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Everything posted by G_D_K

  1. Finally, reached 150 in world rankings! Win a game: 30/3/2024 -- 1-0 vs Somalia Win a competitive game (inlcudes Nations League): Oct 15, 2025 -- 3-1 vs Lithuania (World Cup Qualifying Group Stage) Have a player beat Andy Selva's 8 goals scored record: Sept 8, 2024 -- Nicola Nanni, 9th goal vs Andorra (International League Division D 1-1 Draw) Have a player score 50 international goals: 28 Mar, 2035, Nicola Nanni, 49th, 50th, and 51st career Int'l goal vs US Virgin Islands in a 5-0 friendly win. Retired Jun 2035. Have a player score 100 international goals: Have a new gen reach 100 caps: 8 Oct 2039, Mattia Santi, 100 caps in attained in Euro Championship Qualifier 0-0 draw vs Luxembourg Have a player score a hat-trick in a game: Oct 7, 2026 -- Nicola Nanni (3 goals in 5-1 victor over Somalia) Beat a team ranked in the top 50 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 150 in the world: 8 Sept 2040, after 0-0 draw vs 135th ranked Belarus in the Euro International Div C match. Get San Marino into the top 100 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 50 of the world: Get promoted from Nations League D: 2026 after taking 9 points from four matches (vs Luxembourg and Andorra) Get promoted from Nations League C: Get promoted from Nations League B: Qualify for the European Championship: Qualify for the World Cup: Survive group stage in the European Championship: Survive group stage in the World Cup: Win the Nations League: Win the European Championships: Win the World Cup: Become the number one ranked team in the world:
  2. Today, a national holiday has been declared. For the first time in the nation's history, a top-100 ranked team was beaten. Beaten soundly! 21yo Tamagnini, who plays for Cittanova, was absolutely clinical in front of goal. If we were in a tournament, his 2nd would certainly be in the running for goal of the tournament. The keeper made a long clearance out to the right --- right to Tamagnini, who, about 40 yards out, had the choice to control the ball, or, as he decided, to leap into the air and volley the ball back --- a 40 yard perfectly placed volley into the back of the empty net, with no player close to being able to intervene. It wasn't a bad clearance by the keeper, as he was under pressure, he got good distance and directed the ball wide to the right.....but Tamagnini happened to be in the right place at the right time. he timed his leap perfectly, hitting the ball some 24-30" off the ground and beautifully placed the shot back. With the keeper near the edge of the box, he could only watch helplessly as the ball sailed well out of reach into the net. The win against 78th placed Northern Ireland should finally take us off that 151st spot in the world rankings into the top 150! edit: Sadly, a 3-0 win vs 78th Northern Ireland and 0-1 loss to 145th ranked Lithuania in the summer friendlies were not enough to move us even one spot. Still stuck at 151.
  3. Decent results in the Euro Qualifiers this season. Felt like we did better than actual results showed; however, keeping respectable scores in all matches is a huge improvement too. Looking forward to the next major tournament as I think we have a chance to really improve with 2 more years of development in some of the youngsters.
  4. One of our biggest results to date: a 0-0 draw vs a top-100 team (Luxembourg came into the match 98th). Mattia Santi is the first newgen to reach 100 caps for the San Marino National Team. The draw might also be enough to move us up to 150th, reaching a 2nd milestone this match! (edit: a friendly 2-1 win vs Kazakhstan and 0-0 draw vs Luxembourg only moved us up one spot, from 152 to 151). Sad day.! Definitely a better Euro Championship campaign than in prior attempts as well: 30-year old Mattia Santi is a product of Parthenope (Napoli), but arrived at Victor San Marino in the 2031/32 season vis Paganese for €115K. He's had as high as a Decent Serie A CA, though he has been dwindling and is now rated only "good serie B". However, he has been one of two National Team players that has been foundational to the team's growth and success. Win a game: 30/3/2024 -- 1-0 vs Somalia Win a competitive game (inlcudes Nations League): Oct 15, 2025 -- 3-1 vs Lithuania (World Cup Qualifying Group Stage) Have a player beat Andy Selva's 8 goals scored record: Sept 8, 2024 -- Nicola Nanni, 9th goal vs Andorra (International League Division D 1-1 Draw) Have a player score 50 international goals: 28 Mar, 2035, Nicola Nanni, 49th, 50th, and 51st career Int'l goal vs US Virgin Islands in a 5-0 friendly win. Retired Jun 2035. Have a player score 100 international goals: Have a new gen reach 100 caps: 8 Oct 2039, Mattia Santi, 100 caps in attained in Euro Championship Qualifier 0-0 draw vs Luxembourg Have a player score a hat-trick in a game: Oct 7, 2026 -- Nicola Nanni (3 goals in 5-1 victor over Somalia) Beat a team ranked in the top 50 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 150 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 100 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 50 of the world: Get promoted from Nations League D: 2026 after taking 9 points from four matches (vs Luxembourg and Andorra) Get promoted from Nations League C: Get promoted from Nations League B: Qualify for the European Championship: Qualify for the World Cup: Survive group stage in the European Championship: Survive group stage in the World Cup: Win the Nations League: Win the European Championships: Win the World Cup: Become the number one ranked team in the world:
  5. Another successful club season for Victor San Marino: We qualified for the ECL for the first time in team history. We also did well in the Italian Cup, making it to the Quarter Final where we got knocked out by Juventus 3-2; also made the quarterfinal in the Europa League, getting knocked out in a shootout to fellow Italian team Fiorentina, who went on to lose to Leicester 2-1 in the semi-final. Filannino took top league goalscorer accolades (and player of the year as well) scoring 33 league goals, and finished with a team record 46 goals in total. His goal tally netted him the European Golden Shoe award as well with a score of 66.00 (2nd place had a score of 58.00). His 3-season tally since joining the team now stands at 120 goals. And, despite all this, there is no interest at all from other teams despite a modest €5.8-7.1M transfer value, and equally modest €31k/wk salary (not that I'm particularly interested in selling him, but I'm surprised no one is even remotely interested in acquiring him. The team has now risen to 62in in European club rankings, and finally have moved above all Serie B teams, rising to 10th overall in Italy. Facilities are looking good finally, with training facilities rated Superb, youth facilities rated great, and both Junior coaching and youth recruitment rated at good (and improving this year). It took some convincing to get the board to move on the youth side, but after several discussions they have decided to appease me. We're getting some decent youth out, with 3 elite talents (2 Sammarinese) and 3 top talents (all 3 sammarinese) in this year's crop. I think I am going to get a couple of them involved in and around the first team this year and try to push their development a bit, as they look to be useful fairly soon. Finally, the stadium is getting a nearly 4500 seat upgrade, putting us at nearly 20k when completed. Should help us get a bit more income to channel into wages to bring in some better players. We'll be needing them if we're going to challenge in the ECL, and hopefully develop more Sammarinese talent.
  6. The quest to continue to improve the national team is really going well. Albania ranked 72 coming into this match, so this stands as one of our best outings ever. We've guaranteed safety in European Division C for another season. Canini hit his 8th career national team goal in his 23rd cap. Coming into this match ranked 159th, I suspect by end of the next match (assuming a win) we might jump as high as 155th.....if this is the case a couple milestones might fall in the 2039 calendar year --- achieving 150 or better, and having newgen(s) with 100 caps. Edit: Results are in, we've moved up to 156 in world rankings after 1-1 draw w/ Belarus. Hoped for a win vs 128th(ish) ranked team, but just couldn't pull it off.
  7. The 2037/38 season is in the books. It featured our first year in Europe, and it took quite some time to adjust to the new schedule (8 Europa League matches added to the early schedule gave us quite a poor start....but once we adjusted we went on and did well. We lost two tough matches of our first 4 Europa matches, then ran the table to finish qualifying for the knockout stages. The knockout stages featured a tough slate of teams, and every match was closely fought. Our journey came to an end in the Semi-finals, where we took Olympique Marseilles to penalties --- and it took 6 kicks apiece after both teams' keeper saved 2 apiece in the starting 5 spot-kicks. A win would have seen us face Newcastle in the finals for a chance at the ECL next season, but we came up one kick short. In the league, with all the extra european spots, we start slow, but my mid-season had gotten things turned around again. We had chances to make it to the top-4 (and ECL for next season), but once again, fell just short. The final match saw us knock off 4th place Fiorentina, but we needed help from 20th Brianza (playing against 5th place Udinese), and while they fought valiantly, equalizing the match in the 55th minute after Udinese took a 1-0 lead on a 7th minute PK, they were unable to keep Udinese from scoring a 2nd and 3rd goal to claim the 4th place spot. In the end we finished 5th with 69 points (1 spot and 3 points higher than the prior season). Last season's record setter (40 league goals last season) Antonio Filannino finished 4th with 23 league goals (12 more in Europe gave him 35 on the season). My signing of the season was Polish left-winger / set-piece specialist Piotr Zajac, Looking forward to more European football next season!
  8. To be fair, that was my 2038 youth intake...I've had a few seasons to get things going, to include my youth facilities/recruitment. Though I'm being stymied by my board at the moment....they have refused for 3 seasons to increase youth recruitment, preferring me to use the transfer market (which is now stuck at above average). Academy coaching is rated "good", but also not being allowed to increase by board. Youth facilities stuck at average.... only my training facilities are being increased (now at Excellent).
  9. Best youth intake so far in the challenge, with 10 of 16 (including 1 of 2 elite, and 3 of 4 top talents) all being Sammarinese:
  10. Finally seeing some positive progress with the national team. Our best major competition outing so far -- this time in the '38 World cup qualifiers. Best match was the final, where it looked possible to create an upset against 82nd (ish) ranked Iceland. Only 2 wins, but for the most part we kept the scorelines reasonable in the losses, and really pushed some teams in a moderately difficult group. Casadei is emerging as a goalscorer to replace Nanni -- 4 goals tallied in the competition taking him to 9 international goals. Ciacci (2 goals) and Canini (2 goals) are youngsters who are starting to turn heads as well. Table looks similar to the last qualifying season for the world cup --- 6 points in that campaign as well. The difference is we went from a GD of -21 to a GD of -10, and the prior WC Quals were against an easier slate of teams as well. So, overall, I take this as positive progress, and look forward to the Euro Quals in a couple of years.
  11. Facilities help, as does success with the club and national teams.
  12. I'm getting roughly 1/3 of my players in as Sammarinese, playing as VSM.
  13. Third season's the charm in Serie A. We will be playing in Europe in the 2037/38 season, after finishing 6th in Serie A. We actually were flirting with the title for a while, sitting as high as 3rd for 7 weeks with only a point or two separating the top 3 (20 weeks as a top-4 team). But, our form fell off a bit when our #2 striker got bought out on his MRC of 1.4M€. I tried to re-contract him, but he wanted to change from about 9K/wk to over 30K/wk, and I just couldn't justify it...so off he went (as did his 8 goals/6 assists on the season (21g/9a over 2.5 seasons). His spot was immediately filled by a new signing, but Filannino's striker partership was broken, and his 2nd half goals fell off a bit. Instead of the 50+ goal season he had been on pace for, he had to settle for a new Serie A record of 40 goals on the season. So, we're now going to Europe. We've picked up a couple of decent youngsters (unfortunately, of the two "elite" talents that came in the youth intake, only one was Sammarinese, and of the 7 signed only 2 were Sammarinese, but they both have a chance of featuring in the national team. We'll see how they work out. I think this is a first for me ever in nearly 30 years playing CM/FM!
  14. I sure hope you can find a fix for this --- same game, some dozen years later. Finally have my own stadium, somehow survived the low-cap stadium for a couple years. Just finished 3rd year in Serie A --- qualified for Europa League. New stadium already requiring an expansion (5K seat or so to increase to 14K or thereabouts). Will take 10 months to complete, so, what happens? We rent a 600 seat stadium! This is going to be an abysmal season for finances --- that's assuming they even let me stay in Serie A or European competition!
  15. The season is probably going fairly well when you get a news article like this: (One match short of half-way through season, we're setting 3rd w/ 36 points --- mainly because of this player --- who is sitting atop the league scoring table by about 8 goals already)!
  16. Not sure I've ever had anyone this....consistent. 1st match in 11 without scoring, 1st in 16 w/o a goal or an assist (although 1st four were friendlies). 3-2 loss to Parthenope (Napoli) also our first loss in 9 matches in this 3rd Serie A season --- sitting pretty in 5th place atm, with some decent results against the top 6 teams in the league as well.
  17. After the disappointment that was the European Qualifiers last year, I was ecstatic with this years Euro International Div C showing: I believe we've found the answer to Nanni's retirement, with 21 yo Michele Ciacci (La Fiorita) finding the net 5 times in the campaign. We now have two players (newgens) on 70+ caps, with 28 year old M/AM(C) Allessandro Michelotti (Tre Firoi) on 78 caps (and as my best MC likely to hit that 100 mark, unless someone shows up with some real talent (he has 7 goals and 10 assists in the 78 caps, but has been slowing down in recent years). The other is my very own Victor San Marino DL Mattia Santii, one of the stars of the club team and a key player in the national team. Currently 27 years old and on 75 caps, barring injury he will certainly make the 100 cap mark. All in all, excited about the successful campaign, and looking forward to what this group of players will do next year in the WC qualifiers. Edit: This year's campaign moved us to our highest ever world ranking of 166.
  18. Our best 2-game series to date with the national team: Georgia was ranked low-mid 80s at start of season, and North Macedonia mid-90s. Looking to be a decent season in International League Div C. Meanwile, Victor San Marino are solidiying themselves as contenders in Serie A, finishing the second season 9th, with 3 more points and a goal differential 16 better (roughly) than the first Serie A season. The 2036/7 season is shaping up quite nicely, with a new striker bagging 11 goals in 8 matches so far. Team is currently sitting 5th after 7 league matches, including 1-1 and 2-2 draws vs Lazio and Atalanta respectively (two teams we've had problems with in the first two seasons. I'm excited to see where the season takes us.
  19. A bit late on this update---had been away on holiday to visit family. But, I finally finished my first season in Serie A --- and it was a season beyond all expectations. We flirted with that 7th place European spot most of the season, but, as you can see, there ended up being a large gulf between 7th and 8th place. A tough run of matches near the end of the season knocked us down to 11th, before finishing with a decent final couple of games to move back to 9th. Not much in the way of plans for the next season (2035/6) --- going to try to solidify our financial position, get some facility upgrades, and then maybe in the 3rd Serie A season make a push for European spots. We already have a decent financial position, having gone from about 3M€ in the red to 10+M € in the bank, and have already taken the first steps on improving both training and youth facilities. Already half-way through the 35/36 season, we're still sitting mid-table, flirting with European spots, but, more importantly, have improve training facilities to Adequate, youth facilities to Average, and Youth recruitment/Jr. Coaching to Average. Hopefully we'll continue to improve these, get a couple decent youth intakes (My 2036 intake features one "class A" wingback, 1 "Class C" goalkeeper, and a bunch of lesser candidates. Hopefully the 2037 class is better :P Meanwhile, we were handed a very tough group in the Euro qualifiers, in what seems to be a step backwards in with the National team. We played well overall, but it's clear that we still need a few puzzle pieces to really make the push upwards. Nanni has retired, having reached the 50 goals scored milestone (finished with 51) thanks to that friendly hattrick against the US Virgin Islands (A tactical decision I made, as I was sure that this was his best chance at getting the two goals that he needed for the milestone). The Euro qualifiers knocked us back a couple of spots in the world rankings, knocking us back down to 171st.
  20. With Nanni retiring in June of 2035, and a very tough draw for the Euro qualifiers, I opted a very easy March friendly --- picking US Virgin Islands for what might be Nanni's last chance at the magic 50 goals. He didn't disappoint! With a first-half Hat-trick, Nanni is the first player in the history of the San Marino National team to surpass 50 international goals, ending his illustrious career with 51 goals Win a game: 30/3/2024 -- 1-0 vs Somalia Win a competitive game (inlcudes Nations League): Oct 15, 2025 -- 3-1 vs Lithuania (World Cup Qualifying Group Stage) Have a player beat Andy Selva's 8 goals scored record: Sept 8, 2024 -- Nicola Nanni, 9th goal vs Andorra (International League Division D 1-1 Draw) Have a player score 50 international goals: 28 Mar, 2035, Nicola Nanni, 49th, 50th, and 51st career Int'l goal vs US Virgin Islands in a 5-0 friendly win. Retired Jun 2035. Have a player score 100 international goals: Have a new gen reach 100 caps: Have a player score a hat-trick in a game: Oct 7, 2026 -- Nicola Nanni (3 goals in 5-1 victor over Somalia) Beat a team ranked in the top 50 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 150 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 100 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 50 of the world: Get promoted from Nations League D: 2026 after taking 9 points from four matches (vs Luxembourg and Andorra) Get promoted from Nations League C: Get promoted from Nations League B: Qualify for the European Championship: Qualify for the World Cup: Survive group stage in the European Championship: Survive group stage in the World Cup: Win the Nations League: Win the European Championships: Win the World Cup: Become the number one ranked team in the world:
  21. As previously mentioned, we managed promotion with Victor San Marino to Serie A. After finishing 6th, we made the playoffs for the 3rd time in 4 seasons in Serie B. In the preliminary playoff round, down 3-2 late in the match, Lorenzo Moscatelli came up with a brilliant 82nd minute goal (his 2nd of the match) to equalize, and we advanced as the higher seed (I still don't like that rule, but it worked for us for once!) That set us up for a home and away semi-final match vs Reggina, and despite getting outshot 18-3, we held firm at home for a 0-0 draw. That meant we needed an away win as Reggina would have the seeding advantage in event of a draw. We were very lucky, as Reggina had a man sent off in the 32d minute with a straight red card, giving us a full hour of play a man up, and we took every advantage -- with both Moscatelli and fifth year striker Bracco getting on the scoresheet for a 2-0 win, and our first ever playoff finals appearance. Once again, Moscatelli was the hero, netting his 27th goal of the season (26 league goals) for a 1-0 home win; and more than 34.5K fans watched as goalkeeper Fontanelli managed to stymie Palermo at every opportunity, as Palermo managed 22 shots (7 on target), but were unable to break down the defense --- a 0-0 draw at Palermo sent us thru and up to Serie A after a 1-0 aggregate win. Sammarinese players Santi (DL), Gasperoni (homegrown DC), Pedini (homegrown DC), and, to a lesser extent Mignemi (homegrown AM/R-ST) played pivotal roles throughout the season, as well as playing key roles in the national team. New Victor San Marino Stadium is now open, seating 9540 fans, and was christened with a 1-0 win in the Italian Cup. Serie A is going surprisingly well, as after 11 matches we sit 7th with 17 points. Meanwhile, European Division C is also going well; after 4 matches we sit 3rd with 5 points, leaders Armenia and Iceland are on 7 points. We would be on 6 points with 3 draws and a win, but Iceland managed a game winning goal at 94:40 in a match that had 4 minutes of stoppage time :P Matches against North Macedonia (2 pts) and Iceland coming up to finish the series --- we should be solidly able to avoid a relegation playout, and have a chance to sneak a win and promotion yet! Sadly, Nanni has announced his retirement --- he will be retiring in June of 2035, giving me the final two matches of this season, the two spring matches, and two June matches---and he only needs 4 goals to reach the magic number of 50. He'll be featuring in every match I can put him in! UPDATE: Nanni just hit goal #47 to take a 1-0 lead vs N. Macedonia in the 23rd minute! Update 2: And gets a 2nd for #48 to take a 2-1 lead at the half! 2034's International results are in: A very solid campaign, which, but for an extended extra time in the first match vs Iceland, would have been a lot closer. Definitely making progress! Incremental change, looks like we've moved up to 169th in world rankings.
  22. Oh, good, so I wasn't the only one kicked out of the nice 5500 seat national team stadium into the 750 seat aquaviva???
  23. Just €250k? No problem! I just finished my 4th Serie B season €3.4M in the red! Fortunately..... we snuck a win in the playoffs, and our first season in Serie A will wipe out the debt --- even if we go straight back down. I got stuck in a 750 cap stadium due to a bug, so was losing more than €150k/mo on average. Got bailed out a bit by the board, a couple €600K or so cash injections kept things from getting too much overboard, and the sponsorship helped as well. You should be okay.
  24. World Cup qualifiers over -- better than 4 years ago, but still a ways to go. (Previous WCQ on right) Nanni with a goal in the final match puts him at 42 career international goals.... hopefully with time to hit that magic 50. The success has us move up to 173 in the world rankings. Win a game: 30/3/2024 -- 1-0 vs Somalia Win a competitive game (inlcudes Nations League): Oct 15, 2025 -- 3-1 vs Lithuania (World Cup Qualifying Group Stage) Have a player beat Andy Selva's 8 goals scored record: Sept 8, 2024 -- Nicola Nanni, 9th goal vs Andorra (International League Division D 1-1 Draw) Have a player score 50 international goals: Have a player score 100 international goals: Have a new gen reach 100 caps: Have a player score a hat-trick in a game: Oct 7, 2026 -- Nicola Nanni (3 goals in 5-1 victor over Somalia) Beat a team ranked in the top 50 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 150 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 100 in the world: Get San Marino into the top 50 of the world: Get promoted from Nations League D: 2026 after taking 9 points from four matches (vs Luxembourg and Andorra) Get promoted from Nations League C: Get promoted from Nations League B: Qualify for the European Championship: Qualify for the World Cup: Survive group stage in the European Championship: Survive group stage in the World Cup: Win the Nations League: Win the European Championships: Win the World Cup: Become the number one ranked team in the world:
  25. And, we get our first every WC qualifying win, with Nanni netting twice and the team holding on against a furious counterattack by the Faroe Islands to secure the 2-1 win. Nanni, 33 years old, now has 41 goals for San Marino. That means he needs to average 3 goals a year over next three years to hit the 50 mark (alhough I hope he'll pick up one or two more this season to lower that total!) Made our biggest jump in world rankings in a while, moving up 4 spots to 176 as well.
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