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Everything posted by KeiranShikari

  1. I had no idea the 2-3 weeks tweet was taken down. noooooooo that means it will probably be Thursday.
  2. We're just a group of like minded individuals that are into things like Football Manager and expensive leather gear.
  3. I wish SI put out more videos talking about the game this year. I guess they listened to the gaping mouth youtubers that universally said 40 minutes was too long to fit their schedules. On the bright side putting together less video probably means the Beta will be out sooner. Tonight even.
  4. Their press has felt more confident this year, I think it's pretty much ready to go. Releasing tomorrow they'll get an extra weekend of play testing. You'll see.
  5. Sitting deep and countering pretty much instantly made me the second best team in Wales (a league with a lot of parity bar 1 pro team). Safe to say I'm enjoying the low and mid block systems.
  6. Not too keen on Gundogan's tactic there, far too many instructions. Work ball into box and pass into space? Handsome though.
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