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Everything posted by KeiranShikari

  1. We hear this all the time but the actions of SI (the game and the features that get added because SI don't do words) would suggest they're in their own bubble well away from the community. It's probably just a dissonance thing and the game is perfectly fine for the 99.9% hence why SI feel no need to talk to the .1% that want to know what's going on, I'd think a lot of people that aren't enjoying this edition of the game are canaries in the coalmine for how a lot more people will be feeling if things don't change pretty soon.
  2. Enjoyable read and a good sales pitch for the league. I'm in, the bad news boys are under new management.
  3. Yup, I've got 217 hours and I'd say that in it's current state the game is pretty much unplayable.
  4. Yeah but you have 2k posts on what is essentially an enthusiast forum that 99.9% of the player base wouldn't even bother looking for. I could see from the first few games and player interactions that the game was not ready too. A lot of people were just blinded by the pretty animations.
  5. The casual 5 - 10 hour a week players are finally experiencing what the more 'hardcore' players were feeling weeks ago. Same happened with Diablo 4 at launch,
  6. Only goalkeepers get injured too much in this game, outfield players probably don't get injured enough (because people whine, I guess). Whining about minor and slight injuries too.
  7. I've not checked yet but my guess would be games getting postponed in Israel and perhaps stuff with their national team.
  8. Surely that's too much for comfortable navigation around menus. Although it's probably worth it for the matchday stuff. I have a 3440x1440 uw and that's enough for me.
  9. I'll be doing a Japan save once they get that stuff into the game but based on the wording in Jimmy Wong's update I'm not expecting that to be either of the next 2 updates. I'd imagine a majority, if not all, of the non data bug fixes will take to active saves so if I start one in the next couple of days I'll probably just stick with that until the J-League is in.
  10. It's not really full release though, is it. it's beta part 2. It's a trilogy too as it won't actually be finished until February.
  11. Not sure how you've not noticed it and just because you've not noticed it doesn't mean it's not a problem that is there. I've done 5 or 6 seasons across a few teams and in a majority of them I've broken goalscoring and win records. There have been people putting together more comprehensive data lists showing that finishing is around twice as potent as it should be.
  12. Probably not. I think Japan is probably 'data updates' on the 'coming soon' section, not 'coming early next week'. Wouldn't be surprised if a DB editor beats them to the punch though.
  13. To achieve that I believe they've taken out a lot of the non playable teams from the database. Less chance of finding that uber rare wonderkid at a club you've never heard of but probably for the best.
  14. The only changes I've really felt are the obvious optimizations to the graphical stuff. I had to turn down settings in the beta because of stuttering but now it's running smoothly with everything maxed out and at 200% render scale. My card isn't spectacular (2070 super) but it did feel funny turning down settings on a game like this.
  15. They really like football out there to be fair. This is graph showing average games played in a season.
  16. Goalkeeper injuries probably were overtuned but my football manager teams often have less injuries than the real thing. I actually keep a smaller squad than average but play with regular rotation. Not got any data behind it but I tend not to get any crazy injury crisis.
  17. Not with SI, that's for sure. Other studios absolutely have launched their formerly in early access games with patch notes. Of course early access can mean plenty of things, be it 3 days early access you spend an extra £20, what SI have done on or a game that's been in early access for years and people have already bought, been playing and even helped guide development.
  18. My guess would be that it's something they could have fixed with a sledgehammer quickly by reverting backwards but they're looking to find a fix with more finesse as this likely links in with a lot of other systems. I'd assume it's tied in with things like AI squad building. This is really the sort of things where transparency would be amazing. Preferably before a release (some posts on an enthusiast forum probably aren't going to hurt the bottom line).
  19. Maybe although I think it's probably a bit more innocent than that. I think SI are a bit of an old school company trying to fit in with a modern gaming space and early access is the current buzz word. They've never liked patch notes because they don't want you reading what is essentially a bug list. In their eyes the less the player knows about what's going on under the hood the better. That being said plenty of actual early access games launch with massive patch notes, and people like it. BG3 will likely be game of the year and Larian are a shining light at the moment. They actually enjoy talking with their community. Not just a bunch of access journalist/youtube types.
  20. Mods working double quick and overtime tonight. That's how you know it's a good game.
  21. I Oh I wasn't implying that the switch would automatically fix the under the hood stuff. We don't really know how they see the switch to Unity. It could be a full blown reset for the game and a chance to rebuild some aspects from the ground up, or it could just be graphics and UI. I could see them stripping some aspects of the game down to the bare bones and then building up. I think they've been on it for 2-3 years already.
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