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Everything posted by Marko1989

  1. I don't have a proper answer for you, but I am a little bit confused - how do you mean player have no attributes at all? ( maybe that is something new since I am still playing FM 2021 ) I always disable attribute masking so I don't know if this is a problem - but maybe you can't see the attributes because of that ( even I don't know if attributes masking even applies to fictional players, I am not even sure are we thinking about same type of players, those gray players or players when you untick "use real players" ), but anyway, can you post a screenshot of a player with no attributes?
  2. I didn't know it was wrong, I thought it is at least precise if they implemented it. I didn't buy FM 23, I bought FM 22 when that was implemented but I didn't play it long enough to see if those price ranges are correct, I just know I didn't like it, I am still playing FM 2021 where everything was normal. If those price ranges are wrong, then it is even worse than I thought
  3. There is one more change, I don't know if it was mentioned in previous comments they are too long - Players value has changed. So now instead of player having one value, like for example he is worth 10 millions, like on Transfermarkt Players now have price range, like this: Which is stupid beyond belief, now when you go to player search screen you can see "not for sale" for some bad players, even we all know that all players in the world have their price and they are for sale. I have no idea who thought this is logical. It can be useful since you know now immediately price range, but player should have his price, and price range for which he can be bought. Now you can't even sort players properly by price in players search screen because of that. They could do something like this, with both -
  4. Hahah, yeah Here it is - I must add it before the thread get locked I think PA should be dynamic because as it is now - 1.) You can remember all the players with high PA and every save game is almost the same 2.) There are no late bloomers, players can't suddenly get better attributes late in the career but we have many examples in real life 3.) At the age of 15-16 you already know the player will not be good if he has low PA. It is really stupid when you know that the player have no chance to become a good player already at the age of 15 because PA is fixed ( you don't have to use editor or anything to figure out if the player has high PA or not ) That's it
  5. When it comes to answers, I skip everything I can by delegating as much as possible to staff, so maybe that can help you ( even though I don't have FM 2023 so I am not sure if they added even more questions )
  6. It is not just you, one or two guys posted a bunch of screenshots from FM 2014 for the same reason, but I can't find where those screenshots are on the forums, it was not long ago, and those screenshots are even better.
  7. Yes, it is a custom skin, but custom skin do not add lighting, it was in the game, that was the FM I played the most. I have one old screenshot with default skin
  8. This. The game really does need some big changes. FM 2023 is the first FM I didn't buy, nor I will waste my money on it. The transition from text only CM to 2D engine was WOW as you say. If I remember correctly, I also had that feel when they changed from Championship Manager to Football Manager. Then in 2009 we got 3D ( which is still very poor ) but again, it was huge improvement. If I am not wrong, after FM 2012, in FM 2013 they added collision to the match engine. Nowadays, to me, FM just looks like slightly updated skin, "we will update continue button from this to this and it is ready to go" ( I know I am exaggerating but that is how I feel when I see new fm these days ) In recent years, instead of remembering big updates like before, what I remember the most is, ruined 2D engine in FM 2018 and ruined lightning in 3D engine. I simply can't believe they went backwards in case of both. 10 YEARS. 10 YEARS.
  9. Championship Manager 99/00 I played it for two years. Never won anything, never learned how to play it, I was only 10y old. I didn't even know what attributes mean, my English was poor so I though "crossing" means how fast player can cross the field. Later I realized what is Acceleration because Michael Owen was very fast irl and he had ACC 20 in CM. I would just create a save game, buy Javier Saviola, lose a couple of games and start new save. Every day, a couple of times per day, for two years.
  10. I am little bit confused with your question - You want to say that you don't see "Sports Interactive" folder in My Documents? If you see Sports Interactive folder but you don't see "Skins" folder, just create "Skins" folder inside Sports Interactive folder and place the skin there.
  11. FM is easy if you use tactics which Match Engine can't handle. It is also easy because AI squad management is awful, for example, they can ruin wonderkids by playing old players, but you as a human will give that wonderkid much more playing time so you will develop him into world class player. But if you are playing with some tactics that makes sense to you, or you are trying to replicate some existing tactic/playing style, then it can be hard because ME can't replicate those tactics well. For example, if you want to copy Barcelona tiki taka and to have inside forward as your main goal scorer, in some FM versions you can't do that because simply, ME does not represent Inside Forwards properly. If you want easy wins - you can always do that, there are always tactics that are exploiting ME, you can download them or you can play trial and error until you find the tactic which works the best with current version of ME. If you want a challenge, use realistic tactics and don't exploit transfer market. Basically, you are the one who is choosing if the game will be hard or easy.
  12. I have to agree with this. I don't see the reason to buy new games if the game continues in this direction. Every iteration seems the same with some tweaks that in some cases even make the game worse. i think for the next purchase, I will wait for some big overhaul in all departments, UI, 3D, 2D, ME and everything else. I don't want to give money to the company that does not even want to bother to make changes to the tactic screen for 3 years, this is just one small example, but I simply think with this direction, they don't deserve my money. ( I know they have good sale numbers and what I said means nothing to them ) 2021 2022 2023
  13. Off-topic - I accidentally came across this Freddy Guarin video from FM 2005, and I must say, I really miss those curved long shot goals like the one you can see on 1:29 I may be wrong, but I don't really remember seeing curved long shot goals in recent versions in 2D. In fact, I don't remember when was the last time I said "wow, what a goal" I am not talking bad about new versions don't get me wrong, but man, I miss those times when I just played the game, didn't think about ME flaws, if something is unrealistic and such.
  14. Or just use this tactic https://beta.fm-base.co.uk/tactics/21.4.0/stephenhk-tactics-fm21-524838-2393
  15. Those developers are surely talented, but they maybe never had to make a football game so they simply don't see how ugly the game is. And that is not a problem, maybe eventually they would change lightning and other aspects if asked from them, the problem is a lack of information from SI for us! They always avoid to write anything on this topic, people spend time to upload screenshots, people spend time to show them what they want, people are literally helping them and they are doing nothing in last 5 years to improve it, or at least to tell us why the situation with the graphics is so bad.
  16. Even I do agree the work of this guy is impressive, I must say that at least Squad/Tactic screens has to contain club colors. This way every save you play, main screens will be different, and you will really have a feel that you are in manage of that club. If the skin color is purple for example for all the clubs, it feels just like some soulless skin/app and every save would be the same - colors also can help with immersion. I loved for example FM 2017 flat design, where they were still using Primary color for sidebar, and secondary color for header. ( or other way, but I think they removed secondary color in recent years ) Even my screenshot is just with one color, you can really have a feel that you manage a club known for this color.
  17. This is so incredibly stupid. In reality only MAYBE asking price for Vinicus Junior would be this high. All other players would be sold for much less money. I can't believe they allowed this to happen in the game.
  18. I am not saying that the game is bad, but I simply think that is not worth of my money, even it is not a same game it feels like I am playing the same game when I start it. Default skin in last 3 years is the same. They just add some rounded corners or remove them and that is all. Tactics screen is exactly the same for 3 years. 3D Graphics/Animations are a little bit better, but the game is ugly honestly. Lighting is very poor, the game is still stuck in early 2000s in that department. They ruined 2D years ago. I really don't care about new features, they don't change anything in a way how I play, I just think that the next FM I will buy will be the one where whole game gets a complete overhaul, from UI, Skins, Graphics etc. There is more than enough tools for management in the game, I just want immediately when I install the game that it looks like I am playing completely fresh new version. One thing that helped games feel fresh before for example, even it is unrealistic ( but the complete game is unrealistic, and it should be like that, it is a game ) is that they were changing player attributes constantly. I remember for example Raul in one FM had 15 finishing, in next he had 20. It was like they were changing their attributes according on how good their previous season was. Look at Del Piero in two different FM's, he had better dribbling when older for example, this was the thing for most of the players, they were changing them and that made the game fresh because you were waiting too see how good or bad will some player be in new FM. Now some players can be exactly the same for 3-5 versions.
  19. I must say that I am now actually impressed how they don't care about the details, the tactic screen is same for years. How hard is to make some changes, add some textures, or anything so we don't have to look at the same UI for years. This is impressive level of laziness 2021 2022 2023
  20. Same story every year Most of the comments are negative, but yet we will all buy the game. I don't even care about new features anymore. I have more than enough features and tools in the game already to have fun, I just want graphics to stop being from '90s because of the immersion. I can't play 2D anymore, I need 3D engine to be watchable. If the performance is the issue, give people more graphic options to disable for those who don't care about looks, there are no excuses anymore
  21. If there were no good people who share their custom skins, I would not even buy the game. I would not be able to look at the same UI for years
  22. I think that there is also some charm when you learn the game without any manuals. I started playing as a kid, and I didn't even know English properly. I remember checking David Beckham attributes and I didn't even know what "Crossing" attribute means. My friend who also sucks at English thought that is how fast player can cross the field. I didn't even know what to think until I watched Beckham games and since his crosses were insane, I realized what is that attribute since it was 20. I also learned what is ""eccentricity" by watching Barthez. But ok, the game is now more robust so manuals are probably a must.
  23. That is great mystery with FM. Mobile games have much better graphics and animations. They even managed to ruin 2D to look bad. 2D is stuck in 90s without any details, and 3D is at the start of 2000s. As the guy above me said, if the performance was reason, they could solve that with sliders and options for graphic quality.
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