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Everything posted by SouthCoastRed

  1. So onto the quarter finals, and ITVs number 2 commentator heads for home, bye Clive, not saying you were great but the prospect of wall to wall Matterface from here is terrifying
  2. After 30 seconds Clive says “right I’m not going to talk about Ronaldo anymore” Red Clive Ronaldo mention count 158
  3. I'm not sure today is going to provide any football, it hasn't yet and I hold no hopes for this borefesf
  4. Says something about the game, when the biggest news is the next game
  5. If this was an England game this thread would be 107 pages of abuse
  6. He looked at the defender as if to say..,,, how dare you sir, I was about to kick that
  7. Well I was convinced tonight was going to be the worst game of this round, but **** me, this has set a high bar to get over
  8. It’s a shame they’re going out, you could sell it to Matterface
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