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Everything posted by StephenCronin

  1. Yeah, most likely it's thanks to Elon Musk. It used to be free to use the Twitter API in the way FMM was, but Twitter changed that a couple of months ago. There is a hobbyist level that only costs USD$100 per month, but it has a limit of 50,000 tweets per month, which may not be enough for FMM. And it has a limit of 2 apps, so that may be FM and FM Touch and leave FMM out of luck? After that, prices start at USD$42,000 per month... It could be something else, but most likely due to this.
  2. I'm in the camp of wanting instant results - letting users get through seasons quicker would definitely be useful for many people. The quickest I can get through a season (playing quite a lot) is 2 days. If I'm playing less it will be 4 or 5 days or even longer. Sometimes I'm totally fine with that. Sometimes I want to get through it quicker. By the way, I've always suspected that it's quicker to get through a season on iOS than on Android, based on the times I've seen Marc (who I think is on iOS) say it takes him to get through a season vs what I get on Android. @Marc Vaughan - Please do NOT make it a separate mode, unless there is a way to switch modes for the same save file. Here is a scenario I face a lot: For the first couple of seasons, I'm building the squad, fine tuning the tactic and generally going deep on everything, so I want to play every game. By season 10 I've won the league 8 times in a row and I really don't need to watch every game. I'm happy to dip in every so often and see how it's going and to watch key matches. Having to go through every game is a drag. But that changes depending on the stage of the save, so I really need both for the one save file. I don't quite buy the reasoning for not adding it (people disconnecting from the game), because: Having to play every game is a disconnect in it's own right - The longest save I've had this year has been 6 seasons - by that point it's such a slog that I generally lose interest and wander off and play a different game (not FMM) for a while. If people want to "hurry along to the next transfer window as this season is a bust", then they are just going to use Go On Holiday and that is even more of a disconnect as it doesn't respect the user's team selection or tactics (and if you're serious about the reasoning, then you better remove Go On Holiday!). Sorry! Not having a go, but I just can't see much in the way of negatives. If you want to discourage use, then just make it clear that you're more likely to get a good result if you play in detail and watch the game. I think it's fair that results via Instant Result are likely to be slightly worse because you're not picking up what the other team is doing or adjusting or making optimal subs etc etc. In fact I think it should be the case that a managed game gives a better result than an instant result one (not too much though). Anyway, as always, thanks for making a great game!
  3. I think that'll be because the game is notoriously slow at improving the clubs reputation/board's generosity with promotions etc, until you win something big (like UCL). Making the final doesn't seem to count much. And for small clubs you may need to win a bit to level up to get your board to relax the purse strings. So because of that, while the club has got a lot of money, the board isn't giving it to you. I think the thing that really needs to be fixed here is the small clubs easing up on budgets etc once they get promoted etc, Anyway, the beauty of the rich benefactor unlockable is that if you go to Settings > Unlockables you can turn it off. And then turn it back on again. And then turn it off and then back on again... Each time it's turned back on, the even will happen again and there will be investment in the club and eventually enough will make it through to you that you'll have enough. Doesn't mean they shouldn't fix the problem properly, but does give you a workaround for now.
  4. @Marc Vaughan Ever thought about adding a "Share Save file" feature on Android, which would simply pass the file over to whatever app the user shared it with using Android's native sharing feature? That would let people share it to Dropbox or their Google Drive instance or email (though the file is way too big for most email accounts). I could see why you wouldn't want to (people getting themselves into messes, people not being able to copy the file back, etc etc), but it would be helpful for power users.
  5. That's because you are using the OME (Original Match Engine) instead of the EME (Enhanced Match Engine). The OME is old and doesn't work with a lot of the newer features like the EME does, including team talks. And most of the tactics you find shared online (here, Vibe, Discord, YouTube) are for the EME and won't work the same with the OME. The good news: I think your phone should be able to run the EME just fine (only really old phones will struggle with it) and you can change to it in the Settings on the main screen (before you load the save). The bad news: You can't change match engines once you have started the save. If you started a save with the OME, that save will always use the OME. You have to change the setting and start a new save if you want to swap.
  6. Ah... well, that's both good that it's still shown somewhere and bad because it's on the 8th splash page and there's no way to swipe through them and I have to wait 30 seconds for that particular screen to appear! Is there anyway it could be re-added to the match screen? It looks like it would probably fit after the ground and attendance, either just following on after that (in line) or aligned to the right hand side. I'd love an abbreviated weather description too, but that'd be getting squishy, unless it was just icons or something. Of course, the other option would be to make the splash screens swipe-able. Well, they are swipe-able after it finishes the initial slideshow of all 8 pages, but they really need to be swipe-able immediately. Though honestly, I still wouldn't go through 9 pages for every match. I don't even look at the pre-match screen because that would take too long to get through a season!
  7. You mean like this? https://fmmvibe.com/files/file/1285-real-names-fix-for-fm-2023-mobile/
  8. No!!!! Or if yes, then I want a way to tell my wingers "Listen, no more of this cutting inside business, stay wide like I told you to". I want my wingers to stay wide and cross, but there are almost no players with "hugs the line" and so so many with "cuts inside" that I have to use the "cuts inside" crew more often than not. Maybe that reflects the modern game, but if they start acting on that trait more than they currently do, then I want some way to retrain / talk them out of it.
  9. I gotta say I'd love to get the granularity back with selecting which leagues are loaded. Ie being able to load England from L2 upwards, and then only the top level from Italy, Spain and France, etc as you could in the past. I don't like having to load lots of players I'll never use (like VNL players, Serie C players, etc). I understand the need to keep things simple for most users, but this could be one of those things where the interface remains exactly as it is (so not confusing to normal users), but is enhanced so that power users can select which leagues they want. For example, with the current interface, pressing England selects that nation for inclusion. It wouldn't be too intrusive for most users if long pressing England popped up a league selection dialog. More complicated for you to develop and support yes, but not more complicated for the average user. 🤞
  10. Could also be that he's just not that interested in staying and may be thinking about joining a bigger club (even if he isn't saying "I want to leave"). It looks like one other club is interested in him, so maybe he'd rather end up there than sign a new contract. In terms of what you can do: you can either cash in on him now and sell him for as much as you can and re-invest the money; or you can take the risk and hang on to him, hoping you can get him to sign later (players sometimes are happy to sign when their contract runs right down or even expires - but sometimes they will agree a bosman with someone else before then).
  11. Looks like one for your database folk? Matt O'Riley at Celtic still only has Basic English after 1.5 seasons: Yes, he plays for the Denmark national team, but his second nationality is English, he was born in England, grew up in England, played for England under 16s and under 18s, and probably can speak fluent English. From his Wikipedia page: I know you normally ask for save files, but all you need to is a) start a new save with Scotland loaded; b) choose Celtic as your team; c) check whether O'Riley can speak fluent English.
  12. That looks like the skin is messed up somehow. Have you tried going to Settings > User Interface and choosing Reload Skin (near the bottom)?
  13. No, but I play on my phone and 'cast' it to my PC screen using an app called Vysor. Much faster than an emulator like Bluestacks, it just plays at normal speed for your phone (because it IS playing on your phone). Not sure about the part about getting it to the TV. You couldn't cast it directly there using Vysor as it is a Windows PC app, but if you can get your display mirrored to the TV another way, it should work. You can try the free version of Vysor to see if it works, but probably need the pro version to get decent resolution.
  14. Ah yeah, now I see what you mean - I thought you were just talking about the numbers in the first two screenshots, didn't realize he'd played more.
  15. That looks right to me. He's played 8 games for you in total. Of those, 6 have been in the league and 2 have been in Europe. If you work out the average ratings it all matches up. 6 games at 7.66 = 45.96. 2 games at 8 = 16. That adds up to 61.96 for the 8 games. Which averages as 7.745 or 7.75 when rounded. Which is the average rating shown at the top. And the goals add up to 6 and the assists add up to 2. All matches up nicely.
  16. Assuming it is turned on in Settings -> Unlockables, you access it either via the main squad screen (to edit the club) or the main screen for a player (to edit the player). There will be an Edit button in the bottom right corner
  17. It's been a long time since I tried that with Google Play, but they were too smart. It's one thing to fool Netflix, another to fool Google...
  18. This is a long shot that probably won't be of much help to you, but: in the past there have been some apps not available in Australia that I've been able to get when visiting another country. So if you get the chance to travel, you might be able to buy it then. Looking at the list of countries where commercial apps are available (https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/143779) I can see Serbia, Bosnia and Albania all on the list. Not sure where in Montenegro you live, but maybe a trip across the border might be possible? Probably a bit much to get an app, even one as great as FMM, but could be a possibility if you want it that bad. Of course, I can't be sure that that loophole will still work, so it could possible you'd travel and not be able to buy it. Probably best to check with other people in Montenegro about their experience - surely this must be discussed online somewhere (about commercial apps in general rather than FMM specific). Anyway, good luck, hope you get it somehow.
  19. Not sure what SI's response will be, but just so you know, this is the wrong section (this is for the mobile game, not the PC one). Might be quicker to repost it in the PC game section rather than waiting for the official response (which might just ask you to do the same, although sometimes they move it for you).
  20. They've said elsewhere that the next update won't be until next year.
  21. Well, that's a regen who exists only in your save, so others can't find/buy him in their save... But that is one way to get a good full back if you can't find any, find a wonderkids and train him up in that position.
  22. Yeah, you're not accredited with any wins etc when you holiday. But there is no instant result (in mobile), so you can't use that and be accredited... I'd love if they added Instant, but what I was saying that if they don't want to do that for whatever reason, then I'd take then getting the holiday feature to use my tactics, my selected players and simulate it based on that. It probably should do that anyway.
  23. Yeah no worries, happens all the time! Thanks for trying to help the OP. 🙂
  24. Just passing by, but is that for full fat FM? This is the FM Mobile section and I don't think there are drafts etc in the mobile version (at least not that I've seen). Would be happy to be wrong about that though.
  25. Not too surprised as I think we're about the same age (let's just say the default age in FMM suits me just fine!). Great days with some of those early games, still play them sometime as many are available to play online for free (which is how I got the screenshot). But as much as I love them for the occasional dose of nostalgia, they pale in comparison to FMM, truly amazing where you've taken the genre. That sounds like an amazing idea! I'd still prefer a simple ability rating over the badge system, but after I posted the last message I realised that would affect the business model (ie the training add-on purchase), so would not be something that could just be changed easily without a thousand meetings. But having reputation mean something does shake it up, make it a bit more realistic and would make this one user happier - so if it's something you can do, then yes please!!!
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