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Lord Rowell

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Everything posted by Lord Rowell

  1. That is not something I remember #oldman #losingmymemory
  2. I'M GOING TO REPOST MY OWN OP - I THINK SOMETIMES PEOPLE SEE THE LAST POST AND THINGS DRIFT. As per the title, what do we HOPE for in FM25 that would keep us happy? Obviously, I don't mean things that have already been excluded because they're not going to happen. This is meant to be a slightly more positive thread. For me, personally, here's what I want: - The ME to be decent - especially for women's football in the game as this is SI's big challenge - A reasonable choice of women's leagues.... I'm not expecting the full breadth yet given the research requirements, if we do get a big choice i see it as a bonus - The new interface to be reasonably intuitive without too steep a learning curve, especially for an old man like me! - Not too buggy - I appreciate there will be bugs but just so long as they don't detract too much from the gameplay - PC/Laptop etc. requirements that aren't too much ahead from the current ones. Appreciate we all have to upgrade sometimes, but if a likely major upgrade, its something SI should have communicated sooner - hopefully that won't be the case. That's it. For me, women's football, EPL license and new interface are all huge steps in themselves. Give me the above and I'll be a happy bunny!
  3. Just a couple of bits I feel same way on. @Nikki very much so and I think this is especially important for women's football. @wazzaflow10 Yes I find fixture scheduling very annoying, on another line, way too often have I had really intimidating opening fixture sets and I suspect its on the lines you describe. I am specifically replying to these points because of an ethical necessity for one, and I think a relative simplicity for another (not saying its simple... but it can't be that far off the radar).
  4. Yes yes yes but WHAT in the post? Chicken Bake, pizza slice, donut, vegan sausage roll? I think you need to be more specific?
  5. Yeah I think it featured on BBC Watchdog show at the time. I hadn't bought it early though and I recall it was bug-ridden - I remember I think (a long time ago) all the player histories being missing. To me, it mattered not. I LOVED the first visual ME, top down, circles. For the first time, I could see what my players were doing rather than relying on commentary and a small amount of stats. I got more absorbed in my save with Sunderland than ever. Watching full matches to gain even the slightest insight and make the slightest tweak. No I didn't have too much time on my hands... I was working 60+ hrs a week. I also remember the training module got pulled in later versions i.e. when CM became FM, as people complained it was "too complicated" - its actually pretty much the same idea as now - training by session with descriptions. Many warts and all, but so so much good stuff that the dodgy bits didn't matter. Simpler times
  6. Which SI weren't responsible for as by then, SI and Eidos had gone their separate ways.
  7. As per the title, what do we HOPE for in FM25 that would keep us happy? Obviously, I don't mean things that have already been excluded because they're not going to happen. This is meant to be a slightly more positive thread. For me, personally, here's what I want: - The ME to be decent - especially for women's football in the game as this is SI's big challenge - A reasonable choice of women's leagues.... I'm not expecting the full breadth yet given the research requirements, if we do get a big choice i see it as a bonus - The new interface to be reasonably intuitive without too steep a learning curve, especially for an old man like me! - Not too buggy - I appreciate there will be bugs but just so long as they don't detract too much from the gameplay - PC/Laptop etc. requirements that aren't too much ahead from the current ones. Appreciate we all have to upgrade sometimes, but if a likely major upgrade, its something SI should have communicated sooner - hopefully that won't be the case. That's it. For me, women's football, EPL license and new interface are all huge steps in themselves. Give me the above and I'll be a happy bunny!
  8. Such things do exist for those inclined. Obviously can't post links here but the internet is your friend for this. EDIT - I've inboxed you.
  9. What is your system i.e. just your basic shape / formation?
  10. He's a good player. Physically good, good all round mental stats. Defensive / transition attributes are good for a midfielder. Finishing / dribbling / long shots are all low so I'd use him deep rather than high as I don't think he can do damage to other teams in the final 3rd. Technique and first touch are so-so but he has room / stars to improve, so I'd focus his training on ball control. Depending on your formation / shape, I'd use him either as a CM (DLP or D) or train him in the DM strata. BWM is also an option.
  11. Thanks for info - deleted my original post - I am an idiot!!!
  12. I would just default that CM in the DM position as having a defensive role - it was probably odd to be able to put them on (D) or (S) when you can have other roles that go forward. As B2B midfielder is there, that probably covers the (S) duty. B2B playmaker also an option now, both look like replacements for the SV role. Interesting that no B2B in the CM strata you're right. I suppose... does that exist IRL now?
  13. I think SI may be worried about negative vibes, and are hence "leaking" stuff in order to lift expectations. Interesting to note roles like Carrilero, Mezzala, Segundo Volante are no longer there, though I can see approximate replacements in that screenshot. Very "english centric" now, unless of course some of those terms are still used in other language versions?
  14. Similar to the OP, when i've delegated in the past their signings are well below the standard my club is capable of. Better off just do it yourself. Hopefully something SI can improve for FM25 and onwards...
  15. Often weather conditions can affect first touch and other things in a match e.g. wet conditions/slippy wet ball, windy weather.
  16. Given that level of detail, and the source, I'm hopeful this is going to be very accurate #joy
  17. I also would be in favour of keeping the stars-system, or something similar, that includes an element of uncertainty and inaccuracy. At the end of the day that's part of sport, no-one can be absolutely certain about how good a player will be. It also leaves scope for the individual player to make their own judgement based on attributes and gives the possibility of finding bargains that can be developed, if you have the right idea of what to look for.
  18. I'm excited too! You're not alone. I'm sure many others are as well, and will play women's leagues, the data will come out and it'll be positive.
  19. First poll I've ever done. A bit of light hearted fun , hope its ok? By "big reveal" I mean first screenshots, video of the game, match engine, anything significant. SI do often drip feed things so the first drip feed counts. I have included an option for delay i.e. October and beyond. Poll ends then as well.
  20. Just an afterthought on this. a. I would like SI to do this but... b. I am wondering, given that if it was in the game, given that some individual footballers may choose not to take the knee IRL, this could be tricky to account for. So as with all feature requests I'd obviously like to hear SI's view, but I wonder if my point b. is a genuine complication for them?
  21. Why is it making the game complicated by showing something that is routine in football? Routine as in start of the season, and other key dates e.g. I think the boxing day / new years day fixtures have taking the knee.
  22. Even if you don't agree with taking the knee, why would it bother you to have it in the game? Why does that upset you so much? As for the job of programmers / coders - it would be the simplest of motion captures and very easy to implement.
  23. I think this i.e. taking the knee, should be in the game, in the context and places where it occurs IRL, in different leagues and the international scene. FM is a simulation of football and should also fully embrace its culture. I think on the whole SI do a good job with this here and they have good values, but this is something that is missing. I'm sure we're all aware of some of the mysogynistic and other nonsense on some threads recently, this is exactly why these and other things that support diversity, inclusivity and equality, SHOULD be in the game. Thank you for your consideration. LR
  24. So the players aren't taking the knee are they? While you didn't directly say this, you implied it as general "taking the knee" in FM, which we'd assume would refer to players taking the knee, as that's what we think of. So basically you're misleading people and spreading disinformation. Now... all that said, aside from the fact that I fully support the inclusive agenda and when people call me "woke" I take it as a compliment ... given that FM is a football simulator, it really should have players taking the knee, when that happens IRL contexts. I'm off to the feature requests forum now
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