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Lord Rowell

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Everything posted by Lord Rowell

  1. At the end of the day, FM is a game, but its also a simulation of football, trying to be as realistic as it can be, within reason. Many thoughts and ideas about time at tournaments, training, prep for matches and so on. But the reality is, international managers get very little time with squads. Can only focus on basics i.e. basic fitness assessment / recovery. General team building over months / years. Basic tactical shape, stick to it, progress players into that shape, slow evolution of both. Truth is, in FM, I think on those issues, very little they can do. For example, training - as an international manager you just don't have time between games to make a significant impact. Even training camps aren't enough. Its months / years of culture / tactical build. As for fitness, as I said above, really no impact. You can't develop players technically or physically, its down to the clubs. My post is on these issues, not the interface issues - agree they could be improved. The subtleties of international management IRL - a great question, but in current FM framework, something difficult to achieve, for now.
  2. In short, your keeper is performing pretty much at an average level. Its not calculated against xGA , because that wouldn't account for shots not on target - obviously your keeper will only save shots on target. So the baseline is xGoT i.e. expected goals on target which accounts for where the ball is heading, likelihood of it going in and hence the difficulty of a save the keeper would have to make. After that, expected goals prevented metric would be measured against xGoT. So if xGoT was 1.2 average, he conceded 1.0 per game, then his xGP would be +0.2, so performing above average and having a net positive effect on your team. For your specific case, its +0.06 so its net positive, but the number is very small and not really statistically a significant difference, so he's more or less performing in an average way - neither good nor bad. Article below explains in more detail. https://theanalyst.com/eu/2021/06/what-are-expected-goals-on-target-xgot/
  3. I understand that and I'm sure others do too. The point is that the person delegated should be able to mae better decisions. Its especially irritating when the inbox message says the style of play from the loanee club suits the player, and then it gets rejected anyway!
  4. Also if they're at an age 18+ where they're not ready for your own first team, but they need matches.
  5. So what is the correct setup, aside from what people here have suggested? I've been having the same problem. I understand adding to development list seems to be a workaround but we shouldn't have to do this. It does sound like a bug tbh.
  6. Where are you managing? Does the weather change at this time of year? If so in what ways? What kind of tactics are you using? There could actually be a reasonable, environment and football-based explanation for your loss of form e.g. wet weather, wet pitches, make passing football less effective, heavy pressing less effective. Or maybe your players are becoming fatigued due to your tactics? Whatever it is, its not a random variable or SI conspiracy.
  7. Agree with that. The sporting director Dan Ashworth recently said the goal was to be a consistent top 6 club.
  8. OK so you are asking opinions here. I can give you mine but its not worth much. I'd certainly have "likes ball played into feet" as he was known as a player who liked to take the ball in tight spaces, similar to David Silva. But its best otherwise to do your own research perhaps? I don't think SI can help you - at the end of the day even if a mod / staff did reply, it would just be their own opinion rather than a factual answer and for understandable reasons, they probably won't want to get involved with that as they need to stay neutral. @baskor I'm just writing re. the part of the text I emboldened. If you are looking for FM2006 preferred moves for Iniesta and don't have a working copy, you could find a retro database on an external FM site from that time, plenty of them around. I can't post a link though as forum rules are we're not allowed to link to external sites.
  9. Are you asking what WE THINK the preferred moves should be, as a player, Iniesta, in 2013? Rather than just relying on what FM13 says?
  10. I don't understand your question. You seem to, from what I am reading, wanting Iniesta's preferred moves to be like 2013. But you already have these? So, it seems like its something else that you want, that we're not understanding. Also, why do you mention FM2006?
  11. That would include the heavy transfer expenditure on Antony, Casemiro, Martinez etc.
  12. OK, I think I understand what the OP means. From my POV. Lets say I have 2 tactics: a. My normal, quite attacking, default tactic b. A tactic I use when I'm winning, more defensive, time-wasting, and I want to see the match out. So for b. I would want more defensive / conservative set pieces organisation e.g. if I win a corner, more players back, maybe short-corner etc. - I would specifically want this to be attached to tactic b. Can this be done?
  13. Ok I disabled AVAST to download it - some finance pop-up arrived - might be the cause?
  14. I'm getting this from Avast. I'm certain your file is fine - I've had this before when loading a retro DB from a known content creator - he was able to adjust something so this doesn't happen? Skin looks great - so excited to try it!
  15. Its happened to me several times as a person who has managed staff in several roles. Also to myself directly from managers.
  16. Site clearly offered a choice between early access (Beta) and none. Got my key pretty much instantly, all set up on Steam now and ready to go when the Beta drops. I've always found them to be excellent.
  17. I've used CD Keys for several years. Completely reliable, fast service, always cheaper than Steam or other retailers. I'm sorry for the thread starter that you didn't get Beta. But just from my POV it was clearly indicated, two options, one with beta one without - the latter being slightly cheaper.
  18. Same question. I've had problems streaming some services whilst playing FM - looks like this is the cause.
  19. I suspect we're looking for a reason that isn't there, it seems like a bug to me.
  20. FM10 I think it was, I had a statue of me built at Dinamo Zagreb after I won the UEFA Champions League with them. FM11 I had a stadium named after me with Sunderland. I want to say FM17 when I had success with Nuneaton but I'm honestly not sure and my memory could be playing tricks here with this particular one. I don't recall seeing this for a while though.
  21. Sympathies as a Sunderland supporter myself but as I replied to the OP ages back and recently, the clause wasn't triggered in time.
  22. OK so now we've established its an automatic extension. However, it doesn't legally take effect until the terms of the extension have been met and until that happens its null and void - meanwhile the player concerned is entitled to explore other options. Condition Y (contract extension) only happens if before Condition X (player has right to agree terms with another club) If that isn't the case then player's right to negotiate with other suitors (Condition X) has been breached - and that part comes FIRST. No issue here, nothing for CAS etc. I think it is real life.
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