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Everything posted by lied90

  1. What I got from the trailer is that now that I'm having my first kid, I'll have to switch to console.
  2. I'm one of the few that play with national teams, and I don't mind that they remove it for now. It's bern lackluster for a long time. It's too bad that they release the game every year, sounds like the current time pressure is doing them no good.
  3. They kinda have to do that during the stream to make it entertaining. If everyone admitted that it's just meta tactics+meta players and pray there would be nothing to talk about.
  4. The tactics forums isn't a benchmark for anything imo, and using tactics with high press, short passing, high tempo always feels like cheating to me. I dunno how much people have to **** up other aspects of the game to not massively overachieve with it.
  5. There is nothing unrealistic about trying to apply a high press, short passing system to a lower table team. Lots of managers try to do this in real life (with very mixed results), and we should have that option as well without overperforming so much that it feels like we are cheating.
  6. Nobody has a problem with Man City, Liverpool etc winning constantly with a high press. The problem in FM is that you can flawlessly do it with Everton season 1 and win the league.
  7. And what if people simply want to play gegenpress. It's one of the most fun playstyles to watch irl, people should be able to use it without feeling like they are cheating the game.
  8. All for removing fluff that isn't used. From the SS it looks very sterile, so I fear people who use the default skin will feel more like a data analyst than a football manager. Some club related color and theme is important for immersion. I will use a custom skin anyway so prob won't matter.
  9. Most of the top FMarena tactics don't really have crazy asymetric formations, three strikers, insane overloads, everyone on attack duty etc. It's mostly just 4222's and 4231's with maximum pressing, short passing, high tempo and balanced mentality, spiced with TIs that are objectively very effective regardless of playstyle. One example being how low crosses results in more goals, even with a archetype target forward (was an example of this done with Matt Smith in a thread I can't remember) It's really not much different from preset gegenpress, which I think is the point of the threadstarter(?), that he feels like he is cheating even if he is using a tactic that feels fairly normal. Of course as others have said, if playing like this makes the game less fun, than find a different way to create a tactic.
  10. There is no such thing as a cheat tactic in FM24. Using a tactic that performs well isn't a cheat simply because it wins you a lot of matches, even if it's not "logical". It would have to exploit a bug or glitch, and as far as I know there are no major bugs in the ME that makes you win games. If you could make the opposing teams GK move out of goal by using 3 liberos combined with 3 false nines and give them a PI to man mark the GK, than that would be a cheat tactic, FM has nothing like that to my knowledge, it just has balance issues.
  11. This is not true. Almost every single combination of TIs have been tested on FMarena over thousands of simulations. It's simple brute force testing, but the TIs are not chosen "just because". It's chosen because over thousands of tests, it gives the best results. Which is totally fine if you want to know what works, rather than how it works.
  12. I don't understand why you ask here. Your tactic is in essence the same as any FM Arena tactic because of the team instructions. So if you want to know how this worked for previous patches, just look at how similar tactics scored on FM arena. Each patch have their own table. Is it unrealistically good? Of course it is, the whole purpose of FM arena tactic testing is to find the optimal plug n play tactic, so if you copy their tactics then the results will be beyond good.
  13. I'm expecting the players with no training sessions to do rather well in terms of development. Just from personal experience, bursts in attribute growth are often concurrent with the player have lots of playing time, and playing well. It looks kinda stupid when players get better with zero training, but it's just how SI set it up I guess. Just goes to show that very few things we do in FM actually matter.
  14. My local club had a player, Dag Alexander Olsen, who went from tier 3 in Norway to Spurs and then Valencia when he was 17. In an interview he said that he was the fastest player at both clubs, no contest. Just straight from tier 3 in Norway and faster than everyone. He never made it as a pro and said he really struggled when it came to the technical side of things. So yeah, lots of strong and fast players at lower levels who can beat PL players in a sprint.
  15. Ofc it's all in my head. It's my subjective experience of what makes the game fun or not, how can it not be in my head. I rarely play solo FM but that's besides the point. Ok, but I want to play gegenpress because that's what I like irl, but I don't want it to be broken.
  16. Saying that you can not use things that are OP, like gegenpress and pacy players, is not a valid argument for a lot of us. When you know that you can easily win everything by using methods that would never work in real football, it breaks the immersion that you are playing a realistic football sim. That's enough to ruin the experience of the game. You and others can argue that it shouldn't, but it's futile because it already has. It's not really a problem for SI when only people who read forums like these know about it. Almost nobody reads this forum after all, relative to how many play FM. I imagine it might become more of a problem when youtubers like Zealand make videos about it.
  17. He didn't play into it, he got the type of players that the original reddit post used, and left everything else to the assistant. The original post plays into it by using a 4231 gegenpress, and got 80 points+second place. Which is obviously much better than Zealand.
  18. This can give you a general idea as to how important fitness is: https://fm-arena.com/table/20-condition-morale-testing/
  19. It might just be random. If you put some U21 GK in goal for Liverpool in 10 matches he might not concede more than Alisson did the previous 10, same thing in FM. Same thing when people here post two strikers with one being clearly better but scoring less. Over time the best player will perform better, but they might not over a brief period of time. FM is just a dice game afterall.
  20. Look again, it's 3. Depends on positioning and situation, if caught in transition, even 1 might be enough. You said 4-5 (AT LEAST!). Meaning that if playing 433, you would need ST, LW, CM, DM and LB to get into the box in order to have 5. Also, have you tried and tested that having 4-5 consistently in the box increases half space crossing, or is it an educated guess? This is a very typical half space cross situation. Silva uses Kdb on the underlap, KDB crosses to ST, LW or CM. Yeah sure 4-5 would be nice but it's not necessary to have 4-5 in the box for a half space cross unless it's from a set pieces or against a very low block team.
  21. A save file would be too large to attach it directly here. It would need to be uploaded on a different platform I think.
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