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Everything posted by SouthCoastRed

  1. They're just waiting for the children to arrive before announcing it I assume. The whole attitude is just playing for time on radio and I guess the tv as well
  2. Driving home and radio 2 goes quiet, **** I thought she's gone!!! Nope the car cut the station to a local one for a traffic report
  3. God what a day to be on a speed awareness course where you have to turn the phone off, to come out to this absolute *********!!!
  4. 1998 I was there, in the crowd behind the goal when Beckham smashed the free kick in against Colombia. Arrested 15 minutes after full time, deported that evening, and back in France for the Argentina game 4 days later I was there all the way in 90, well till the Semi Finals when we bought the wrong tickets , but I was still in a bar 5 minutes from the stadium attempting to sell a kidney or two for a ticket. Tear gassed to hell and back twice. I was there in 1982 in the stupidest World Cup ever when we never lost a game and still went out. Beat to a pulp by the Spanish Police after Kuwait and West Germany. There's a trend developing here Perhaps Qatar might be a step too far, both hands removed and stoned to death in the marketplace
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