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Everything posted by SouthCoastRed

  1. It’s his Friday night alter ego, we’re gonna blow those Qatari minds with a bit of cross dressing
  2. Well done @Sons FC, was going to do it myself but I realised if I ran it, it would be USA 2026 before we had results
  3. https://www.buildlineup.com/shared/637566f9761db92603a70264
  4. ‘78 suffers in recollections because England weren’t there, and the games were on in the middle of the bloody night
  5. @Pompeyboyz is your formation called "Good Luck Alisson" ?
  6. Scarily accurate. Ok, just have to score 5 a game to win. Oh…wait, it’s Gareth!
  7. Wash your mouth out Geordie scum (I agree by the way, not the terrible bit, but he shouldn’t be anywhere near an England squad)
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