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Everything posted by bluehefner

  1. Yes but a lot of times i use all three slots plus i don't want to go back and fourth between screens if i want to try multiple tactics.
  2. If i have tactics set up for my current season but i want to plan for a new tactic next season i don't want to switch out my current tactics to do that, i want to be able to monitor and adjust my squad planner on the fly without effecting my current tactics.
  3. Any ideas? Is it random, is the one i agreed to sign first the one that goes through?
  4. So i'm Man Utd, i've signed 4/6 under-21 foreign players this season with a plans for a 5th before the window shuts. In January i have 2 coming in, obviously that takes me over my limit. Question, how does the game decide which of the two players gets cancelled? One of them is really good, the other i could do without.
  5. Does anyone know how to remove the technical section of attributes from a goalkeepers profile?
  6. How do i remove Goalkeeper/Outfield Rating from a players profile?
  7. So there's a few bugs i've noticed, not sure if it's something i'm doing wrong. The personalised icon overlaps the rest of the player information. Premier League is showing as blue in the league standings but white on the competitions page. Also every team that is white (i.e Fulham, Leeds, Spurs) are all blue and not white.
  8. In this years FM, the section you have selected on the sidebar shows a thin rectangle to the right, rather than the left in previous versions. It's also blue, rather than a more subtle variant of the sidebars colour. I find this to look out of place and messy, is there any way to change this?
  9. Thanks for the work on this. Would you be able to tell me how to remove the graphics on the sidebar? It doesn't look that good in icon only view imo.
  10. I agree that it's disappointing, but the game doesn't live or die by this problem. At some point all that'll be left is regens meaning their more likely to use younger players, certainly younger compared to real life pros that they hang on to until their mid 30s. As long as the teams remain competitive then does it really matter which players they use?
  11. So something that has always bugged me is how the game implements staff limits, for a number of years now Man Utd have around 30 odd scouts, but the limit set by the club is around half that, meaning if i sack anyone i can't replace them, likewise in this years game they are allowed 1 assistant manager but IRL they have 2 (Steve McClaren & Mitchell van der Gaag) so they are over the limit in game, now if one of them is a glorified coach that ETH works closer with then call either one that in the game, or give me a 2 assistant limit, either way it's wrong. I know it's typically not normal to have two assistants, so it's not like i need that limit, but it just looks a bit silly when the board say i can 1 but they've clearly allowed 2, it's small details like this that can be immersion breaking, why not just set the limit to the minimum amount of current staff, it costs nothing just to be accurate. Unless there's some other reason i'm overlooking.
  12. Feel like most of the goals i score are from set pieces (could be my tactic) and the near post corner bug is still exploitable.
  13. Ah interesting, i didn't see the nerf on full release because i started in Beta, saw it during the Feb update and assumed it was from that. Here's hoping Martinez and Dalot get an update!
  14. Do they often make changes to the data before the full release? I assumed players attributes pretty much stayed the same until the winter update.
  15. Think the problem is that the stats are based off last season or very early this season so Dalot is unfortunately going to be underrated, he should also be either footed imo. If things keep going well for him this season though he should be a beast by the next data update, same with a lot of United's new signings.
  16. I really don't care about the graphics but i'd love the game performance to scale with better hardware. There's a 125k player limit in place no matter how good your machine, now if i own an AMD threadripper and we can safely ignore that message then either remove the text telling me there's a limit or actually tell me as a high spec owner that i can actually load 250k players (for example) with no issue, or code your game to utilize better hardware. Let me see the benefits of 128gb ram over 64gb ram, let me see the benefits of an AMD threadripper over an i9 9900k, and if those benefits already exist then tell me. Also let me up the limit on the amount of matches that are stored from previous seasons. Surely that last one is a piece of cake to implement, warn me on the dangers of upping it (based on my specs) but let me have the freedom to do it.
  17. Wasn't the data lock confirmed to be the 25th? I was under the impression that the database didn't change between beta and full release.
  18. So i just got done playing the Club World Cup with Manchester United, knocked out by Manchester City on pens and it was the most frustrating experience ever on Football Manager. - The fact it interrupts your teams break after a long season is frustrating, but not out of the ordinary. - My assistant will send me a message saying the players are going on their pre season break and are due to return after the World Club Cup (as if the World Club Cup isn't even scheduled) - I'll then get 3-4 more messages in the build up to the start of the tournament telling me that my players are going on multiple pre-season breaks at different times So i play the first couple of easy group games and get through to play City in the knockout round - All my players are absolutely exhausted (even the ones who didn't play the game before) despite having a 5 day break before the City game and a 2 day rest thrown in - Same thing applies to City but their players aren't quite as tired (despite presumably not having a 2 day rest) - As i said above, i can't even pick a rotated squad because i've my second choice team is knackered So i play the match, pretty much dominate, miss chance after chance, the whole time it's annoying and not enjoyable because my players are all super tired and moments away from injury - It goes to Extra Time (perfect when you're players are already tired) - I get an injury after using all 4 subs (still create the best chances to score and miss them) - They get an injury, ah well at least now it's even - I get another injury right after, so now it's 9 vs 10 - Goes to pens and i lose - Mbappe injured for 3 months, Greenwood minor injury Now i realise that SOME of these complaints are just general football complaints, i can handle a bad day at the office or bad luck which costs me the game, but something is clearly wrong with either the implementation of training during this tournament or there's some other factor that effects why my players were so tired that it caused so many injuries. At no point in the previous season did this ever happen once during a busy schedule, if i had a tired player i could rest him for someone who didn't play, i can rest players for a day or two and it helps with recovery, none of this worked this time around. Does anyone have any experience with this? or can anyone shed any light on why the above happened?
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