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Everything posted by StephenCronin

  1. I had the same. Win the UCL on 31st May: Then on 4th June, I have two players wanting to leave so they can play in the UCL - this is one (and he started in the final): Steady on son! Look down, yes, that shiny thing round your neck is a UCL winners medal... Better lay off the celebrations a little. 😀 Now, on the plus side, there is no negative message appearing on his personal page saying he needs to leave and he doesn't have the dreaded blue asterisk, so it may just an errant news article and he doesn't really want to leave? Anyway, I've uploaded the following (to OwnCloud): stephencronin-player-wants-ucl-after.zip stephencronin-player-wants-ucl-before.zip Thanks.
  2. Yeah, I'd use it when joining a club and then again at the start of every new season when working out who stays, who goes, who goes on loan etc. Actually I'd love a tagging system (so I could group players I want to move on, want to develop, want in the first team squad, etc) or a notes system (so I could make individual notes like "loan out and see how he develops"). But you know, I can live without those, but position filter for the squad would be mega-helpful.
  3. Yeah, I'd love a position filter for the squad too, to help me work out who'd going to play etc. Ie show me all the left footed left wingers in the first team squad. You can sort of get that view in one of the team report screens, but it's not flexibly enough, no way to sort feet, etc.
  4. Oh and also, would love if the Assistant Manager taking control of friendlies used the currently selected team and did a proper simulation too - it seems like they do what they want at the moment. I really don't want to watch friendlies, but sometimes I want my promising young striker to play even though he may not normally be selected, or I want to rest my older striker and save him for the season - but the AM does his own thing and the only way to make sure I get the selection I want is to take control myself.
  5. I had the same, but it froze for 30 seconds and then started working again.
  6. I think holiday for a day could solve this need IF it used the currently selected team (expect for anyone who is injured, banned or below 90% condition) AND simulated it properly, using the tactic etc. But at the moment it changes the players to whoever it wants/thinks best and at least feels like it's a quick auto-calculation of the result rather than a simulation.
  7. Yes, looks like you can, at least for me on Android:
  8. I was just sharing this on Vibe, so will drop it here too so people can see what you mean. BTW, I love this and all the little touches this year, feels like there is so much to be happy with this year: Who knew that being over-confident could lead to positive side effects, like getting more creative? I certainly didn't, but now I do, thanks to this! I also love the extra information from pressing a player's personality, ie: Great work SI!
  9. Does he actually refuse to come on or something? I've had players show up as not interested in playing (in the squad view after the team talk, never opened one of them to see if it looked like that) and I just bring them on as normal. Their performance will be slightly worse off than if they were happy, but they can still play well.
  10. Works for me. Maybe check that the Can Sort Searches setting is turned on?
  11. In the squad screen, press the View button and choose to the Transfer Status View. You still have to transfer list each player one by one, but you can do it without having to open their individual screen etc.
  12. Yeah, would love some more clarity around the affect of the rating vs the affect of the badge. What the ... Wow, that's a great addition, didn't even notice that, thanks for finding it! +1000!
  13. I look for someone who is influential in the squad and has a relatively high Leadership attribute and isn't too young. And bonus if they are a top player (ie good reputation, ITN caps etc). Then I try it and see the squad's reaction and change it if necessary. I won't ping him him as I'm sure he has other things to do the day before FMM23 launches, but Marc Vaughan said at some point that he designed it so that it wouldn't punish you for making a choice and then changing it right away. So you should be right to try out a few options and see who the squad us happy with.
  14. If they haven't added Dex support, it might be worth checking out Vysor (https://www.vysor.io/), which is what I use to play FMM on my PC. It basically casts my phone to my PC (via USB cable), so the game is actually running on my phone, but I'm controlling it using my PC. There are also android phone emulators like Bluestacks and Nox, but last time I tried them, they were much slower than Vysor, which is pretty much the same performance as my phone. But the catch is you'd have to buy the Pro version, the free version would be too low resolution. Of course having it work properly with Dex would be way better! I haven't tried for a couple of years, but last time I did, it loaded, but I couldn't do anything much after that.
  15. How big is the difference? If you don't have enough money on one side, you might not be able to move it to the other side. It goes up in chunks and sometimes you don't have enough to move the slider a chunk... Not sure if that makes sense, maybe if you show a screenshot of the screen we can see whether it should be moving or there just isn't enough money in the club to move it
  16. I really hope it's like the Talk to Player screen, but with a focus on team level things - Praise form, Criticise form, Discipline (6am training lads!), all giving small morale boosts, but not able to be used too often (maybe once a month). Then things like explaining why you sold that star player, try to talk them into your philosophy when you're new at a club and they are not sure about you, or get them to commit when thing are going bad and they are losing faith in you (might back fire of course), maybe something to convince players to stay if a lot of them are thinking they might want to leave (we'll be in the EPL next year lads, stick with us!), encourage them to get behind the captain if a lot are doubting he's the right choice, etc. That'd be cool. You wouldn't have to use it, there'd be penalties for using it too often (ie lose effectiveness or backfire), but it could give you a small boost when you need it. Of course, it's already built now I'm sure and they won't be changing it, so I guess we have to wait and see what it's like.
  17. I'm team dots all the way, I'd vote to bring Touch to Android for those that want 3D and leave Mobile 2D. At the very least I hope we're not forced to use 3D, hopefully there will always be a 2D option.
  18. Assuming that you've both bought the editor and it's turned on in Settings > Unlockables > In-Game Editor, then the button will appear on the bottom right corner of: A player's main screen A club's squad screen A coach/manager/etc main screen (but not for you) For eg (first two only, didn't get a screenshot for staff, but you should be able to find it):
  19. @Desmond Richardson - I suspect it's not the keyboard itself with the issue, as you can see the name Adam make it to the FMM name field/dialog. However, that doesn't have an OK button like I get (see screenshot below), so I suspect the users are tapping the background (what else can they do?), which is the same as escaping/cancelling the field, meaning the name will be lost. So perhaps it's a resolution thing and the OK button is being cut off?
  20. Yeah, sounds like it could be a bug with other teams not respecting the windows. The SI Staff will probably ask you for some more info, like screenshots of this happening and a save file etc so they can track down the problem.
  21. Not sure sorry, but thought I'd point out this the the FM22 Mobile bug tracker and that sounds like it's to do with the desktop version of FM.
  22. That'll be because the transfer window is closed. You can still buy someone and the deal will go through when the window opens next time, but you can't do that with loans.
  23. A bit slow to respond sorry, but thanks for the thorough explanation Marc.
  24. First thing: Keep building your squad. If you can get to the point where your players are better than your opposition, you'll win most weeks and only be complaining why sometimes you win 7-0 and other times only 3-0. After that, turn on extensive highlights and watch for any patterns that you can do something about. For example, I found that against some formations (3 at the back and 3 at the back with a DM in front), my single striker was getting swamped with defenders and wasn't getting any decent chances. I put a PF next to him and all of a sudden he was 1 on 2 with defenders instead of 1 on 3 or 1 on 4 and we scored a lot more. I don't worry about changing my tactic every time we come up against a team using those formations, I just always include a midfielder who I can throw forward if necessary (I retrained some for this purpose). Sometimes we will be better enough than the opposition that we'll win anyway, but if we're not getting chances by about the 20 min mark, I'll make the change and it normally leads to lots more chances. Also extensive highlights lets you pick up other things like your TF taking corners and sending the ball into noone (should have been to him). Seems to happen a lot this year, but once you notice it you can tweak your corner takers so there should always be one of them on the pitch,
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