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Everything posted by lied90

  1. Of course you can. If you are referring to FM-Arena I have asked them questions several times about how and why they test things, I usually get a lengthy and reasonable response. Just make a forum post there and ask what you are skeptical of. Si are indeed the only people who knows things for sure, but they are also a private game company so they can't be completely open about issues with the game.
  2. You can have as many anecdotal examples as you want, they aren't worth much in these kind of topics, We human are biased, we are blind, we see what we want to see, we ignore things we don't want to see, we do things subconsciously. In short we can't be trusted to make conclusions based purely on our own experiences. Anecdotal evidence and personal experiences can provide valuable insights and prompt further investigation, they are not a robust basis for drawing broad conclusions.
  3. I don't see the save file in question, unless it's the "EPL online" file.
  4. I like playing with brexit players. I've had Ashley Barnes in my team more times than I can count, and he more or less always has the "looks aggressive" body language for 90 min. I imagine it would be the same with a player like Roy Keane. Can you imagine calming down Roy Keane with some magic words? I don't. Sometimes a player is just nervous because of some "mentality calculations" the game does in the background, and your words simply don't have the power to change it. I don't think this is necessarily is a problem with the game.
  5. There are no rules, just guidelines. That being said I'd just put them as WB(a) and IW(s) with overlap, mentality doesn't matter than much.
  6. This save update is discontinued. Results are great but I'm tired of not being able to play proper hoofball. Even with everything enabled to make players cross floating crosses from deep, clear it towards our strikers etc I still see so much tiki taka passing. It's just not satisfying.
  7. Because CF(s) drops deep enough to link up with the midfield, while also being high enough to link with the AF. Lots of striker support roles just drop too deep to do both as good as CF(s).
  8. I'd probably have the PF as a CF(s), CF+AF is a great combo. Players often don't use CF because of the highlighted skill requirements, but it's really not that important. I'd change the WP to DW or W with get further forward PI, just to get up the field and wide.
  9. Which is why all the meta tactics have take more risks on all defenders and midfielders Pass it into space enough times and it will work, kinda the same logic that hoofball is based on.
  10. Probably not, but we don't know. FM used to be all sliders, so maybe having "tackle harder" PI combined with TI "get stuck in" puts this slider to the max, and maybe it just does the same thing. I think it's the last option. I'd rather have PI tackle harder because you can easily tick it off again if a certain player gets a yellow.
  11. The meta is finding the optimal way to win and gain an advantage, and it evolves as players find new ways to do just that. FMArena is to my knowledge the only where people collaborate about this. Every time someones tries something new and gets a good result (changing lines, roles, PIs, TIs, etc) others jump on and tried other alterations. Seeing if it works in different formations etc. It also tests meta of skill distribution. When a new patch comes out the most popular ones are tested again to see if anything changed, This is the definition of how the meta evolves by community innovation. What exactly do you think an exploit is in a computer game?
  12. You can get european football with the likes of Luton with gegenpress tactics so I don't get this.
  13. It's not much of a mystery. If a world class player doesn't perform, it's your tactic. Try having both IF on support, change SS to AM on attack, and both WBs on attack, with focus play on the flanks with overlaps.
  14. But the top performing(in terms of test scores) tactics don't always have everyone on attack, or even attacking mentality. The highest one for a period had only 3-4 attack duties, on balanced iirc. For a long time AF was the only role used for strikers, now it's CF and/or AF. It evolves as everything is tested by simple trial and error. Last year it wasnt high line high press, it was very low LOE and high press. I don't view this as exploiting anything, it's simply testing what works and what doesn't. Then knowledge accumulate as more and more things are tested. It's not a very romantic way to go about football, but in a football simulation game where everything can be simulated to infinity, it makes sense.
  15. Imo there is no such thing as an exploit tactic. Just based on what is considered an exploit in other games, the term exploit is used in a very weird way on this forum imo. It's more of a balance issue if anything, and that balance issue has been in the game for a very long time. But to answer the thread starters question. What a lot of people consider exploit tactics are less about roles and formations and more about team instructions. You can greatly overachieve with almost any formation, and a wide variety of roles as long as you have these instructions (with minor variations):
  16. I think the reason is simple. Most people just play on key highlights and want to see some variation of gengenpress or tiki taka, happy of they win and see some slick quick short passing. How small part of the FM community must we be that wish to see extreme hoofball. I doubt it's a priority for SI.
  17. I feel you. Fullbacks just do not attempt floated crosses from deep towards a target forward, they simply don't. I forgot which thread but I calculated how often my FBs attempted crosses at all even with extremely direct passing, cross more often, cross from deep etc and the number was so low. CBs with attempts long passes trait hoofs it a bit more to my TF, from my observations. GK has a habit of missing my TF when doing long kicks, I don't understand why. My solution to this is simple, have two tall forwards instead of one Wingers with instructions to put in floating crosses works great. I'm doing a save playing route one if it's of any interest. Not much deep diving into how route on plays in FM, but I might in the future.
  18. Rekindling the Clarets: A Journey to Restore Burnley's Grit and Glory - 2024/25 Disclaimer: This will be a short term save, as you can only expect so much out of a team that will play direct football in a 442. This is my favorite type of save to do it, as I normally only play FM online where everything is about playing the meta. This is very different. I've done something similar twice before, but that was more about emulating Tony Pulis. Jean Duche has brought Burnley back to the Prem and it was time to see how extreme direct passing fairs in the worlds best league. We set up in our trusted 442 DM as mentioned in a previous post, in a mid block 80% of the time, with balanced or cautious mentality. This is how FM views Jean Duche based on how we played so far. After have looked at all other manager profiles in the prem, Duche is the only one with the route one tactical style. August didn't start too well, with matches against or newly promoted colleges in the first two matches and a narrow loss to Man Utd. After the mediocre start we had an impressive run and managed to hold both Spurs and Arsenal to a draw. Three wins goes a long to make us feel more secure and confident in our tactic. Probably not the most entertaining match of the season. November and December look bleak with only two wins in ten matches. Duche keeps backing the boys, saying how pleased he is with the performance, even when losing. The boys are putting in a shift and every loss is narrow. Only losing by one goal and/or drawing to team like Man City, Chelsea, Liverpool and Newcastle shows that there is potential to win these games. As expected with this playstyle, and true to the real life version, goals are hard to come by. Maxi Gomez hasn't exactly been prolific, and Lyle Foster hasn't managed to prove that he is good enough for the prem. Defense is a different story, we are among the team with the least conceded, OUT: It was a busy January to say the least. Dyche was never the one to stand in the way if a good offers comes in, and Duche aims to stay true to that, Our magnificent GK Muric has been rumoured away since the summer, and Man City stepped up their interest with a £30mill bid. He managed 10 clean sheets in 20 matches before leaving, a big loss for us. Ivan Azon made a move to Southampton for £15mill. He didn't develop at the rate that Duche expected, and changes had to be made in attack. Ben Johnson complained about being behind Connor Roborts in the pecking order and was told that he could leave if he wasn't okay with it. A Saudi club came to the rescue and offered £23mill. Luke McNally was sold to Norwich for £24.5mill. Other not so important players also left. IN: It was sad to see Muric leave, but nothing is ever so bad that it isn't good for nothing. Muric leaving left us with a lot of money and we could bring in more domestic players. Dean Henderson will replace Muric and cost us only £9mill from Crystal Palace. Nathan Baxter joined from Bolton as a backup GK. In attempt to fix our goal scoring form, Duche looked to the championship and concluded that West Brom forward Daryl Dike was the man that would solve our problems. Dike has been in good form for West Brom, scoring in every other game this season and the last. A partner for Holding was needed and Philipp Lienhart from Bayern came in for £14mill . The Austrian has international experience, the mental capacity to remain calm under pressure, and the aerial ability to win any header. Tommy Doyle joined us from Man City for £7.5 mill. The ambition is for him to learn a role that is almost extinct in modern football, the wide midfielder. Last but not least, with Ben Johnson leaving we had no backup at right back. Dyche was known for bringing in veterans of the game like Phil Bardsley and squeezing that last bit they had out of them. Duche decided to bring in Stuart Dallas on a loan, certain that his work ethic and professional attitude would be good for the dressing room. Dary Dike aka quadzilla After reinforcing, draw quickly became wins. A major boost was winning 1-0 at Turf Moor against Man Utd. But our biggest upset of the season was yet to come: Lucky? Maybe, but who cares! We aren't here to make friends after all. Our impressive results continued for the remainder of the season. I'm extremely pleased, not necessarily with ending up mid table, but more with how it happened. Getting 9th while scoring only 42 goals and conceding only 35 is extremely Burnley-esque, which is the sole purpose of this save. Next season will determine if this was just luck with all our opponents underestimating us, or if Burnley will stay strong in their second season.
  19. Yup, or the diminutive winger for some reason. Some GKs don't even manage to hoof it far enough up the field, which is weird for a pro GK considering that even an average 16yo can hoof it in a straight line to the forwards.
  20. Rekindling the Clarets: A Journey to Restore Burnley's Grit and Glory - 2024/25 Disclaimer: This will be a short term save, as you can only expect so much out of a team that will play direct football in a 442. This is my favorite type of save to do it, as I normally only play FM online where everything is about playing the meta. This is very different. I've done something similar twice before, but that was more about emulating Tony Pulis. Burnley transfers: With promotion secured Jean Duche need PL quality players who can step up and save Burnley from relegation. In true Dyche fashion the domestic marked will be preferred destination to look for players, especially players who are "PL proven". Rob Holding - £10mill from Crystal Palace: A defender who has played at a high level for a numbers of years and ready to take responsibility in the center of defense for Burnley. Came from a relegated Crystal Palace. Leif Davis - £9mill from Ipswich Davis is a perfect left back for a club like Burnley. Defensively solid with a decent work rate and excellent crossing and corners. Came from a relegated Ipswich side. Harvey Barnes - £6.5mill from Newcastle Perhaps the biggest bargain, despite high wages for a side like Burnley. Loads of experience and still in his prime as a player. Maximiliano Gomez - £10mill from Trabzponsor No domestic players that improved our striker situation or fit our profile was available, so we looked abroad and purchased Maxi G. Strong, tall, hard working, good finisher.
  21. There is a guy on FM-Arena who has submitted every preset tactic for testing, every tactic was used with a few different formations and tested over 1200 matches. This is not the best method because the players used on FMArena are not suited for all playstyles. For example, the strikers are well rounded and pacy, but not super tall target forward types, so not suited for route one. From best to worst, this was the ranking: Gegenpress (by a large margin) Vertical Tiki-Taka Fluid counter attack Wing play Control possession Tiki-Taka Route One Direct counter Catenaccio Park the Bus Take the list with a pinch of salt because there is more than playstyles that impacted the results, such as formations used. The best preset without a shadow of doubt is gegenpress in a 4231, 4222, or 433 type formations, nothing else was even close.
  22. I see. I try to rotate in early cup rounds, and easy CL rounds (vs scandinavian teams etc). In the league I just can't rotate at all, even vs relegation teams. I have potato players who can play in several positions. DMs who can CB, wingbacks who can play on both sides, and strikers who can play out wide. It's a 30 man save so abusing cheap wonderkids/bargain players isn't very easy because everyone does the same thing = those players are no longer cheap.
  23. So one guy saying it has minimal to no impact on development, another one saying it will reduce development (because of overplaying).
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