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Everything posted by KeiranShikari

  1. Some skins add it back in but I don't believe it's on the base skin.
  2. It's probably less of a QA thing and more of a time thing. A majority of the jank you'll feel in your first few matches and interactions on the game. It could be that they use the beta to test way ahead of the 'latest stable version' as a way of getting data for the next year of development.
  3. That's probably true, was a lazy post. Point still stands though, I'd imagine they would revert changes to the match engine if they can't get the graphics engine to display it properly. The overabundance of goals feels like the mentalities of players crumbling too dramatically and then every shot turning into a rocket. The semi and final of the league cup in my current save have been some pretty extreme examples.
  4. There's a lot of wacky stuff going on in the match engine to be fair. I had a backheel volley hit the post from about 30 yards and we've all seen those silly backpasses. Also there being so many overhead kicks and things like that. I hope they manage to balance the match engine better for the full release without having to revert it like last year.
  5. For the signing of young players I'd suggest putting scouts in places that aren't the big 5 leagues. South America is the obvious place but anywhere that regularly produces top talent makes sense. At the clubs you're managing you can essentially have the whole world scouted and looking for talent if you wanted to.
  6. Is that actually the case? I would swear on staff championing beta and main game saves in the past. If they aren't then they should be. Unless they've managed to implement all (non data) bug fixes seamlessly which I doubt.
  7. It's just one of those things. Everyone should do what they want but there's a reason SI staff suggest starting a new save once the patch hits.
  8. Nah, start a new save when the full game rolls around. I agree that data updates aren't often the most important but you don't want to get stuck with a long term bug because you couldn't wait a week. Remember that a bug that is invisible early on in the game can become a big thing later on.
  9. Managing smaller clubs is also a way of not having to deal with a lot of the time consuming aspects of the game. I enjoy optimising staff and that takes no time at the lower levels. Same with managing my recruitment shortlists, it's just logical that dealing with 3 scouts takes less time than dealing with 15. There's also much less press to deal with if that's an aspect you feel you have to do, i tend to just do 'important' ones like player signing conferences, You can also change your screen flow in the game settings to ignore things like the Social media page, I forgot to mention that in my previous post. That's a small time saver but a big annoyance saver for me. You can probably do a lot more with that screen flow screen to make your experience better.
  10. Just play the aspects of the game you enjoy and ignore/delegate the less important stuff. Pretty much everything can be ignored if you wanted to, including making your own tactics. lol Things like scouting can still be done the old way. Turn off player attribute masking when you make the game. Although I think the recruitment focuses are less work than scouting a couple of years back. All of the training can be done by the game, or by downloading premade schedules. Have a DOF hire staff. Send your Assman to press conferences.
  11. Norwich are massive and he was already honored to be joining. You could probably have reduced the contract and he'd have still joined.
  12. How do I refund the game? The AI made a big transfer and I am mad.
  13. I think it's pretty universal. I'd be surprised if it wasn't one of the things that gets a big change going into the full release.
  14. Doubtful, I only really remember them rushing out fixes when things have been really broken.
  15. It's a commercial link by the looks of it. I think it's similar to what they did with the Tampa Bay Rowdies when 'Visit Tampa Bay' was the destination sponsor. https://www.udlaspalmas.es/en/news/ud-las-palmas-and-norwich-city-strengthen-their-relationship https://newsletter.laliga.es/global-futbol/ud-las-palmas-and-gran-canaria-partner-with-norwich-city-fc-to-promote-the-island-as-a-tourist-destination-in-the-british-market Just noticed you already got your response.
  16. SI have seemingly been trying to be more transparent recently so maybe we'll get it (plenty of other games give updates from beta to full release) but I wouldn't bank on it that's for sure.
  17. Because the first big patch isn't officially a patch we usually just have to work it out.
  18. Go to countries where you don't speak the language so you can add a role play reason to why you're choosing to not talk to players.
  19. You just finished in European places, there's not a lot of reason why they'd want to leave. That being said finances are just way easier in game than they are in real life. You could easily offer £100k+ wages during the first season in the Premier League, real club just wouldn't do that.
  20. This is all for Norwich City. Contracts I think I brought this up last year so it was probably already looked at but Ben Gibson being on 40k p/w with a 100% promotion bonus seems far too excessive considering the pay structure of the club. Teemu Pukki was only on 50-60k base wage in the Premier League. 40k is what Spotrac says but they're hardly a 100% accurate source. I'd consider bringing it in line with Hanley and Giannoulis at 30k p/w. Player Data Borja Sainz - Not a player I've actually watched yet but a lot of what I've read would suggest he's a much more tenacious player than his in game attributes would suggest. Things like Work Rate, determination and even tackling seem low. He was signed to be that in your face, front foot winger by a manager from the German school of the Gegenpress. Here's an article from the Athletic that talks about him in decent depth. https://theathletic.com/4655946/2023/07/01/borja-sainz-norwich-analysis/ Jacob Sorensen - Still don't know where that 'dictates tempo' player trait has come from. Adam Idah - I think he should be nerfed across the board. He's one of those players that will go an score 30+ goals a season in game and continue silly numbers even if promoted. I'd probably bring down his teamwork, work rate and determination as well as his finishing ans acceleration. I'd potentially remove all of his player traits too as I wouldn't say his game is that defined. Jonathan Rowe - On the other hand I think there are a few buffs he should receive. He regularly puts his head in where it hurts so his Aggression/Bravery attributes seem very low. His jumping reach seems a little low as he is springy, for lack of a better word. I think his dribbling might be too high but his finishing and heading are probably too low. I'd almost consider him a striker playing on the wing at the moment. Liam GIbbs - He's clearly been hard at work in the gym over the course of the last year. I'd say he's filled out and is more physical across the board. I'd also say his pace is probably higher than his acceleration and not vice versa. He's one of those players that takes a little bit to get going. Kallen FIsher - I'm guessing this is a harder one to put numbers on as he's not played much outside of the National League. He's performed well against Bristol City, QPR and Fulham in the cup and well enough across the Pre Season to that the club decided that he was the backup right back. As it stands he'd be eaten alive playing at this level.
  21. Flash new features sell games unfortunately. SI love their feature drops.
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