago, Weston said:

    I just signed an uncapped dual-national for Galatasaray. If he becomes cap-tied for his non-Turkish country midseason, what happens - does he remain not foreign because he was not foreign when I registered him, does he become foreign at the next registration window, or does he become foreign instantly and throw my squad balance completely off midseason?

    He becomes and remains a foreigner as soon as he's capped by another nation in the game.

  3. 18 hours ago, Weston said:

    Can you confirm if, in real life, the Turkish league actually requires the two U23 players have fulfilled 3 years in Turkey between the ages of 15-21, or should a 16 year old from a Turkish system qualify?


    The rule is correctly applied, it's 1 season between the ages of 15 and 21 at the club.

    However, it should be assumed in game that a newgen created at age 16 has been at the club for at least one season from age 15 to 16. @Kyle Brown

  4. 5 hours ago, ilkeryyurt said:

    Türkçe biliyorsunuz galiba. Türkçe yazayım. Database içinden fake dosyaları siliyorum. Almanya ve Roma takımları vb. için özellikle. Erzurumspor adının değişimi buraya eklenmiş olabilir mi? Bilginiz varsa bu değişim hangi dbc dosyasının içindedir söylerseniz sevinirim. Teşekkürler

    Hic fikrim yok. 

    Tek bildigim oyun ile gelen veritabaninda isim Erzurumspor FK ve ligin isminin Turkiye 1. Lig oldugu.

    Sizde TFF 1. Lig olarak gorundugune gore mutlaka bir dosya eklemissiniz.  Bu DBC dosyasi degil, kulup isimlerini degistiren bir EDT dosyasi olabilir.

  5. We were able to complete all of the transfers in the time given to us.  Unfortunately since the transfer window got extended in Turkey, some transfers are and will remain missing for FM 2023.

    Also, note that transfers out of clubs that withdrew from the league are not completed on purpose since these clubs remain in their respective divisions in the game and we don't want them too weak to compete.

  6. On 03/03/2023 at 18:33, cemreiclypup said:

    Thanks for your answer but;


    I just want to see realistic player profiles in the game. I'm sorry it's not my job to make arguments for that. It's not my job to strive for it.

    Rather than differences of opinion, I think these differences are completely mistakes. Galatasaray football players' skills need to be rearranged.

    The way I want to play the game is completely gone. These values are not realistic at all.

    I understand that there can be some degree of disagreement. But these football player values are at the level we can say "wrong".

    If something is subjective in nature, it's difficult to classify it as right or wrong since it's a matter of opinion.

    Unless you provide arguments for how you arrived at the conclusions you arrived, it's impossible for them to be addressed either by agreeing with you or disagreeing with you and offering counter arguments.  I'm happy to discuss further if you dive into some specifics.

  7. I think it would be useful to more clearly define what is being tested here.

    Are you testing the rate of player attribute decline when team training is not conducted?
    Are you testing the rate of team cohesion/tactical familiarity decline when team training is not conducted?
    Or something else?

    Training, it seems to me, is multi faceted.  There is team training (which the original poster's example stopped).  There is also individual training (including additional focus and PPM training).

    Rate of player attribute decline/improvement appear more closely related to individual training than team training, whereas team cohesion/tactical familiarity appears more closely related to team training.

    If the goal is to test the rate of attribute decline, it's probably more appropriate to put an end to individual training.
    If the goal is to test the rate of decline for team cohesion/tactical familiarity, then it would probably be useful to monitor team cohesion/tactical familiarity decline over time as well as match results.

    If the point is to examine the prevalence of injuries, this is probably a bit more complicated.  You probably want to first have a few baseline cases where the team trains normally and plays in matches using a specific tactic over a period of time and examine how often injuries occur.

    Then compare this baseline injury frequency to a few schemes where the team is not doing team training.
    Repeat with a few schemes where the team is not doing team or individual training.
    Doing this on the same save (ie. test one case, document, reload to the first day of the game, test another case etc.) is probably the best practice to ensure players have the same starting attributes (in case of some players having random attributes/PA).

    So I think it's important to clearly define what is being tested and use an experiment design which puts the appropriate stress on the relevant game mechanics.  This will probably be of great help for @Neil Brock and others at SI to make specific adjustments where necessary rather than reviewing thousands of lines of code to look for a needle in a haystack.

  8. Thanks for your comments.

    What you refer to are not, per se, mistakes but rather differences of opinion on the strengths/weaknesses of players.  Player attributes are subjective in nature.  It would be best if you outlined your different opinions and supported them with arguments so researchers can decide whether they need to make a change.

    Also, please note that the heading attribute is a technical attribute which influences how well a player heads the ball (power/direction) after he has won an aerial duel, not how proficient the player is in winning aerial duels.  The likelihood of a player winning aerial duels is more closely related to mental and physical attributes such as jumping, anticipation, bravery, concentration, positioning etc.  Nelsson is indeed very good at winning aerial duels and his attributes back do this up.

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